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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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But... like I said, we screw up, and then we evolve:
Screwing up is not the only way to evolve - it's one of the worst ways, in fact. Societies can evolve without too many screw-ups by evolving slowly. This is the essence of conservatism. Make incremental changes, see how they work, and then either make more such changes or pull back.

The problem with so many of the destructive changes recently is that all such caution has been abandoned. Change must 100% and it must be now! And anyone who wants to slow down, analyze or question it is demonized and called a racist, bigot, Trumper or whatever.

Forcing overnight changes to fundamental aspects of society is destructive by design. It's a great way to break down any common agreement on norms and values, though, and makes people highly suggestible. If you can make them question whether up is down and left is right, they become open to utopian suggestions that they would never have accepted before. And we all know how vast utopian plans work out in reality, usually with mass graves.

The same goes when "science" is brought into it. Science has a history of being very wrong before it is right. And that's fine, because the process of scientific inquiry works that way. The problem now is that the public or media seize on a supposition or unproven theory as though it is fact. And when questioned (as science is supposed to be), they again resort to slander and personal attacks.
Screwing up is not the only way to evolve - it's one of the worst ways, in fact. Societies can evolve without too many screw-ups by evolving slowly. This is the essence of conservatism. Make incremental changes, see how they work, and then either make more such changes or pull back.

The problem with so many of the destructive changes recently is that all such caution has been abandoned. Change must 100% and it must be now! And anyone who wants to slow down, analyze or question it is demonized and called a racist, bigot, Trumper or whatever.

Forcing overnight changes to fundamental aspects of society is destructive by design. It's a great way to break down any common agreement on norms and values, though, and makes people highly suggestible. If you can make them question whether up is down and left is right, they become open to utopian suggestions that they would never have accepted before. And we all know how vast utopian plans work out in reality, usually with mass graves.

The same goes when "science" is brought into it. Science has a history of being very wrong before it is right. And that's fine, because the process of scientific inquiry works that way. The problem now is that the public or media seize on a supposition or unproven theory as though it is fact. And when questioned (as science is supposed to be), they again resort to slander and personal attacks.
The changes are small scale and iterative. You guys just think they're destructive and lacking in caution because you bombard yourselves with Twitter stories.

Has your life been affected by any of this?

You guys should branch out; open your minds. Stop being so angry.
You guys just think they're destructive and lacking in caution because you bombard yourselves with Twitter stories.
They are destructive and lacking in caution, Twitter aside.
Has your life been affected by any of this?
Directly? No. But that's not a requirement for posting here.
You guys should branch out; open your minds. Stop being so angry.
Minds are plenty open. We are waiting for you to catch up. I have considered all the perspectives - have you? Why must you assume that you are somehow better informed or more worldly? Shall we compare notes? And I think you have anger as well, but you bury it and become passive aggressive like so many other of your northern brethren. Otherwise, why are you even here in a political thread?
They are destructive and lacking in caution, Twitter aside.
These isolated news stories that get posted here all come to pass as the result of bad choices made by small groups of people, who, like you and I both said, are too quick to react to external pressures. That's not society going down the toilet; it's media hype being perpetuated by people in this thread.
Directly? No. But that's not a requirement for posting here.
I'm just wondering since a few of you seem pretty put out. If it's such a major issue, surely some of you are reaping some serious repercussions from people asking to have their gender choices acknowledged.
Minds are plenty open. We are waiting for you to catch up. I have considered all the perspectives - have you? Why must you assume that you are somehow better informed or more worldly? Shall we compare notes? And I think you have anger as well, but you bury it and become passive aggressive like so many other of your northern brethren. Otherwise, why are you even here in a political thread?
I guess the assumptions go both ways. I see anger from you guys and you see my laid back attitude as passive aggressive. I jump on here once in a while because I enjoy debate, but I enjoy it free from passion. You guys bring up the odd interesting topic, but my attempts to discuss them with you inevitably always lead to the same place: conspiracy. At that point there's nowhere else to take the discussion.
That's not society going down the toilet; it's media hype being perpetuated by people in this thread.
Oh it's definitely going down the toilet. I realize now I may have difficulty convincing some people of that - even as they swirl around in a bowl of waste.

