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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • Both Parties

  • Neither Party

  • Democrats

  • Republicans

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Denmark's generous socialism is funded by oil. They have a free market, capitalist economy with all most no military spending. The population is between 5 and 10 million people, about the size of Oregon or Virginia.

Hard to compare Denmark to anywhere.
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I never recall him speaking with anything but respect. He always came across as inclusive and caring towards those he was elected to serve.
Even those who "cling to their guns and bibles?"

You missed my point. Obama would write off whole sections of society with comments like this about people they considered deplorable. I don't recall a previous president who did anything near that. That caused resentment, and opened the doors for tit-for-tat. Obama opened the doors for Trump. Trump didn't come out of nowhere. He rose out of the divide Obama and the left created.

Likewise, Obama attacks on Fox News, his use of the Justice Dept to investigate critical reporters, and his jailing of Assange are all real attacks on the press, far beyond the mere name-calling that Trump is engaged in. Where were these 350 newspapers then? I'll tell you - they were silent and complicit in his attacks on press freedom.
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350 newspapers coordinated a timed editorial attack on the president, who they say accuses them of working in lockstep against him. All 350 papers denied it, in unison on the same day, as they cited the need for an independent press.

You can't make this stuff up.
The only press that are under attack are conservative and alternative independent media - under attack from the very same blue check marks & mainstream corporate networks crying and bitching about press freedoms. That's what I call the height of hypocrisy.

Midterm Meddling: It just doesn't stop...
Twitter has followed in Facebook’s footsteps by blocking a campaign video ad for Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng. Facebook eventually admitted that a campaign video including the communist atrocities in Cambodia is not “shocking, disrespectful, or sensational,” but Twitter, which describes the ad as “obscene,” disagrees...
CNN: Being a white male is a "flaw."
BBC News found room on their homepage for stories on Madonna's birthday, Rod Stewart auctioning off some old furniture, and a tractor getting stuck on a railway line in Yorkshire – but not mass land grabs targeting South Africa's white minority.

South Africa 'draws up a list of almost 200 farms it will seize from white farmers' as ANC head says land should be taken from those with over 12,000 hectares WITHOUT compensation

Looks like South Africa is going the same way as Zimbabwe...
HOT MIC: Huma Abedin overheard in the CNN greenroom:
"The Manafort jurors are fine--they were handpicked by Hillary."

BREAKING: Following President Trump's scathing comments on Andrew Cuomo, CNN reveals the NY governor will host a special on Sunday evening: "America: Never great. Never will be."

BOMBSHELL: John Brennan's leaked credentials go viral after his security clearance is revoked:
Password: "Hil1aryNud3s"
Password hint: "Hillary's favorite color panties."

MSNBC: We're currently working on gathering data on all the Jurors in the Manafort trial.
"It's not a threat but if you vote not guilty, the info may get released to the public."

Breaking: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is suing Iran for stealing his campaign slogan: ‘Death to America.’
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Omri Ceren @omriceren
Heartened to see that 100s of papers were able to find space in between their wall-to-wall coverage of Omarosa to publish a group tribute to themselves as guardians of public deliberation and arbiters of seriousness.

Candace Owens @RealCandaceO
In a week that Gavin McInnes— who has NEVER tweeted ANYTHING racist— gets kicked off of this platform,@sarahjeong
who wishes that 60% of this country was forced to live underground based on the color of their skin receives a verification. BLATANT POLITICAL DISCRIMINATION.
6:19 PM · Aug 17, 2018
Jurors eat free for life at the Red Hen.
Not guilty: Jurors placed into witness protection.

BREAKING: Judge T. S. Ellis III has just revealed that he "has been threatened over the Manafort case and refused to reveal the names of jurors." - Fox News

If CNN wants the addresses of the Manafort jury, why not ask Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton or Peter Strzok?
  • PragerU tweeted on Friday that Facebook deleted some of its videos for violating the social media giant’s “hate speech” policies.
  • PragerU also said that its past nine posts by the administrator who posted the deleted videos have been shadow-banned, reaching none of its followers.
  • PragerU has fought big tech before. It filed a lawsuit against Google for demonetizing their videos, but the judge tossed it out.
Facebook is censoring PragerU videos for violating its speech codes that prohibit so-called “hate speech” and shadow banning its posts, PragerU wrote on Twitter Friday.

