discuss Broker Commissions and the extra mile

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I've started and been active in quite a few different businesses and industries in my life, but the domain business really mystifies me. The business I'm most experienced with is the debt recovery and collection business. I started a company called Credit Control Corporation in Virginia in 1973 and operated it for about 15 years when I sold it (note, it's still in business today generating 10M annually in commission/fee revenue). Not all, but most collection businesses operate on a "commission" and the last time I checked I think the "average" commission paid is around 30% of dollars collected, but the fee varied based on different criteria like the age of the debt, the amount/size of the debt and the kind of debt ie. medical, retail, financial.

Today I saw on NP where New.Life sold two domains in one day for $63,000 (Congrats New.Life if you're reading this.) The first domain he (his broker) sold for $38,000, and he paid Uniregistry a commission of 10% or $3,800. The second domain he sold for $25,000, and paid Afternic a commission of $4,000 or 16%. My initial thoughts to commissions like this are, wow that's really cheap, no wonder domainers/brokers only sell 1-2% of their portfolios annually, and why I'm reluctant to work with a broker at all.

Now more to the point, I'd gladly pay a commission of 25 to 50% of a domain sale "if" a broker could liquidate 5-10% of my domains annually. It doesn't seem unreasonable to me, if I were to list 10 food and beverage domains with a broker who understands that industry for them to sell one in ten. For example, I just registered a couple of domains; (note that Elliot Silver owns a business called I say this because I'm sure it will add credibility to my reputation here on NP for "crappy" domains:xf.rolleyes:, and shortly after I reg'd that, I reg'd because I always wanted to own a liquor store, and I know that's a pretty "catchy" name as well:xf.grin:

My question is this, why aren't there any brokers in this industry who will go the extra mile to sell domains like I went the extra mile in the debt recovery business to collect my clients debts? My clients gladly paid me my because they knew the alternative was little or nothing returns:xf.frown:

Any brokers out there reading this, I want to hear from you. What gives??? Anyone else care to opine?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Actually I don't get it NameDeck? I was quoting Jack Nicklaus about putting (golf), and the power of positive thinking. What in the world does that have to do with me and the debt collection industry? Inquiring minds would like to know? Thanks

I know... You used that quote way out of context. Thats my point. I believe positive thinking can add to better results but to use a quote like this while we're discussing domain sales/business prospects is insane.

I made a reference to debt collection as I'm sure a lot of debt being chased is debt owed by people who thought they were gonna make it but obviously didn't. Most companies fail. You may think you'll make it for all I care, truth is, all odds are against new businesses. Thinking you'll make it doesn't get you anywhere.
I know... You used that quote way out of context. Thats my point. I believe positive thinking can add to better results but to use a quote like this while we're discussing domain sales/business prospects is insane.

I made a reference to debt collection as I'm sure a lot of debt being chased is debt owed by people who thought they were gonna make it but obviously didn't. Most companies fail. You may think you'll make it for all I care, truth is, all odds are against new businesses. Thinking you'll make it doesn't get you anywhere.
It's all a game could never work for me with that attitude. Take a look at my Linkedin bio that you can access from the "information" link. Look through it closely, and question anything you would like. FYI, thinking I'll make it, is something I've always done and always preached to beginners like you. Sounds to me like you need an attitude adjustment.....Good Luck!
Really! the quote, "Go Ahead, Make My Day" spoken by Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry in the movie "Sudden Impact" is probably one of the best and most recognized one liner spoken by any actor in any movie in the history of Hollywood. You mean to tell me Joe, you never heard this before? Have you ever heard of Hollywood? How about Clint Eastwood? Does Canada even allow movies produced and directed in other countries?

Joe, you've "Made My Day" by even posing this question:xf.grin:
Rich, I was just trying to have some light-hearted fun with you, man. That was my subtle and amusing (at least to me) way of saying that, while a fun play-on-words domain may seem great and valuable to the person who conceives of it, that doesn't necessarily give it any monetary value in the real world.

Rob even told you as much in his email response... When he says you can only sell it via inbound, he's trying to tell you that it's unlikely any existing end users would pay much for the name unless they also conceive of the idea and decide that they need it for their plan/brand.

This is the One & Only reason I will call out bulloney's arrogance, incompetence, flat out lies, & clear contempt for anyone - other than making himself important. An ignorant bully with no idea to what he spews - no matter how harmful & potentially damaging to others.

I have said this before - I truly hope hope you do not cause others to lose money they can not afford to lose. In desperate times, people can be vulnerable, & those who care only for themselves (look inside) are the most dangerous to encounter. I hope they do not encounter you and fall victim to your self serving awfulness.

