
humor Man behind the (.mobi) curtain revealed!

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Perfectname.comEstablished Member
Man behind the curtain revealed!

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Mark said:
A "few" people havent been able to sell their .us's - And its due to .mobi ?

Give me a break -

There is always going to be a few LLL's that were bought for speculation in most any extension that will Drop in price occasionally. Has nothing to do with .mobi at all ....
Has to do with certain letter combos just arent in demand.

They should stop looking at "Price Guides" also .....

From my viewpoint there are obviously an equal number of LLL.mobis as there are LLL.us names. Before the dip in .us those LLL.mobis didn't exist. The vast majority of LLL.mobi names were purchased by domainers and most of the numerous sales of LLL.mobis are to domainers. All the money used to buy those .mobis may well have come at the expense of an LLL investment in another extension.

Those that were been bidding up the .us market may have moved their attention to the .mobi. Yes, no, maybe? Something has happened because the LLL.mobi is now worth more than the LLL.us. :snaphappy:
"Short" Domains will always be Desired ...... BUT obviously anyone typing in a phone will want a VERY Short domain to visit "DUH" .... It has nothing to do with .us or any other extensions Selling or not Selling - But as I've already said Less Desireable combos being sorted out by "Speculators" - ((IMO))
You all do know those "Price Guides" are just the supposed minimums paid by other Domainers/Speculators ? Right ? It's a fun game to be involved in , But Definitely not my intended market.
neobodhi said:
Actually, recently one of the largest banks in the US if not the largest launched their .mobi and their users were all shown a nice advertisement about the banks bofa.mobi site when they logged into their accounts. That is pretty significant.

Well, i wouldnt call that significant as to say .mobi is well advertised to the general public. If it is to be significant imho, it needs to be plastered on billboards, newspapers, TV constantly to get brand retention, instead of a once off footnote ad on there site

I'm sure people in the .us or .tv subsections would get tired of it if people kept coming into their threads just to tell them how the extension they have obviously invested in is worthless

I think that is exaggerated a bit. For example, there is an unholy amount of junk .mobi names that owners ask for members opinions on, and when they say they are worth $0, they take offence and think they are slagging their investment when in fact they are trying to help them :)

Now as I understand the .us has slowed down a lot recently and has even lost ground

It coincides with the release of .mobi coincidentally. A lot of the bashing on .mobi could be from domainers concerned that the money pouring into .mobis is hurting the value of other extensions currently. Maybe they feel like they need to put out the .mobi fire.

kev said:
My view....

.mobi is only known amongst domainers and the average Joe doesnt have a clue about it!
It seems only people on namepros avidly talk about .mobi. I dont even own one .mobi name and this reflects my belief it will not succeed. And i agree, the constant barrage of threads entitled "Company X goes .Mobi" is getting tiresome. If we did the same with .com and even .tv, the list would be never ending!

I haven't seen/heard of a .mobi advertised anywhere - this is the key to getting it out to the public and it succeeding in my opinion. .tv, at least in Scotland, is used all the time...sometimes more popular on tv adverts than .co.uk!

Just my two cents!

Obviously .mobi is only known among domainers right because it is new so the general public wont know about it yet. No need to try and tell us something that we all know already. If I ask any of my friends what they think of .tv or .us or .info they wont even know what I am talking about and dont even know they exist and those extensions have been out for a very long time. If you are sick of all the threads about companies going mobi then dont go to the mobi section of the forum. It is important for the people who have invested in mobi to know about companies(end users) using mobi and the direction the extension is headed in.

.us and some other extensions are definitely hurting because of mobi. those other extensions are mainly owned and bought by domainers and a lot of those domainers have been trying to dump their .us and other non mainstream extensions and quit buying more of them to focus on .mobi. It is quite obvious. I even used to buy a lot of .us and .info myself and have quit buying those ever since Sept 26, 2006. A lot of other domainers that I know have done the same thing and just started focusing only on .com and .mobi. Although, I dont think .tv will suffer because of .mobi since it serves a purpose for video and of course .com isnt suffering.
:laugh: - Boy was I wrong then .... I sold my .us's to make room for more .com's :guilty:

I do intend to buy some more .us soon though (It's a buyers market again) ;)
nrmillions said:
If I ask any of my friends what they think of .tv or .us or .info they wont even know what I am talking about and dont even know they exist and those extensions have been out for a very long time

I think that is wrong :) .tv is well known and you see adverts for them all the time. Even Scotland's national TV station uses it instead of .com etc... so to say that nobody has seen it before, at least where i live, is wrong imho

If you are sick of all the threads about companies going mobi then dont go to the mobi section of the forum

i have never entered it...i always see it on the "new posts" section and on the home page where it shows the latest thread on "Domain Discussion"
Like Sam, it would be good if there was an opt-out for viewing .mobi threads

.us and some other extensions are definitely hurting because of mobi.

deary me...

