How Do You Create Your Own Parked Page?

Spaceship Spaceship
title says it all

can somebody give a quick intro into making your own parked page?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Get some PPC feeds. Some RSS news both mostly comes in XML format.

Get a XML to HTML parser. [Mostly in php you will find it]

Paste some adsense or other ads here and there.

Get a hosting, Set the Nameservers, Upload files to the server and done.
great answer
right to the point and i just barely follow you:

you are saying that i should get some news stories via rss to put on the site in order to make it sort of topical which sounds pretty smart

i guess i am a little hung up on the monetizing bit, doesn't google disallow parked pages on adsense ?

are there ppc companies that would work better or as good as google?

whta exactly is a ppc feed? (pay per click feed ? ... what is the "feed" part ?)

PPC Feed is like a RSS feed. But for PPC.

You can also integrate Affiliate feeds like Amazon, Shareasale, CJ.
I currently have a server (dedicated) running Redhat Linux, with php, mysql and apache.

Setting up rss takes a round an hour, pretty straighforward, you may want rss2html (I think its called), you end up with an index.html and an index.php. My server is currently running the slashdot rss feed on one page.

Get a server, either dedicated or virtual, grab a book on LAMP (not essential) and be creative.

For example I also run geolocation services on one server (php code) .. there are a lot of opportunities.

As for parking rss pages... it's not really worth it, going more advanced and combining and mixing rss feeds into "unique" content was done a few years ago and the webs full of it.

Good luck anyhow

Now going in more advanced lets say we put in the bells and whistles like random wallpaper of the day. Quote of the day. Stock market up and down bar. The top 10 alexa movers and shakers.

This all can be stuffed in on the existing RSS thing.

Plus when it comes to content. And if we think it is duplicate and it is already there on 1000 of sites all around the internet. I would say use Markov Chain algo and when the fetched content is passed through it. It generates unique content :) Readable by human. Without changing the meaning of it.

Don't know exactly where this trick would go. Will it be classified as Black Hat or White Hat that I don't know.
ukguy, sounds complicated but interesting can you point me to a couple of examples of sites doing what you are doing ??
nombre said:
ukguy, sounds complicated but interesting can you point me to a couple of examples of sites doing what you are doing ??

I would also be interested in seeing this... I've always wanted to create something like i just have no clue how to do it.
Try this for RSS:

I am using it on

And use adsense or Yahoo for the ads...
very helpful, thank you

remembering that i am a total newbie let me see if i have this right

you have signed up to the rss feed from prweb and they feed you press releases which you format to appear on your site just like a news ticker

you have a google adsense account, i assume that the rss feeds give the site a fresher and up to date feel so google is cool with it

i thought (and may be wrong) that google was picky about parked pages (which your site is not) so basically you need to keep enough content on there to make it interesting

very cool, i get the feeling it pretty much runs itself

the tricky part to me would be formatting the rss feed but i bet there are plug-ins to do that

thanks again

I rent a server at $100/month, and although it is economically costing me, the shell (command line) access, and full root control over the server will, in the short to mid term pay off. I can now (using a Dreamweaver template) put a site online from scratch (and I mean without even a domain name) within 30 minutes. I host currently around 10 sites on my server, although I expect to host 100's (and also will have a backup server at another location).

Download rss2hthml, follow the instructions, and you'll soon have a dynamic rss page up and running. You need to be a little familiar with Linux (and an editor) to get this done quickly however, although the instructions are real simple.

Geolocation. Pull off a library from a geolocation provider and some API's (you can get api's from most providers with any bindings... I use php) and you can show visitors the city they are from... for free!!

Now heres something interesting.

I have pages on my own server with adsense and 100-200 words of content and find that I am earning 100%++ more than a parked page with a parking provider. And it takes me as I said 30 minutes to put a page up. Go figure.

I still use parking for non-english pages though.

Something getting B-I-G is Ajax. Ajax a page with dynamic feeds (rss) and some adsense.... heck... there is still a BIG market waiting to be taken.

Go for it boys! (I am!)
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helpful post, thanks, especially for the pointer to rss2hthml
if you feel like posting links to a couple of your sites i'd love to see em
oops thats ... rss2html (spelling mistake in earlier post).