Anyone who can help someone new to understand what is real what what is going to ruin their chances of building a business, should. Especially as part of this community. Please, keep that in mind - rather than pass by posts (not worth the time, you may save some some $).

Good Luck All
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This one emoji pretty well sums up this thread.

All I want to know after this many years of butting heads, how many sales does this dashing salesman have?
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Rich, I was just trying to have some light-hearted fun with you, man. That was my subtle and amusing (at least to me) way of saying that, while a fun play-on-words domain may seem great and valuable to the person who conceives of it, that doesn't necessarily give it any monetary value in the real world.

Rob even told you as much in his email response... When he says you can only sell it via inbound, he's trying to tell you that it's unlikely any existing end users would pay much for the name unless they also conceive of the idea and decide that they need it for their plan/brand.
You must think I was born yesterday??? Haven't I told you that I've started, operated and yes NAMED dozens of successful businesses. Rob, has actually brokered some of his own names for big bucks, and he more likely than not could broker others rather than mess with my 20%. I own a domain, where he knew someone on the BOD at Nike who could probably get me in there, but unfortunately he wasn't able to get to his contact. You probably don't have a clue who a keyword "Tiger" domain could be marketed to? I challenge you to tell me, for this is the sort of AI I've been talking about that will improve "outbound" sales. No wonder I see opportunity here where others don't. Oh, from your post that was suppose to be facetious, I can tell your really don't have a clue:xf.rolleyes:

Also from Rob's response: "These brandable names can go for insane money. I am embarrassed sometimes by what people pay." :xf.grin:
I just luv it Tiger,,,to keep this thread on topic, I know you're an Auburn Tiger, and since you should know a lot of Tigers in high places, maybe you could broker some of my Tiger domains like BetheTiger, TigerCharters, and a half dozen more. I'd pay you 20-25% Josh if you think you could do the job. And I'd even help you.

Rich, I was just reading this report on the multi million dollar yoga shorts industry.

Based on it I was thinking about registering the following:

I would approach the CEOs of Nike, Adidas, and Lulu Lemon to sell them the name. Of course Mark Hamill would be the spokesperson... I suspect we could even get him into a snug fitting pair of yoga shorts to do some quick ad spots. Imagine how many people would come running when they saw Luke Skywalker swinging a light saber with all the extra freedom provided by shedding those bulky Jedi pajamas!

How much should I be willing to pay a broker for the privilege of selling this name for me?

Rob is smart enough to know proactively pitching marginal hand regs is not a good business model or use of time and resources. That is basically what he told you, but you are too stubborn to see it.

I also wonder how Rob feels about you releasing personal correspondence like that.
Did you get his permission?

All the experience, connections, creativity, etc. doesn't seem to be resulting in many sales.
Don't worry I am staying tuned ;)

Rob is smart enough to know proactively pitching marginal hand regs is not a good business model or use of time and resources. That is basically what he told you, but you are too stubborn to see it.

I also wonder how Rob feels about you releasing personal correspondence like that.
Did you get his permission?

All the experience, connections, creativity, etc. doesn't seem to be resulting in many sales.
Don't worry I am staying tuned ;)

Brad too can't get enough of me can you:xf.eek: You have to remember, I can see all the "marginal domains" at DataCube, and trust me, I have plenty of names that are every bit as good as the domains you HOARD:xf.wink:

As for what I posted from Rob. I would suggest you ask him about me. I'm sure he'll shoot straight with you. That said, I really don't care what you think about me. This thread is titled, "Broker Commissions and the Extra Mile" My suggestion to you is, if you can't stay on topic, I would seriously suggest you look for another business or profession you're more suited for. Oh, will you be in Austin, because I sure would like to meet you, that's if you're not hiding from me:xf.grin: That woiuld; "Make My Day", or is that by Clint Eastwood. Then again you probably don't know the name Clint Eastwood much less his star power:xf.wink:
You probably don't have a clue who a keyword "Tiger" domain could be marketed to?
Frosted Flakes? Giant Tiger? Siegfried and Roy fans? (settle down Rich, this is another joke)

I mean yeah, technically every domain name could be marketed to someone. What matters is: do they want it? Your creativity isn't the issue. You have lots of great ideas. But until money changes hands, it's all just spit-balling, right?