Please dont take it personally :)
kev said:
I think that is wrong :) .tv is well known and you see adverts for them all the time. Even Scotland's national TV station uses it instead of .com etc... so to say that nobody has seen it before, at least where i live, is wrong imho

Maybe in Scotland .tv is well known. I am just saying this coming from a U.S. perspective. I do think that one day .tv will be well known in the U.S. as well.

Bank of America is promoting .mobi in a signifant way. I use Bank of America for my regular banking and every single time I log into Bank of America's .com website to check my balance or whatever a big popup screen shows up asking if I want to sign up for their mobile banking on bofa.mobi. In the U.S. this is one of the largest and most famous banks and it is very large around the world also.
I'm sorry but I have to come back for one more post :D.

If .mobi relys on Bank of America showing an ad for one of their websites on their website then .mobi is in HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGE trouble.

Mark said:
:laugh: - Boy was I wrong then .... I sold my .us's to make room for more .com's :guilty:

Should have sold your .us to buy LLL.mobis you would have multiplied your investment by 10X in less than one year D-:

bfluid said:
I'm sorry but I have to come back for one more post :D.

If .mobi relys on Bank of America showing an ad for one of their websites on their website then .mobi is in HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGE trouble.


LoL, yup that is it. That is all they are counting on, just the one bank.
Jeff said:
Agree fully ... and it's really ashame that the .MOBI Fanatics™ resort to these types of tactics and subterfuge, in an attempt to mask the inherent flaws and obvious shortcomings of the extension IMHO. :|

I have a few follow-up posts to make, .MOBI Marketplace™, etc. but I will shortly be following in Jesse's (and others (nearly all experienced and respected Senior™ members, by the way) footsteps ... as I've stated earlier here, in my years of public forum postings and participation I have NEVER seen this level of personal assault and paranoia against those that professionally and humbly offer their constructive thoughts / opinions / questions for the .MOBI extension! :yell:

The most unfortunate thing, I guess, is that maybe 3 - 4+/- most hard-core .MOBI Loyalists© have created an air of hostility ... and, in the process, removed nearly all civility and professionalism from those .MOBI Forum discussions! :'(

Take care, friends!
-Jeff B-)
Agreed Jeff! I have abandoned hope and stopped posting a while ago.
I am just pointing out that you guys rely on that bank of america having a stupid ad on there website as a huge success for .mobi. There are a heck of a lot of ads on this website right now for other websites (4 .com's and 1 .net). That proves nothing.

Ty Maier
bfluid said:
I am just pointing out that you guys rely on that bank of america having a stupid ad on there website as a huge success for .mobi. There are a heck of a lot of ads on this website right now for other websites (4 .com's and 1 .net). That proves nothing.

Ty Maier

It proves a major US bank has a working .mobi that they are actively promoting to their online customers. It proves that millions of people are seeing a .mobi for the first time. It proves that Bank of America's competition see's what they are doing and might not want to get left behind. It proves that despite how some people around here feel about .mobi, there are corporations out there that see the marketing potential.
Sam said:
Agreed Jeff! I have abandoned hope and stopped posting a while ago.

^ Agreed, and this speaks volumes ... as Sam is an experienced, senior, and TRUE Name Pro™, IMHO. :yell:

kev said:
And i agree, the constant barrage of threads entitled "Company X goes .Mobi" is getting tiresome ...
I haven't seen/heard of a .mobi advertised anywhere - this is the key to getting it out to the public and it succeeding in my opinion. .tv, at least in Scotland, is used all the time...sometimes more popular on tv adverts than .co.uk!

Righto, nor have I seen any advertisement for .MOBI ... and the CONSTANT posting of .MOBI "pointers" to .com/mobile websites are probably the least newsworthy items I have seen thus far on the site, IMHO. :gl:

nrmillions said:
Bank of America is promoting .mobi in a signifant way.

I am a longime Bank of America customer ... and while BOFA.mobi may be the best REAL news for .MOBI todate, I have never received anything from them regarding the use of BOFA for my banking needs, etc. IMHO. I've never seen it advertised whatesoever, but I do acknowledge that it links from their main BankOfAmerica.com site ... and I think this is simply a trial/test/favor, and I don't think it'll be there in < six month's time (rather it will be linked as, for instance (and like the rest of them), to bankofamerica.com/mobile, humbly. :blink:

bfluid said:
If .mobi relys on Bank of America showing an ad for one of their websites on their website then .mobi is in HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGE trouble.


