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WhoaDomain.comTop Member
So I watched this movie by Michael Moore. Did not know this came out last year in May 2020.

We've all seen the "save the Earth" propaganda.

With keywords like below.

Carbon emissions
Carbon Neutral
green house gases
Global Warming

The solutions to "save the Earth" were in a "green" way

Solar Power
Wind Power

with the ultimate goal to eliminate coal use and reduce green house gases.

The Truth? on Cloudy or rainy days. Solar is not 100% efficient and at night? the efficiency is obviously ZERO.

On non-windy days wind power efficient is less to zero.

during down times both methods secretly will always have a connection to coal powered energy production.

or even LPG.

and then there is power generated from burning BIOMASS.

Biomass sounds pretty cool. And you tell someone "Biomass" most would never know it is the cutting down of forests to burn trees to produce power.


So to prevent global warming? The solution is to cut down the forest and all the trees? and keep coal and LPG as a back up power source?

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Freaking “Jeff Gibbs” ...your video doesn’t work anymore :/
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The answer is more complex than watching a video, burning down forests and mining coal.

Basically, it comes down to some simple questions:

1. Do you care?
2. Are you willing to change?
3. If so, what are you going to do?

Where there is a will, there is a way...FYI, it's not propaganda, it's reality.

See: Earth Matters
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Because of human nature we are the enemy to the Earth
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Because of human nature we are the enemy to the Earth

It's not a conflict of terms ie. human vs nature. It is more likely a conflict of interest and motive. Perhaps greed is a condition, but the ability to change is what makes us human. We are part of the ecosystem, but conditioned to overconsumption. In the past we didn't know any better, that's how we developed, so our systems have continued along that path.
Hearing about harvesting energy from stars reminds me of Ancient Egyptian times and their pyramids
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Fusion power = carbon neutral

Eventually we will harvest energy from the stars.......

Have a read up on the Kardashev scale to see how long it might take though......

That's a bit of a stretch, but we have always harvested energy from stars - our nearest star - the Sun. The limiting factor to date has been storage (carbon is simply stored energy), but that will likely change in the not-too-distant future.
So I watched this movie by Michael Moore. Did not know this came out last year in May 2020.

We've all seen the "save the Earth" propaganda.

With keywords like below.

Carbon emissions
Carbon Neutral
green house gases
Global Warming

The solutions to "save the Earth" were in a "green" way

Solar Power
Wind Power

with the ultimate goal to eliminate coal use and reduce green house gases.

The Truth? on Cloudy or rainy days. Solar is not 100% efficient and at night? the efficiency is obviously ZERO.

On non-windy days wind power efficient is less to zero.

during down times both methods secretly will always have a connection to coal powered energy production.

or even LPG.

and then there is power generated from burning BIOMASS.

Biomass sounds pretty cool. And you tell someone "Biomass" most would never know it is the cutting down of forests to burn trees to produce power.


So to prevent global warming? The solution is to cut down the forest and all the trees? and keep coal and LPG as a back up power source?

The fact that you are talking about this is a good sign that shows that you have crossed over to the humanitarian and environmental way of looking at the World (if you weren't already).

Unfortunately with the Pandemic the Environmental issues have kind of been pushed to the back burner, but the good news is that because many people are staying home and traveling less there is now a lot less smog in the air.

As to the practicality of solar and wind energy I believe the answer is in having more efficient batteries that can store the energy that is produced by these sources.

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That's a bit of a stretch, but we have always harvested energy from stars - our nearest star - the Sun. The limiting factor to date has been storage (carbon is simply stored energy), but that will likely change in the not-too-distant future.
Not a stretch, will just take time.....something we don't really have

Now Fusion Power is a lot more attainable and is being researched and funded in a big way, so in the shortish term it might be the best bet......
I would like to believe fusion power would be the solution, but our government doesn't seem real good at protecting high value targets anymore.
Not a stretch, will just take time.....something we don't really have

Now Fusion Power is a lot more attainable and is being researched and funded in a big way, so in the shortish term it might be the best bet......

Cold Fusion has some advantages over other energy sources if it can be made to be safe, but going with natural renewable choices such as solar and wind are probably going to become a more popular option in the immediate future specially when the new generation of more efficient batteries come to market soon that can make things run without any interruptions.

Not a stretch, will just take time.....something we don't really have

Now Fusion Power is a lot more attainable and is being researched and funded in a big way, so in the shortish term it might be the best bet......

