Spaceship Spaceship
  • I won't be watching them sadly. The price of PPV events here in Australia is cost prohibitive. I catch the odd one when I have some spare cash though, just can't catch them all. BTW...won't back to the N forum. I've had a gut full of a particular person over there and his ignorance. If you would like to see how ignorant, check this thread out...hint (xfactor/keyser).
    I find it funny that he said that poeple were rude to him. Maybe after he told everyone who had replied that they were "omg ya'll are so uppety it is pathetic"

    He is domaining scum IMO and I wnat nothing to do with a forum that has cybersqautters as moderators.
    Thank you! The feeling is mutual. Hoping to increase the amount of "useful" information and continue learning at the same time.
    Good. I like you and it would be pleasant for you to frequent the forum more often. Good for Noomle as well I would imagine. :)
    lol...what are you doing here. ;)
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