“We’re being heavily censored on @Facebook. Our last 9 posts are reaching 0 of our 3 million followers. At least two videos were deleted last night for ‘hate speech’ including our recent video with @ConservativeMillen,” PragerU tweeted.

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  • PragerU tweeted on Friday that Facebook deleted some of its videos for violating the social media giant’s “hate speech” policies.
  • PragerU also said that its past nine posts by the administrator who posted the deleted videos have been shadow-banned, reaching none of its followers.
  • PragerU has fought big tech before. It filed a lawsuit against Google for demonetizing their videos, but the judge tossed it out.
Facebook is censoring PragerU videos for violating its speech codes that prohibit so-called “hate speech” and shadow banning its posts, PragerU wrote on Twitter Friday.

“We’re being heavily censored on @Facebook. Our last 9 posts are reaching 0 of our 3 million followers. At least two videos were deleted last night for ‘hate speech’ including our recent video with @ConservativeMillen,” PragerU tweeted.

Although Prager endorsed Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, he said that Trump was his "17th choice out of 17 candidates."

"Prager had previously said that Trump was "unfit to be a presidential candidate, let alone president"

"Prager had also said that he could not "trust the integrity or conscience of a man or woman who publicly humiliates his or her spouse through adultery"

Replying to @prageru @conservmillen
We mistakenly removed these videos and have restored them because they don't break our standards. This will reverse any reduction in content distribution you’ve experienced. We’re very sorry and are continuing to look into what happened with your Page.
Facebook‏Verified account @facebook 1h1 hour ago

Probably, because they list themselves as a Non-Profit, which is a lie.

wow, this bs. Just read the comments. Seems like it's the right that likes to push hate.

Dumb Donald, trying to destroy the environment:

Trump’s Plan for Coal Emissions: Let Coal States Regulate Them
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The stupidity runs down the entirety of the political spectrum - serious idiots on both sides.
Agree, there are serious idiots in every political party, some seem to have a larger collection than others.
The result of a country that has abandoned serious education.
Yes especially with Betsy Devos dismantling public education as we speak.
and passes out drugs like candy.
Strange coincidence that the invasion of Afghanistan and the US Military control of the Country preceded a huge increase in opiate production in Afghanistan. The Taliban had destroyed most of crops (for religious reasons) when they took power but once ousted by the invasion opiate production in Afghanistan increased to it's highest level in history. Fast forward less than 10 years and we began a widespread opium addiction crises.

Another strange coincidence? Big Pharma is the largest corporate donor to US politicians.
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Donald Trump Condemns Social Media Companies for Biased Censorship

Donald J. Trump
Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices. Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen. They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others.......

12:23 PM - Aug 18, 2018

Donald J. Trump

.....Censorship is a very dangerous thing & absolutely impossible to police. If you are weeding out Fake News, there is nothing so Fake as CNN & MSNBC, & yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed. I get used to it and watch with a grain of salt, or don’t watch at all..
12:32 PM - Aug 18, 2018

Donald J. Trump

....Too many voices are being destroyed, some good & some bad, and that cannot be allowed to happen. Who is making the choices, because I can already tell you that too many mistakes are being made. Let everybody participate, good & bad, and we will all just have to figure it out!
12:40 PM - Aug 18, 2018

Seems like Social Media has turned into Socialist Media!!!
Denmark's generous socialism is funded by oil.
Norway. Not Denmark.

Hard to compare Denmark to anywhere.
Why not ? I think we should compare countries, you will see that other countries do things differently.
For example Canada is close in many aspects but quite different. They do certain things right, at least not like in the US.

It's not the first time we get to see this kind of uninformed reporting from Fox, result: Americans are brainwashed all day long and ignorant about the rest of the world. Perhaps they don't want Americans to be exposed to subversive ideas like affordable health care or education, or social solidarity.
Denmark is actually a profoundly capitalist and free-market economy and society. Actually, it's more capitalist than the United States. That's why Denmark's economy is able to function under the admittedly crushing burdens of its taxation levels. Denmark simply isn’t socialist, it’s a social democracy. The DSA, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie, and the others are profoundly confused about what it is they admire and desire.

Various Danes have been quick enough to correct Regan. Businesses are privately owned (that’s capitalism), they compete with each other in a free market (that's capitalism), and both of those are antithetical to any working definition of socialism as it has been practiced. I've also made this point around here before. But it’s worth going a little further, perhaps.

