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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
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I'm sure the Christians in Niger would be sorry to see them go.
Real Christians do not believe in war, fake Christians create and support it continuously.
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There were many more reasons than the one you mentioned. America's support for Israel. American intervention in Somalia. There are more reasons.

None of them good.
Got to give you credit for making a valid point, although I seriously doubt that it is what you actually meant.There are very few good reasons for America's support of Israel, nor for it's support of Saudi Arabia. They are the two main reasons America is in constant war and the main reason we are depleting our wealth, our resources and our global reputation.
You should keep you mouth shut.
What a coincidence, many fake "conservatives" are also fake Christians, neither really believe in the 1st amendment or like the truth being spoken, it's too disruptive to their propaganda.
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What a coincidence, many fake "conservatives" are also fake Christians, neither really believe in the 1st amendment or like the truth being spoken, it's too disruptive to their propaganda.

Judge not unless you want to be judged. Who are you to tell a father or mother they aren't not real Christians unless they stand by and let their children be murdered.

Just once, try not assigning evil motives to people who disagree with you.
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My country is not involved in wars. It would be nice if you were to do some petition to ask Muslims to begin to respect other religions. islam is the only religion in the world that doesn't get along with all the other major religions. That's why the British had to partition India into 2 countries when they left. Pakistan for the Muslims and India for the mostly Hindus + Sikhs but also a considerable Muslim population.

Muslims simply cannot get along with others because Islam will not allow it's followers to get along with the infidels. The word "Infidel" itself is an insulting word for a non Muslim, as it implies that only Islam is good... everyone else is not

Firstly, I didn't knew you are not an American, my bad.

Secondly, You're misinformed. British first invaded India when Muslims and Hindus were living under Muslim rule for hundreds of years. Muslims didn't exterminate the Hindus and Sikhs. They didn't even attack the British East India Company who then invaded our land and stole our resources which led to famines and death of millions of people.

The fact is that the infidels would not get along with Islam. If you would understand what Islam is truly like, and what Shariah system is truly like, you would love to live under it's shade :)
However, the DNC is apparently not interested in your resume if you happen to be a white male.
Biased article that distorts the facts.

ONE person, who's only a manager, expressing a personal preference in a memo does NOT equal the entire DNC. However she badly needs a refresher course on hiring practice legalities, (and maybe one on discreet communication.)

Speaking of distorted facts, let's talk about the unwarranted bashing of Schumer over the diversity lottery
  • The program was put in place in 1990 as part of the Immigration Act.
  • It passed the senate by an 86-6 vote. 38 republicans voted in favor and it was signed into law by a republican president.
  • In later years, Schumer has sought to end it. In 2013 he helped write a bill that would abolish it, but it was blocked by republicans.
45 should fact check before he opens his mouth or unleashes his little tweety fingers. And maybe instead he should make a point of CALLING local officials, expressing his sympathy and having a constructive 2-way conversation on next steps and what he can do to help.

In 17 years, this is one terrorist associated with the program, and 45 immediately calls for reform. Yet when 58 people were killed and nearly 500 injured by a domestic terrorist with a gun, crickets chirped. Why is that?

Will the white male shooter in Colorado who's still at large be getting some tweet time? Bets?
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Firstly, I didn't knew you are not an American, my bad.

Secondly, You're misinformed. British first invaded India when Muslims and Hindus were living under Muslim rule for hundreds of years. Muslims didn't exterminate the Hindus and Sikhs. They didn't even attack the British East India Company who then invaded our land and stole our resources which led to famines and death of millions of people.
Not as misinformed as you may think. Muslims have allways been invaders since the beginning of their religion, and very violent ones at that. They invaded the north west part of India that was inhabited by Hindus who lived in peace. Long before the British conquered India, the Hindus had resented their Muslim Mogul masters

The Muslim invaders were much, much worse to the Hindus than the British ever were.

Besides, the British left behind some of their culture that both India and Pakistan absolutely love... Cricket, a game that is almost as strong as religion in both countries. So Pakistan can thank the British for becoming the World Cup champions of 2017

A little more than a thousand years ago, Hinduism was attaining its apogee of artistic development in the wonderful temples of Khajuraho in present-day Madhya Pradesh, with their fabulous efflorescence of erotic sculpture.

A few years later, in 1000, the first wave of Muslim invasions began, when Mahmud of Ghazni swept down from Afghanistan into the Indus plains and plundered the Hindu temples of their vast wealth of jewellery, money and golden images.

