
Discuss your Epik Experience!

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I think Epik is building the best ever Domain Lander in the history of domaining, and it really needs to be talked about extensively. That's why I am creating this discussion thread. A lot of thought process really goes into the project. And I can see (for the first time) a landing page that is built from the stand point of domainers rather than for just the marketplace itself.

Everything you have ever dreamt of getting or seeing in a professional landing page can be found in the new Epik marketplace landing page design.

Some of my Favorites Features:

1. The ability to optimize your "domain for sale" landing page to actually rank on Google, displaying your sales pitch/domain description. I just did that with few of my generic domain names such as ASAP.TV, targeting certain keywords, and they are showing pretty well on Google. That's a huge plus in my marketing effort.

2. Being able to change background image is another huge one for me. If you are good with pictures and images, you will surely find this very useful. I did that with and the result was truly amazing, showing the city of Nagasaki right at the background.

There are too many positive features and I don't want to mention all of them, all alone :xf.grin::xf.grin:

So I am leaving you guys to share and discuss what you loves most or dislike about the new Epik marketplace and the landing pages.

The only negative for me is the checkout process. There are too many terms and conditions buttons to tick before checking out. It will be nice if they can streamline those into one beautiful big button

They also need to place the checkout button directly under the payment options. Right now it is awkwardly place somewhere below at the sidebar, which I don't find cool at all.

Sales experience is also welcomed in this discussion. I haven't had any sells so far at Epik because I started using the marketplace just recently, but the future is looking so bright.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Hi there!

New at Epik and just set up my first lander! Looks amazing, so are looking forward to setting up more.

One of the things I find a bit time consuming and not so efficient, is the Google Analytics integration.

Is there a plan in the future to ease that, with perhaps only providing a GA tracker ID in the dashboard (like Efty and DAN) ?

As of now, we will need to copy paste the entire snippet of code on each lander manually.
Hi there!

New at Epik and just set up my first lander! Looks amazing, so are looking forward to setting up more.

One of the things I find a bit time consuming and not so efficient, is the Google Analytics integration.

Is there a plan in the future to ease that, with perhaps only providing a GA tracker ID in the dashboard (like Efty and DAN) ?

As of now, we will need to copy paste the entire snippet of code on each lander manually.

Thanks for the feedback. Glad you are liking it!

Good question -- checking with @Ala Dadan there. Seems reasonable.
I am in and out the door for a couple meetings but was wondering how I can get the 'premium' sales page to show when someone clicks on my link at names I have parked at Voodoo.

When the vdoo link is clicked, it goes to the 'new' version sales page (which I like better than the old) but I would prefer it go to the 'premium' lander we would have if we parked it direct through the epik interface. The premium page is much better and clean without all the marketplace search options, it possible to do?
I am in and out the door for a couple meetings but was wondering how I can get the 'premium' sales page to show when someone clicks on my link at names I have parked at Voodoo.

When the vdoo link is clicked, it goes to the 'new' version sales page (which I like better than the old) but I would prefer it go to the 'premium' lander we would have if we parked it direct through the epik interface. The premium page is much better and clean without all the marketplace search options, it possible to do?

You mean like this:

On Voodoo, it is just:[DOMAIN]
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Aha, got you.
They actually are/look the same...this is the new style that is better than the old, but the one I would like to show is the clean one with the 'boxes' that are side by side with none of the top and bottom extras.

EDIT: Like this one:

I got you now -- that is the Epik SSL lander. Right now to get that you would point the domain directly to it.

It sounds like you are wanting to show PPC lander from Voodoo and link out to the SSL lander if one is set up for the domain.

I will check that scenario with engineering although what you are asking for is a bit of an edge case.

The goal is to make the marketplace lander convert well but to be also SEO differentiated from the SSL lander so there are 2 indexable paths to a sale.
I got you now -- that is the Epik SSL lander. Right now to get that you would point the domain directly to it.

It sounds like you are wanting to show PPC lander from Voodoo and link out to the SSL lander if one is set up for the domain.

I will check that scenario with engineering although what you are asking for is a bit of an edge case.

The goal is to make the marketplace lander convert well but to be also SEO differentiated from the SSL lander so there are 2 indexable paths to a sale.

Ok, thanks...I understand. Hopefully one day they can find a quick and easy way to do it.

The SSL landers are nice and clean and quite an upgrade. Btw, we (domainers) are working for the 200 mark really hard!
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Not sure if this is a bug but when I add a name to sell on Epik I change the capitalization during the process and it always goes back to default and I have to change it again - is this normal ?
Am I the only one not receiving the 2FA SMS when trying to log in?

Update: now it's working after contacting support.
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Is there a plan in the future to ease that, with perhaps only providing a GA tracker ID in the dashboard (like Efty and DAN) ?

@BrandsOpen thank you will look into this, and see what we can do

Just received a 10$ bonus for reporting a bug.

I didnt know about the bonus part. I started a chat as I wanted an instore credit for .orgs that I backordered yesterday and didnt get an instore credit immediately as they were caught by dropcatch.

