
An Epik Statement on Racism and Injustice

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Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
Epik Founder

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
When you talk about a corporate statement, what do you think any company would say publicly? What do you think most racists do. They hide it. That's what they do. So, forget the statement. It's useless.

If Epik wants to take a stand, they should donate to worthy causes that diligently and actively work to stamp out all forms of hate based on race, religion or otherwise. They should paint their site black and stop the dancing around where they stand.

There is no "dark force" going after Epik as far as I can see. Epik sponsors gab. A known racist organization. They should have directly addressed how they intend to sever the relationship. That's what that letter should have said.
And by the way. I like Rob and I like Epik. Just don't think they are on the right path standing up for a site like that. Not good business.
And by the way. I like Rob and I like Epik. Just don't think they are on the right path standing up for a site like that. Not good business.

They arent standing up for anyone.

Rob took neutral view, hasnt talked to CEO in years, a CEO, hell-bent, on staying online. Last option DarkNet,Rob may have saved lives

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How on earth could you possibly discriminate if you tried? Can't really judge anything with just a domain name.
This thread has gotten a little off topic on the original post by Rob. Regardless, you have to do what’s best for you and your domain names. I personally like Epik’s landers, customer service and Escrow service so I will stay with them. A lot of people don’t like their jobs but you stick with it. Why? Because you do what’s best for YOU! Just because your opinion differs from someone else’s doesn’t mean that you have to up and leave.
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The writing is pretty much on the wall. There's no place to grow. Affiliations like that will only push business to competitors. Its unfortunate that Epik has invited so much bad press.
People will find own reasoning for blacklisting things always have you can't side with every ones ethics.
People will find own reasoning for blacklisting things always have you can't side with every ones ethics.

This, times a million. Thank you, Thank you

Case in point? this thread.

If Rob Davis @Intelliname would have written a short statement, message would “too short”

No statement “you dont care”

Believe in epik, i’ve never believed epik more.

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This thread has gotten a little off topic on the original post by Rob. Regardless, you have to do what’s best for you and your domain names. I personally like Epik’s landers, customer service and Escrow service so I will stay with them. A lot of people don’t like their jobs but you stick with it. Why? Because you do what’s best for YOU! Just because your opinion differs from someone else’s doesn’t mean that you have to up and leave.
I have quite a few domains at Epik. They should not provide a platform for that site though. Very disappointing. :)
Some people have issues about buying from foreign countries over 6 years of war rather than last 100 years at home.
I have quite a few domains at Epik. They should not provide a platform for that site though. Very disappointing. :)
Open nic domain.
.geek or .o ?
I am interested in words and actions.

The treat people with "kindness, humility, and compassion" rhetoric does not match your actions.

Or does spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories and sharing a video of people being slaughtered qualify under that? Do attacks on an editor @ Wikipedia fall under that? Do racist comments from Epik employees fall under that?

Is Epik still going to not only host, but court the far right wing extremists, which often include racism as shown over and over again?

Is Epik going to take any action vs employees for their racist comments?
Is Epik going to openly come out and reject racist supporters like Charizard?

Also, isn't Robert Davis the user intelliname that has been involved of much of this nonsense from the attack on Molly White @ Wikipedia, spreading baseless conspiracy theories, and the recent nonsense with

It is my view that Rob and Epik put themselves in this position with their (poor) decisions.

Take accountability. Take responsibility. Take action to fix it.

It's really pretty simple.....everyone is prejudice and always will be. Rob Monster is bias, you are, and so are your neighbors. Rob Monster has an agenda, you do, and so do your neighbors.

Personally I believe statements like the kind Epik just published should carry a "Bias Warning" similar to the kind of health warning that's on a pack of cigarettes. btw, anything published by entities like Fox and CNN should be required to post the same "warning"

It was Will Smith who spoke the words, "Everyone is prejudice, but racism is rare"

Definition Rare: 1. not common or frequent; very unusual:xf.wink:
I live in a predominantly white neighborhood in Old Town Alexandria Virginia. You sound just like my white friends. They have been very apologetic and borderline obsequious since the recent turn of events. I have to constantly remind them that we were once business partners. I AM an integral part of the problem. I am not an isolated case. It is a widespread cultural phenomena. I AM a part of that group that I am blaming. It is always far too convenient for us to blame someone else for our home-grown problems.

I am a Fanti, a tribe of elitists who pride themselves in being fluent in the 'Queen's English' and frown upon anyone who cannot construct grammatically impeccable sentences. 75% of us have English full-names. Please explain to me how this illustrates national or cultural pride?