Hammer. Head. Coffin. Nail. :bingo:

scandiman said:
Herein lies the problem Jeff, you come to the mobi subforum predisposed with the assumption that .mobi is inherently flawed with obvious shortcomings but to believe otherwise results in being labeled a fanatic.

And to draw attention to your assumptions and predispositions results in being accused of being hostile, uncivil, unprofessional and paranoid.

Paul, all of us have our opinions and predispostions ... naturally. The term .MOBI Fanatics™ stems from the systematic name calling, foul language, and personal character assisination by these folks onto those who even slightly question mTLD or the .MOBI extension (in the .MOBI Forum), IMHO. Fortunately, Staff™ has wisely eradicated the most vile Fanatic™ ... and is keeping a very close eye on the remaining 3 - 4 who have essentially wrecked the Namepros .MOBI Experience™ for the rest of us! :|

I do not consider you to be one of these unprofessional posters, Paul ... but, clearly, you like to post after I post (as a counter) in the .MOBI Forum, IMHO. It's ashame our professional, and yet sometimes passionate, exchanges will no longer occur ... again, due the the 3 - 4 roughians that plague our beloved Namepros™ on a daily basis - their agenda and venom a cancer to our beloved #1 domain discussions home! :'(

Be well, and thanks for listening ...
-Jeff B-)
And all this Jeff begs the question that get's lost in 'a right to post' response, -

If one does not like, own, or care about .mobi, WHY keep going into that forum room and then it's threads, just to write condesending belittling comments, and postings??

Sorry, but it just defies reasonable logic to those that are interested mobi posties, to have to have their threads invaded by such remarks from the same posters!!

Jeff said:
^ Agreed, and this speaks volumes ... as Sam is an experienced, senior, and TRUE Name Pro™, IMHO. :yell:

Righto, nor have I seen any advertisement for .MOBI ... and the CONSTANT posting of .MOBI "pointers" to .com/mobile websites are probably the least newsworthy items I have seen thus far on the site, IMHO. :gl:

I am a longime Bank of America customer ... and while BOFA.mobi may be the best REAL news for .MOBI todate, I have never received anything from them regarding the use of BOFA for my banking needs, etc. IMHO. I've never seen it advertised whatesoever, but I do acknowledge that it links from their main BankOfAmerica.com site ... and I think this is simply a trial/test/favor, and I don't think it'll be there in < six month's time (rather it will be linked as, for instance (and like the rest of them), to bankofamerica.com/mobile, humbly. :blink:

Hammer. Head. Coffin. Nail. :bingo:

Paul, all of us have our opinions and predispostions ... naturally. The term .MOBI Fanatics™ stems from the systematic name calling, foul language, and personal character assisination by these folks onto those who even slightly question mTLD or the .MOBI extension (in the .MOBI Forum), IMHO. Fortunately, Staff™ has wisely eradicated the most vile Fanatic™ ... and is keeping a very close eye on the remaining 3 - 4 who have essentially wrecked the Namepros .MOBI Experience™ for the rest of us! :|

I do not consider you to be one of these unprofessional posters, Paul ... but, clearly, you like to post after I post (as a counter) in the .MOBI Forum, IMHO. It's ashame our professional, and yet sometimes passionate, exchanges will no longer occur ... again, due the the 3 - 4 roughians that plague our beloved Namepros™ on a daily basis - their agenda and venom a cancer to our beloved #1 domain discussions home! :'(

Be well, and thanks for listening ...
-Jeff B-)
hawkeye said:
Sorry, but it just defies reasonable logic to those that are interested mobi posties, to have to have their threads invaded by such remarks from the same posters!!

It is aggravating . I had started a thread on who has made a profit on .mobi. Seems pretty straight foward to me, but the OP of this thread we are in now totally took the thread of topic with his .mobi bashing. When I called him on it he said "stop whining" and made mention that the thread was getting many more views now. Well the point of the thread wasn't to have a flame war and get views. The point of the thread was to discuss who had made money off .mobi. Yet this individual feels it is ok to take the thread off topic and insult me in the process. I would give you a link to the thread but it was closed and removed.

Now when this thread was started I actually thought the picture was pretty funny even though I knew the intention was to create an arguement.
For those that are purely speculating... Any new extension, IMO, will drain funds going into other ones. You'll always have newbies going out buying 100s of worthless .mobis, .us, .com,... Every time a new extension comes out and a few big sales are made, unfortunately some people get it into their heads that "that could be them". So we see speculation beyond imagination... We're seeing that with LLL.mobi right now. The prices are way higher on them than they realistically should be and people are now finally starting to undercut each other on them. When/If you can get a LLL.us for $45, you kinda have to think twice about dropping $200+ on a LLL.mobi.