Rob joined the chat and checked himself what I said and himself credited my account with the bonus.

Thats a great cusomer support.

First time in my life I received some appreciation + got paid for something like this as otherwise most of the time people are not even ready to acknowledge that there's an issue with their system.
@Rob Monster a Bug Bounty link to report would be awesome
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If you transfer a domain to any registrar.
Is your registration period supposed to be extended by a year?
If you transfer a domain to any registrar.
Is your registration period supposed to be extended by a year?
For a .com (and most TLD's) - yes - that's what the transfer fee pays for, a 1 year renewal. If you've done a transfer and it's not showing immediately as having added a year to the expiry date it can pay to wait an hour or two and check again. I've heard of some people saying it doesn't update immediately sometimes.
here is my epik experience of today

it's about a domain of mine that is expiring at epik

its clearly registered at epik at the time being today
september 06 2019


just now I got this email


when I want to keep that name, I have to pay $90 USD


on the other hand epik
is trying to sell it on the domain landing page
for $1895 USD as of today


now if that name still is at epik as a registrar
why should I be asked to pay $90 USD to renew and keep it?

do the "transfer coupon deals" make more sense to you, folks?
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When you sell a domain at epik.
Let's say you own a very good domain that is worth $5.000.000.

And you use financing option.
First installment has a limit of 1.000.000$.
But future installments have a limit of 25.000$.
Which means 5 years for 1.5000.000$.
10 years for 3.000.000$.

Now since epik the higher grounds is aiming at big investors.
Why is there a $25.000 limit on future installments?
@Rob Monster
When you sell a domain at epik.
Let's say you own a very good domain that is worth $5.000.000.

And you use financing option.
First installment has a limit of 1.000.000$.
But future installments have a limit of 25.000$.
Which means 5 years for 1.5000.000$.
10 years for 3.000.000$.

Now since epik the higher grounds is aiming at big investors.
Why is there a $25.000 limit on future installments?
@Rob Monster

what kind of domains do you have at a value of $5 million USD?

you'd better not waste your time and ours with such invented problems
When you sell a domain at epik.
Let's say you own a very good domain that is worth $5.000.000.

And you use financing option.
First installment has a limit of 1.000.000$.
But future installments have a limit of 25.000$.
Which means 5 years for 1.5000.000$.
10 years for 3.000.000$.

Now since epik the higher grounds is aiming at big investors.
Why is there a $25.000 limit on future installments?
@Rob Monster

We can raise those limits. Most people don't have credit cards or PayPal above that level and fund via wire transfer or BTC. We have many transactions that are large where we manage them via contracts and where we enforce the contract according to the terms of delivery, use, and payment schedule. We have contract templates for this so if anyone needs help with a complex financing that is larger, we can assist there with templates.
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how can I immediately delete a .com domain reged at epik?
What a surprise. Rob Monster gives Epik (and his other company Sibyl) five stars in his review at his OWN new rating site TrustRatings that is implemented on all Epik landers and is a rip-off of TrustPilot. But he forgot to mention that he is the owner of both:

As usual, his employees have also been "invited" to do reviews there.

You couldn't make it up...
What a surprise. Rob Monster gives Epik (and his other company Sibyl) five stars in his review at his OWN new rating site TrustRatings that is implemented on all Epik landers and is a rip-off of TrustPilot. But he forgot to mention that he is the owner of both:

As usual, his employees have also been "invited" to do reviews there.

You couldn't make it up...

Ouch, that's harsh!

Rob and his employess shouldn't do that as the reviews are obviously biased. He should instead "invite" all of us who use Epik to review the company on Trust Ratings. He'll probably get a few good hundreds of reviews which will help kickstart the TR project.

Trust Ratings isn't a rip-off of Trust Pilot, it's just another reviews website is a wrong word imo ... by your logic Google is a rip-off of Yahoo and Namepross is a rip-off of DNF.
Ouch, that's harsh!

Rob and his employess shouldn't do that as the reviews are obviously biased. He should instead "invite" all of us who use Epik to review the company on Trust Ratings. He'll probably get a few good hundreds of reviews which will help kickstart the TR project.

Trust Ratings isn't a rip-off of Trust Pilot, it's just another reviews website is a wrong word imo ... by your logic Google is a rip-off of Yahoo and Namepross is a rip-off of DNF.

I actually think rip-off is the correct word. It is not just using the same concept. It is using the exact same design and structure - even down to the same wording. Take a look and compare:
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What a surprise. Rob Monster gives Epik (and his other company Sibyl) five stars in his review at his OWN new rating site TrustRatings that is implemented on all Epik landers and is a rip-off of TrustPilot. But he forgot to mention that he is the owner of both:

As usual, his employees have also been "invited" to do reviews there.

You couldn't make it up...

Michael -- I was testing the new site. It just went live:

The domain was bought at NamePros earlier this year and we think the idea is worthy and timely. It is a work in progress but we have solid engineers working on it.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.