Also from Rob's response: "These brandable names can go for insane money. I am embarrassed sometimes by what people pay." :xf.grin:
Totally. Random names sell for big money all the time. You just need to recognize those moments for what they are:
  1. Lottery ticket moments; or
  2. Big sales with a lot of missing context to explain them
Rob knows that what you have with MakeMyShave is a lottery ticket, and he's saying that those can be sold for a lot of money. And yes, it does happen all the time. Lightning strikes all the time too, though... How often does it strike you?

Oh, from your post that was suppose to be facetious, I can tell your really don't have a clue:xf.rolleyes:
You could not be more right, Rich! And what little I do know, I owe to the experienced members on this forum who have been at this full time for over a decade. I humble myself before what they have accomplished, and am grateful that the wisdom gathered here has helped me to achieve even a modest profit over the last three years.

Don't be afraid to humble yourself occasionally as well. As you know, success in business (and life, really) is rarely possible without making mistakes and showing some humility.

Don't be the island, Rich. Be the tiger.
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It's all a game could never work for me with that attitude. Take a look at my Linkedin bio that you can access from the "information" link. Look through it closely, and question anything you would like. FYI, thinking I'll make it, is something I've always done and always preached to beginners like you. Sounds to me like you need an attitude adjustment.....Good Luck!

That's where you're wrong. Confidence is ok, believing in your product is ok. Cockiness even. Fake it till you make it. Nothing wrong with that.


In the end, you cannot deny the truth. Any entrepreneur going into business is thinking he's gonna make it. Most don't. It's no rocket science, the data is out there. Saying 'think you make it and you probably will' is bad and unfounded advise. That's basically the slogan of most lotteries.

I always encourage people to aim for the moon. There's no harm in failing if your heart is in it and you're confident. But I'm always honest about any possible outcome.

Nobody ever 'preached' anything to me (except for church obviously but let's not go there), it's just research. And what makes you think I'm a beginner? My privately owned company employs close to 200 people, built from nothing.

As for domains, my first names that I still own to date are names dating from when websites weren't even a thing. I'm not a dinosaur by age but I was there when the web came knocking about and watched it slowly grow. I'm no bigshot domainer but I know my shit and respect those that contribute to this thread who are actually real pros compared to you and me.
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••• too can't get enough of me can you:xf.eek: You have to remember, I can see all the "marginal domains" at DataCube, and trust me, I have plenty of names that are every bit as good as the domains you HOARD:xf.wink:

Yet oddly, I don't need anyone to help me sell my domains. I am able to sell them myself.

You talk about "make something happen" but then want others to do it for you.

••• too can't get enough of me can you:xf.eek: You have to remember, I can see all the "marginal domains" at DataCube, and trust me, I have plenty of names that are every bit as good as the domains you HOARD:xf.wink:

I'm starting to think you're a comedian in real life. Thanks for the laughs.
••• too can't get enough of me can you:xf.eek: You have to remember, I can see all the "marginal domains" at DataCube, and trust me, I have plenty of names that are every bit as good as the domains you HOARD:xf.wink:

As for what I posted from Rob. I would suggest you ask him about me. I'm sure he'll shoot straight with you. That said, I really don't care what you think about me. This thread is titled, "Broker Commissions and the Extra Mile" My suggestion to you is, if you can't stay on topic, I would seriously suggest you look for another business or profession you're more suited for. Oh, will you be in Austin, because I sure would like to meet you, that's if you're not hiding from me:xf.grin: That woiuld; "Make My Day", or is that by Clint Eastwood. Then again you probably don't know the name Clint Eastwood much less his star power:xf.wink:
We are all hoarders here, we find opportunities, and we are patient in finding the right people who wish to execute those opportunities. I would assume he is a bit less hoarder than you because he actually creates sales, and real opportunities with letting his domains find the right homes to add content online. Unlike you ghosting billionaires with your crappy domains.

I don't think you really have enough cred to insult people who have been successful in this space, and provide positive feedback to the community here, including to yourself, in trying to help you from self destructing your pension with crappy registrations, and renewals.

You talk as everyone here is beneath you, go back over a decade here when you were probably fishing for quarters out of wishing wells, guys like Brad were selling names like for like mid 5 figures, which to this day is still an amazing sale. Nobody takes you seriously partly based on your 0 trader score, and lack of sales, and more so just based on your attitude of being oblivious to everything which is not the trait of a successful person at all.

Since we're derailing already, did you ever share how/why you acquired the datacube domain somewhere?

I've been wondering about this for some time now. It's amongst one of the oldest domainnames if I recall correctly?

Since we're derailing already, did you ever share how/why you acquired the datacube domain somewhere?

