
discuss Crazy Legal Trademark Scam Email

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This is Michael Thomas, Paralegal Officer from Paradigm Trademark. I would like to bring to your knowledge that we have received the trademark application for the same business/domain address name as yours bestfinancialsolutions. com, from the State of South Carolina but if we proceed with their application it is guaranteed that our applicant will get the federal rights on this name and protection for the business mark/name then you will be required to cease all use of this name as per the Patent & Custom Law and the US Trademark Law.

The application is being filed with the Patent & Trademark Office, IP Australia and IP UK for trademark registration. Upon doing the research on IP Databases regarding the name, your information popped up. USPTO and IP protocols suggest giving priority to the business owner over the new applicant. Therefore, we are reaching out to you for confirming whether would you be interested in reserving the federal trademark rights under your ownership for your name/mark.

If you're not willing to register the trademark, then we’ll have to register the federal trademark for the other applicant with the United States Patent & Trademark Office and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Office), as Trademarks are provided on a first come first serve basis, and on first use.

We would appreciate your prompt response, as the other applicant is still on hold until we receive your response. In case of no contact from you within the next 4 business days, the other applicant will be given the opportunity to begin their registration following the standard examination and filing procedure with the United States Patent & Trademark Office.

As per the Act of 1946 §§ 1051 et seq, it is mandatory to register your mark to hold the ownership rights federally.


Michael C. Thomas
Paralegal Officer
Call/Text: +1 (973) 755 6816
Email [email protected]

575 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Newark, NJ 07102
Visit Our Website
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This is Michael Thomas, Paralegal Officer from Paradigm Trademark. I would like to bring to your knowledge that we have received the trademark application for the same business/domain address name as yours bestfinancialsolutions. com, from the State of South Carolina but if we proceed with their application it is guaranteed that our applicant will get the federal rights on this name and protection for the business mark/name then you will be required to cease all use of this name as per the Patent & Custom Law and the US Trademark Law.

The application is being filed with the Patent & Trademark Office, IP Australia and IP UK for trademark registration. Upon doing the research on IP Databases regarding the name, your information popped up. USPTO and IP protocols suggest giving priority to the business owner over the new applicant. Therefore, we are reaching out to you for confirming whether would you be interested in reserving the federal trademark rights under your ownership for your name/mark.

If you're not willing to register the trademark, then we’ll have to register the federal trademark for the other applicant with the United States Patent & Trademark Office and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Office), as Trademarks are provided on a first come first serve basis, and on first use.

We would appreciate your prompt response, as the other applicant is still on hold until we receive your response. In case of no contact from you within the next 4 business days, the other applicant will be given the opportunity to begin their registration following the standard examination and filing procedure with the United States Patent & Trademark Office.

As per the Act of 1946 §§ 1051 et seq, it is mandatory to register your mark to hold the ownership rights federally.


Michael C. Thomas
Paralegal Officer
Call/Text: +1 (973) 755 6816
Email [email protected]

575 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Newark, NJ 07102
Visit Our Website
What is the angle here?

Are they trying to sucker people into buying unneeded / unwanted trademark services based on a bunch of BS?

Reminds me of the Chinese domain registration scam -

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Trying to get you to pay for their services. Idiots. Yes, as an attorney I can assure you this is fake news.
Yes, this is a very old one. The Chinese domain name scam is based on this older scam.
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