
Lost a good domain to Dropcatch's discount program

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
They seriously need to redo their entire site. I for the life of me couldn't remember how to get to the dropcatch discount club program to throw in a bid for a dropping domain.

I was furious and about to pull out my hair because I couldn't put in a bid for this domain. Like many, I wait till the last 5 minutes to throw my bid in as to not attract any attention to the domain I want. And boy did I ever pay for it!
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Wait… So you tried to do a discount club offer at the last second? That doesn’t really make sense. If it goes to auction you can still bid. If not, you can just buy it after it drops.
What you wrote doesn’t make sense
Discount dropcatch backorder is for domains about to expire , no one will know if you are trying to dropcatch a domain.
Auctions are another thing
OP, I think you are confusing bidding in an auction with a backorder, a discount backorder in this case.
I said bid but what I meant was pay the discount club fee. I could not find the discount club UI to backorder in time for the drop.
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There is zero reason to try and place a backorder at the last possible minute. The backorders you place are not public.
There is zero reason to try and place a backorder at the last possible minute. The backorders you place are not public.
Oh now I know! Would of saved me a headache.
Afaik, the only backorder services that advertise their users' backorders are and -possibly- . Only auctions are public.
What you wrote doesn’t make sense
Discount dropcatch backorder is for domains about to expire , no one will know if you are trying to dropcatch a domain.
Auctions are another thing

HugeDomains will know and they will have priority to your bids. Anyway the cutoff for backorders at DC is 24h before the drop so there is no point waiting, as they still have a full day to filter the backorders and frontrun whatever they like. It's just a part of using DropCatch.
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HugeDomains will know and they will have priority to your bids. Anyway the cutoff for backorders at DC is 24h before the drop so there is no point waiting, as they still have a full day to filter the backorders and frontrun whatever they like. It's just a part of using DropCatch.
I didn’t knew that
I didn’t knew that

When you order discount club domains and you get the summary e-mail of the results, pay close attention to the last section. For example I once got this:

We caught these domains, but they were preempted by either a regular backorder or a partner backorder:

***.com, Standard
***.com, Partner
***.com, Discount - $15.00

So I mailed them and asked: what is a "partner backorder"?

The answer was: "We have companies that buy domains through a partner relationship. As part of that relationship they have certain restrictions in the backorders they can place and they can't participate in auctions."

I checked all domains that were marked as caught for a "partner" from before this mail and afterwards, and every single one was listed on So you can be 99.9% sure that in these last 24h all discount orders are scanned and analysed and they will frontrun everything and anything that they flag as worthwhile.
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I’ve noticed that , but didn’t imagined things to be this way.
So huge domains has the priority for example on the same domain , under the same circumstances ?

I’m missing the last point , you are saying HugeDomains can scan all the discount backorders placed in the same 24h ?
And then pick up the ones they think might be good !?
I really hope it isn’t this way
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I’ve noticed that , but didn’t imagined things to be this way.
So huge domains has the priority for example on the same domain , under the same circumstances ?

I’m missing the last point , you are saying HugeDomains can scan all the discount backorders placed in the same 24h ?
And then pick up the ones they think might be good !?
I really hope it isn’t this way
Scanning them would be a breeze with the right script.
No reason to wait as mentioned. When logged in you hit buying tab on upper left corner then discount or regular backorder. You pay if they catch it for you not before.
there are indeed 'partners' besides hugedomains.

By 'partners' they mean services where the user can place a backorder and then said services will use multiple dropcatchers to catch the domains. The user needs only to place the backorder in one place that way.

Out of memory, I remember that Namesilo's was one of those services.
I’m missing the last point , you are saying HugeDomains can scan all the discount backorders placed in the same 24h ?
And then pick up the ones they think might be good !?
I really hope it isn’t this way

DropCatch, NameBright and HugeDomains are all the same company, so of course they can do that. And if they can, it's not a stretch to assume they do.
DropCatch, NameBright and HugeDomains are all the same company, so of course they can do that

in the battle for the "cream of the crop",
that's about to drop...
we, have become the ultimate endusers,
all lined up and ready to bid

If you catch a domain via DropCatch's discount club (at $11) what do they charge for the domain renewal? I assume this is in addition the $11 and is mandated (i.e., will happen if I win the drop, correct)?
If you catch a domain via DropCatch's discount club (at $11) what do they charge for the domain renewal? I assume this is in addition the $11 and is mandated (i.e., will happen if I win the drop, correct)?
You just Pay the 11$
You just Pay the 11$

But the domain is expired. Are you saying the $11 includes a 1 year renewal (1 yr later expiry date)?

Would the Discount Club be on par with Dynadot's backorder service? Or is it behind Dyna and more like Sav's backorder service? (just slightly better than waiting for the drop and trying to hand register)?
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