
status-replied Mods define what names and letters are Premium

Spaceship Spaceship


WeSellName.comTop Member
I have one of my for sale thread listed here as Quad Premium Letters and I just received an Alert from Mods saying that my Letters are not all Premium and they changed to Tri-Premium because V is not a Premium Letter.

Who define which Letter is Premium?
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Yep and define what is “top” name? Good stuff.

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Premium letters are generally determined by the industry as a whole, just like CHIP letters are determined by the industry. There have been numerous discussions about premium letters over the years and they tend to agree on the same set of letters being premium.

Industry example 1:
Industry example 2:

(A Google search will return multiple results from as far back as 2005 up to today that makes the same industry standard claim to what premium letters are in domain names)

With the above in mind, claiming non-premium letters (pre-determined by the industry), is misleading to new buyers, who may accidentally pay more for non-premium letters.

The objective isn't to rewrite what the industry already decided to be premiums, it's to protect newer investors from being mislead. We do the same when a member lists a domain as CHIPs that are not. To prevent new members from being mislead.

Note: The listing was reported by concerned veteran members. We investigated, confirmed the industry standard, and resolved the report by correcting the misleading claim for the safety of new investors.

You are more than welcome to close your listing and create a new one, however, please try to be as accurate as possible when making claims.

Generally, when a claim is made by a seller outside of industry norms, they must provide proof of said claim. Can you provide any references from reputable sources or veteran investors like we have that shows the letter "V" is a premium letter?

We are more than happy to review any references you provide so that reported incidents like this can be avoided in the future.

Report reference for internal use ONLY:
It's totally nonsense to me. There is no standard and CHIP letters are make up from Chinese people to hype the price.

Moderator should only moderate the forum and should not be involve in any "standards" because if you do then all the names here do not meet standards.

- What is the standard for pronounceable
- What is the standard for one word dictionary?
- What is the standard for Top Name?
- What is the standard for pricing? based on Estibot or Godaddy appraisal? So if I get an appraisal for $1,000 I can't list name and asking more than $1,000

Again it's totally NONSENSE.
It's totally nonsense to me. There is no standard and CHIP letters are make up from Chinese people to hype the price.

Moderator should only moderate the forum and should not be involve in any "standards" because if you do then all the names here do not meet standards.

- What is the standard for pronounceable
- What is the standard for one word dictionary?
- What is the standard for Top Name?
- What is the standard for pricing? based on Estibot or Godaddy appraisal? So if I get an appraisal for $1,000 I can't list name and asking more than $1,000

Again it's totally NONSENSE.
namePros was founded on the teaching of domain investing and industry standards. For instance, we'll try to help answer your questions below.
  1. Pronounceable four-letter - (This ones pretty easy and I'm sure the majority of investors know what the standard of pronounceable is)
  2. Dictionary-Word - (A word that's in a globally recognized dictionary "E.g. Merriam-Webster, etc.")
  3. Top Domain - (It depends on how you are referencing it. If you mean the Top domain section on namePros, read more here)
  4. Pricing/Evaluations - (This is different for each investment niche, since not all investors invest in the same niches "E.g. valuing a random four-letter is completely different than valuing a generic GEO long-tail" - You can find most of the standards of evaluating different niche domain assets by searching namePros for related topics, where many veterans have shared their experience over the years)
The hardest question you asked was number four, because it's different for every niche. The rest were relatively easy to answer based on industry standards and definitions over the years that remain consistent and globally recognized.

Naturally, a moderator or team does not go around looking for misleading discrepancies that could take advantage of a new investor, however, when we receive reports on said discrepancies, we are tasked with investigating them to help retain and maintain the integrity of the marketplace.

As mentioned prior, namePros does have a rule (and has had for many years) regarding claims:
6.1.28. All claims relating to financial transactions (e.g., about traffic, revenue, profit, or appraisals) must include supporting evidence or proof (e.g., an attached video that is current, clear, and shows all information necessary to support each claim). The source (e.g., the company or service) must be visible as part of the supporting information when possible or included as text with it.
With the above in mind, for example, when you claim that the letter "V" is a premium letter in order to boost the value of the domain you are selling and members report your listing concerned that a newer investor may be mislead, we enforce what our research shows the industry standard for the letter "V" is and offer you the opportunity to provide proof of your claim that the letter "V" is a premium letter (Which you have not done yet).

As mentioned prior, if you can provide proof of your claim that the letter "V" is a premium letter, we are more than happy to re-review the report and this case so we can avoid a situation like this in the future.

