
Registering a TradeMark

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Registering a Trade Mark


I am quite curious about this Trademark thing...

If I found the name of a big corporation and I regged it when it dropped, because THEY have dropped it... is this illigal?

Is there a way to fully hide yourself from that corporation once you reg "their" name?

What reprecussions could this actually incur? If you decided just to give the name back to them UPON REQUEST, they dont have any reason to SUE anyone like everyone always says.

Also, What if I got the name and developed a website ABOUT their product? Say if you got (imagine it's a TM) and you developed a site which was about arranging their flowers... does this class as cybersquatting?

I might not have been too clear... but you get the gist


- Luke :)
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I would have preferred more of an explanation than just two words....

Thanks to anyone else who can give me a further insight

- Luke
2 important questions:

1) is it a .COM name?

2) do you plan on developing the name?
Just because they don't want the domain name doesn't mean you are not infringing on their trademark. If you are making money off their TM, that's registering the name in bad faith. Companies shouldn't have to reg every conceivable name related to their TM just to avoid cybersquatters.

You can reg a name privately, but you'll be trackable somehow - either through your monetization channel or b/c your registrar gives you up when they get wind of the issue.
If you register a name with bad faith, the company can put it foward to the domain dispute process, which will cost them potentionally 10k, but if they are a big corp, they will most likely do that, than try to aquire the name directly off you.
So an comnpany can't just see that youve got their name, and sue? If i was to get this name, I would just keep it locked away. If they asked me to give it them back, I probably would
If the company in question let their name drop then the question to ask is why ?
Possibly the company will be going down under.
I left my keys in the car and someone took my car. I guess I have no recourse because I left the keys in the car. Stupid me.... That is as good of logic as "they let the domain drop"....

You intentions are bad faith, meanin you have no rights to the TM name, you hope to profit from the domain and you would gladly give it up if contact... so why register it in the first place???

There are more penalties than just losing the domain...
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