
showcase LLM Domains - Showcase Thread

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Andreas B.

Top Member
The more I hope that gpt domains have a future, as I hold some of them myself,
I have to ask: what if OpenAI wins its trial at the US Patent & Trademark authority?!

What if we cannot hold & sale our gpt domains for profit?!

What is the alternative?!

Next to AI, it is LLM (large-language model).

LLM is called the technology, which OpenAI, Google and others use.

I made a quick whois lookup and found that many good ...LLM domains are already regged.

The term "large language model" has over 2 billion search results at google.

I hold

Do you hold any?
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Well, not so fast.
First we have to wait for the verdict of the authority, then we can make appropriate conclusions.

However, it is never wrong to have ones eyes on alternatives/ important Keywords.
I possess only a small number,
LLM. Engineer
LLM. Engineering
CreativeLLM .Com

Obtaining LLM keywords with the .com extension is becoming increasingly difficult to find. Let's see what happens.
Adding More:

(both .com)
I possess only a small number,
LLM. Engineer
LLM. Engineering
CreativeLLM .Com

Obtaining LLM keywords with the .com extension is becoming increasingly difficult to find. Let's see what happens.
Few weeks ago there were much more available.

Now, all good I can think of are gone.

Shows the dedicated interest in this keyword.

Was about time, to start a thread : )

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Healthcare LLM .com
LLM Developer .com
LLM Space .com
LLM Summit .com
LLM Startup .com
LLM Tech .xyz
Business LLM .com
at least, I think, LLM won't have any trademark disputes here...

Who has invented it?

"The history of large language models can be traced back to the 1950s and 1960s (...).
Early efforts in this domain were driven by rule-based systems and statistical methods.
In 1954, the Georgetown-IBM experiment marked the beginning of machine translation research,
successfully translating 60 Russian sentences into English. "
at least, I think, LLM won't have any trademark disputes here...

Who has invented it?

"The history of large language models can be traced back to the 1950s and 1960s (...).
Early efforts in this domain were driven by rule-based systems and statistical methods.
In 1954, the Georgetown-IBM experiment marked the beginning of machine translation research,
successfully translating 60 Russian sentences into English. "

No way LLM is or will be a trademark.

If you look close, the term LLM is being used in any scientific paper, article etc. about AI / machine learning / neural networks.

Also, there is no LLM - Trademark regarding AI, machine learning.


Additionally, and in contrast to GPT (invented & worded in 2017), there is a long history of intl. / interdisciplinary scientific reseach in the field of large-language models.

If a company would have tried to TM it, they should have done in the 70s/80s.

Now, its a) way too late, b) too many different companies, start-ups etc. have worked with this technology & its term and c) it has evolved into our daily / avg. language usage.
Just registered, as it's built off a neural network
Just registered, as it's built off a neural network
I could swear I checked that and it was occupied.

But hey, congrats, how cool for you ;)

Especially the 3 L make it special.


No way LLM is or will be a trademark.

If you look close, the term LLM is being used in any scientific paper, article etc. about AI / machine learning / neural networks.

Also, there is no LLM - Trademark regarding AI, machine learning.$LD&expr=PARA1+AND+PARA2&p_s_PARA2=LLM&p_tagrepl~:=PARA2$COMB&p_op_ALL=AND&a_default=search&a_search=Submit+Query&a_search=Submit+Query

Show attachment 238521

Additionally, and in contrast to GPT (invented & worded in 2017), there is a long history of intl. / interdisciplinary scientific reseach in the field of large-language models.

If a company would have tried to TM it, they should have done in the 70s/80s.

Now, its a) way too late, b) too many different companies, start-ups etc. have worked with this technology & its term and c) it has evolved into our daily / avg. language usage.
And just one thing about TM etc:

If you reg a domain before someones TM application, you can mostly keep it - if he cannot prove that you did it in bad faith, anticipating a TM registration from which you want to profit.

And it even grows in value.

[And as LLM is so wide-spread, no company could prove that someone knew that they are going to try to TM this term; 100% bulletproof]

Not that I think that any company would be crazy enough to try to trademark LLM and make everyone in the industry its enemy.

But hey, you never know (). - Just one more incentive for holding good LLM domains.
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I could swear I checked that and it was occupied.

But hey, congrats, how cool for you ;)

Especially the 3 L make it special.