My sites are still under development - I'll post later when they are ready... :)
-Nick- said:

Now going in more advanced lets say we put in the bells and whistles like random wallpaper of the day. Quote of the day. Stock market up and down bar. The top 10 alexa movers and shakers.

This all can be stuffed in on the existing RSS thing.

Plus when it comes to content. And if we think it is duplicate and it is already there on 1000 of sites all around the internet. I would say use Markov Chain algo and when the fetched content is passed through it. It generates unique content :) Readable by human. Without changing the meaning of it.

Don't know exactly where this trick would go. Will it be classified as Black Hat or White Hat that I don't know.

How can you do that i just know of one software called K+ i think buts its too expensive it generates php know any tool which does this?
Yeah I have a php script which does this.

Plus here is the RSS2HTML script code.

//Enter the URL of RSS feed in the line below
$file = "http://theurlofrsshere";
$rss_channel = array();
$currently_writing = "";
$main = "";
$item_counter = 0;
function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) {
   	global $rss_channel, $currently_writing, $main;
   	switch($name) {
   		case "RSS":
   		case "RDF:RDF":
   		case "ITEMS":
   			$currently_writing = "";
   		case "CHANNEL":
   			$main = "CHANNEL";
   		case "IMAGE":
   			$main = "IMAGE";
   			$rss_channel["IMAGE"] = array();
   		case "ITEM":
   			$main = "ITEMS";
   			$currently_writing = $name;
function endElement($parser, $name) {
   	global $rss_channel, $currently_writing, $item_counter;
   	$currently_writing = "";
   	if ($name == "ITEM") {

function characterData($parser, $data) {
	global $rss_channel, $currently_writing, $main, $item_counter;
	if ($currently_writing != "") {
		switch($main) {
			case "CHANNEL":
				if (isset($rss_channel[$currently_writing])) {
					$rss_channel[$currently_writing] .= $data;
				} else {
					$rss_channel[$currently_writing] = $data;
			case "IMAGE":
				if (isset($rss_channel[$main][$currently_writing])) {
					$rss_channel[$main][$currently_writing] .= $data;
				} else {
					$rss_channel[$main][$currently_writing] = $data;
			case "ITEMS":
				if (isset($rss_channel[$main][$item_counter][$currently_writing])) {
					$rss_channel[$main][$item_counter][$currently_writing] .= $data;
				} else {
					$rss_channel[$main][$item_counter][$currently_writing] = $data;

$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement");
xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData");
if (!($fp = fopen($file, "r"))) {
	die("could not open XML input");

while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {
	if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) {
		die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",

// output HTML

if (isset($rss_channel["ITEMS"]))
echo "<font face='Verdana' size='2' color='#333333'>";
if (count($rss_channel["ITEMS"]) > 0)
for($i = 0;$i < count($rss_channel["ITEMS"]);$i++)
if (isset($rss_channel["ITEMS"][$i]["LINK"]))
echo "<a href=\"" . $rss_channel["ITEMS"][$i]["LINK"] . "\">" . $rss_channel["ITEMS"][$i]["TITLE"] . "</a><br>";
echo $rss_channel["ITEMS"][$i]["TITLE"];
echo $rss_channel["ITEMS"][$i]["DESCRIPTION"] . "<p> </p>";
echo "<b>There are no articles in this feed.</b>";
echo "</font>";

Disclaimer: The above code is not mine. And I am not even claiming to have invented the code. Its derived from some free open source system. But I am a n00b and have forgot the script name. :(


If you want to use caching of the RSS feeds then let me know I have written another code this time myself for it. :D
Give This a Try - It's FREE!!

nombre said:
title says it all

can somebody give a quick intro into making your own parked page?

Instead of just one page, why not try a FREE mini-site generator program, that automatically grabs RSS feeds? Check out: HyperVRE
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build one page HTML, add some contents related with the domain, and add some Adsense, that is self-parked page..
Nombre, your question can be disected into 2 parts.

1. Doing it yourself is fine, however you will tread a fine line with google TOS if you simply create a page with some minimal text and lots of ads. Alternatives to google are numerous but really depend upon the geographic location of your visitors and traffic volume to your site. Other tier 1 feed / PPC providers however include :- YPN, Adbrite, MIVA.... The list goes on... But google is by far the bast albeit with the most restrictions on what you can and cant do.