The two major listings of economic freedom have Denmark well up at the top. The Fraser Institute, talking about human freedom, has Denmark eighth in the world, with the U.S. at 17th. The Heritage Foundation has Denmark at 12th and the U.S. at 18th in economic freedom. Both these organizations love capitalism and free markets, so whatever the bias is in this ranking system it’s not in favor of socialism.

Scott Sumner has, and rightly to my mind, convincingly argued that Denmark is the most economically free country on the planet. To which I add one more thing — they’ve got to be. For there are two ways to slow down wealth creation in an economy: trying to regulate it and trying to tax it. We can also work this the other way around, if we want to get richer we’ve got to balance how we regulate and how we tax. The fastest way to make the people rich is to do very little of either, as with Hong Kong’s laissez faire. Some people don’t like that, which is fine — democracy is the way we work through such disagreements. The Danish, indeed Nordic, system is social democracy. Go light on the regulation, have as free an economy as it’s really possible to have, then tax the heck out of it to buy free college and child care.

That’s not my preferred outcome, Hong Kong is, but I’ll be dead by the time the millennials take power, anyway. The point that needs to be understood, though, is that there has to be a choice between regulation or taxation. If you want the money to buy nice things, you’ve got to lighten up on the regulation, so the wealth you want to tax is actually generated. If you try to have both, significant regulation of who may do what and how, plus that tax burden of 45 to 50 percent of everything everyone does, then the system isn’t going to generate wealth. You’ll end up with something more like Greece. It’s either/or — both does not work.

Now, obviously, it’s fun for liberals that a Fox Business host compares Denmark to Venezuela, but it’s not Regan that really needs to learn the lesson. It’s those millennials, the progressives in the DSA, that do. You’ve a choice to make. What you desire isn’t socialism, it’s social democracy. To make that social democracy work you’re going to have to ease up on the regulation of the economy so that there’s room for you to raise the tax burden and still get economic growth. Danish taxation plus American-style regulation doesn’t work. So, which do you want?

No, there isn’t a middle way here. The Danish social democracy is already that compromise. You may or may not pick wisely, but you’re most certainly going to have to choose.

Tim Worstall (@worstall) is a contributor to the Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog. He is a senior fellow at the Adam Smith Institute. You can read all his pieces at The Continental Telegraph.
Norway. Not Denmark.

Video you posted was Trish Regan comparing VZ to DK.

Why not ? I think we should compare countries, you will see that other countries do things differently.
For example Canada is close in many aspects but quite different. They do certain things right, at least not like in the US.

Fine. But DK isn't a socialist economy like VZ or the one imagined by Bernie Sanders and the current crop of socialist / communist that are denouncing capitalism.

When democrats point to DK or NO or SE, it's a false argument b/c they are all hybrid capitalist / socialist.

It's not the first time we get to see this kind of uninformed reporting from Fox, result: Americans are brainwashed all day long and ignorant about the rest of the world. Perhaps they don't want Americans to be exposed to subversive ideas like affordable health care or education, or social solidarity.

Trish Regan isn't a bright person. Kind of the Chris Coumo of Fox Business, pretty and dumb.

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Perhaps they don't want Americans to be exposed to subversive ideas like affordable health care or education, or social solidarity.

Social solidarity. Interesting. When I was going to school, we were taught that America was a melting pot. Anyone could come to America and become American. We were all Americans with the same opportunities.

That's not really true, but it's an ideal worth pursing and fighting for.

Compare that to modern identity politics and multiculturalism.

Minorities are victims of the majority and your importance to the state and society is measured based on superficial attributes like race and sex. All cultures are equal, even the ones with values that are the antithesis of our own.

None of that is true. The socialist models democrats point to as successful, DK, NO ans SE are very strict about who becomes a citizen. Their societies work because until recently they were homogeneous.
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Denmark is actually a profoundly capitalist and free-market economy and society. Actually, it's more capitalist than the United States. That's why Denmark's economy is able to function under the admittedly crushing burdens of its taxation levels. Denmark simply isn’t socialist, it’s a social democracy. The DSA, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie, and the others are profoundly confused about what it is they admire and desire.

Various Danes have been quick enough to correct Regan. Businesses are privately owned (that’s capitalism), they compete with each other in a free market (that's capitalism), and both of those are antithetical to any working definition of socialism as it has been practiced. I've also made this point around here before. But it’s worth going a little further, perhaps.

