Too many hosting kids

Spaceship Spaceship

This story happens every day, and I'm sure you know it.

Some kids with no knowledge at all in the hosting business rent a server for a low monthly fee, then start their hosting website..and what a great template with a few bucks, then get into all possible forums and sites and post their hosting offers attractive offers? lets continue.. these hosts are totally immature, when they don't know how to solve something, they will ignore your messages.. or some smarter kids will tell you "It's enabled.. all customers are happy, the problem resides in your site.." I can't imagine a Web host that doesn't have someone who can configure php, server side scripting to suit the customer needs.

I am sending this message to these guys, And I want to tell them that I'm fed up..I tried around 10 hosts from Outside the forums, and inside Namepros also (a few), and its not surprise that I can't use a script that contains sessions on their servers, and when I message them, either I'm ignored, or get a "happy" reply.

Please, for the industry sake, get out of this hosting firm If you don't have the knowledge to run it..

I tried these hosts because I don't want to invest $xx just to test out my finished script, it's just that I will publish my work, nothing fancy, but that even is impossible in today's market while its crowded with so many kids in the hosting business.

Don't get flamed, kid in my opinion isn't a young person ~ but he's someone who knows nothing about what he is doing..

All hosts please, for your customers sake, open your php.ini files and do the following:
Output_buffering = Off;
Replace with
Output_buffering = On;

And please, If anyone who has a host thats knowledgeable, please shoot it to me.. I want a host for around one month, and I want to pay around $3 /mo. but only by Credit Card.. It needs to be setup instantly though, and it has to have output_buffering enabled, one mysql database at least, even 1mb of hosting space will work..regardless, I don't care how much bandwidth you can give to me.

If you already a hosted user, and you have no problems with sessions, contact me, let's try to make a deal asap.

Do you want to make sure that your host is knowledgeable? Write:
and save it as test.php If it opens a blank page, then It will work for you perfectly.

Guys, this is a temporary host, I need it for a week or so, I am willing to pay $3 for a week by Credit card only, as you see I don't have PayPal supported..and this is turning into a real nightmare because I just can't publish my script..

I don't need to mention that I spent more than $50 already on non-knowledgeable hosts,, like and some who exist in name pros without mentioning any names.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Ok. 1 thing!

welcome to xlusivehosting ;)

Also i agree with you, todays you can buy everything, anywhere , anytime ... even kinds can with theire parents CC ;)
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Hosted with xlusive now, thanks. So far, I can use sessions finally.. that's a good impresson :)

Thanks to unixbro also for initiating the escrow from ePassporte to Paypal.
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I agree with this thread, though for another reason. If I take a look at my spam domain log, it seems like at least a third of them come from domains I guess a lot of these "companies" don't care who they are hosting or what they do as long as the few bucks a month come in. I'm sure some of them cancel user accounts once they discover what's going on, but I see a lot of the same hosts in my logs on an ongoing basis.
welcome to the Quick get rich world!! worst, they will say" my enginners are working on it!LOL!

glad you have a userable host...Ahmed
good luck to you on your project!
It's true. There are some kids who know nothing about operating a webhosting business and there are some that do.
I'm going with Veolus on this one-- there are plenty of kids that know absolutely nothing about hosting, but then again theres a bunch of kids that know exactly what they're doing. In my experience-- the ones that don't know what their doing give all kids a bad image, including those that know what they're doing and are good at it.
well think about it some start making sites at 12-13 and they need hosting.
So they discover the hosting world and after a few years they learn what resellers,servers.. etc are and how they work. At that point the person know's a little what he is doing. but if a kid starts a hosting company without even being hosted before there's a chance it'll turn bad.

But most of the kids are not suitable to start a hosting company.
They should wait till the reach 17-19 years old.

Thats just my opinion
cyberoptik said:
the ones that don't know what their doing give all kids a bad image, including those that know what they're doing and are good at it.