I've been wondering about this for some time now. It's amongst one of the oldest domainnames if I recall correctly?

Yeah, it is the 68th oldest .COM. It was first registered April 23, 1987.

The domain was acquired in a private purchase after the original company went out of business.

I liked the brand, so when the opportunity came up I decided to acquire it and re-brand my company.

That's where you're wrong. Confidence is ok, believing in your product is ok. Cockiness even. Fake it till you make it. Nothing wrong with that.


In the end, you cannot deny the truth. Any entrepreneur going into business is thinking he's gonna make it. Most don't. It's no rocket science, the data is out there. Saying 'think you make it and you probably will' is bad and unfounded advise. That's basically the slogan of most lotteries.

I always encourage people to aim for the moon. There's no harm in failing if your heart is in it and you're confident. But I'm always honest about any possible outcome.

Nobody ever 'preached' anything to me (except for church obviously but let's not go there), it's just research. And what makes you think I'm a beginner? My privately owned company employs close to 200 people, built from nothing.

As for domains, my first names that I still own to date are names dating from when websites weren't even a thing. I'm not a dinosaur by age but I was there when the web came knocking about and watched it slowly grow. I'm no bigshot domainer but I know my sh*t and respect those that contribute to this thread who are actually real pros compared to you and me.
That's where you're wrong. Confidence is ok, believing in your product is ok. Cockiness even. Fake it till you make it. Nothing wrong with that.


In the end, you cannot deny the truth. Any entrepreneur going into business is thinking he's gonna make it. Most don't. It's no rocket science, the data is out there. Saying 'think you make it and you probably will' is bad and unfounded advise. That's basically the slogan of most lotteries.

I always encourage people to aim for the moon. There's no harm in failing if your heart is in it and you're confident. But I'm always honest about any possible outcome.

Nobody ever 'preached' anything to me (except for church obviously but let's not go there), it's just research. And what makes you think I'm a beginner? My privately owned company employs close to 200 people, built from nothing.

As for domains, my first names that I still own to date are names dating from when websites weren't even a thing. I'm not a dinosaur by age but I was there when the web came knocking about and watched it slowly grow. I'm no bigshot domainer but I know my sh*t and respect those that contribute to this thread who are actually real pros compared to you and me.
NameDeck....I'm reasonably certain our differences are only a matter of semantics. I don't know if you're from the US, Canada, Australia or elsewhere, but have you ever heard the story about the "Little Engine that Could" who's famous line was "I think I can...I think I can" My point is, it's called the "power of positive thinking" NOT the "power of positive sneezing" My quote of the great golfer Jack Nicklaus, "If you think you will make it (mostly having to do with short putts) you probably will", and how you take that to mean something "negative" with regards to me, frankly baffles me???

Let's get on the same page brother. In the big scheme of things there's little difference between you and least I think so:xf.wink:
Frosted Flakes? Giant Tiger? Siegfried and Roy fans? (settle down Rich, this is another joke)

I mean yeah, technically every domain name could be marketed to someone. What matters is: do they want it? Your creativity isn't the issue. You have lots of great ideas. But until money changes hands, it's all just spit-balling, right?

Totally. Random names sell for big money all the time. You just need to recognize those moments for what they are:
  1. Lottery ticket moments; or
  2. Big sales with a lot of missing context to explain them
Rob knows that what you have with MakeMyShave is a lottery ticket, and he's saying that those can be sold for a lot of money. And yes, it does happen all the time. Lightning strikes all the time too, though... How often does it strike you?

You could not be more right, Rich! And what little I do know, I owe to the experienced members on this forum who have been at this full time for over a decade. I humble myself before what they have accomplished, and am grateful that the wisdom gathered here has helped me to achieve even a modest profit over the last three years.

Don't be afraid to humble yourself occasionally as well. As you know, success in business (and life, really) is rarely possible without making mistakes and showing some humility.

Don't be the island, Rich. Be the tiger.
"Rob knows that what you have with MakeMyShave is a lottery ticket, and he's saying that those can be sold for a lot of money. And yes, it does happen all the time. Lightning strikes all the time too, though... How often does it strike you?"

So you're in Rob's head and know what he's thinking??? Rob knows that when I came up with the domain "", and asscoiated it with Clint Eastwoods, Go ahead, Make My Day! was a lightning strike. Rob also knows that every day he wakes up, and every day you and I wake up it's a lightning strike. If you don't understand it, I'm sorry, but you'll learn someday.