It was too easy and too profitable, and he came back year after year for more. In 1024, greedy and emboldened, he marched as far as Somnath, on the west coast in what is now the state of Gujarat.0

Somnath, it is said, possessed the richest and most magnificent Hindu temple in India, where every day 1,000 Brahmins worshipped the enormous lingam or phallus, emblem of the god Shiva, 13.5ft high and 4.5ft in circumference, while 300 men and women danced before it.

When they learned that Mahmud was heading their way, the Hindus persuaded themselves that Shiva had lured him to Somnath only to punish him, and they put up only feeble and unorganised resistance.

In the ensuing massacre, according to nationalist historians, 50,000 Hindus were killed and the temple was razed to the ground. The holy lingam was smashed and carried to Ghazni in fragments, which were embedded, with vicious symbolism, in the steps of the chief mosque.

A ritual of invasion, depredation and humiliation was under way. After Mahmud, there was no end to it: Muizzu'd Din in the 12th century, the Turkish "slave" dynasty and the Delhi Sultanate in the 13th, the Tughluqs in the 14th.

Read more:

The fact is that the infidels would not get along with Islam. If you would understand what Islam is truly like, and what Shariah system is truly like, you would love to live under it's shade :)
You've just insulted me by calling me "Infidel" That word implies that your religion is the only true one and mine is worth shit.

As for living under Sharia Law all I can saw is... You must be joking! That will NEVER happen, not even if you put a gun to my head.

Truth about islam from an ex-muslim lady

Do you see a sign like this in the Western world?
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He didn't even know who she was until it was long over. So I guess the props would to the cops at the base computer terminal.

I am guessing they saw her on the phone and radio "Pull over the blue car". Because if it was just a barricade check, people would just drop/hide their phones.
Are there any majority Muslim countries in the world where other religions, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. aren't persecuted?

Slavery still popular in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Are there any majority Muslim countries in the world where other religions, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. aren't persecuted?

Slavery still popular in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Not on planet Earth. In fact most minority communities of Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists that used to live in majority Muslim countries, 40. 50. 60 years ago, have been driven out or kicked out by the intolerant Muslims.

Haris showed videos of 1 mosque being blown up and another shot at, but he didn't show videos on Youtube showing many hundreds of churches destroyed or burn by Muslim fanatics all over the world, including in Europe
Britain destroyed records of colonial crimes

Review finds thousands of papers detailing shameful acts were culled, while others were kept secret illegally

Thousands of documents detailing some of the most shameful acts and crimes committed during the final years of the British empire were systematically destroyed to prevent them falling into the hands of post-independence governments, an official review has concluded.

Those papers that survived the purge were flown discreetly to Britain where they were hidden for 50 years in a secret Foreign Office archive, beyond the reach of historians and members of the public, and in breach of legal obligations for them to be transferred into the public domain.

The archive came to light last year when a group of Kenyans detained and allegedly tortured during the Mau Mau rebellion won the right to sue to British government. The Foreign Office promised to release the 8,800 files from 37 former colonies held at the highly-secure government communications centre at Hanslope Park in Buckinghamshire.

The historian appointed to oversee the review and transfer, Tony Badger, master of Clare College, Cambridge, says the discovery of the archive put the Foreign Office in an "embarrassing, scandalous" position. "These documents should have been in the public archives in the 1980s," he said. "It's long overdue." The first of them are made available to the public on Wednesday at the National Archive at Kew, Surrey.

The papers at Hanslope Park include monthly intelligence reports on the "elimination" of the colonial authority's enemies in 1950s Malaya; records showing ministers in London were aware of the torture and murder of Mau Mau insurgents in Kenya, including a case of aman said to have been "roasted alive"; and papers detailing the lengths to which the UK went to forcibly remove islanders from Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.

However, among the documents are a handful which show that many of the most sensitive papers from Britain's late colonial era were not hidden away, but simply destroyed. These papers give the instructions for systematic destruction issued in 1961 after Iain Macleod, secretary of state for the colonies, directed that post-independence governments should not get any material that "might embarrass Her Majesty's government", that could "embarrass members of the police, military forces, public servants or others eg police informers", that might compromise intelligence sources, or that might "be used unethically by ministers in the successor government".

