
Has anyone tried DN Academy Course

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How is the DN Academy Course?

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Arpit Ward

Established Member
I think everyone knows "Michael Cyger" who is a a well-known figure in the domain name industry. He is the founder of "domainsherpa" and "dnacademy". I read a few of his blogs and am really glad that they are very informative. I am really interested to know that, did anyone purchased his dnacademy course and if yes then how it is. I am curious to know because I am thinking to buy the course to get more knowledge.

Let me know your feedback.
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DN Academy is run by the industries best educator and the course is used by all new Uniregistry employees. It even has experienced investors that are signed up.

Admittedly I haven't personally used the course but If I was just starting out in the industry I would 100% sign up for DN Academy.
Also you can read the NamePros forum for free while you wait to decide.

Good luck.
I have not personally taken it, but have heard lots of good things about it. I attended his Domaining 101 and 201 sessions Michael did at the recent NamesCon conference where he provided a little bit of the course in two short sessions. He is energetic, skilled, personable, analytical and smart. What I really like about his approach is that it is very organized and analytical and based on evidence.

There is no doubt that the course would allow you to reach a high level of proficiency more quickly. As others have commented, including Michael himself, most of what you will learn is in one or another of the sherpa interviews or here on NPs but what you are getting is an efficient optimal and organized packaging of the content.

The course, as I understand it, is pretty well entirely .com focussed, so should you see yourself as going in a new extension route, or your own country code or something else, while much is transferable not all will directly apply. Of course most domain investors do handle mostly .com

@Bob Hawkes A moment of your time please.

I want to let you know that I think your posts across Namepros have been a breath of fresh air. Your willingness to learn and contribute to Namepros and to other members is an example to all newcomers. You are also professional, respectful and neutral in all your well detailed posts.

It's fantastic to see from a member who is still relatively new to Namepros in the grand scheme of things. Especially compared to most of us oldies here.

You're not the only member like this of course but your posts have really stood out to me and I'm sure have helped many newcomers, so I wanted to take the time to let you know that I'm sure many like myself are fond of and appreciative of your posts on Namepros.

Keep up this kind of effort and analytical thinking and I'm sure you'll do well in domaining. Well I hope so at least.

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I realise I've gone off topic so allow me to also mention that I've only ever heard good things about DN academy.

I know @Candace used it, perhaps she wouldn't mind pitching in here if she has time.
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@Dave Thank you so much for your kind and generous comments. They mean very much to me and I truly appreciate your taking the time to publicly say it.

When I took retirement (after 34 years in the same organization) and we picked up roots and moved coast to coast in Canada the wonderful part was that it brought us close to our immediate family, but the not so wonderful was that we had left the people we worked and associated with for all those decades. NPs for me has given a virtual community, many of whom I have never met, but who have helped me to feel part of a daily community again. It was truly wonderful to attend NamesCon and meet some of the people I came to know virtually on here.

I like each day learning something new in domaining. I feel I can help sometimes by trying to be as fair and balanced as possible, and to look as analytically as available data allows. It is just the right thing to treat people with respect, whether it is their first day on NPs or have been here decades.

Anyway, we should get back to the business of this thread. Thanks again, and have a wonderful week.

He is energetic, skilled, personable, analytical and smart.


The course, as I understand it, is pretty well entirely .com focussed, so should you see yourself as going in a new extension route, or your own country code or something else, while much is transferable not all will directly apply. Of course most domain investors do handle mostly .com

Well if they did that course and then started buying new tlds then they sure as heck aren't following the course!
I would recommend this post on his blog from Adrian. A bit on his background for those who do not know him - he has been a successful domain investor in New Zealand for a number of years, and decided to turn his hand to.com. Even though an experienced domain investor he decided to take the DNAcademy course as he turned to .com. This post deals with why and a bit about the course.

What’s cost of course? I would reccommend listening to every word @Michael Cyger
says lol. Make informed decisions based on data
Hi @Arpit, good to meet you via nP! :)

@Bob, thanks for commenting about the Domaining 101 and 201 presentations that I gave at NamesCon in January 2019. Yes, the information was an abbreviated version of portions of the DNAcademy course.

"The course, as I understand it, is pretty well entirely .com focussed..."

I wouldn't say that it's ".com focused." I would say that it's focused on fundamentals and data, to your point. It's a data-based process for valuing domain names for the first half of the course, and then I go into buying, selling and managing your portfolio. (The entire syllabus is attached.)

Vince Lombardi, the legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers (American) football team, was remembered saying to his players on the first day of training camp: "This is a football." (https://jamesclear.com/vince-lombardi-fundamentals) He started with the basics, and built a proper knowledge base, so everyone on the team used the same language, mastered the fundamentals of their position, learned how to properly work together, and understood what it took to be the greatest at the game. It's my aspiration to do the same for all investors with DNAcademy.