The two major listings of economic freedom have Denmark well up at the top. The Fraser Institute, talking about human freedom, has Denmark eighth in the world, with the U.S. at 17th. The Heritage Foundation has Denmark at 12th and the U.S. at 18th in economic freedom. Both these organizations love capitalism and free markets, so whatever the bias is in this ranking system it’s not in favor of socialism.

Scott Sumner has, and rightly to my mind, convincingly argued that Denmark is the most economically free country on the planet. To which I add one more thing — they’ve got to be. For there are two ways to slow down wealth creation in an economy: trying to regulate it and trying to tax it. We can also work this the other way around, if we want to get richer we’ve got to balance how we regulate and how we tax. The fastest way to make the people rich is to do very little of either, as with Hong Kong’s laissez faire. Some people don’t like that, which is fine — democracy is the way we work through such disagreements. The Danish, indeed Nordic, system is social democracy. Go light on the regulation, have as free an economy as it’s really possible to have, then tax the heck out of it to buy free college and child care.

That’s not my preferred outcome, Hong Kong is, but I’ll be dead by the time the millennials take power, anyway. The point that needs to be understood, though, is that there has to be a choice between regulation or taxation. If you want the money to buy nice things, you’ve got to lighten up on the regulation, so the wealth you want to tax is actually generated. If you try to have both, significant regulation of who may do what and how, plus that tax burden of 45 to 50 percent of everything everyone does, then the system isn’t going to generate wealth. You’ll end up with something more like Greece. It’s either/or — both does not work.

Now, obviously, it’s fun for liberals that a Fox Business host compares Denmark to Venezuela, but it’s not Regan that really needs to learn the lesson. It’s those millennials, the progressives in the DSA, that do. You’ve a choice to make. What you desire isn’t socialism, it’s social democracy. To make that social democracy work you’re going to have to ease up on the regulation of the economy so that there’s room for you to raise the tax burden and still get economic growth. Danish taxation plus American-style regulation doesn’t work. So, which do you want?

No, there isn’t a middle way here. The Danish social democracy is already that compromise. You may or may not pick wisely, but you’re most certainly going to have to choose.

Tim Worstall (@worstall) is a contributor to the Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog. He is a senior fellow at the Adam Smith Institute. You can read all his pieces at The Continental Telegraph.

BS, the two countries have zero in common. Allow Denmark to subsidize the defense of the free world for a couple of generations, then get back to me.
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BS, the two countries have zero in common. Allow Denmark to subsidize the defense for the free world for a couple of generations, then get back to me.

You're not wrong. If not for America, most of Europe would be speaking Russian or German. China too. But DK is a capitalist market.
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Prager U are EVIL capitalist.

NRA are domestic TERRORIST

Republicans are RACIST

Do you haven any ideas that aren't approved progressive agitprop?

Although Prager endorsed Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, he said that Trump was his "17th choice out of 17 candidates."

"Prager had previously said that Trump was "unfit to be a presidential candidate, let alone president"

"Prager had also said that he could not "trust the integrity or conscience of a man or woman who publicly humiliates his or her spouse through adultery"

Replying to @prageru @conservmillen
We mistakenly removed these videos and have restored them because they don't break our standards. This will reverse any reduction in content distribution you’ve experienced. We’re very sorry and are continuing to look into what happened with your Page.
Facebook‏Verified account @facebook 1h1 hour ago

Probably, because they list themselves as a Non-Profit, which is a lie.

wow, this bs. Just read the comments. Seems like it's the right that likes to push hate.

Dumb Donald, trying to destroy the environment:

Trump’s Plan for Coal Emissions: Let Coal States Regulate Them’s-plan-for-coal-emissions-let-coal-states-regulate-them/ar-BBM4qeN?li=BBnb7Kz
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None of that is true. The socialist models democrats point to as successful, DK, NO ans SE are very strict about who becomes a citizen. Their societies work because until recently they were homogeneous.
It's not so much different than America. In many if not most European countries you can become a citizen after 5 years of lawful residence. Or by virtue of marriage, ancestry etc. Depends from one country to another.
Some countries may require you to pass a language test.
Becoming an American isn't so much easier than becoming a Danish citizen. It's mostly a question of time.
DK is fairly homogeneous. SE has historically been more welcoming to immigrants.
Homogeneity of population does not explain everything.
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