
discuss Auction/BIN/OFFER ?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Any views and opinions on which of these is the best route to sell a domain ? I'm sure its been done to death but i'm interested to hear of peoples experiences/success rate of auction listings, be it a straight forward auction, offer/counter offer, fixed buy it now or combination ?
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Fixed buy it now will usually get the most exposure and have the highest odds of selling unless we're talking something like a premium domain, one-word domain, LLLL.com domain..etc. If you're holding something that lots of people might have interest in then offer/counter offer is probably ideal. At most places using the offer/counter offer option automatically lets you choose to send it to auction. If it's a name that less people may be interested in (a branable, geo service..etc) then a fixed BIN is probably best.
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