Because DNAcademy includes a private, no-dumb-questions, Mike-answers-every-question-in-detail discussion forum for students, nP's policy is to not allow links to our website (i.e., they don't allow links to other discussion forums). If you're interested in learning more, visit DNAcademy .com, read the homepage, then in the footer you'll see a link to testimonials -- read those and I encourage you to contact those people you know. We also have some frequently asked questions at dnacademy .com/faq.

And you can always reach out to me directly through michael @ dnacademy .com.


  • DNAcademy-Syllabus.pdf
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@Arpit Ward, as someone that has taken the DNAcademy course, I can honestly say it's the best investment you can make in your education if you plan on continuing your domain investment journey. From beginning to end, you won't be disappointed. Even after completing the course, you'll find yourself going back to it often if for nothing more than a refresher.
After few years of publishing on my blog, I started thinking of sharing some tips and basic stuff related to domaining which will be helpful especially to newbies. Then I came across DnAcademy course and I was so happy to find that. I've gone through that course myself - many thanks to @Michael Cyger

Since that time, I've referred to many people and few of them have already purchased as well and everyone gave me positive feedback after going through the entire course. Whenever someone asks me to post anything related to basics, I always recommend him/her to have DnAcademy course because that's the best thing I could suggest rather than writing similar content on my blog. One of the best thing about this course is you get to learn step by step and on domain blogs including mine, it's difficult for one to find how and where exactly to start from.

I highly recommend this course to anyone who is seriously interested in domaining.
I'm laughing because usually I make super long posts about almost anything .. but it's very simple ..

1- The course is great ... it covers a lot of the basics by ripping apart a lot of subjects into their basic components and then brings it all back together again.

2- The teacher is sincerely amazing. It's hard to say @Michael Cyger is one of the best teachers in the industry because I can't even think of anyone else. He is THE teacher of the domain industry. PERIOD "."

All that said .. domaining is a very complex industry to learn .. each domain is unique and there are concepts outside the technical scope of domaining that still affects your abilities to succeed in domaining .. things like marketing, language and specific niche knowledge (like how knowing about the trucking industry can help you have a better chance of succeeding with truck domains). So there will always be these sorts of elements that could never be part of any domaining course (he probably won't teach you about truck .. lol) .. but quite honestly, as long as it's related to domains in any way .. let me just say this is where @Michael Cyger truly truly shines ..

3- If ever you have a question not covered completely in the course .. the help and questions area is where the dedication and commitment of Michael becomes undeniable .. as long as you've done your end of the work and made an honest effort to understand what you're asking first .. he will answer your questions with clear analogies, details and examples vastly beyond anything I've seen in any course on any subject.

I definitely suggest you go back and listen to some old Domain Sherpa Reviews from when he was still running Domain Sherpa (2017 and earlier) .. you'll get a good feel for his style. I've listened to most of them multiple times walking my dog and have so many hours of @Michael Cyger in my ear, that even if we've never met and he isn't much older than I am, he still feels like a long lost Uncle to me, passing on his wisdom in a caring, structured, technical yet understandable way.

DNAcademy really goes beyond the Sherpa Reviews and Interviews and really gets into the nuts and bolts of the domain industry in a very thorough and technical way.

Sigh .. I guess I couldn't keep it short after all .. lol .. but in reality I could probably go on forever at how much appreciation and respect I have for @Michael Cyger both as a person and a teacher! :)
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DNAcademy is an excellent course - working my way through it over the last few weeks.

I highly recommend it.
Mike sometimes runs 99 bucks lifetime,a couple years ago I thought I bought the deal ,but someho3 the transaction never went through,the problem was with ppal
If you take the team to do every tutorial and learn, the course will impart you with the knowledge to succeed at every level in domain investing. I've been in the game since 2016 and even after a week of the course I feel like I've learned more than the last 6 months of grinding by myself.

I made the fastest $xxxx flip I've ever had, from what I learned after one week....I wish I had chosen to do this course years ago!
Does DNA Academy course cover topics about Domain Parking? Or does it only cover Domain Buying and Selling? Please advice
Does DNA Academy course cover topics about Domain Parking? Or does it only cover Domain Buying and Selling? Please advice

Hi Sanket,

You can request a full syllabus here: DNAcademy .com/#syllabus

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email me directly at michael @ dnacademy .com.
Thinking of investing in Godaddy Domain Discount club to access the course.
Thanks for posting at namepros Michael
Anyone have opinions?
Thinking of investing in Godaddy Domain Discount club to access the course.
Thanks for posting at namepros Michael
Anyone have opinions?
I took it a few weeks ago once I saw it was included in my Domain Discount Club subscription.

Even though I have been in this industry for many years, I learned a lot. Michael Cyger has really created a great course for both beginners and experienced investors.
Thank you so much, everyone! I just bought this course. This is a huge money in my country(Bangladesh). Same as 3rd Grade Govt Job holder's salary.
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