Exactly, when some people have bad experiences with hosts run by kids, they start to generalize them and think that all hosting companies run by kids are unreliable.

nomis135 said:
But most of the kids are not suitable to start a hosting company.
They should wait till the reach 17-19 years old.

I definitely agree, kids like me should be focusing on school, studying and getting better grades :D
I don't class a small reseller or a small server as a hosting business.

And how many "professional" hosting business's can prove they are a registered business eh? The fact is not many they are 2-4 man teams of people renting 1 or 2 servers with a bit of knowledge.

But then i woild rather have a 2-4 man team than a huge business that take ages to do anything or a hosting kiddie who knows nothing.
I believe any website that provides webhosting service can be classed as a webhosting business as they are making an income from selling webhosting services.
They are not a business unless registered though, not officially anyway.
Yeah, here in Australia, you need an ABN (Australian Business Number) to be known as an official business. How about over there in America?
I had this when I first started looking for a host, came across - complete circus.

redhippo said:
welcome to the Quick get rich world!! worst, they will say" my enginners are working on it!LOL!

lol, so true!

Houston we have a problem! :talk:

Veolus said:
Yeah, here in Australia, you need an ABN (Australian Business Number) to be known as an official business. How about over there in America?
Yes Neil ,But anyone can Apply and get an ABN even KIDS

Plus I have had two very unpleasant experiences with web-hosting Suppliers over the last two months in the United States. It is a problem of the extreme discounting amongst US based WebHosts
Offers like 5gb for $4.95USD Per Month
Who Really needs 5Gb for a WebSite??
Normal WebSite Hosting in Australia & NewZealand is 100Mb or Smaller
(for an average of 40-100USD Per Year)

Of the two companies I had problems with
One is A major Player in Web-Hosting and the other is a Major Player in Domains that also Offers Hosting. Both Had difficulty with the concept of service.

Example one company advertises 24/7 live Chat (Available 8am-7pm mon-fri)
Weird . Other advertises Money back guarantee (Not for Domains, WebHosting & Software) Only three Things they sell. Both answered Emails for support 3 days after I sent them.

I Finally found a Webhost That knows the concept of service, Price is reasonable, without being too cheap and emails answered promptly
So who is it ,our friend from NamePros Royaltyhosting in Canada

I deal with Hosting Companies all over the World , and run three different Hosting Web-sites. I used to have my own servers ,but too many hassles.

So don't blame the KIDS ,blame the lack of Margins for the lack of Service
Again, it's not meant to say that kids only operate bad businesses, no some guys around there do very well, and they are very knowledgeable, so I don't want to generalize kids in this thread, I'm talking only about a specific group which exists in Web Hosting Business, but not included all.

Heres what I class a Web Hosting business that's accepted;
Legally registered name -each country has its own law for this.-
Server Admin(s) must be available
Real office + phone number (fax optionally)
Own server, not a reseller plan. preferred more than 1 server (as a start)

For people who run hosting business at Home, how do you keep an eye on this? Assuming you have some kind of school, college, or day job..that's a virtual business, because you can't support 24/7..and I would like to hear any successful stories about running a hosting business from home.

For people who run hosting business at Home, how do you keep an eye on this? Assuming you have some kind of school, college, or day job..that's a virtual business, because you can't support 24/7..and I would like to hear any successful stories about running a hosting business from home.
Several successful businesses I deal with daily are home-based ,including hosting & internet businesses.
I give them preferences ,why ,because I am house bound and run my business from home . I have not been out of my house in three years.
if they know so little, the least they can do is instead of buying a server, become a reseller... all the config is dont for you, well most of it...
Well, nice to hear that its successful with some people. Keep sharing. :)
I agree with this thread however, its not fully the hosting resellers fault, if your shopping for hosting ask other customers and get feedback, or just go with a reliable well known hosting company. I've come across thousands of those hosting turn key sites but I usually instantly sense they are turn key and run away. Matter of fact any site I know is a template or turn key site I instantly click out because I hate this trend of crap sites and try not to support it. Sometimes google PR actaully comes in handy here, pr0 likly new unknown people reselling hosting. On the other side a pr8 give alittle confidence, find some customers and ask them about the support, then make your decision. If you are not sure who's hosting they are reselling do a whois lookup or ping their site.
I definitely understand your frustration. I was one of those webhosting kids - still pretty much am at heart though I'm a "adult" able to own and operate my own business now. I can give you a perspective from both sides of the aisle. I've written articles, made litterally thousands of hosting-related posts and even modded a few decent sized forums. Ensim even requested a conference call from me.