If it's such a major issue, surely some of you are reaping some serious repercussions from people asking to have their gender choices acknowledged.
I know slews of transgender people, both here in Asia where it has never been a problem and in the US. How many do you know? These "serious repercussions" are... what's that you hype being perpetuated by people in this thread.
You guys bring up the odd interesting topic, but my attempts to discuss them with you inevitably always lead to the same place: conspiracy
Funny how so many nutty conspiracies have been proven true in recent months. Personally, I think it's nutty to believe that your government cares about you.
Oh it's definitely going down the toilet. I realize now I may have difficulty convincing some people of that - even as they swirl around in a bowl of waste.
I guess we see what we want to see.
Funny how so many nutty conspiracies have been proven true in recent months. Personally, I think it's nutty to believe that your government cares about you.
Not sure what you mean, but would be interested in hearing more detail.
Not sure what you mean, but would be interested in hearing more detail.
Off the top of my head, nutty conspiracy theories that turned out to be true include Ukraine paying off the Bidens, Covid-19 now highly likely to have been a lab creation (only crazy right wingers believed that before), and this little war crime I just read about today:

Imagine bombing a dam that could kill tens of 1000s of innocents just because you don't want a Russian ally state to have it. And then droning the civilian workers who tried to repair it. Because Assad Syria bad. Imagine the BS we are being fed about Ukraine.
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I think you have anger as well, but you bury it and become passive aggressive like so many other of your northern brethren.

We're not passive aggressive, we're aggressively calm

As the northern environment is challenging, we've generally learned how to co-operate in order to survive vs. the 'don't tread on me' approach.
We're not passive aggressive, we're aggressively calm
The local herbs must certainly help. Yeah, I can see the difference you mention (don't tread on me). I also have seen a surprising amount of alcoholism and drug addiction in that scenic rural region called the Kootenays. It's at odds with the physical activity most young people engage in there.
The changes are small scale and iterative. You guys just think they're destructive and lacking in caution because you bombard yourselves with Twitter stories.

Has your life been affected by any of this?

You guys should branch out; open your minds. Stop being so angry.

Wut?? The stories are in the news everyday. The women on Penn swim team were warned not to complain, or else.

You're ignoring the truth and deflecting by blaming twitter. You need to read more.
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I'm just wondering since a few of you seem pretty put out. If it's such a major issue, surely some of you are reaping some serious repercussions from people asking to have their gender choices acknowledged.

You want me to start posting stories about men intruding on women's spaces, causing havoc? I'll tag you on each one.
I don't think that the winner should have been allowed to compete in this race. It was a poorly thought-out decision.

But... like I said, we screw up, and then we evolve:

"On Wednesday, the NCAA released a revision to its policy governing eligibility for transgender athletes. Instead of a uniform policy that applied across all sports, the NCAA will use the policies of each national governing body, which means requirements will vary by sport. Additionally, the organization will require testosterone testing in championship windows, and beginning in 2022-23, at designated points throughout the year. The new policy replaced one the NCAA adopted in 2010, a document that took years to develop, involved multiple stakeholders and set the standard for transgender inclusion in sports. It became a blueprint for state high school associations and some national governing bodies."

Testosterone testing won't compensate for the natural advantage post pubescent men have over women. There are physical advantages you can't erase.

Again, larger hearts pump more blood, larger lungs process the O2 better. Stronger bones, larger hands, wrist, feet, ligaments, joints. Faster reflexes.

I'm not opposing men who want to transition to a female persona, I'm opposing acting like they are actual, real women. THAT is what activist in the USA are demanding, they want to erase biological women.

I suspect the approach in Asia may be more about common sense, than radical change.
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Off the top of my head, nutty conspiracy theories that turned out to be true include Ukraine paying off the Bidens, Covid-19 now highly likely to have been a lab creation (only crazy right wingers believed that before), and this little war crime I just read about today:

Imagine bombing a dam that could kill tens of 1000s of innocents just because you don't want a Russian ally state to have it. And then droning the civilian workers who tried to repair it. Because Assad Syria bad. Imagine the BS we are being fed about Ukraine.
Huh. I don't see those as conspiracy theories... The first was a claim that was investigated. The second is just scientists trying to trace the origin of COVID.

The Biden thing (I assume this is the $1 million in fees that Burisma apparently gave to Joe?) , I thought was investigated and discredited a while back. No?

As for the origins of COVID, I think that's still inconclusive, isn't it? Could be natural, could be from a lab. I guess the conspiracy theory aspect would be the claims that it was intentionally unleashed by the Chinese government.
Huh. I don't see those as conspiracy theories... The first was a claim that was investigated. The second is just scientists trying to trace the origin of COVID.
Covid came from China, partly financed by the USA, because Dr Fauci used a loophole in the bureaucracy to illegally finance gain of function research.

