discuss So what's your calling? And what do domain names have to do with it?

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As you take inventory of your life, are you working towards a particular calling?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, I think I am!

  • Yes, but if I am honest with myself I need to get more focused on it

  • No, I hung up on that call

  • No, never called

  • Call me maybe?

  • This thread is stupid

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
Epik Founder
Earlier this month, I gave a TED-style talk at a leadership conference near Philadelphia. The title of my talk was called "Answering the call in a Digital Age". It is a reflection on my own journey from my youth onward. The talk ends with an up to date commentary on life as a tech entrepreneur who has gotten a bit of media attention. The audience for the live talk was predominantly Christian but I think the message has secular relevance:

Long story short, I believe everyone has gifts and talents. At any given time, some people have more financial resources available to them, but everyone has some unique combination of time, talent, treasure and circumstance. Moreover, from time to time, we all have our encounters with providence. Sometimes those are opportunities to move a step closer towards working on the thing that we are uniquely equipped to do.

Curious to know how many folks on NamePros think they might have some kind of calling and if so how domaining fits into that calling, if at all.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I believe the culmination of my life’s work, led to NP, inventory acquired, will play a role in what’s to come. I dont know which name yet;
Still waiting for name calling, pretty sure own it, maybe not! Until then, will keep learning, strategic acquiring, and optimistic!!

this a long-term game. Waiting planets align,”
But love progress made! Organize portfolio! finally! almost done; all in one registrar, i trust !
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This is interesting .. just yesterday I was checking .gives extension to see what is available there, and saw someone dropped domain name so I registered it - I think it might be very good name for someone from your audience, or maybe for yourself.

As per "calling", yes, when I was yunger, I had calling as well, which told me I should earn some money. Probably as most people here (I mean: everyone). That is natural, we all need to pay our bills. Domaining fits into it, as it is one of the investments for me.

When we reach some level of money/assets ownership, money are no longer relevant, in a sence that they do not bring better quality of living into our lives. They can actually bring more problems and stress, so exactly the opposite. Most people still think more is better when it comes to money, just because they do not have real experience with money.

Anyway, from this level (when all is provided) one can start thinking about life, search for meaning, etc, spiritual journey. All very interesting. But before that, one needs to take care about financial side of the things, as if human basic needs are not fullfiled, it is pretty difficult to concentrate on higher needs (spiritual, self-realisation, etc).

I know many people around me, my friends, who would summarise all this as following :
"oh, just give us some money, then we do also that self - realisation bit, if we have to"
In this ups-speak, are you asking or telling to join you on the journey? :)
In this ups-speak, are you asking or telling to join you on the journey? :)

I took it as; everyone has their own journey; bound together, by our love for domains.

Everyone goes different path to get they are;

i always believe “light at end of the tunnel.”!!
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Thanks @Rob Monster for the great insight shared through your life (experience). Permit me to share some of my own perception. The gospel itself is embedded in a life.

I joined the domain world last year July. What led me to that?

I have passion to help others. Always desiring to see people live better lives (in Jesus Christ). I know my little income per month struggles to cater for my own immediate family talkless of extending hands to outsiders. And each time I see someone in need I find it nearly impossible to go by especially when some come directly and demand.

I did some research and came across domaining, as a disciple; I mustn't do anything without first asking. I prayed and continue studying for over six months (nearly a year). I got some relieve that I could venture into it. I applied for training and paid. I was trained (not satisfactorily though), I know I had to do personal research and learning. During those early days, the passion by :$:xxxxxx name sales made me register some bad names -,, I eventually sold the first two via an inbound.

So, in my own case I wouldn't say I came into domaining to utilize my talent or so (which might be not be a good way of entering domaining) but as time goes on and by providence I begin to discover that there is more to it.

I later discover that to make impact in the domain world I must:
Be Inspirational (which i think I am :-D)
Be Creative
Be Innovative
Be a Researcher
Be Teachable
Be Technical
Not money-driven (rather service driven - quality service brings cash easily)
Have connections (esc with experts).
Be Distinct
And many more......