You are on the outside looking in. You have to live as a black person who has been exposed to various facets of the black culture to appreciate where I'm coming from. It is not the responsibility of the people outside the group to value us more than we value ourselves.

Here goes the blame game and finger-pointing again. Please explain, logistically, how one goes about looting a country's gold from the mines along with all the other natural resources WITHOUT the approval of the local leaders? Please explain to me exactly how you think these corrupt leaders who collaborate and sell the country's resources came into power? Who do you think governed us before the colonial masters showed up 500 years ago? Who do you think gave them permission to govern us when they showed up? How do you think these coups are staged? If I arm you with a gun to kill your brother, would you actually do it if you value him more than the money you have been offered?

Every time any African political leader comes into power, the first thing they do is line their pockets with the country's money. They come in broke and leave multimillionaires. John Mahama served as the president of Ghana from 2012 to 2017. His net worth was $900M by the time he was leaving office. He came in with nothing. The salary of the Ghana president is $76K a year. Please explain that math to me. What do you think he sold to make that money? Who do you think he sold it to?

Look, it is a generational systemic problem that has pervaded our culture for a over 500 years. Until we own up to the major role we continue to play in the issues facing us, no amount of excuses made for us as a group or reparations will avail us.

One day my wife had the audacity to say that all blacks have been brainwashed. My response was "Who gave them permission to brainwash us? Where were we when it was being done? What did we do about it while it was being done?"

I call a spade a spade. I was raised never to make excuses. We, as a group of people, effed up several years ago and continue to dig ourselves deeper into a hole. We are like crabs in a barrel pulling each other down. Until that mentality changes, we will not realize any significant advancement as a group.

By the way, God cannot protect us against ourselves.
BrandAptly...i live about 3 hours down the road from you in Virginia Beach. I grew up in the Washington DC area 50 years ago and actually lived in the District until I was 10 years old. My first real friend happened to be Chinese and I miss him...his name was Herbert Lee and if you knew how many Chinese in the world have the last name "Lee" you'd understand why I can't find him.

I love all people BrandAptly and I'd luv to meet you. I'm sure we have way more in common than not, and if you would like to be a friend I can be reached via my information link here on NP.

btw, I like the landing page for the marketplace site you're developing. It looks great(y) Good Luck!
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Don't tell me who I sound like or what I think. You don't know me anymore than I know you. And I'm not claiming to be able to appreciate what it's like to be you.

All I'm saying is that when you try to heap a problem like racism on the shoulders of a single group of people, you do a disservice to all people, and to the magnitude of the problem.
Who do you sound like? And "magnitude" of the problem? Racism is rare, and there is HUGE disconnect between magnitude and rare. Thank God I know the difference:xf.wink:
Grilled, kiwifarms, is worse than a million Gabs.

Do you 💯 believe that statement?

Or is that just your usual blind Epik bias?
We can do a study if you want? Though, prepare yourself before you analyze the most hateful slums of the internet.

Posting a picture of the dead (bad, yes bad). It that really as bad as cheering on, and instigating actual hate crimes / mass murder in a place of worship?

And you keep saying things like the Epik CEO hasn't talked to gab CEO in over a year like it's a good thing. Meaning, Epik essentially vouched for gab. Then hired an incompetent abuse manager. Taking what you're saying as fact, does that mean there has been no epil presence at gab? Is that the solution, so problem solved? Praise Rob for that solution, and thank him for saving lives? What lives did Rob save?

And epik CEO hasn't at least been in contact with gab CEO, Rob essentially vouched for by taking him Epik ceos word? And then receives no update, and/or seemingly no AUP compliance check to ensure epiks most controversial client isn't heading in the same past that lead to mass murder?

Do you suggest we stay silent on the gab compliance issue?

What happens if another Pittsburgh happens? Would Epiks stance differ if mass murders occurred at a Church opposed to a Synagogue?

Do we still say silent?

“The challenge faced by any platform that allows everything permitted under U.S. law is that if left unabated, the most objectionable content will inevitably take over,” said Micah Schaffer, a former policy leader at YouTube and Snap who is now a technology policy consultant. “If an online community is dominated by porn, beheadings or white supremacists, most people aren’t going to think it’s a good place for their baby photos.”

Honest question @Samer, what would have to happen for you to finally speak out against gab? Do you have ANY idea that kind of hate that Fester's on sites like that?

Do you have any idea the magnitude of baseless hateful conspiracy theories spreading? Or do you think, because our president does it, that it's OK to do under free speech?

