Spaceship Spaceship


____Top Member
The core concept is to move domain “liquidation” out of the forums and into a simple, easy to use platform with domain quality control and price control.

The platform is purposely exclusive to domain investors so that you can keep wholesale and retail prices completely separate at the same time. Example: Gamers (.co) Lander/Afternic - $20,000. DNWE - $1,285.

Sellers are charged 9% with all associated fees baked into the price.

Website: (Domain Name Wholesale Exchange)

NP @Josh R

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
My application has been declined and given the reason as below to which has puzzled me.

"Unfortunately we have not been able to approve your registration application.
A common reason for declining an application is if we are unable to associate the applicant with domain names that fit our platform criteria.Team DNWE"

During registration, only two domains were asked to submit and that too solely for verification purposes.
It didn't say at all that only domains that fit into criteria will be allow to join in the community.
So I just randomly submitted two.


@Josh R do you mind provide some clarification? As a domainer, I would love to be part of this community.
My application has been declined and given the reason as below to which has puzzled me.

"Unfortunately we have not been able to approve your registration application.
A common reason for declining an application is if we are unable to associate the applicant with domain names that fit our platform criteria.Team DNWE"

During registration, only two domains were asked to submit and that too solely for verification purposes.
It didn't say at all that only domains that fit into criteria will be allow to join in the community.
So I just randomly submitted two.

Show attachment 145482

@Josh R do you mind provide some clarification? As a domainer, I would love to be part of this community.
I’ll look into it.

Please send an email to [email protected] with some of the better names in your portfolio.
Thanks, Josh.

Really cool site, humbled you took 1 of my 3.

My application has been declined and given the reason as below to which has puzzled me.

"Unfortunately we have not been able to approve your registration application.
A common reason for declining an application is if we are unable to associate the applicant with domain names that fit our platform criteria.Team DNWE"

During registration, only two domains were asked to submit and that too solely for verification purposes.
It didn't say at all that only domains that fit into criteria will be allow to join in the community.
So I just randomly submitted two.

Show attachment 145482

@Josh R do you mind provide some clarification? As a domainer, I would love to be part of this community.

Mine was declined too
Josh, thank you, just sent my application (pending), do you accept IDN ? I was not able to use one for the application form.

@Josh R , Nice platform, great initiative.

Is this a temporary issue?


@FX @freety85 - This seems to be happening with certain types of passwords,

Can you guys reset your password and use something that contains a capital letter, number, and special character.

Let me know if that solved it.

You can also email [email protected]

cheers, back in :)
I can't login and no error message is displayed.
I had (and have) great hopes for DNWE as I believe the industry is in great need for solid liquidity options. I bought a name in the first couple of weeks, and I listed a couple for sale though none have sold. But most of the names I submit keep getting rejected — even though they are on the same level as, or better, than names listed.

Now, of course, how could I say that — quality is always higher in the eye of the holder, and evaluations are always subjective, right?

But let’s look at two recent examples:

I saw Kalliope (co) listed at $499. I think to myself, hey, that’s interesting, I own Calliope (co), which is the “correct” (or let’s say more common, as both are transcriptions from Greek) spelling of the Greek goddess, registered in quite a few more extensions, etc. I submit it for listing at a similar price — rejected.

I saw Maybe (co) listed at $1499. I own There (co), registered in a similar number of extensions, though significantly more domains have “there” in them than “maybe”. I submit it for a lower asking price, gets accepted at the minimum $299.

I don’t know what sort of valuation metrics are taken into account when approving/rejecting names or approving prices, but I have qualms with the fact that the owner(s) of the platform can choose what names are selected, what price they’re listed at, AND can be a buyer and seller on the platform.

Not accusing anyone of any wrongdoing here, just opening this up for fair discussion I suppose. I respect @Josh R and what he’s trying to do for the industry, but my experience so far has given me some doubt about the efficiency of the platform.
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Hi Bob - It's just me for now. That may need to change very shortly.

In regards to Escrow - I agree. We actually only accept registration from Countries/Regions that are supported by at the moment.

Ideal? Not at all but I'm trying to take things one step at a time.

I guess this rules me out then
What is the difference between reseller and wholesale prices?
@Nametree - I personally was reviewing the hundreds of domains that were submitted each day in the beginning and I started with more lenient guidelines because we were just getting started and obviously wanted to start building some inventory for the platform.