Agreed, fusion would provide abundant energy, considerably more than fission (and without the by-product of nuclear waste material). Also, our time on this planet is finite, and the earth's resources are not unlimited.
So I watched this movie by Michael Moore. Did not know this came out last year in May 2020.

We've all seen the "save the Earth" propaganda.

With keywords like below.

Carbon emissions
Carbon Neutral
green house gases
Global Warming

The solutions to "save the Earth" were in a "green" way

Solar Power
Wind Power

with the ultimate goal to eliminate coal use and reduce green house gases.

The Truth? on Cloudy or rainy days. Solar is not 100% efficient and at night? the efficiency is obviously ZERO.

On non-windy days wind power efficient is less to zero.

during down times both methods secretly will always have a connection to coal powered energy production.

or even LPG.

and then there is power generated from burning BIOMASS.

Biomass sounds pretty cool. And you tell someone "Biomass" most would never know it is the cutting down of forests to burn trees to produce power.


So to prevent global warming? The solution is to cut down the forest and all the trees? and keep coal and LPG as a back up power source?

Good afternoon.

I care about our planet but I'm not yet someone who will chain themselves to railings or indeed trees.

Please bear in my that the following is just my limited opinion and maybe further investigation by both of us may enlighten us even further.

I remember when wood pellets were introduced to be used in a hopper which would automatically feed down into your burner. My understanding at that time and more so today is that they were a natural by product of the wood industry in the same way that mixed density fibre boards are for the contruction industry. Here, waste wood is shredded then laminated together to make 8x4 boards for construction.

Now, the pellet industry has evolved although it still exists but now the wood is compressed together and using the natural resin from the wood itself they are dried to create what we should simply be called briquettes. These are then burned instead of wooden blocks which are in themselves carbon neutral.

I don't think that they just go around chopping down trees so that we can keep warm. I think it is a lot more environmentally friendly than that and simply uses left over wood from the lumber or furniture making industries.

I may be wrong, but I'm not an environmental scientist or anything....I'm just a simple domainer lol.

Now South American hardwoods are a different matter and moves have taken place to ensure that most imports are done under licence and in the UK/Ireland I think this is governed by I think the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) or some other such independent body.

I'm a furniture restorer in my spare time and I like nothing better than returning an antique chair or table back to its best and save it from just beong burned or indeed being put into landfil.

I hope that this has maybe clarifies some of the issues. We must keep on fighting the good fight.


Cold Fusion has some advantages over other energy sources if it can be made to be safe, but going with natural renewable choices such as solar and wind are probably going to become a more popular option in the immediate future specially when the new generation of more efficient batteries come to market soon that can make things run without any interruptions.

Have a read of this

It goes into Fusion development in quite a lot detail - it helped me understand the general principals and pro's and con's of it being a viable energy source - some of it got a bit to technical for me though
The answer is actually nuclear and fusion energy, it's clean, creates little waste and has caused less deaths than any other form of energy.

Wind turbines and solar panels kill birds, so how are we saving the planet if we're killing it's animals?

Also people forget what it takes to mine the material and transport it.

Anyways the planet is always changing, what were more worried about is surviving as a species and reducing pollution, the Earth has gone through a lot and it's still here. In many periods, there was more CO2 than oxygen.
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So I watched this movie by Michael Moore. Did not know this came out last year in May 2020.

We've all seen the "save the Earth" propaganda.

With keywords like below.

Carbon emissions
Carbon Neutral
green house gases
Global Warming

The solutions to "save the Earth" were in a "green" way

Solar Power
Wind Power

with the ultimate goal to eliminate coal use and reduce green house gases.

The Truth? on Cloudy or rainy days. Solar is not 100% efficient and at night? the efficiency is obviously ZERO.

On non-windy days wind power efficient is less to zero.

during down times both methods secretly will always have a connection to coal powered energy production.

or even LPG.

and then there is power generated from burning BIOMASS.

Biomass sounds pretty cool. And you tell someone "Biomass" most would never know it is the cutting down of forests to burn trees to produce power.


So to prevent global warming? The solution is to cut down the forest and all the trees? and keep coal and LPG as a back up power source?



I do not trust Michael Moore.