Doesn't have anything positive or negative to do with .us, .mobi, etc -- new extensions are bought up largely by newbies and that will obviously take some of the money out of more established extensions. But to say that .com, .net, .us, etc investors have the opinions they do about .mobi because they're worried about their investments is fundamentally flawed IMO.
neobodhi said:
It is aggravating . I had started a thread on who has made a profit on .mobi. Seems pretty straight foward to me, but the OP of this thread we are in now totally took the thread of topic with his .mobi bashing.....arguement.

I can empathize with you neo. I think there are (and always will be) naysayers, "I-told-you-so", "My opinion matters most" crowds trying to dampen some else's vision and dream based on their biased agenda.

Why let them bother you? After all, it is YOUR money you are risking, not someone else's? Am I to believe that this "naysayer" is saying "no-mobi" mantra for the good of the mankind and to save me from my own destitution? Give me a break.

Last time I checked, this is America and we can darn eat what we want, think what we want and say what we want! If someone wants to crash your mobi thread, the best course of action is to report him/her to an NP admin, put "ignore" on his ID and simply not acknowledge him/her.

Of course, it is always wise to listen and learn from others, but as someone who is interested in getting a decent return on his domain investment, I want to think for myself first and try to distance from "me-too" lemming crowds. Besides, can anyone truly foresee what the future holds for us?

Best wishes to ALL domainers!


PS. I have to admit, Pinky cartoon was kinda funny!
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Jeff said:
Hammer. Head. Coffin. Nail. :bingo:


.mobi is dead?

thanks for the heads up.
Wow, nine pages now added to the thread started in April 2006.

Amazing longevity.

Mark said:
know those "Price Guides" are just the supposed minimums paid by other Domainers/Speculators ? Right ?
Excellent and very true point.

Tell that to the ones using the "guides" to make ridiculous offers like the $750.00 for a sweet L-L.com. When I turned it down, came back with, "Well, according to the guide it is only worth $1200 so I'll give you $1250."

My response was let me know which ones he could find at that price range and I'll buy every one he can not afford.
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Gregr said:
My daughter just came to me and said, get me an iphone. I would have posted this in the iphone thread in the mobi section but all my posts there get deleted. :)
Why are you getting her such a crappy phone... Get her a more expensive phone for crying out loud. What kind of father are you raking in the millions from domains. You should also get her unlimited cellular internet minutes.
circa1850 said:
The odd part is this:

Most of this rhetoric that is being posted as "anti-mobi" obviously is coming from the Frank Schillingites. Seems like daily there is a question on his blog, "Frank, what do you think of .mobi", or "Frank, how many mobi's do you own", or "Frank, should I invest in .mobi"? Each time he answers no. Then the person who asked the question responsds, "I thought so". WTF???

If the person asking the question "thought so" to begin with, then they would not have asked the damn question in the first place. Then that same bunch can not wait to rush back to the forum and post, "Look what Frank said! Look what Frank said!"

All of a sudden there is this Halo around Frank Schilling that simply helps shed light on his ego.

Having coined the term domain investor

Now I would like to believe that this is simply the author taking liberties, but not so. This has got to be Frank stoking his own ego as this line is repeated in nearly every article you can find on Frank. So in 1995, I did not know what I was doing until the messiah came along and gave it a name. He must be a democrat and staunch supporter of Al Bore, the inventor of the internet.

I do not need Frank to tell me what to buy, what not to buy, how much to ask for, how much is this worth, nor what to sell, keep, hold, and dump like a great many depend so much on his daily gospel. I never have, I never will, I'll continue to do just fine...with my .com's and .nets and .mobis and my one and only sanctified Elvis.tw and all my other holdings. And the other Fortune 500 companies that have no idea who Frank Schilling is will continue to do just okie dokie without the insight of Frank Schilling and even Rick Schwartz and Pinkie and PimpDaddy Parsons.

But it is fascinating to see all those who do not have the capability of even making a decision on their own without consulting the holy man. What's next?

"Frank, do I wipe my **** before or after I flush?"

"Thanks, Frank. I thought so."

"Oh, one more thing...do you prefer single ply or double ply?"

My god there are some guys on this forum with some serious writing talent!!

Not sure I agree with your comments on Frank himself, I just find it very difficult not to give the man respect given where he came from to where he is now........but you are bank on with all of those who kiss his ass daily, like Owen Frager http://frankschilling.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/06/why_its_so_hard.html
and disparage every extension under the sun....

If these guys took their heads out of Franks ass, where its been stuck since 2002, they may yet learn that the world has more to offer than just .com......
My My My - look at this thread ....
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