Among the documents that appear to have been destroyed were: records of the abuse of Mau Mau insurgents detained by British colonial authorities, who were tortured and sometimes murdered; reports that may have detailed the alleged massacre of 24 unarmed villagers in Malaya by soldiers of the Scots Guards in 1948; most of the sensitive documents kept by colonial authorities in Aden, where the army's Intelligence Corps operated a secret torture centre for several years in the 1960s; and every sensitive document kept by the authorities in British Guiana, a colony whose policies were heavily influenced by successive US governments and whose post-independence leader was toppled in a coup orchestrated by the CIA.

The documents that were not destroyed appear to have been kept secret not only to protect the UK's reputation, but to shield the government from litigation. If the small group of Mau Mau detainees are successful in their legal action, thousands more veterans are expected to follow.

It is a case that is being closely watched by former Eoka guerillas who were detained by the British in 1950s Cyprus, and possibly by many others who were imprisoned and interrogated between 1946 and 1967, as Britain fought a series of rearguard actions across its rapidly dimishing empire.

The documents show that colonial officials were instructed to separate those papers to be left in place after independence – usually known as "Legacy files" – from those that were to be selected for destruction or removal to the UK. In many colonies, these were described as watch files, and stamped with a red letter W.

The papers at Kew depict a period of mounting anxiety amid fears that some of the incriminating watch files might be leaked. Officials were warned that they would be prosecuted if they took any any paperwork home – and some were. As independence grew closer, large caches of files were removed from colonial ministries to governors' offices, where new safes were installed.

In Uganda, the process was codenamed Operation Legacy. In Kenya, a vetting process, described as "a thorough purge", was overseen by colonial Special Branch officers.

Clear instructions were issued that no Africans were to be involved: only an individual who was "a servant of the Kenya government who is a British subject of European descent" could participate in the purge.

Painstaking measures were taken to prevent post-independence governments from learning that the watch files had ever existed. One instruction states: "The legacy files must leave no reference to watch material. Indeed, the very existence of the watch series, though it may be guessed at, should never be revealed."

When a single watch file was to be removed from a group of legacy files, a "twin file" – or dummy – was to be created to insert in its place. If this was not practicable, the documents were to be removed en masse. There was concern that Macleod's directions should not be divulged – "there is of course the risk of embarrassment should the circular be compromised" – and officials taking part in the purge were even warned to keep their W stamps in a safe place.

Many of the watch files ended up at Hanslope Park. They came from 37 different former colonies, and filled 200 metres of shelving. But it is becoming clear that much of the most damning material was probably destroyed. Officials in some colonies, such as Kenya, were told that there should be a presumption in favour of disposal of documents rather than removal to the UK – "emphasis is placed upon destruction" – and that no trace of either the documents or their incineration should remain. When documents were burned, "the waste should be reduced to ash and the ashes broken up".

Some idea of the scale of the operation and the amount of documents that were erased from history can be gleaned from a handful of instruction documents that survived the purge. In certain circumstances, colonial officials in Kenya were informed, "it is permissible, as an alternative to destruction by fire, for documents to be packed in weighted crates and dumped in very deep and current-free water at maximum practicable distance from the coast".

Documents that survive from Malaya suggest a far more haphazard destruction process, with relatively junior officials being permitted to decide what should be burned and what should be sent to London.

Dr Ed Hampshire, diplomatic and colonial record specialist at the National Archive, said the 1,200 files so far transferred from Hanslope Park represented "gold dust" for historians, with the occasional nugget, rather than a haul that calls for instant reinterpretation of history. However, only one sixth of the secret archive has so far been transferred. The remainder are expected to be at Kew by the end of 2013.
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The Greatest Cover-Up in History ? How Imperial Britain's Racist India, Africa & China Narrative ‎Still Persists

"Many hundreds of years before the coming of the English, the nations of India had been a collection of wealthy and highly civilised people, possessed of great language with an elaborate code of laws and social regulations, with exquisite artistic taste in architecture and decoration, producing conceptions which have greatly influenced the development of the most progressive races of the West." Henry Mayer Hyndman, 20th Century British politician.

"Indian philosophers' subtleties make most of the great European philosophers look like schoolboys." T. S. Eliot, British playwright.

This, the penultimate article of this series, seeks to explain how British perceptions of India (and by extension, those of a once prosperous Africa, China and Middle East) are still unwittingly framed through the capricious prism of supremacist colonial propaganda. Firstly, for a country which a number of respected scholars have suggested may be the greatest single contributor to human civilisation, such perceptions of India are not just crassly derogatory, but factually untenable.