I'd say that roughly 97%-98% of kids in the hosting industry should not be where they are. In my past few years of conducting business I've seen plenty come and most of them go. Kids generally cannot handle the necessary hours required nor do they really have a clue about running a business. They might have the technical knowledge but all of the technical knowledge in the world doesn't run a company. Any businessman will tell you that.

However, I've seen my fair share of adults who cannot do much better. I've known some pretty immature 20-30 yr. olds who feel that they know it all and think hosting is for the dummies. However, obviously adults tend to handle their business much more effectively and generally have the necessary amount of time to run everything.

The sad thing is the industry itself has brought about this problem. As you well know hosting prices have fallen dramatically in the past decade or so. Kids can't really afford the dedicated servers or even a decent reseller plan these days. However, the recent price war trends have resulted in reseller plans selling for less than $10-$15/month. Heck, I've even come across free resellers. (How that works - I'm still asking.)

Because of this price war, the industry has created the false reputation that hosting is a "get rich quick" industry where anyone can become a large hosting provider in a matter of weeks or months. The whole running a business part and technical part is overlooked. Prices are near rock bottom with many providers and this illusion creates nothing but $ signs in the eyes of a teen who knows a little bit about websites and computers. I'll even admit that when I first jumped in I did get a bit over my head. I made some stupid mistakes but I was able to rectify them and operate at a profit with happy clients. I've had one client who has litterally followed me through all of my jobs and still is with me to this day since I reopened my company.

I don't share all of this to toot my own horn. I share this because it shows that it can be done. I'm no huge success by any means of the imagination but I'm proud of where I've been because I'm in that 2-3%. One of the crowning moments came on a board where I read in a post that a member envisioned me as a 30-year-old businessman in a suit.

So in the end, teens can host but unfortunately only a select few. This doesn't stop the others from trying. The best defense for you as a potential client is to do your own research. Check up on the company, contact them and talk to them, and base your decision on factors other than price alone. I'm sorry you've seen the negative side of hosting and I hope that your experiences with your current host are much better (as I am sure that they will be).

For people who run hosting business at Home, how do you keep an eye on this? Assuming you have some kind of school, college, or day job..that's a virtual business, because you can't support 24/7..and I would like to hear any successful stories about running a hosting business from home.

It's quite simple, actually. Go with a reseller or dedicated server. Find an admin for your server if it isn't managed (a good one is only $50/month). Setup offsite monitoring that can notify you via alternate contacts such as a cell. If you need additional support hire another tech in an alternate timezone or outsource. You can even avoid hiring anyone through not offering what you don't provide. Many providers offer emergency support (server outages and such) but answer other requests within 8 hours which for many is reasonable. There are all sorts of niches in the hosting market. Hosting fits all kinds of criteria for different people. I've known many individuals who run a highly successful business from home. This includes a certain individual that I worked for who pulled in roughly $80-$100k/year (best I could figure so odds are he did even better). I'm not going to disclose his name or company for obvious reasons but rest assured that it can be done. Just look around a little.
G o C r a z y.

I know a few select teens that could handle a business, otherthan that they're all immature and ignorant of the business world.
Being a kid or not, it really all depends on the maturity of the individual in question. There may be some kids running web hosting companies much better than an average adult and vis-versa of course.

To Barefoottech, thanks for the quick testimonial. I'm glad your happy with the service provided :).
Very nice post, Denver.

Being a kid or not, it really all depends on the maturity of the individual in question. There may be some kids running web hosting companies much better than an average adult and vis-versa of course.

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