Look, not everyone is as smart as you @Samer. No you shouldn't carry that burden. But not everyone processes baseless hate conspiracy theories the same way you do. Take Rob Bowers (Rob B.) or Edward Clark for example. What effect, if any, do you think conspiracy theories and hate speech had on them?
New court documents have shed fresh light on a possible plot in Washington, D.C., planned for the same day as the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre in October.

The case centers on 23-year-old Edward William Clark, who killed himself on Washington’s isolated Roosevelt Island on Oct. 27, just hours after the synagogue shooting allegedly perpetrated by Robert Bowers.

Clark, according to relatives interviewed by the FBI, believed in a “race revolution” and “wanted to expedite it.”

Clark, a member of white supremacist circles who was photographed with alleged Charlottesville “Unite the Right” murder suspect James Alex Fields in 2017 and posted on alt-right social network Gab, shot himself with a pistol shortly after the attack. The suicide came around the same time that it was reported that Gab was cooperating with law enforcement in the Pittsburgh case, according to the FBI.

Also, since you appear to be against mainstream media citations in Wikipedia, do you think the below Wikipedia page needs editing?

Perhaps somebody of your bias would argue the Wikipedia motive listed in that article is fake news?
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Race has been the subtext of this discussion. Why would I lead with that and diminish the shock value? :xf.grin:

I find knee-jerk reactions before facts are gathered rather interesting. You were actually very diplomatic in your response in spite of not having that pertinent information.

I have lived in the US for the last 25 years. One of my greatest regrets I have was attending a historically black college. 95% of the discrimination I have faced in this country came from African Americans. I was ridiculed in class on several occasions because of my accent. This was always my response: "Your mockery of the way I speak glorifies the very process that led to your becoming American." Most of these kids had IQs too far below room temperature to grasp the insult.

Listen to the lyrics in RAP music. Pay attention to how the verbiage demeans their women. Also pay attention to all the products that are being promoted in them. Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, etc. These dumb kids get brainwashed by this garbage. They then go out and rob each other for these brand name goods at gunpoint often resulting in the death of their victims.

On a monthly basis, blacks in the US kill far more blacks (over 4k) than the KKK has since it's formation. If you start a chess game by taking out all your black pawns, how does that increase your chances of winning?! Until we put well executed radical reform programs in place to demonstrate that our lives really matter, we just need to shut up. We do more harm to ourselves than the police ever does to us.

Take a look at this video:
This is one of the many black owned businesses that were vandalized under the guise of protesting against police brutality. Will someone explain to me how one can rationalize this stupidity? How does this illustrate our value for our lives? How does this alleviate our economic disadvantage?

You cannot mandate that other people treat you better than you're willing to treat yourself. That is just downright ridiculous.

Stop citing this God-awful source that has no "censor" standards.

Are you asking me to censor my free speech?

You do realize cites like KiwiFarms come up to demonstrate the internet isn't a bubble. nP mods can't protect the entire internet. So when gabs savior Rob/epik platforms gab, other sites like chan spinoff sites like KiwiFarms spread, and compete for lols.

It's like those ignorant folks who think black lives matter means all lives don't matter. Of course all lives matter. And it's a damn shame it has come to this extreme, where one side has to feel kneeling during the national anthem is their best option to get awareness NOW. Then our president suggest we get those sons of bitches off the field. Only months later the president is out there inciting shooting of looters to the WORLD. Surely you can respect kneeling more than looting? I know I heard Rob Monster on a DNAcad social refer to the BLM movement and equate it to commerce in Africa, but not sure if I have ever seen Epik stand up for the Black Lives Matter Movement. Namesilo did. GoDaddy did. The bloom firm did. Yeah, and I'm the one doing the devil's work as one Epik VP had told me. #SMH

Anyways @Samer, back to KiwiFarms. Do you disagree with the KiwiFarms Wikipedia page?

Exhibit A
Christchurch mosque shootings
In March 2019, Kiwi Farms republished both the livestream and the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant, the perpetrator of the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings. Shortly after, website owner Joshua Moon publicly denied a request by New Zealand Police to voluntarily hand over all data on posts relating to the shooting, including the IP addresses of posters and their emails.[11] Moon responded aggressively, calling New Zealand a "shithole country",[11] and stated that he does not "give a single solitary fuck what section 50 of your faggot law says about sharing your email".[12][13] Kiwi Farms was one of several websites blocked by New Zealand ISPs in the wake of the attack.[14]

Moon's response garnered mixed to negative reception. New Zealand publications that covered the story criticized Moon for his rudeness and unwillingness to cooperate with law enforcement; Newshub called Moon's message "aggressive" and "mocking".[15]

If you recall

The domainincite article quotes
Domain name registrar has come under fire from prominent domain investors and others after CEO Rob Monster suggested that video of the recent mosque shootings in New Zealand, which he hosted on an Epik service and shared on social media, was a hoax.