Coincidentally, I was studying the first book of the scripture recently and I saw the logic behind NAMING. How Adam named all the animals brought to him. When it came to naming the woman he was able to IDENTIFY and DIFFERENTIATE. "There is a spirit in man, the inspiration of the Almighty giveth understanding."

Long story short, I took domaining as a part time and move on till now. I still make research, read and read on Namepros. I trust God to be establish in it (full time possibly) and through me some lives might be transformed. I also trust God to be an accurate NAMER for individuals, businesses like Adam :-D I am putting my time, resources, talent and skills together to achieve THIS.

Let me say here that it is very important for each of us to know his/her calling. I know mine, and I am concious of it. Each time I sleep and wake I have a deep sense of assignment; that I am sent on this planet for a timed space. I must give report. Domaining as a part to play in fulfulling this mission on earth.

I realised my calling, but why Domains I don’t know.

it’s certainly been a vehicle for learning that’s for sure.
I realised my calling, but why Domains I don’t know.

it’s certainly been a vehicle for learning that’s for sure.

Yes we often have our plans. Man proposes, God disposes. Sometimes you may not have full understanding of what God is doing with your life (Joseph a case study) but He will give you a glipse and say "follow Me." This phrase I do hear often when I am confused. As the day goes by I keep seeing why He allowed me into the domain world. "Nothing happens to a child of God by chance" God definitely knows about it. All things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

However, what I think @Rob Monster is trying to bring to light is a need to discover your strength and how it could be optimally utilized if it aligns with domaining.
Yes we often have our plans. Man proposes, God disposes. Sometimes you may not have full understanding of what God is doing with your life (Joseph a case study) but He will give you a glipse and say "follow Me." This phrase I do hear often when I am confused. As the day goes by I keep seeing why He allowed me into the domain world. "Nothing happens to a child of God by chance" God definitely knows about it. All things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

However, what I think @Rob Monster is trying to bring to light is a need to discover your strength and how it could be optimally utilized if it aligns with domaining.

Josh - Right on there. Yes, that was the general thinking, i.e. to self-assess one's strengths and gifts but to then reconcile that with why someone is involved in domaining as a hobby or primary income. Many of us know that when you are good at domaining it gives you a lot of freedom since you can do it anywhere.
In this ups-speak, are you asking or telling to join you on the journey? :)

No particular agenda there. I debated whether to share the video, but since I got a lot of feedback from people who were in the audience that it helped them, I thought to share it with the NP family. If folks feel called to work for Epik, happy to have that discussion, but that did not really factor into the decision to do the talk, nor did it factor into the decision to make reference to the talk here.
Ironically, "Callings" seem to change over time as the world shifts in different directions, pulling a majority along with it and leaving the rest behind that can't keep up with the pace. Pivoting is soon to follow, leading to a new "Calling" that was inspired by the shift itself and the discoveries made peering through the cracks of the foundations as they slide apart and then back together again, just for a brief second, an epiphany happens. Some realize, embrace, and pursue it and others overlook or discard it.

My own domain industry journey has been a roller coaster ride with many pivots along the way.

Regardless how things turned out, it was the domain journey itself that gave me an adventure of a lifetime.

My current calling has allowed my wife and I to help hundreds of homeless (Many of which are veterans) and economically challenged individuals and their families from areas where housing costs exceed that of minimum wage or average household income find work that provides them with a furnished place to stay, utilities, meals, and a pay check to help them get back on their feet (A life-line/second-chance). 3 to 12 month contracts or longer/permanent in some cases.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

If it wasn't for the domain industry and the assets we developed into non-profit ventures (Funded by our for-profit ventures), we wouldn't have been able to help as many people as we have been, so far. It's definitely something that has developed passion within us to peruse even further. The ability to sleep good at night, knowing you actually helped someone, is priceless, even when there is no monetary gain.

At any rate, we all have different journeys and I'm sure others are doing great things too with what they have leaned in our industry.