Until that time, for the protection of new members, this moderator team will continue to enforce the rules and policies of namePros as they are (E.g. sellers must provide proof for any claims related to financial transactions). In this case, it relates to your claim that the letter "V" is a premium letter to boost the value of the domain asset you listed for sale.

We hope that helps explain better. If you have any other questions regarding industry standards (E.g. what a dictionary-word is, what pronounceable means, etc.) please let us know and we'll try help clarify further.

In the mean-time, we look forward to the proof of the letter "V" being a premium letter claim you send us or link to here so we can all review it.
Chip premium letters are every letter excluding (A E I O U & V).

Western Premium are all letters excluding ( Chip +J K Q W X Y Z).

When you say QUAD Premium I would assume both West & Chip like for example.

So you may have a Quad Chip or a Tri West hence; any combination. For sure the most expensive are the where it is all Quad Chip & West premium.

Here's an excellent article about it all:

Hope I answered your question.
Bit old fashioned if you ask me - nowadays "V" is synonymous with the keyword "Virtual" and many other keywords

Some other examples of "V" acronyms below:


I personally would not bat an eyelid at someone promoting "V" as a premium letter......depending on the letter combination and where the "V" is placed and the other letters acronym value.

I would not be so quick to judge whether it is a premium Quad or not just based on the old fashioned view of the few.....but rather if the 4 letters as whole have some meaning.....

Could just be me though.....
It's totally nonsense to me. There is no standard and CHIP letters are make up from Chinese people to hype the price.

I've always thought it's a bit difficult (and ridiculous) to define a globally acceptable list of "premium" letters. Each region/language has its own standards. That's just a fact.

Here's a for instance: I own NWXU (dot com). Scoffed at by some as "non premium" because of the X. But I bought it thinking of SXSW (south by southwest the conference) - and if you think of it in North American standards - it could easily be NW (northwest) X (by) U (where the U could stand for several things).

All in your perspective.
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Chip premium letters are every letter excluding (A E I O U & V).

Western Premium are all letters excluding ( Chip +J K Q W X Y Z).

When you say QUAD Premium I would assume both West & Chip like for example.

So you may have a Quad Chip or a Tri West hence; any combination. For sure the most expensive are the where it is all Quad Chip & West premium.

Here's an excellent article about it all:

Hope I answered your question.

A correction in Western premium letters: They are all the alphabet excluding ( J, K, Q, U, V, W, X, Y or Z).
In Domain Name business there is no such thing is "standard".
Standard MUST come from an organization.
Moderator=Moderate the Forum and not get involve in the standard.

Every names on this Forum is Premium Names.
Every Single is pronounceable even if you have to twist your tongue 100 times.
So moderators should stay out of this as this is not in Forum Rules.
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In Domain Name business there is no such thing is "standard".
Standard MUST come from an organization.
Moderator=Moderate the Forum and not get involve in the standard.

Every names on this Forum is Premium Names.
Every Single is pronounceable even if you have to twist your tongue 100 times.
So moderators should stay out of this as this is not in Forum Rules.
It sounds like you said "There is no such thing as a standard in the domain industry".

First, lets take a look at the definition of the word (We'll use Merriam-Webster):
3 : something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example : criterion quite slow by today's standards

4 : something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality

5a : the fineness and legally fixed weight of the metal used in coins
b : the basis of value in a monetary system the gold standard

6 : a structure built for or serving as a base or support

According to the definitions above "Standards" are not only important in any industry, but help keep an industry structured. Without structure (Standards) in an industry, it can quickly collapse. Which is why it's so important for all industries to have some form of standards.

An example of professional standards would be for a seller to provide the most accurate information and not mislead a buyer, intentionally, in any way. namePros has had rules to help encourage professional standards for well over a decade.

We even have a rule reminder titled "(Reminder) Behavior: Please be professional, respectful, and avoid antagonizing" - Which is a community standard on namePros and we expect all members to keep it in mind when using the platform.

Another example of domain industry standards, in the marketplace, is the warning titled "(Warning) Business: Unacceptable business practices". This warning is based on professional industry standards to help combat unethical, unacceptable, or misleading business practices. If there were no standards on conducting business, a marketplace would quickly turn into a nightmare.

Generally, most rules and policies in all industries are based off standards.

Keep in mind, namePros is 100% based on the domain industry, so the standards we encourage members to go by are generally domain industry driven.