He made a film about my high school, cashed in millions and didn't do anything to help our community.
To address the main point: Is it a lie? Not a lie. But it wil take time, effort and a will to change our patterns and old habits die hard. There's an old saying, "You can't fight City Hall". That refers to the government. Now most governments of the world have joined forces to address the problem. But there remains a resistance. Some use the term Globalism to promote their propaganda and remain fixed in the old way of doing things - like major oil companies and food production consortiums aren't globalist?

I live off the grid, using wind and solar, and I have yet to kill a single bird, except to eat. I am not concerned about about lack of power or food and am not dependent on the government for protection.
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The answer is actually nuclear and fusion energy, it's clean, creates little waste and has caused less deaths than any other form of energy.

Wind turbines and solar panels kill birds, so how are we saving the planet if we're killing it's animals?

Also people forget what it takes to mine the material and transport it.

Anyways the planet is always changing, what were more worried about is surviving as a species and reducing pollution, the Earth has gone through a lot and it's still here. In many periods, there was more CO2 than oxygen.

I personally don't like those huge wind turbines and big solar farms, I believe that solar and wind energy should become more widely used, but with smaller turbines and more individually installed solar roof.

As far as the nuclear energy goes the big drawback is the nuclear waste that apparently no one wants in their jurisdiction and probably has to be shipped to a third World country where their people have no say about such matters.

If you want to learn about our hidden history. . .

You will see that Nikola Tesla was merely a branch of the old world, sharing pieces of wisdom from a very peaceful time when the world functioned in a state of abundance, rather than contrived scarcity models like we have seen.

Our world is electrified through the ether and we harvested the energy for electricity that way.

A deep rabbit hole for all you red-pillers.
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Youtube removed the video

# Cancel culture
(and i hate Michael Moore)
Thanks for the question... To follow up, don't take my word for it. Educate yourself. If you conceive and believe, you can achieve. For me, freedom and independence is important. I also value my time, privacy and security. I made it my goal and came up with my own plan, it doesn't work for everyone. You have to be able to engineer (mechanical and electrical), fabricate, repair and harvest - agriculture and/or hunt and fish.

If you want to learn about our hidden history. . .

You will see that Nikola Tesla was merely a branch of the old world, sharing pieces of wisdom from a very peaceful time when the world functioned in a state of abundance, rather than contrived scarcity models like we have seen.

Our world once was electrified through the ether and we harvested the energy for electricity that way.

A deep rabbit hole for all you red-pillers.

Yup, that's when Tesla was shut down by JP Morgan, a globalist who was more concerned about profits and capitalism than sharing the abundance of science and nature.
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ALL energy on the Earth comes from the Sun. It gets stored in plants and then in animals who eat plants, and in animals who eat these animals etc. It gets stored in fossils and per extension in carbon, crude oil etc. It causes winds by heating some areas more than the others. Even when we think about atomic energy, well, we got these atoms from the Sun in the first place... So in the end, wherever we take the energy from, it's basically the same energy. Which leaves us with the question of efficiency. Burning biomass is as inefficient as it gets. It's the way our ancestors heated their caves. Burning fossil fuels is slightly more efficient but has a much worse effect on the environment, because we are releasing carbon to the atmosphere that has been bound for millions of years. Then we have things like wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy, tides, atom etc. etc. but why not just get the solar energy directly, since 1) we know how and 2) we can transport it and we can store it (so the arguments that there is no solar energy at night - are a bit naive...). I strongly believe solar is the best source of energy for the future world and I hope we keep moving in this direction...
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Youtube removed the video

# Cancel culture
(and i hate Michael Moore)

I don't think that we should waste our time and energy to hate any one person,

This is more about having a collective effort on the part of Humanity to save this Planet.

Even those whom we might not like or agree with can play an important role in bringing certain subjects to our attention and make us think about them.

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I used to think in terms of how I can help to save the planet. At that time, people were not very interested in the subject of the environment. However, in the process, I did mange to learn a thing or two. Still today, most are more concerned with making money than the future of the planet. Macro-economics and politics are intertwined. That's when leadership must have foresight and be educated on issues beyond their border and beyond the short-term. The current political situation and medical mess has distracted the masses and folks can't seem to break free. War is another. People are confused and scarcely know what to believe.

Now I think in terms of micro-economics, how I can provide for my family and myself within a community of like-minded, friendly people. I've worked long and hard to realize a sense of freedom and independence. It takes sacrifice, mental preparation and physical effort. It's not a competition. When I feel the time is ripe, and it will soon be, there will be a market for such ideas. Until then, I'll just keep living the dream, lol. :beaver:
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