Eric Lyon
Thanks for this @Rob Monster . I really enjoyed watching this for various reasons. Words of wisdom. God bless.
Ironically, "Callings" seem to change over time as the world shifts in different directions, pulling a majority along with it and leaving the rest behind that can't keep up with the pace. Pivoting is soon to follow, leading to a new "Calling" that was inspired by the shift itself and the discoveries made peering through the cracks of the foundations as they slide apart and then back together again, just for a brief second, an epiphany happens. Some realize, embrace, and pursue it and others overlook or discard it.

My own domain industry journey has been a roller coaster ride with many pivots along the way.

Regardless how things turned out, it was the domain journey itself that gave me an adventure of a lifetime.

My current calling has allowed my wife and I to help hundreds of homeless (Many of which are veterans) and economically challenged individuals and their families from areas where housing costs exceed that of minimum wage or average household income find work that provides them with a furnished place to stay, utilities, meals, and a pay check to help them get back on their feet (A life-line/second-chance). 3 to 12 month contracts or longer/permanent in some cases.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

If it wasn't for the domain industry and the assets we developed into non-profit ventures (Funded by our for-profit ventures), we wouldn't have been able to help as many people as we have been, so far. It's definitely something that has developed passion within us to peruse even further. The ability to sleep good at night, knowing you actually helped someone, is priceless, even when there is no monetary gain.

At any rate, we all have different journeys and I'm sure others are doing great things too with what they have leaned in our industry.

Eric Lyon

That's awesome.

As I recall, back in 2017, I recall you had a big setback on the homefront with getting flooded out in Houston. Some of the bloggers covered it, e.g. here.

I am going to guess that enduring that time has made your marriage pretty bulletproof. The shared mission that the two of you now will hopefully continue to be providenced. Do you have your .org yet?

It must be hard balancing work, family, community and philanthropy. Most of us would easily see the NP side of you. I am guessing you could add some useful insights on the Productivity topic.

Keep up the great work, and thanks for all you do here on NP.
Ironically, "Callings" seem to change over time as the world shifts in different directions, pulling a majority along with it and leaving the rest behind that can't keep up with the pace. Pivoting is soon to follow, leading to a new "Calling" that was inspired by the shift itself and the discoveries made peering through the cracks of the foundations as they slide apart and then back together again, just for a brief second, an epiphany happens. Some realize, embrace, and pursue it and others overlook or discard it.

My own domain industry journey has been a roller coaster ride with many pivots along the way.

Regardless how things turned out, it was the domain journey itself that gave me an adventure of a lifetime.

My current calling has allowed my wife and I to help hundreds of homeless (Many of which are veterans) and economically challenged individuals and their families from areas where housing costs exceed that of minimum wage or average household income find work that provides them with a furnished place to stay, utilities, meals, and a pay check to help them get back on their feet (A life-line/second-chance). 3 to 12 month contracts or longer/permanent in some cases.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

If it wasn't for the domain industry and the assets we developed into non-profit ventures (Funded by our for-profit ventures), we wouldn't have been able to help as many people as we have been, so far. It's definitely something that has developed passion within us to peruse even further. The ability to sleep good at night, knowing you actually helped someone, is priceless, even when there is no monetary gain.

At any rate, we all have different journeys and I'm sure others are doing great things too with what they have leaned in our industry.

Eric Lyon

Spot on Eric..

I don’t think I’ve been happier than when I’ve been helping people. Just doing what I could, nothing grand.

I particularly like your reference to ‘peering through the crack of the foundations’, very apt. Reminds me of my own experience that often refer to as ‘getting a glimpse behind the veil’.

I could do with rediscovering my strength.

Thanks to everyone for sharing in this thread.
No particular agenda there. I debated whether to share the video, but since I got a lot of feedback from people who were in the audience that it helped them, I thought to share it with the NP family. If folks feel called to work for Epik, happy to have that discussion, but that did not really factor into the decision to do the talk, nor did it factor into the decision to make reference to the talk here.

The question was; what's your "state" of mind; at the beginning there are moments where you're (mind) prayer on deliverance.

