
I will show you mine if --! Blooks I mean

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Blook Domains

After reading a previous thread by Wot it would appear everybody is going crazy over Blook Domains.

What Blook Domains Have you registered?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Shorty said:
So you basically want a monopoly on blook websites?

Nah, just illustrating the vast potential of the names to drive up the value. :)
Whew! I have been all flooked up w/ the floo for the past week and am just catching up.

Great sale, ExpireGuy. I don't mean to pry but I did have to look it up and I see that the origin date was 26 Sep 05. Were you the original registrant? If so, you had more prescience than most of the rest of us and I would like to know where I could purchase a crystal ball that's the same as the one that you use. :hehe:

As I've begun to think about this more, one area of concern that I have is the threefold nature of blooks as they are, currently, being defined and how the multiple meanings of the term might diffuse it's strength and maybe even call for a new word invention to keep the categories distinct.

Unless things have changed over the past week or I may have missed a post that clarifies this issue, "blook" is now being used to define :

1) A published, paper version of a blog.
2) A book that is presented online, in serial form, that is derived from a paper source, (ie a published or soon to be published book.)
3) A book that is written, specifically, for the internet and is "published" online, for the purpose of gaining a readership and w/ the likely intent of attracting a publisher.

Although these 3 uses are interrelated, is it possible that using the same definition for all 3 could cause a degree of confusion? I suppose if, the term gains in popularity and if blook becomes a household expression any concern over the confusion would be moot because blook would be a popular keyword and we would all be giving ourselves high fives by than. But for the sake of analysis, let's just say that blook had a moderate degree of success and that the familiarity factor, (for the GP), of Blook:Blog, was similar to that of Phishing:SPAM, for instance. What definition of blook would prevail or, at least, be the the definition that is most commonly used?
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Grrilla said:
Whew! I have been all flooked up w/ the floo for the past week and am just catching up.

Great sale, ExpireGuy. I don't mean to pry but I did have to look it up and I see that the origin date was 26 Sep 05. Were you the original registrant? If so, you had more prescience than most of the rest of us and I would like to know where I could purchase a crystal ball that's the same as the one that you use. :hehe:

As I've begun to think about this more, one area of concern that I have is the threefold nature of blooks as they are, currently, being defined and how the multiple meanings of the term might diffuse it's strength and maybe even call for a new word invention to keep the categories distinct.

Unless things have changed over the past week or I may have missed a post that clarifies this issue, "blook" is now being used to define :

1) A published, paper version of a blog.
2) A book that is presented online, in serial form, that is derived from a paper source, (ie a published or soon to be published book.)
3) A book that is written, specifically, for the internet and is "published" online, for the purpose of gaining a readership and w/ the likely intent of attracting a publisher.

Although these 3 uses are interrelated, is it possible that using the same definition for all 3 could cause a degree of confusion? I suppose if, the term gains in popularity and if blook becomes a household expression any concern over the confusion would be moot because blook would be a popular keyword and we would all be giving ourselves high fives by than. But for the sake of analysis, let's just say that blook had a moderate degree of success and that the familiarity factor, (for the GP), of Blook:Blog, was similar to that of Phishing:SPAM, for instance. What definition of blook would prevail or, at least, be the the definition that is most commonly used?

We are doing our best to avoid any potential confusion by ensuring the term "Blook" becomes a household word power to the NP's :gl:

Get the kids saying it and you are on your way.
Question #1...

Is anyone here planning to actual publish a blook?

I would think the success of blooks depends highly on IF people will first write blooks and of course one must then ask..will people read them?
Shorty said:
Over the past few days i've had a couple of people approach me and ask me about selling and the site with it...i've told them i'm gonna wait and see how things turn out. Do you guys think this was a good decision?
IMO, Depends on the offers. Care to Share ?

I am not going to be writing a blook myself but I will be selling the sites I have. gets steady traffic and growing nicely.
I havent actually advertised the domain at all. Still working on
should be nice when finished. If I ever get the time :)
labrocca said:
Question #1...

Is anyone here planning to actual publish a blook?

I would think the success of blooks depends highly on IF people will first write blooks and of course one must then ask..will people read them?
That's been brought up several times in this thread, I haven't seen any major plans for anyone to actually start a blook, however, a few members (deet) have started directories and informational sites to help promote Blooks.
labrocca said:
Question #1...

Is anyone here planning to actual publish a blook?

I would think the success of blooks depends highly on IF people will first write blooks and of course one must then ask..will people read them?
By that do you mean 1) having a paper version of a blog published"? (A UNC professor and staff are currently mulling over blogs to determine which ones are worthy of publishing and receiving an award.) 2) A published, (paper), work that is currently being published in serialized form on the net? (doubtful) or 3) A blook being written specifically for the net?