And just one thing about TM etc:

If you reg a domain before someones TM application, you can keep it* - and it even grows in value.

Not that I think that any company would be crazy to go along, try to trademark LLM and make the whole industry its enemy.

But hey, you never know. - Just one more incentive for holding good LLM domains.
It was that was taken (neura + llm), while i luckily registered neuralllm (neural + llm)
It was that was taken (neura + llm), while i luckily registered neuralllm (neural + llm)
your version is much better!

you have the full dict. word + LLM.

And it is so good, because it resembles Neural Networks // Neural LLM.
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I know nothing about it. So, I registered

What is LLM in com
INGLES:Does anyone have any idea what price range these domains could sell for? I have several llm. For the word +"gpt" I have and I already have offers. In what price range could this domain be sold without it being cheap? What if OpenAI wins its lawsuit at the US Patent and Trademark Authority and I have already sold the domain?
Español: Alguno tiene idea que rango de precios podrían venderse estos dominios? tengo varios llm. Para la palabra +"gpt" tengo y ya tengo ofertas. En que rango de precio se podría vender este dominio sin que sea algo barato? Qué pasa si OpenAI gana su juicio en la autoridad de patentes y marcas registradas de EE. UU y yo ya vendí el dominio?
INGLES:Does anyone have any idea what price range these domains could sell for? I have several llm. For the word +"gpt" I have and I already have offers. In what price range could this domain be sold without it being cheap? What if OpenAI wins its lawsuit at the US Patent and Trademark Authority and I have already sold the domain?
Español: Alguno tiene idea que rango de precios podrían venderse estos dominios? tengo varios llm. Para la palabra +"gpt" tengo y ya tengo ofertas. En que rango de precio se podría vender este dominio sin que sea algo barato? Qué pasa si OpenAI gana su juicio en la autoridad de patentes y marcas registradas de EE. UU y yo ya vendí el dominio?
Good question.

In my opinion, LLM is not just some/any, but THE replacement for GPT.

> There is no other keyword from the AI / machine learning world, that is as prominent as LLM (right after GPT).

As for the case of OpenAI Trial:
From my perspective, I assume that OpenAI will be granted the TM, +90%.
They were the ones who invented this term, they were the only ones who constructed an application out of it.
They always named their apps GPT (2,3 etc.).

Act. the case is clear.

ALSO, and that is what some may not understand, the US gov. & economy itself is interested in OpenAI getting its TM on it:
If not, any company in any country in the world could name its product ...GPT. - The US economy would not have anything (not a dime) from it.

So just even out of an egoistic perspective, the Trial will have one conclusion...

We cannot know for how many these name would sell.

But as it is very likely that GPT cannot be used anymore by indie builders / developers, for their AI applications,
they will search for alternatives.

And that is the bet I make:
The next popular term is LLM.

If you look at AI articles, videos on youtube, you will see that this term comes very close to GPT.

Also, it has 3 digits, which is a nice coincidence.

It sounds best, if it is at the end of a good word.

But for very specific AI keywords, it may make also sense at the beginning.

Only invest what you can afford. / Do-your-own-research.
I know nothing about it. So, I registered

What is LLM in com
Just try to find general / industrial relevant keywords for it.

As @gslevel did.

AI is very prominent in the field of creative artwork, photo & picture editing, development / coding, everyday usage, aso.

Good luck.
Just try to find general / industrial relevant keywords for it.

As @gslevel did.

AI is very prominent in the field of creative artwork, photo & picture editing, development / coding, everyday usage, aso.

Good luck.
RNN, LSTM, and GRU are neural networks too and NP members didn't talk about these. I don't know if I should register more. Someone registered OpenLLM, nice one.
RNN, LSTM, and GRU are neural networks too and NP members didn't talk about these. I don't know if I should register more. Someone registered OpenLLM, nice one.
That's a really nice one.

If you look at this chart, you will know why LLM.

It is the umbrella term for everything " neural networks / machine learning ".

Even GPT is just a subterm.

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LLM .vc

Look forward for the first sell to drop under this thread.
for the fun of it...

studioLLM .com

music & audio are gaining (a lot of) traction in the field of AI.
Ok, listed and forgot.


There are still start ups on twitter (elsewhere), that use GPT in their name.

...approaching them with an alternative, might lead to sales.

Just a hint.
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Just grabbed

Prompting // LLM (.) com
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