(My Q has nothing to do with the Epik nor Audience)

That was a great speech!
I hope your wife gets better. I didn't realize that she was hurt. (I'll say a prayer for her.)

Keep up the battle... stay strong.
@Rob Monster

Inspiring journey and speech.

You need to be at the very bottom in life, in order to understand the meaning of life.

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This is interesting .. just yesterday I was checking .gives extension to see what is available there, and saw someone dropped domain name so I registered it - I think it might be very good name for someone from your audience, or maybe for yourself.

As per "calling", yes, when I was yunger, I had calling as well, which told me I should earn some money. Probably as most people here (I mean: everyone). That is natural, we all need to pay our bills. Domaining fits into it, as it is one of the investments for me.

When we reach some level of money/assets ownership, money are no longer relevant, in a sence that they do not bring better quality of living into our lives. They can actually bring more problems and stress, so exactly the opposite. Most people still think more is better when it comes to money, just because they do not have real experience with money.

Anyway, from this level (when all is provided) one can start thinking about life, search for meaning, etc, spiritual journey. All very interesting. But before that, one needs to take care about financial side of the things, as if human basic needs are not fullfiled, it is pretty difficult to concentrate on higher needs (spiritual, self-realisation, etc).

I know many people around me, my friends, who would summarise all this as following :
"oh, just give us some money, then we do also that self - realisation bit, if we have to"

I agree about basic human needs. I believe the "system" is designed to have people spend most of their time either working multiple jobs or being distracted with nonsense, rather than focused on higher order priorities.

I would also agree with you a little wealth goes a long way. The folks who have ridiculous money are not really all that happier in my experience.

And speaking from experience, I would also conclude that "a little fame goes a long way". Obscurity is not much fun but extreme celeb status is probably not much fun either once the paparazzi show up on the regular.
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My current calling has allowed my wife and I to help hundreds of homeless (Many of which are veterans) and economically challenged individuals and their families from areas where housing costs exceed that of minimum wage or average household income find work that provides them with a furnished place to stay, utilities, meals, and a pay check to help them get back on their feet (A life-line/second-chance). 3 to 12 month contracts or longer/permanent in some cases.

Oh this is so awesome! Good for you and your family.
That's awesome.

As I recall, back in 2017, I recall you had a big setback on the homefront with getting flooded out in Houston. Some of the bloggers covered it, e.g. here.
Oh, yes, that was a devastating experience to lose your house, cars, and all your worldly belongings over night in a natural disaster. The main thing I walked away with from that is the new understanding that material things can be replaced, but life.... can not... Grasping a hold of that thought pattern, helps you get through what has yet to come, faster, assisting in eliminating some of the stresses that are bad for your health and could potentially cloud your judgement, making it even harder to bounce back in your recovery process. You simply have to let go of it all and start over fresh, especially psychologically.

I am going to guess that enduring that time has made your marriage pretty bulletproof. The shared mission that the two of you now will hopefully continue to be providenced. Do you have your .org yet?
Oh, yes..... going through something like that and living in a tiny space full-time (30ft Motorhome, which we are still full-time in), definitely becomes a sink or swim situation. Not everyone, even the best of marriages, can endure such close quarters for a long duration of time. It will either rip you apart or build you up stronger together.

Lucky for us, we both believe in clear and honest communication with one another, which helped get us through some of the hiccups in our testing period (About 2 years now full-time in an RV, as a family).

Now, toss a toddler in the mix (he'll be 4 in Jan.) and you can get a better picture of some of the challenges we face (If you are a parent too) daily in life and work as we juggle all the different things we do.

It must be hard balancing work, family, community and philanthropy. Most of us would easily see the NP side of you. I am guessing you could add some useful insights on the Productivity topic.

Keep up the great work, and thanks for all you do here on NP.
I'll take a look at that thread later tonight or tomorrow.


Eric Lyon
A calling might be a niche or a hobby making a living rather than the 9-5. I think as domainers everyone would like that ideal company name or to dominate a niche industry. A calling if you build it they will come. Field of dreams.
Oh, yes..... going through something like that and living in a tiny space full-time (30ft Motorhome, which we are still full-time in), definitely becomes a sink or swim situation.