We hope the above helps clarify a bit more why standards are import in all industries, including the domain industry.

We are still interested in reviewing any examples you wish to provide to support your claim that "V" is a premium letter. Which is the reason this whole discussion started in the first place.

I think it is pretty well defined in the domainer world what "premium" letters are when it comes to short domains, though I disagree.

Many combos with non "premium" letters have way better end user potential.

Yep and define what is “top” name? Good stuff.


Well, in fairness there needs to be some arbitrator of what a top domain is. Everyone thinks their own domains are "premium". :)
Maybe the best way would be to have a strick listing template with no other opinionative words allowed. So the thread title can only be the domain name and there is no discription allowed within the thread itself.

Title (domain name only)

Start price or BIN
Bid increments
Renewal cost
Expiry date
Creation date
Authcode or push options

You get the idea. Let the potential buyers decide what's premium, top, trash or otherwise.
Can you tell me a reliable source where V is defined as a a non premium letter?

There are ton of people here claimed the name is dictionary word in fact they are not.

anyway I am done here and it’s still nonsense to me.
In what other industry do forum moderators determine or arbitrate industry standards?

None, I'd guess.
Western Premium are all letters excluding ( Chip +J K Q W X Y Z).
This is interesting because when studies are done sampling English language letter frequency in practical use, the letter B is found to be used less frequently than W or Y.

One could always argue that less use = scarcity of availability = more valuable. But that's the opposite of the assumption being made in determining which letters are included so....
He asked me to prove that V is Premium Letter.
I asked him to prove to me that V is not Premium Letter.

The fact that Mods get involve in something like this is totally NONSENSE
Now do they have to go back to all the threads and make sure whoever claimed dictionary word is dictionary word and pronounceable is pronounceable.

Here is the list of CRAP NAMES because they have letter V in them.

  • ARVO
  • VERA
  • VEIN
  • VELA
  • VELD
  • VENA
  • VEND
  • VENT
  • VERB
  • VEES
  • VERT
  • VERY
  • VEST
  • VETO
  • VETS
  • VEXT
  • VEIL
  • VEER
  • VIBE
  • VASE
  • VANG
  • VANS
  • VARA
  • VARS
  • VARY
  • VASA
  • VAST
  • VEEP
  • VATS
  • VATU
  • VAUS
  • VAVS
  • VAWS
  • VEAL
  • VIAL
  • VICE
  • VAMP
  • VOWS
  • VIVE
  • VOES
  • VOID
  • VOLE
  • VOLT
  • VOTE
  • VROW
  • VITA
  • VUGG
  • VUGH
  • VUGS
  • WAVE
  • WAVY
  • WIVE
  • VIVA
  • VISE
  • VIDE
  • VILE
  • VIED
  • VIER
  • VIES
  • VIEW
  • VIGA
  • VIGS
  • VILL
  • VISA
  • VIMS
  • VINA
  • VINE
  • VINO
  • VINY
  • VIOL
  • VIRL
  • VANE
  • VALE
  • AVER
  • GUVS
  • EVIL
  • FAVA
  • FAVE
  • FIVE
  • GAVE
  • GIVE
  • GYVE
  • EVER
  • HAVE
  • HIVE
  • HOVE
  • JAVA
  • JIVE
  • KAVA
  • EVES
  • EVEN
  • KVAS
  • CAVY
  • AVES
  • AVID
  • AVOS
  • AVOW
  • BEVY
  • CAVE
  • COVE
  • ENVY
  • DAVY
  • DEVA
  • DEVS
  • DIVA
  • DIVE
  • DOVE
  • EAVE
  • KIVA
  • LAVA
  • VAIR
  • TAVS
  • REVS
  • RIVE
  • ROVE
  • SAVE
  • SHIV
  • SPIV
  • TIVY
  • PAVE
  • ULVA
  • UVEA
  • VACS
  • VAGI
  • VAIL
  • VAIN
  • RAVE
  • OVUM
  • LAVE
  • LUVS
  • LAVS
  • LEVA
  • LEVO
  • LEVY
  • LIVE
  • LOVE
  • MOVE
  • OVER
  • NAVE
  • NAVY
  • NEVE
  • NEVI
  • NOVA
  • OVAL
  • OVEN
  • WOVE
I agree, but i personally play by the rules of the game. Take bitcoin for example; many argue that it's a scam, nonsense payment & will eventually go to zero. Well, I personally put all that on the side & made more money that i have ever imagined my whole life.