So with exhibit A in context 1 for #MarketingWithoutEthics #TheEpikWay

How the [insert expletive here] is Epiks Rob Monsters actions any different/better than KiwiFarms Joshua Moon?

You do see the argument that Robs actions are/were potentially more dangerous than Josh's don't you?
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I am likely to disappoint you.

That you have.

And not just me. I think you're disappointing the entire world. But that's just my opinion.

You'll have to answer to the ultimate judge one day. And then, and apparently only then, may you finally realize the trickle effect or implications of your actions. Might be best to start preparing that conversation now, before it's too late. By prepare, I don't mean provide empty words. I mean taking decisive moral actions.

Why risk being damned for an eternity just to make a few (or maybe a lot given the investors you appear to be catering towards) masterbucks? Spoil alert: asking for Jesus' forgiveness isn't the almighty excuse to or for all. Some things you'll just have to be accountable for. Whether you want to accept it or not. Not everything is excusable. Though we do evolve. But that's generally through taking accountability. And not by shouting fake news or conspiracies as if your actions, and only your actions, are sanctioned by Christ.
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Do you 💯 believe that statement?

Or is that just your usual blind Epik bias?
We can do a study if you want? Though, prepare yourself before you analyze the most hateful slums of the internet.

Posting a picture of the dead (bad, yes bad). It that really as bad as cheering on, and instigating actual hate crimes / mass murder in a place of worship?

And you keep saying things like the Epik CEO hasn't talked to gab CEO in over a year like it's a good thing. Meaning, Epik essentially vouched for gab. Then hired an incompetent abuse manager. Taking what you're saying as fact, does that mean there has been no epil presence at gab? Is that the solution, so problem solved? Praise Rob for that solution, and thank him for saving lives? What lives did Rob save?

And epik CEO hasn't at least been in contact with gab CEO, Rob essentially vouched for by taking him Epik ceos word? And then receives no update, and/or seemingly no AUP compliance check to ensure epiks most controversial client isn't heading in the same past that lead to mass murder.

Do you suggest we stay silent on the gab compliance issue?

What happens if another Pittsburgh happens? Would Epiks stance differ if mass murders occurred at a Church opposed to a Synagogue?

Do we still say silent?

Honest question @Samer, what would have to happen for you to finally speak out against gab? Do you have ANY idea that kind of hate that Fester's on sites like that?

Do you have any idea the magnitude of baseless hateful conspiracy theories spreading? Or do you think, because our president does it, that it's OK to do under free speech?

Look, not everyone is as smart as you @Samer. No you shouldn't carry that burden. But not everyone processes baseless hate conspiracy theories the same way you do. Take Rob Bowers (Rob B.) or Edward Clark for example. What effect, if any, do you think conspiracy theories and hate speech had on them?

Also, since you appear to be against mainstream media citations in Wikipedia, do you think the below Wikipedia page needs editing?

Perhaps somebody of your bias would argue the Wikipedia motive listed in that article is fake news?
"Do you have any idea the magnitude of baseless hateful conspiracy theories spreading?"

As an outspoken self proclaimed moderate it's obvious to me that everyone is bias just as everyone is prejudice. You're not the first member here to use the term "magnitude" of the problem. "Magnitude" compared to what? I started and ran a company called Contact USA back in the 80's and 90's that had over 100 employees, and on occasion an employee would come to me and say we have this "big problem". Then when asked how often does this happen....they would say "all the time", and they would give me an example of it "just happening". My policy was always, "trust but verify". How often do you think the problem was anywhere close to how it was portrayed? Almost never:xf.rolleyes:

Grilled...i contend you sir are biased just like everyone else reading this. And Rob Monster and Samer, that goes for you too:xf.wink:
There's a lot of nonsense in this thread.

Some guy actually blaming the victim. Even if he has a point, he should go say that within the group (to black people in this case & work on it collectively) you don't say it to other groups accused of being racist, its an easy way out.


Americans should travel more, when all this over, they should definitely do some more traveling, maybe it'll change how they think about race.

In other parts of the world like where I am, grouping isn't done by race, its actually language, that's why there are White, Black, Brown Arabs in Africa & the middle east, but we are one group because our native tongue is Arabic.

I think America's strength is in its diversity, but some people just don't get that.

As for the Epik statement, its a statement better than nothing I guess, a registrar isn't going to solve the problem of racism.
I definitely don't think Epik should be remotely associated with this kind of issue...

