
question How will the crypto craze end?

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Casey L

Top Member
I was looking at the oldest threads in the “domain name sales” category where folks were discussing then recent xx,xxx sales of .mobi domains. Safe to say now that there was .mobi craze at one time, and about 10 years later, looking back at those types of sales seem like a lifetime ago in domain name history.

Currently there is a crypto domain craze which is experiencing a rising action as intense as any crazes in domain name history. I was still in middle school during the .mobi craze, so i’m not experienced enough to remember the fall of .mobi.

Even over the last three years we saw the Chinese premium craze develop a floor price for various patterns, but will there be a similar outcome for crypto names?
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but your guess is as good as mine or anyones.

it's a crap shoot. but people do say Bitcoin is a bubble.

I'm with Ripple. It's with the banks and is a tool for saving banks money.

all crypto is hype and that's risky.

like a investing in skinny jeans,lol
Goes to 100k then Satoshi announces we're all in the matrix and eats the chocolate bitcoins.
hopefully it ends where I make some decent profit.
I think it is a lot more viable investment than .mobi ever was
The title asks about the "crypto craze", and I don't believe that the switch to the so-called crypto-currencies will end in the foreseeable future. If you ask when the crypto domain name craze will end, then that is a different matter. It will end when domainers find another topic in which to dump their money and spam the boards.
^ nice sig btw

Thanks, but it hasn't sold, so I guess it's time to change it as I think my crypto craze has ended. Now what could be the next domaining craze - how about edible money. We've had BitCoin, so how about EatMyCoin? :)
emoji's? They seem to be all over the domaining news these days.
emoji's? They seem to be all over the domaining news these days.
I still don't understand most of them, and I've no idea how to type the URL into my browser. This is going to be one bubble that passes me by completely. I can understand the reason for national language domains, but, again, I don't know how to type those into my machine. It's probably just as well, as I probably wouldn't be able to read the pages anyway.

and as for the chinese sites - I'm not even sure if I need to turn my screen upside down to read the pages. :)
Major banks create Crypto Bank
••• sold over 3 years ago so was that the "Start" of the "craze" ?
I was looking at the oldest threads in the “domain name sales” category where folks were discussing then recent xx,xxx sales of .mobi domains. Safe to say now that there was .mobi craze at one time, and about 10 years later, looking back at those types of sales seem like a lifetime ago in domain name history.

Currently there is a crypto domain craze which is experiencing a rising action as intense as any crazes in domain name history. I was still in middle school during the .mobi craze, so i’m not experienced enough to remember the fall of .mobi.

Even over the last three years we saw the Chinese premium craze develop a floor price for various patterns, but will there be a similar outcome for crypto names?

A craze is more of an impulse and I would rather call it 'Crypto-Culture', since this is a trend that's here to stay, being deep rooted into establishing uncompromising privacy and a rewarding sense of freedom, attributes that give it a strong sustenance
as long as domain names continue to be a source of unique expression and extensive reach, crypto domains will only increase in value in the years to come.
A craze is more of an impulse and I would rather call it 'Crypto-Culture', since this is a trend that's here to stay, being deep rooted into establishing uncompromising privacy and a rewarding sense of freedom, attributes that give it a strong sustenance
as long as domain names continue to be a source of unique expression and extensive reach, crypto domains will only increase in value in the years to come.
I have no doubt that crypto currency will live on, and to some aspect crypto domains will as well, but it’s the domain “craze” that interests me. The hyperinflation of random ___coin names selling in currencies that don’t even exist reminds me of names like and selling for six figures. Eventually a peak has to be reached for crypto domains, at least in the volume and array of names that are selling (not to say won’t still be worth millions 20 years from now), and i’m curious what catalyst will lead us to the floor of domain values.

Perhaps something like major governments converting their currencies to litecoin and abandoning fiat currency, or who knows.

It’s the uncertainty of cryptocurrency that causes the gold rush of crypto domains, because we don’t know what might eventually be legitimized. Much like a game of musical chairs - we reg coin names and sell them for a premium as quickly as possible before the inflated demand disappears
I have no doubt that crypto currency will live on, and to some aspect crypto domains will as well, but it’s the domain “craze” that interests me. The hyperinflation of random ___coin names selling in currencies that don’t even exist reminds me of names like and selling for six figures. Eventually a peak has to be reached for crypto domains, at least in the volume and array of names that are selling (not to say won’t still be worth millions 20 years from now), and i’m curious what catalyst will lead us to the floor of domain values.

Perhaps something like major governments converting their currencies to litecoin and abandoning fiat currency, or who knows.

It’s the uncertainty of cryptocurrency that causes the gold rush of crypto domains, because we don’t know what might eventually be legitimized. Much like a game of musical chairs - we reg coin names and sell them for a premium as quickly as possible before the inflated demand disappears

The crazy kicks-in only when one regs/buys 'random' coin/crypto domain in hopes of benefiting from the rush.
Though the current volatility has its influence on domain world, meaningful and relevant crypto domains will always have its appeal and eventually when the crypto-currencies find their footing, the 'Reg-all-you-can' attitude will disappear as well.
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