Evidence for the first is partially circumstantial, the evidence for the second are documents signed by Fauci, entered into evidence during a congressional hearing. Fauci disputes the purpose for sending money but it appears it was used for gain of function research.

The Biden thing (I assume this is the $1 million in fees that Burisma apparently gave to Joe?) , I thought was investigated and discredited a while back. No?
Biden family has received 32 million from Chinese investors.

As for the origins of COVID, I think that's still inconclusive, isn't it? Could be natural, could be from a lab. I guess the conspiracy theory aspect would be the claims that it was intentionally unleashed by the Chinese government.
I don' think release of Covid was intentional, but it was made in China, just my opinion.
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Huh. I don't see those as conspiracy theories...
Maybe you didn't, but the media and politicians portrayed it that way - and the herds followed, demonizing anyone who questioned the official narrative.

And that's the problem. When you are taunted or have your career ruined for asking questions you are not in a free society. Much like what is happening with the vaccines now (see the #1 tennis player ejected from a key tournament for his views).

We already know for a fact that politicians, bureaucrats, drug companies, academics and media tell deadly lies. All the time. It's well-documented. None of these should be above doubt and questions.

The transgender in sports thing is a weird hill to die on for someone who isn't personally involved. Yet, anyone with a daughter - especially one with dreams of being an athlete, can see this makes her a 3rd class citizen and will effectively kill any chance of her ever reaching the top - which will be dominated by men. The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?
The transgender in sports thing is a weird hill to die on for someone who isn't personally involved. Yet, anyone with a daughter - especially one with dreams of being an athlete, can see this makes her a 3rd class citizen and will effectively kill any chance of her ever reaching the top - which will be dominated by men. The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?
But transgender women aren't currently dominating all the sports they participate in. Actually, I think the examples of it happening are pretty slim. There are far more trans women not winning in their respective sports.
But transgender women aren't currently dominating all the sports they participate in. Actually, I think the examples of it happening are pretty slim.
Why are you trying to minimize and dismiss this problem. Can you name on trans-woman athlete that is not in the top of their sport?

I can only think of one, a bmx cyclist who was good enough to make the USA Olympic team but was cut. I don't know why she was cut.

There are far more trans women not winning in their respective sports.
Also not true.

In the USA, if you have a public following, or speak to a large audience and tell the truth, trans-women are not real women, you will be attacked by activist. You , will be doxxed, they will call your employer, your school, harass you on social media.
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Huh. I don't see those as conspiracy theories... The first was a claim that was investigated. The second is just scientists trying to trace the origin of COVID.

The Biden thing (I assume this is the $1 million in fees that Burisma apparently gave to Joe?) , I thought was investigated and discredited a while back. No?

As for the origins of COVID, I think that's still inconclusive, isn't it? Could be natural, could be from a lab. I guess the conspiracy theory aspect would be the claims that it was intentionally unleashed by the Chinese government.

You didn't hear about:

Trump being owned by Putin / Russia?

Justice Kavanaugh leading a college rape gang when he was in high-school?

Nick Sandman harassing a native American on the steps of the Capitol Building?

Kyle Rittenhouse shooting rioters at a BLM protest?

Trump saying white supremacist were "very fine people"

Joe Biden got 81 million ( legit ) votes?

The protest on Jan 6th at the US Capital Building was worst than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor ?

Every single one of these "scandals" was a lie, a proven lie, pushed by corporate media.
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Every day...

Suit claims a school counselor held secret weekly meetings with an elementary student about a gender identity crisis for months without alerting the parents.​

Elementary school means this child was less than 13 years old.

Parents were not told until the daughter tried to commit suicide over "gender identity". This isn't normal. This wouldn't have happened if the school hadn't withheld information from her parents.

@Joe N
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Even worse than these trans are the fucking useless jackasses that allow them to participate in any sports event. Who would ever imagine that the Olympics would ever allow such a Clown show? I refuse to watch these clowns!Show attachment 208591
It comes from the Occultic selection process, and herein topics of male/female polarities harnessed, Baphomet etc The impact of the ruling class whose millennial rule over an underclass can be explored more here and elsewhere on his channels.

"Ah, breaker one-nine, this here’s the Rubber Duck. You gotta copy on me, Pig Pen, c’mon?

Ah, yeah, 10-4, Pig Pen, fer shure, fer shure. By golly, it’s clean clear to Flag Town, c’mon.

Yeah, that’s a big 10-4 there, Pig Pen, yeah, we definitely got the front door, good buddy. Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a convoy… - CW McCall

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