"So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked." Mark Twain, American author.

A primary indicator of the success of any civilisation is its economic standing, which often directly impacts the quality of social justice, human development, polity, governance, as well as achievements in science, innovation and the arts. By this vital yardstick alone, India has been the most successful nation in recorded history.

According to the painstaking calculations of Cambridge University economic historian, Angus Maddison, India was the world's largest economy for the majority of the 1,700 years before the entrenchment of the British East India Company.

India had accounted for as much as 33% of global GDP - more than three times that of the whole of Western Europe combined - with even a GDP per capita often exceeding that of Britain. During the eras of loot, war and colonisation that preceded the British Raj, the 'Indian way' remained largely intact and as a result, India was still the second largest economy in the world, briefly overtaken by her giant sister civilisation, China (which was also subsequently brought to her knees by Imperial Britain).

"India was a far greater industrial and manufacturing nation than any in Europe or Asia. She had great merchants, businessmen, ship building - nearly every kind of manufacture known to the civilised world was already in India". Rev J. T. Sunderland, American Christian minister.

By 1700, India was again the world's largest economy, accounting for 24.4% of global GDP, more than that of the whole of Europe combined, and almost ten times the size of Britain's economy, whose growth had already began benefiting from 'trade' with India, China and Africa. By the time of independence, a socially, economically and industrially devastated India's share of global GDP had plummeted to a mere 4.2%.

"A significant fact which stands out is that those parts of India which have been longest under British rule are the poorest today." Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India.

By independence, the world's leading ship building, metallurgy and textiles industries had been systematically decimated (and subsequently cloned in Britain); a society with a system of mass education was now almost fully illiterate; and callous Imperial policies led to a population explosion that India is still grappling with today.

One of the most macabre manifestations of the malevolent intent and unequivocal ineptitude of British rule - which is still shamefully projected as 'benevolent' and 'efficient'- was the genesis of mass poverty and famine throughout what is now called the 'developing world'. Tens, of millions of people in India - and hundreds of millions throughout the colonised world - died from starvation alone during such 'Victorian holocausts'.

Under British rule, India suffered more famines in mere decades than during the preceding 1,000 years.

During a visit to Pakistan, Prime Minister David Cameron stated that many of the modern world's problems were the product of Imperial Britain's legacy. These words do not merely apply to the conflict and strife that prevails from Syria and Egypt, to Israel and Palestine, but also to the destitution, the poverty, the illiteracy, the corruption, and the deep-rooted public sector inefficiencies and nepotism institutionalised by British rule, which today afflicts vast swathes of the (re)developing world.

"..I was filled with astonishment and indignation at the apparently conscious and deliberate bleeding of India by England throughout a hundred and fifty years. I began to feel that I had come upon the greatest crime in all history." William Durant, American historian.

One of Mahatma Gandhi's principle grievances against the British was not merely that of Britain's presence in India - he even accepted allegiance to the Crown. Instead, it was how Britain had systematically dismantled painstakingly nurtured Indian systems of administration, food and water management, industry, grassroots economic prosperity, education and social cohesion.

"When the British came, there was, throughout India, a system of communal schools managed by village communities. The agents of the East India Company destroyed these village communities. Instead of encouraging education, the Government encouraged drink." William Durant.

Starving children in Africa, malnourished villagers in India, despotism in the Middle East and the corruption, gender crimes, illiteracy, social decay and destitution that afflicts more than half of humanity are the real and overwhelming legacies of colonial rule.

It is of no irony that virtually all former British colonies, from Kenya to India, and Egypt to Pakistan, have been cursed with almost identical Imperial footprints; the same set of existential problems, the same Victorian social character, and the same wholly disingenuous post-colonial narrative.

In this context, and given her relative size, India's achievements since independence are particularly astounding given the scale of the existential threats that she faced in 1947, and the fact that she has pursued a path which she ostensibly first gave to the world - democracy. Despite the ugly headlines that dominate our view of an India that is still recovering from the direct impact of colonial rule, the country has lifted more than half a billion people out of poverty, malnutrition and illiteracy and achieved rapid strides in science, technology and the arts.

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Middle-class cocaine users funding slavery and murder

City bankers, middle-class students and middle-aged professionals must admit that their cocaine use is supporting slavery and murder, the former head of UK drug strategy has said.
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