Joe, I don't buy lottery tickets, not because I'm against gambling, but I understand the risk vs. reward valuation.,, and were my domain lottery tickets yesterday that are part of my portfolio today. You and my other critics will scream from the rooftop they're all "crappy" names, but I know better:xf.wink:
Yet oddly, I don't need anyone to help me sell my domains. I am able to sell them myself.

You talk about "make something happen" but then want others to do it for you.

Brad seem a little jealous about my owning the domain's up with that? Now let's address the title of this thread, "Broker Commissions and the Extra Mile", and I thank you for opening the door for us to get back on topic.

I know your critique of me started out as Bulloney's "crappy name syndrome", and as a member of the cabal you piled on. Whether it was when I hand reg'd names like, or names like I reg'd yesterday,, or I think you're starting to realize I may actually be getting better at the name game, and there might something to what I'm saying.

Let's assume for a moment that my hand reg's on a scale of 1-10 score a "5", meaning they're just "average". I'm OK with that Brad, and according to experts in the domain industry the best I might expect as a return from "average" domains is a sell through rate of a mere 1%, and I'm not at all happy with that Brad...would you be? So when I speak of going the "Extra Mile" I simply mean "outbound" marketing. Frankly, I know how to do it, i know it's doable, and i have some creative and innovative ideas beyond those I've read about on NP's. Somehow you and the cabal view it as a crime?....give me a break Brad:xf.rolleyes: When Verisign referred to you and others in this industry as "Hoarders"....i knew then there are opportunities for not just a little improvement, but BIG improvement. And somehow I think you know that.

Finally, you and others mock my idea about,, and, but MisterFunsky another member here only confirmed the initiative I have under way for 9Time™. Thank God I have a life beyond you and this message board, otherwise 9Time™ would be DOA! btw, did I tell you I own the domain for which you haven't a clue as to why?

All this said, I need HELP! How so? In the form of a commissioned broker for my domains. For 9Time™, I've already attracted the technical help i need to build out my website(s), my subscription business model/plan and my app. However with my 1,200 (mostly .com domains), i need a technical partner who I'm happy to pay a commission of from 20 to 30% to "Make Something Happen" I may be close with this, but I've been close before, but no cigar:cigar: Brad etal, if you know someone who might compliment my strengths, there's a commission in it for you too:xf.wink: Thanks
We are all hoarders here, we find opportunities, and we are patient in finding the right people who wish to execute those opportunities. I would assume he is a bit less hoarder than you because he actually creates sales, and real opportunities with letting his domains find the right homes to add content online. Unlike you ghosting billionaires with your crappy domains.

I don't think you really have enough cred to insult people who have been successful in this space, and provide positive feedback to the community here, including to yourself, in trying to help you from self destructing your pension with crappy registrations, and renewals.

You talk as everyone here is beneath you, go back over a decade here when you were probably fishing for quarters out of wishing wells, guys like Brad were selling names like for like mid 5 figures, which to this day is still an amazing sale. Nobody takes you seriously partly based on your 0 trader score, and lack of sales, and more so just based on your attitude of being oblivious to everything which is not the trait of a successful person at all.
Frankly wwwweb, I don't think you and the cabal have enough cred to be insulting a successful business guy who has started, operated and NAMED dozens of businesses for the last 50 years. You speak of me "self destructing your pension with crappy registrations, and renewals" Oh, you know something about my pension??? That's a LIE and you know it. That's ALL your "opinion" wwweb, and you know what they say about opinions:ROFL: Enjoy!


I really don't have anymore to say
From the looks of your beard Josh you might be able to use any of these domains;
or ....derived from Clint Eastwood's "Go Ahead, Make My Day":xf.grin:

Like with the "Tiger" domains, "if" you're willing to go the "Extra Mile" I might be able to help

NameDeck....I'm reasonably certain our differences are only a matter of semantics. I don't know if you're from the US, Canada, Australia or elsewhere, but have you ever heard the story about the "Little Engine that Could" who's famous line was "I think I can...I think I can" My point is, it's called the "power of positive thinking" NOT the "power of positive sneezing" My quote of the great golfer Jack Nicklaus, "If you think you will make it (mostly having to do with short putts) you probably will", and how you take that to mean something "negative" with regards to me, frankly baffles me???

Let's get on the same page brother. In the big scheme of things there's little difference between you and least I think so:xf.wink:

Ok.............. I give up............ The sad thing is, I'm sure you're a nice guy with knowledge to share that some may benefit from (like your golf concept) but your ego/attitude gets in the way. It's a pitty.

Wishing you the best.
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