Free speech? If Epik thinks it's okay for their employees and their families to hold and share these types of beliefs, they will self-destruct.

Certainly Epik can't mind people verbally attacking them, perhaps calling them every name in the book. Its free speech!

You cannot claim to promote love, while actively supporting hate. Actions will always speak louder than words.
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"Do you have any idea the magnitude of baseless hateful conspiracy theories spreading?"

As an outspoken self proclaimed moderate it's obvious to me that everyone is bias just as everyone is prejudice. You're not the first member here to use the term "magnitude" of the problem. "Magnitude" compared to what? I started and ran a company called Contact USA back in the 80's and 90's that had over 100 employees, and on occasion an employee would come to me and say we have this "big problem". Then when asked how often does this happen....they would say "all the time", and they would give me an example of it "just happening". My policy was always, "trust but verify". How often do you think the problem was anywhere close to how it was portrayed? Almost never:xf.rolleyes:

Grilled...i contend you sir are biased just like everyone else reading this. And Rob Monster and Samer, that goes for you too:xf.wink:
Bias is far different than a holding and spreading a belief that the white race is in danger and that all other races are inferior. Yes, if I see an indigent person on the street, I become more alert. That's very different.

There are different magnitudes of racism but racism is very different than bias.

IMO, when we downplay racism, or compare it to bias, we ignore the death, pain and suffering inflicted on innocent people by racists and nazis.

It's a very, very, very serious matter. It's a good thing most victims of racism only want equality...and not revenge.
Anyone want to hear something powerful??

Please go to:

Scroll down to Academix Beat Lab Radio - Friday, June 12, 2020 6:00 pm

You have to hear this woman speak. Starting at 21:14 into the broadcast.

Let me know what you think. :)

Then let's talk about bias and racism.
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What I see as a serious matter, is that the ease of which opinions may be posted on the Internet, and has resulted in blurred lines between perceived racism and real racism. It is a serious matter, when the optics of a statement of, or an association to, is cast as guilty as charged, and defined as racism.

It is a serious matter, when talking about something that we know nothing about but are so easily willing to tear a person apart, throwing links around as if they justify the charge. It is a serious matter when every opinion nowadays, needs it's own movement. We no longer respect anything but our own voice.

But the most serious matter of all, is the shift in focus from actual racism, where real people in real lives are killed or hindered from living their life, to focus on the optics of companies or small businesses or individuals with every word they use or emotion they may have, and calling it racism and attempting to destroy their lives.

It is then, which is when we become the persecutors, which is the antithesis of that which we are trying to fix.
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Bias is far different than a holding and spreading a belief that the white race is in danger and that all other races are inferior. Yes, if I see an indigent person on the street, I become more alert. That's very different.

There are different magnitudes of racism but racism is very different than bias.

IMO, when we downplay racism, or compare it to bias, we ignore the death, pain and suffering inflicted on innocent people by racists and nazis.

It's a very, very, very serious matter. It's a good thing most victims of racism only want equality...and not revenge.
I probably know a couple thousand people from my high school days, to my college days right up to today. That's about 50 years, and I can honestly say I've never personally met a racist or a nazi. I've even employed, laid off, and fired a few hundred people over my life time.

Are there racists? Yes....are they everywhere.....NO! I once saw a couple of what they call skinheads on the boardwalk here in Virginia Beach....there must have been four or maybe five of them. I don't know what a skinhead stands for...aren't they a mix between a racist and a nazi?

Note, i'm part of the white race. Do I think the white race is in danger? Personally I don't give a rats ass and never have. Do I think other races are inferior? Hell no, and as a Christian who is very proud to be quarter Jewish I'm reasonably sure I'd rot in hell if I believed another race is inferior:xf.rolleyes:
Anyone want to hear something powerful??

Please go to:

Scroll down to Academix Beat Lab Radio - Friday, June 12, 2020 6:00 pm

You have to hear this woman speak. Starting at 21:14 into the broadcast.

Let me know what you think. :)

Then let's talk about bias and racism.
Dave....i just listened to this women speak and her hateful prejudiced words are exactly why we need a "Bias Warning" or call it a "Prejudice Warning" on everything broadcast or written in America. And as for the piece you linked us to about the alleged white-supremacist group on Staten Island passing out 50:xf.rolleyes: propaganda brochures, what is suppose to be my takeaway? The population of Staten Island is around 500,000, and I'd bet you anything you'd like to bet there are 10X as many pedophile's on Staten Island as there are skin heads. Why aren't we more up in arms about pedophilia than we are about racism?
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