
domain Domain Appraisal - scaners.com



New Member
I just bought this domain in a user auction for almost nothing. Do you think it's worth anything? The domain appraisal tools (dynadot, humbleworth, GoDaddy, estibot, etc) appraise it at somewhere between 2k to 20k USD but I kinda doubt it would sell that high. I have almost zero experience with selling domains so any insights would be really helpful.
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$10 to $35 = Reseller Value Speculation (NOT an end user speculation)
It looks like it's a typo of Scanners . Honestly This Name could be 50/50 but personally i wouldn't buy it . Could be a brandable name for print scanners or anything related to scanning That's about all i can get from this domain. If it was Scaner.com then yes that would be a valuable domain name .

Wish you the best .
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I can only see the value as a typo for Scanners. Be easy to evaluate by parking-it-up and see how many unique visits it receives. Would have to be in the hundreds to be worthwhile parking. Probably need to be in the thousands (verified) to make for any reasonable sale, just due to the ppc being not being great
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