When you see random (Quad Premium) go $500-$1000 (and that's not the good ones too) I would definitely see them go 'up' in the future. We can spend hours & hours talking about this topic but in the end a domain is worth what an investor is willing to pay.

Try to get a Quad premium random for a $100 and you will see that it is sitting on a different league from the normal and eventually you will see why there is a demand.

There is a finite number of these domains, and just like bitcoin, anything with a limited amount of supply, get noticed more & more, its price will go up. But hey! that's just me; not a financial advisor, just a simple guy who is always taking new opportunities to get rich young :)
VAFO dot com sold this summer for $13k (not extraordinarily high, but that's a good sale)
I disagree with OP. Some letters have higher frequency as starting letters in a word, thus are (much) more likely to be used in an acronym. That's where the premium/non premium standards are derived from. It is a logically derived standard which OP disrespects.

This is interesting because when studies are done sampling English language letter frequency in practical use, the letter B is found to be used less frequently than W or Y.

One could always argue that less use = scarcity of availability = more valuable. But that's the opposite of the assumption being made in determining which letters are included so....

No. We have to look at words starting with a letter, because that's what acronym (non-pronouncable, non-word) domains are. From wikipedia: (, ''V'' is a rarely used letter, used 0.82% of the time in texts, which is bad, compared to better letters. I'm, however, surprised at how badly A does and how well W does.

However, even though I believe OP is wrong, I believe there is a point to be raised here.

What about when people call 4Ls like pronounceable? What about when they call shitty domain like premium? Why aren't these same standards enforced?

I don't condone what OP is doing, but why is only he being punished and not the countless others who are doing the same thing? The word "pronounceable" has lost value on this forum because of these people.
What about when people call 4Ls like pronounceable? What about when they call shitty domain like premium? Why aren't these same standards enforced?
Please use the report feature on any listings that clearly mislead, misinform, or deceive potential buyers in the marketplace, as well as listings that make claims with no supporting proof, as outlined in the rules. It's one thing to voice an opinion in a discussion forum (allowed) and another thing to deceive or misinform a potential buyer in a binding marketplace sales listing to artificially/falsely inflate the price (Not allowed).

If it's not reported, chances are a moderator is not aware of it, as moderator teams do not actively go looking for minor rule violations and rely on members to report such concerns to bring them to our attention.

In some cases, the listings in violation are simply because the seller is new and was unaware or that the seller failed to read the rules. In other cases, sellers deliberately violated the rules to take advantage of uninformed buyers by using false claims. Each case is investigated independently from one another to determine the seriousness and intent of the offense.

We hope that helps.
Please use the report feature on any listings that clearly mislead, misinform, or deceive potential buyers in the marketplace, as well as listings that make claims with no supporting proof, as outlined in the rules. It's one thing to voice an opinion in a discussion forum (allowed) and another thing to deceive or misinform a potential buyer in a binding marketplace sales listing to artificially/falsely inflate the price (Not allowed).

If it's not reported, chances are a moderator is not aware of it, as moderator teams do not actively go looking for minor rule violations and rely on members to report such concerns to bring them to our attention.

In some cases, the listings in violation are simply because the seller is new and was unaware or that the seller failed to read the rules. In other cases, sellers deliberately violated the rules to take advantage of uninformed buyers by using false claims. Each case is investigated independently from one another to determine the seriousness and intent of the offense.

We hope that helps.

So John's post was reported? I find it hard to believe that you've never seen anyone misuse the ''pronounceable'' adjective. It reminds me of how you've never seen a single offensive avatar until Elad's was reported. Almost everyone misused the word ''pronounceable'' a few months back.

Again, I'm on your side here but I think the rules are being enforced inconsistently. After all, I thought mods checked marketplace listings.
So John's post was reported?
Correct, the report was referenced in our first reply.
I find it hard to believe that you've never seen anyone misuse the ''pronounceable'' adjective.
The majority of moderators are working on assigned/scheduled tasks throughout the day, in addition to conducting active investigations, handling reports, managing moderation queries, etc... Misspellings, pronunciation, avatars, etc. is not as high on the list of moderator priorities and why most may not be seen by a moderator.

Again, If it's not reported, chances are a moderator is not aware of it, as moderator teams do not actively go looking for minor rule violations and rely on members to report such concerns to bring them to our attention.

We hope that helps explain a bit better.

If you come across a rule violation, please take a few seconds to use the report feature so a moderator is made aware and can investigate further.
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