Get the kids saying it and you are on your way.
That does cut to the chase. But in the meantime, I do, at least, hope that we, the early promoters, have the dots connected.
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Grrilla said:
1) A published, paper version of a blog.
2) A book that is presented online, in serial form, that is derived from a paper source, (ie a published or soon to be published book.)
3) A book that is written, specifically, for the internet and is "published" online, for the purpose of gaining a readership and w/ the likely intent of attracting a publisher.

:imho: My guts say that #1 will be with a few exceptions not much more than Vanity Publishing.
I see the other like this 2 <==> 3 where the lines blur and the most potential lies.

I spent an hour or so on a #3 type site last evening.

I have been looking around for cartoon/comic, generalized humor or how to blooks (2/3 type) with no success.

Lets see we have the flook -- how about cloon for serialized web cartoons. :sick:

I have been kicking around the idea of turning a book on the history of flight (confirmed in the public domain) into a web thing as it is packed with all kinds of cool stuff. I have a very poor copy of the book and maybe putting it out as a blook might be the trick. I have been offered a fair sum for it (not for sale) cause there are lots of autographs in it.
Grrilla said:
1) A published, paper version of a blog.
2) A book that is presented online, in serial form, that is derived from a paper source, (ie a published or soon to be published book.)
3) A book that is written, specifically, for the internet and is "published" online, for the purpose of gaining a readership and w/ the likely intent of attracting a publisher.

I think all 3 have the same concept of a traditional printed book interacting with the web in some form. Whether it's 1,2, or 3 of your definition it's all a blook. Many words have multiple meanings I see blook being no different. Even spam has more than one connotation on the web. The multiple meanings imho only enhances it's use.
labrocca said:
I think all 3 have the same concept of a traditional printed book interacting with the web in some form. Whether it's 1,2, or 3 of your definition it's all a blook. Many words have multiple meanings I see blook being no different. Even spam has more than one connotation on the web. The multiple meanings imho only enhances it's use.

I agree Labrocca. The more the term is used the better. Truly, to us it shouldn't matter what the word means. The fact is that blooks exist and are growing, their popularity being driven by money (Lulu for one - which is run by one of the founders of Red Hat) and by the passion of writers which can be a powerful driver.
I have and it is currently up for sale on the "for sale" thread.

Accepting offers at [email protected] or by PM.
labrocca said:
I think all 3 have the same concept of a traditional printed book interacting with the web in some form. Whether it's 1,2, or 3 of your definition it's all a blook. Many words have multiple meanings I see blook being no different. Even spam has more than one connotation on the web. The multiple meanings imho only enhances it's use.
I'm inclined to agree but I have a need to drill down what it is that's being talked about. I have some terms that have multiple meanings, ie pharming, and some acronyms that can be used in more than one way ie 4AA- batteries/alcholics anonymous and it's not always easy to know what direction to take w/ terms that have established meaning*s*, let alone, a term that is relatively new, hasn't gotten it's legs yet, and is being used to describe 3, (by my count) differnt, though, interrelated things.

There are several blook names on my holding list that continue to have question marks next to them because I am attempting to be selective and not indiscriminantly spray the registrar w/ every decent blook name that I can come up with. In short, I am bringing this issue up to better define the genre and isolate the names that have the most potential and I am getting closer to seeing a clearer picture but haven't, yet, arrived at the level of understanding that I am looking for. Ergo, the reason the issue has been raised in a domain name forum and brought up for discussion.

Even spam has more than one connotation on the web.
Could you demonstrate what you mean by this? If I could draw a parallel between spam and blook, I think I might be able to better see how the multiple meanings of blook would enhance it's use.
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Grrilla said:
Whew! I have been all flooked up w/ the floo for the past week and am just catching up.

Great sale, ExpireGuy. I don't mean to pry but I did have to look it up and I see that the origin date was 26 Sep 05. Were you the original registrant? If so, you had more prescience than most of the rest of us and I would like to know where I could purchase a crystal ball that's the same as the one that you use. :hehe:

Thanks crystal ball, just a trigger finger on my email compose link...I contacted the original registrant last week. I saw that the dn wasn't in use, and made him an offer....he accepted and the transaction took literally minutes. BTW...he was going to use it for a blook oriented site and the only reason he let it go was due to the fact that he was swamped with other dev for the sale, to give a bit of an upswing to those that have invested in the blook dn craze...
I can tell you right now would've gone for more, but unforseen circumstances prevented it from happening....

- NP was down on the closing afternoon of the auction.....
- Private bid of 1525 was put forward via email, but I didn't accept because of auction guide rules stating post bids only....

Hats of to the developers of this new publishing frontier...blook forward to reading about your success!

Whoever asked if anybody was actually going to publish their own blook, I am. I've decided to hold back on publishing until i've got more material ready.

