Ah, gotta love sildenafil

Spaceship Spaceship
Hi Guys:

First off, I want to tell you- my first-ever experience with affiliate programs was with NamePros member Johnny6. Please have the loyalty to sign up under him if you are interested in Poster Sales. (If anything else, look at the thread he built!) More poster affiliate information is available at:

The reason I posted here, was because I want to share with you my experience. (without a long drawn-out diatribe)

I am from Silicon Valley: I jumped into the tech "Gold-Rush" 7 years ago. I worked for the best in 3D Hardware. I was in control of million-dollar+ budgets.
After the melt-down, I survived better than most. Since then, I have recovered from getting laid off, etc.

-But it was still a day job!

-I had a personal crisis nine months ago. (I'm over it now, lol)
I decided then on: I will never "suck up to the man"... I must be self-employed!

Anyway, let me get to the point: Poster sales are AWESOME. I have over 75 poster domain names currently under development. (If you want to make money with posters, be sure and PM Johnny6..he's a a highly-respected Nampros member)

All I want to tell you now, is that I have made better money off of Viagra/Levitra/Cialis Sales. As a matter of fact, last month, I averaged $50 PER SALE in commission. (For those of you keeping track, that is the same as selling TWENTY $10 posters.)

The best part, is that I am doing this with cheap popunder traffic. This is "set-it-and-forget-it". No Google adwords crap to deal with- I buy 250,000 uniques and forget about it. (Except when I check the stats- then, it feels like gambling!)

You get paid the same 25% commission as you do in poster sales, but the average purchase price is $200! Why guys would buy that much sildenafil (generic viagra) at a time, I have no clue, but they do.

The reason I wrote this was to let you guys know- there is a possible "easier way".

If you want more information, PM me or send me an email: info (at) websales (dot) us.
Disclosure: I'll get the 2nd-tier comission: You'll get coaching and resources to make the easiest money ever!

Good Luck and Best Regards,

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I've shown 16k ads so far through advertyz but pharma stats show 0 clicks/hits or anything. So I'm switching to something else too.
Haven't made any sales yet, but have hopes, i suppose. My problem is as others, scant traffic is being recorded, I'll have to ask advertyz to speed it up.
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Guess I'm glad I only bought the 25K pop-ups, not the 100K.
Heads up.

They finally responded to my request for refund and stated that they do not give refunds even on a pro-rata basis.

I asked them why they claim they do on their faqs. They said that it does not say that in the faqs. However, it did, it still does, and I have a screenshot of it. I told them that. Suddenly, they stopped responding. Still no refund. Luckily I paid with funds from my credit card. It's chargeback time, folks.

They act like fraudsters.

And you know, if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck...

Beware of

To those of you peddling gneeric viagra, be careful, Pfizer is a rabid dog when it comes to this.
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All I have to say is..."wow".

*shakes head in disgust*
Thanks. I only get the govt involved when I cannot take care of things myself. Last resort.
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Actually, you could get your money back from Paypal because you can file a claim that you never received what you had ordered.

The seller is then expected to show proof of shipping, such as actual tracking numbers.

I sell scripts and people pay using Paypal, and they've used this method to get a refund, since I obviously didn't mail them something and Paypal isn't interested in anything else.
But he can prove that he was delivering, no matter how slowly.

Also, I'm shocked to hear that PP gave your customers money back for scripts. In their TOS, it used to state that there is no consumer protection for non-tangible/digital goods. I tried disputing acharge with paypal for a non-tang item about 3 years ago and lost because it was a non-tang item.

Maybe I'll try that first before I dipsute the charge with my CC comppany, anyway, just to see what happens.
Trust me, you could file a claim and say that you never received anything from advertyz. Then Paypal would request that they show tracking numbers. They don't have an area so that a person can plead his case. If you don't have tracking numbers, then you have to give a refund.
Just for the record. I did end up disputing the charge with PayPal. I got all my money back from
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Andrew - Looks like all of namepros is leaving to work for the blue pill company :)

I have a couple of RX domain names I'd like to put to - the frugal online drugstore

and - Say Hi to controlling you High Cholesterol.

ok, I'd try the gazillion pop-up thing but not on any of my own sites.

PM please.
Fleege said:
Andrew - Looks like all of namepros is leaving to work for the blue pill company :)

I have a couple of RX domain names I'd like to put to - the frugal online drugstore

and - Say Hi to controlling you High Cholesterol.

ok, I'd try the gazillion pop-up thing but not on any of my own sites.

PM please.
Read the posts on page 2 and page 3 first.
Yeah, it's amazing what a little reading will do for you around here. ;)
Can you PM me too please?
Finally read the pages, and am not interested anymore.
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Update for the believers and non-believers alike.

Hi All,

Attached please find two screen shots from the stats page of just two of my affiliate parents. Not a bad start to August-

You can make money at this, but you have to understand that sildenafil is probably the most saturated segment on the net- for a good reason: there is money to be made! BUT, it is not for the timid, the weak, or the inpatient.

Just because you are using the same fishing lure as me does not mean you'll catch the same amount of fish.

For those that are interested, I'll help you try. In the time that I have posted this thread, I have made $0 from the 2nd tier. Whiney crybabies need not apply.
How'd you make out with the traffic company? I know people signed up through your link.

That was complete crap traffic.
Weekend update

Attached please find screenshot of the stats page.
This is from one of the pharmacy affiliates.
With them, I am averaging $71/day so far this month.
I though I saw that people clicked around on the site, I saw that not one hit was recorded by PharmaExpressRX so I had a problem with them. But I did seem to get all my traffic via Advertyz, so they seem ok with me.
Hey guys:

I know it's been a while, but I thought I would check in with an update:
I'm now clearing over two grand a month with natural traffic. The paid clicks seemed to be hit and miss, but I now have four or five sites google pr5 for keywords about erection medications. It has been one year since I started my focus on this segment.
There seeems to be ONE guy with the where-with-all to try this technique in my second tier. (if you are that guy, contact me...I need some players to launch the ratings attack in this keyword arena): I'm making about $100 a month on my second tier revenue from him, so obviously he's making multi-$k a month from the affiliate game. I'm not a tech guy, I'm from marketing. Proper market analysis is what allows the bottom feeders to scrape a deeper cut of the munge.
SO, if you are into sharing tips 'n tricks...and want to do co-opperative marketing drop me a line.
When you start poppin' the $25-50 comissions, it really feels like fishing/gambling/money-for-nothing feeling. When I first started reading about how to make money on the internet, (Thanks, NamePros!) I thought you would have to spend a lot of time on maintenance. My "maintenance" on these sites mostly consistes of me checking on the affiliate interface to see if I made any more sales.
Also, I make $7-25 a day by going to a sex "chat" site and talking about viagra. It's tough duty, logging on to the sex site to make sure my thread doesn't fall off the bottom. If you were a porn addict, you could probalbly make $200 a day surfing the chat rooms and working your links into the "conversations".
At this point, I still believe in the shotgun approach, but I would really like to hook up with experienced web-weasels to exchange links. For those that sign up under me, I'll share links on my relevent PR5 sites: let's start the "sildenafil network" and conquore the rich plankton for the bottom feeders!! I also have some great erecile-relevent domain names available for proven web-pros. The erection meds is a great market, but now that I have cut my teeth, I'll move on to the diet pill arena, as this is 10X the size of erectile dysfuction.

If you do respond, be patient, and don't quit your dayjob!

Andrew (at) websales.US

PS: (Attached please find a recent account snapshot for just one of my parent affiliates)
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Despite thinking the traffic I got through Advertyz was crap, I'm happy you're doing well with your sites. That's what the internet is all about!
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