There are a lot of feeds you can get but a lot are sending you a feed of a feed. i.e. they have a relationship with google, they take their cut and send you the change.

2. Parking your domain is an alternative method and for this there are some nice programs out there. Namedrive, SedoPro are the most progressive whilst SmartName (as is parked with) and Trafficz are probably the forerunners. We run which is an alternative program that mostly caters for domains with little or no type in potential and some users have been very successful.

So, my summation, if you receive natural traffic then park your domain at somewhere like Namedrive. If you have no traffic then build your own parking site or use something like - excuse the (non-intentional) blatant self promotion.

And Joe, you should beware of posting affiliate links in this forum, I believe they are seriously frowned upon.
Advice Appreciated.


Thanks for the heads up. I saw all the links in everybody's signature, and thought it was ok. Now that I sampled some of them, I now realize they are links to the posters own sites. I see what you mean. I guess my signature was a real no-no. It has been corrected.
ArtfulWebSites said:

Thanks for the heads up. I saw all the links in everybody's signature, and thought it was ok. Now that I sampled some of them, I now realize they are links to the posters own sites. I see what you mean. I guess my signature was a real no-no. It has been corrected.

no probs, i did actually mean your post above to HyperVRE, actually hadnt noticed your sig... :)
Joe, I've removed the affiliate link from your post.

Ian is correct, we don't allow any type of affiliate or referral links to be posted, or in signatures. Between your post and your signature, you had 4 of them. The last guy who attempted that got locked in the NamePros basement for 3 days with nothing but stale bread and water. 8-X

Merry Christmas! :santa:
nombre said:
very helpful, thank you

remembering that i am a total newbie let me see if i have this right

you have signed up to the rss feed from prweb and they feed you press releases which you format to appear on your site just like a news ticker

you have a google adsense account, i assume that the rss feeds give the site a fresher and up to date feel so google is cool with it

i thought (and may be wrong) that google was picky about parked pages (which your site is not) so basically you need to keep enough content on there to make it interesting

very cool, i get the feeling it pretty much runs itself

the tricky part to me would be formatting the rss feed but i bet there are plug-ins to do that

thanks again

Google says they are picky about "parked" pages but they don't seem to really enforce that unless you are breaking a more serious rule... So if you had a template with 5-6 categories and used a different feed for each page then placed your ads in there you would be fine...

To use the rss feed for prweb create an account, then go here: Then click the "javascript" link beside any of the topics you want, a block of code will be displayed, you just copy it into your site...
I use a CMS (Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress etc.)

I then :
1) add RSS feeds
2) get someone from India to write a bunch of original articles on the topic
3) add some plugins to the CMS to increase interactivity
4) add Adsense code
i guess the google adsense thing is sort of a judgement call
they want sites with content but who says what's content and what isn't ? looks interesting, sort of a parked page on steroids, looks more interesting than the usual parking page

doen't it all come down to content ? you gotta have something interesting or worthwhile to keep people or the automatic "been there, done that" web surfer reaction kicks in and people just hit back

i have a site on namedrive and it gets a few lookers (like 50 for the whole month so far) but nobody clicks because the site doesn't offer anything that makes em want to stay
nombre said:
i guess the google adsense thing is sort of a judgement call
they want sites with content but who says what's content and what isn't ? looks interesting, sort of a parked page on steroids, looks more interesting than the usual parking page

doen't it all come down to content ? you gotta have something interesting or worthwhile to keep people or the automatic "been there, done that" web surfer reaction kicks in and people just hit back

i have a site on namedrive and it gets a few lookers (like 50 for the whole month so far) but nobody clicks because the site doesn't offer anything that makes em want to stay

Funny thing, I had a blog going for a while and of course I had adsense on it... I got up to about 120+ uniques a day and almost never had any clicks...

I moved the page to NameDrive a while ago and now I get 2+ clicks every day...

The key to making money with adsense is traffic, obviously, but optimization is equally as important (if not more important)... Not much good getting hundreds of visits if you get no clicks... If you have a properly optimized site you may find that you get clicks even if the traffic is not so high... That is how it is working out for me now with that page parked at ND, I get about 13-20 visitors a day and 2+ clicks...
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