I had the idea long ago to do so...before i'd heard of the term blook and before i'd heard of the term "yearly domain registration costs and monthly hosting costs". :(

deet, the enquirers didn't offer any figures to me, they've just asked if i'm thinking about selling it, and said they might be interested.
Well, I just did another seacrh to see how many were left on my list and seems a few are. I am suprised. Sometimes people over blook the obvious names :)
••• and for sale via auction here at namepros in the domain name auction section. For sale as package. Just thought some would like to know, thanks!
I haven't had time to check the newest domain names available, but maybe I'll grab one or two domains :)
UPDATE because I mentioned it before, The buyer of comic-blook and comic-blooks pmmed me back and stated he was in ahurry and did not realize they were the hyphenated version, He paid $75 as an inconvenience fee and said keep them. SO I have them back and the $75 paid for all 7 regs anyway plus $25. But I wanted to let people know since the sale was announced here but the buyer made a goof in the - thing.
equity78 said:
UPDATE because I mentioned it before, The buyer of comic-blook and comic-blooks pmmed me back and stated he was in ahurry and did not realize they were the hyphenated version, He paid $75 as an inconvenience fee and said keep them. SO I have them back and the $75 paid for all 7 regs anyway plus $25. But I wanted to let people know since the sale was announced here but the buyer made a goof in the - thing.

Well that worked out nice for you! So, who here own then?

I just put up for auction if anyone is interested (see my sig). Good luck to those developing blook sites. Can't wait to see more NPer's blook sites show up in the top search results!

Adding...just saw this on the web:

Blook? Evidently it's a blog that - hopefully with some editorial help along the way - has migrated to the printed page. There's even a Lulu Blooker Prize. The jury: Cory Doctorow, Robin Miller and Paul Jones. The next wave, they say: "Flooks," films based on blooks. Example: Belle de Jour: Diary of a London Call Girl, already a book, soon heading to a theater near you.

Thanks Hark.
I just put up for auction if anyone is interested (see my sig). Good luck to those developing blook sites. Can't wait to see more NPer's blook sites show up in the top search results!
This is, in no way, intended as a judgement or criticism- I hope that I am above prying into a fellow domainers business situation and it is none of my business what another's motivating factors may be.

Nevertheless my immediate feeling- my knee jerk reaction to blook sales, at this point, is one of mixed emotions. Part of me is asking why put the push on to sell a very good name so early in the game- a base term at that- particularly, when one believes that the category has a high degree of potential and has been espousing it's virtues. It gives me a "strike while the iron's hot" sort of feeling.

The other side of me totally understands the attraction of money and sees the wisdom behind the old expression, "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." To be honest, I am in escrow on two names that I had on or near the top of my list of domains w/ high development potential. My list is long enough and I can afford to do this- I'll never run out of names to develop- and I suppose you could say that $1500 in the hand is worth $3,000 on paper.

Hmm... I guess I answered my own question. :laugh:

Again, I'm casting no dispersions on anyone. I guess the question of whether to sell or whether to hold is just one of those dichotomies that everyone who sells domain names and who, also, develops is going to face from time to time. B-)
Hey Grrilla,
I don't take offense to the question. To be honest, I struggled a bit with listing it for sale. I do have a reserve on the auction which I'll admit, is probably higher than the name is worth at this very moment, but considerably lower than it's likely value 2 years, a year or even 6 months from now. However, as you mentioned a bird in the hand... is more my thought at this moment as I have a development project in the works that will require a decent sum to put together. And, I have what I feel are at least 2 very strong blook names with and (,,,, are my others and they're good, but not "premium". At least for the moment when so many similar names are available for reg fee). So, for me if the reserve is met, I'll sell now, but won't be disappointed if it doesn't go.
gee, all this selling going on.....
what should I do with ;) :) ;)
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What are your opinions on and, do you reckon that they are premium ?
Obviously .com would have been better but they were all regged.
Phronesis said:
Hey Grrilla,
I don't take offense to the question. To be honest, I struggled a bit with listing it for sale. I do have a reserve on the auction which I'll admit, is probably higher than the name is worth at this very moment, but considerably lower than it's likely value 2 years, a year or even 6 months from now. However, as you mentioned a bird in the hand... is more my thought at this moment as I have a development project in the works that will require a decent sum to put together. And, I have what I feel are at least 2 very strong blook names with and (,,,, are my others and they're good, but not "premium". At least for the moment when so many similar names are available for reg fee). So, for me if the reserve is met, I'll sell now, but won't be disappointed if it doesn't go.
Very clear, honest and open answer. Good thinking. Rep added to.
I've got:
Typo for blooks
Typo for blooked
Could be blook'd
Could be Blook Directory

Overall I think Blookd sounds good and it looks good too so I grabbed it ;) was registered and developed. And it turned up quite high when searching for "blog host" and "blog hosting" so I grabbed it. also had PR5
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