Since then we’ve added more people to the team and established stricter guidelines for domain curation. Yes, there are a few outlier names that should have been declined or should have lower prices but that is one of the reasons we implemented a 30 day timeframe for all listings. If a domain doesn’t sell in 30 days then it means it was priced too high and it has to be resubmitted to our review panel. For some of the names that are resubmitted we will have to correct a previous error by declining or lowering prices

It’s also important to note that names are reviewed by both @jstenn13 and myself before approving, repricing, or declining names. Does that mean we’ll never make mistakes? Absolutely not, sometimes we might list a name that shouldn’t have been listed. Sometimes we’ll decline a name that could have been approved based on other names that we potentially should have declined. However, our decisions are generally based on DATA, we look at previous sale history, end-user potential, domain investor trends, and our own data on what’s selling for what prices. Even the sellers that have sold multiple domains with us get their domains declined or repriced frequently.

I want to make it clear that this is a new platform so there are many things that are still being worked on but there is one core principle that many domain investors need to understand - This is not a platform that lists your valuation of a domain. It’s a platform that curates good quality domains that are priced at wholesale/reseller price points according to the data we are collecting and the data that is available publicly from auctions.

Our sell through rate is high and one of our most important metrics. We have some of the biggest buyers and sellers in the industry both selling and buying on the platform. I can tell you that we’ve declined and repriced submissions from very successful investors - Even the best of us think our domains are better than everyone else’s. It’s human nature.

Just to reiterate:
1) When I was starting this up by myself I was more lenient with domain submissions (examples below)
2) Since we expanded the team, there are multiple people reviewing names now and the quality criteria got stricter.
3) We will make mistakes from time to time.
4) We don't favor any sellers. We favor quality names.
5) Thanks for the feedback :)

Btw- Maybe(.co) was incorrectly priced too high by me, and Kalliope was an early submission that I approved when inventory was low. There are many “premium” .co names can be registered for $109 at GoDaddy and drop every day so .co is definitely a unique market at the moment.

In regards to There(.co), I know exactly how much you paid because it was offered to me before you bought it and I passed on it. I won’t comment on how much you paid but it was approved at DNWE for around the same price.
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@Nametree We also continue to ask that domains and there price tags are kept private on DNWE. Domains and there respective prices should not be discussed in a public forum. This is a very important policy we have in place to protect our sellers.

For future reference, users of our platform that reveal the names and prices of private listings on DNWE may be banned.

I know this wasn't your intention but sellers are listing their names privately with us so that they are not seen by the general public. NamePros is a public forum and can be seen by anyone.
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i have submitted like 100+ names on DNWE. and approval rate is like 50% for me .
but i believe they only select name when they see the value in name as per price thats what the purpose of platform is.
i sold 9 names there from mid xxx to high xxxx range as well.
and i never ever mind if they reject my names because they made this platform purely for domain investors who need great prices.
Note : Just one thing i would like to address is to @Josh R that please if there are some front runners eliminate them. i am sure there are not but this is just one point where you have to be more strict in approving members.. make sure they have good history and they are trust worthy.
Thanks & Good Luck for more success :)
i have submitted like 100+ names on DNWE. and approval rate is like 50% for me .
but i believe they only select name when they see the value in name as per price thats what the purpose of platform is.
i sold 9 names there from mid xxx to high xxxx range as well.
and i never ever mind if they reject my names because they made this platform purely for domain investors who need great prices.
Note : Just one thing i would like to address is to @Josh R that please if there are some front runners eliminate them. i am sure there are not but this is just one point where you have to be more strict in approving members.. make sure they have good history and they are trust worthy.
Thanks & Good Luck for more success :)
Thanks Riz - Our objective is to help all domain investors on the low-end and the high-end.

Sellers - We offer a private selling experience to some of the most active buyers in the industry which SHOULD give everyone more liquidity. Our commission is the lowest in the industry as well.

Buyers - We offer curated domains by some of the most active investors in the industry. There are so many names that we approve that Josh and I would love to have purchased but we have to leave them for you guys :).. There was a domain published yesterday that I really wanted and hasn't sold yet.


In regards to front runners. We will undoubtedly have to ban users that are found out to be front-running or anything that violates the private nature of our platform.
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Can I register just as a potential buyer? Do the 2 domains I use to register automatically get listed?
Can I register just as a potential buyer? Do the 2 domains I use to register automatically get listed?

You register as an investor and you can choose to buy or sell once you've registered.

The 2 best domains are used for verification purposes only and do not get listed.
Registration will be open to every country/region soon.
Try to provide more payments options like Payoneer, I mean payout for sellers. is limiting its services to certain countries and they closed my account without even informing me and I found out suddenly when I wanted to check some old transactions and also had an agreement to use for a new sale. So providing many options is pretty good.
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