(About 2 years now full-time in an RV, as a family).

Hey Eric, I live in a RV too and I really like it, think of it as if you are living on the Space Station or inside a Submarine with the difference that whenever you want you can open the door and come out.

Tiny homes (houses) can probably help solve the homelessness problem specially if they are 3d printed at very low cost.

I registered the domain name yesterday (I had from before). I believe that Printable Houses are the way of the future. Big homes and mansions have too much of a carbon footprint and contribute to too much waste and pollution. Making houses smaller and more durable so that they can last for several generations is more earth friendly, so in a way you are living in the future :)

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Hey Eric, I live in an RV too and I really like it, think of it as if you are living on the Space Station or inside a Submarine with the difference that whenever you want you can open the door and come out.

Tiny homes (houses) can probably help solve the homelessness problem specially if they are 3d printed at very low cost.

I registered the domain name yesterday (I had from before). I believe that Printable Houses are the way of the future. Big homes and mansions have too much of a carbon footprint and contribute to too much waste and pollution. Making houses smaller and more durable so that they can last for several generations is more earth friendly, so in a way you are living in the future :)


I agree. The biggest issue to date is changing peoples mindset. People have to be prepared to give up space and luxury to make Earth sustainable.

Like the other day I was talking to someone at random who was so excited about his new Tesla. So great green thinking right? ... lateron he told me he had 3 more 'regular' cars. Sigh.... ( On a side note, Teslas are great but why do they have to be this big? Like tiny houses they could easily do tiny cars. ).

Back to printed housing...

I can see this becoming more common practice in the future. It's fast and cheap. Depending on where you live it's actually a viable solution. I'm involved in a small spaces project because of my architectural background and we've done one printed house so far as a proof of concept. It's a small project and we build just a couple of tiny houses a year but the best thing is they're 100% self sufficient.

So in short, I agree. That's the future :)
Hey Eric, I live in a RV too and I really like it, think of it as if you are living on the Space Station or inside a Submarine with the difference that whenever you want you can open the door and come out.

Tiny homes (houses) can probably help solve the homelessness problem specially if they are 3d printed at very low cost.

I registered the domain name yesterday (I had from before). I believe that Printable Houses are the way of the future. Big homes and mansions have too much of a carbon footprint and contribute to too much waste and pollution. Making houses smaller and more durable so that they can last for several generations is more earth friendly, so in a way you are living in the future :)


I agree. The biggest issue to date is changing peoples mindset. People have to be prepared to give up space and luxury to make Earth sustainable.

Like the other day I was talking to someone at random who was so excited about his new Tesla. So great green thinking right? ... lateron he told me he had 3 more 'regular' cars. Sigh.... ( On a side note, Teslas are great but why do they have to be this big? Like tiny houses they could easily do tiny cars. ).

Back to printed housing...

I can see this becoming more common practice in the future. It's fast and cheap. Depending on where you live it's actually a viable solution. I'm involved in a small spaces project because of my architectural background and we've done one printed house so far as a proof of concept. It's a small project and we build just a couple of tiny houses a year but the best thing is they're 100% self sufficient.

So in short, I agree. That's the future :)

Tying saving the world together with domain names, and 'calling':

A favourite marketing consultant wrote "A great name can take you places a good name can’t. A truly great brand name makes room for a new story in people’s hearts and minds and can position a good product beyond it’s utility.

Don’t set out to name a company or a product, set out to name your vision of what you want to see in the world."

Just as an fyi, here in Canada, our Conference Board of Canada is looking at 3D printing viability for building in places like our North.

Btw, NameDeck: I'd like to find out a bit more on what you're up to with construction 3D printing, when it's convenient to you. If you happen to have something like a link to your proving out project.... . I've a pump prototype I came up with a few years ago for handling liquids and semi-solids, that I'm looking to start putting out into the marketplace sometime in the near future. With a couple modifications it should work fine, if not maybe very well, for handling 3D construction printing materials.
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