
domain What do you think about my new gTLD domain? Advice thread.

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MarekTop Member
In this thread, I will give you my opinion about your submitted new gTLD domain name.

I will focus not only on its numerical appraisal, but also will take other factors into consideration (mainly renewal fee and what you do with the name, where it is presented, etc), to debate whether it is a good investment choice (in my opinion). Just because I am a new gTLD investor it does not mean that I will give good opinion on crappy names - so I will tell you when I see no value or potential. To see examples of new gTLD domain names I personally invest in, you can check my website

1. Only 1 new gTLD domain name can be submitted daily per 1 Namepros user.
2. This thread is related to new gTLD domain names only - I can not give you my opinion about .com, .net, org or ccTLD names like .de or names, as I do not have enough direct experience with them.
3. I am not responsible for any damages related to my advice - it is only my personal opinion, although I will really try my best to give reasonable, and well-balanced opinion.
4. You can submit only domain name you personally own.
5. For security and privacy purposes, all names submitted and discussed in replies must be in
keyword(s) / gTLD extension format (for example royal / estate, or bestgames / online)
6. Comments/opinions/appraisals from other members on any name submitted here are very welcome :)
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Thoughts on Quotes / international ?
Centro / online
Centro is spanish and italian word for "center"...that means that potential end user will come probably from this direction.
Now lets ask the question, what would be value of english version, which is center / online, and who would be the end user. Imo the name is kind of dull, too .online I love to see keywords like perfumes, cars, mortgage, refinance, etc..product names, or services where one can see thousands of obvious end users. But "center"..I personally do not really feel that.

Considering that "centro" is further limited by spanish/italian market, I feel it can go for low XXX-1k, while I would guestimate probability of resale for this price at any given year as 1%. Renewal is standard here, which is around 20-30 USD at most registrars. So for any given year of holding the math looks as following:

yearly cost: USD 30
yearly possible profit: 0.01*USD 1000 = USD 10 (when we take upper number of appraisal)

30 is 3 times more ten 10, which is the reason I do not think this will work out as profitable (if you hold it more then a first year)
oddschecker / live

Thanks upfront. Really appreciate the time and effort you put into new gTLD topics. Respect
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Thoughts on Quotes / international ?
I obviously like much .international, as it (with correct keyword) can give your site nice authority feel. The near alternative in this sense is also .global.

The key point here is to have that good keyword. When I think "quotes" I personally can not really find a obvious end user for that. If that should be a website with "wise life quotes" there is a lot of competition in new gTLD space in other extensions, like .site, .website, .world, .link, .click, .zone, .space, etc...they all go, more-less, the same as .international with keyword "quotes" - imo there is nothing special in connection between .inernational and keyword "quotes".

Quick check just shows that at the moment of writing, quotes / social is available for 1,99 to be registered...and this combo is the same or higher quality then the analyzed domain. When such alternatives are abvailable almost for free, it is obviously a very bad news for any potential resell profit. So my appraisal would be 200-650, but probability of such sell is very low, considering info above. The renewal fee is small, around 15 not bad, but as an investment I see it as very borderline (will probably pay for itself in time if you hold it, but maybe not really worth the effort)
oddschecker / live

Thanks upfront. Really appreciate the time and effort you put into new gTLD topics. Respect
You are very welcome friend!

There are number of domains available as very close alternatives for reg fee to the domain oddschecker / live at the time of writing my response. For example:

If you want to go social, you can reg oddschecker / social for 1,99
If you want to be cool, you can reg oddschecker / ninja for 4,99
if you want to reg some really good combination, you can go for oddschecker / software for 4,99.
I can show another 20 examples, but I think this shows the picture

Problem with analyzed domain is that there is really nothing special going on between .live and keyword "oddschecker". Because there is no special connection, your domain can be easily replaced by end user with above close alternatives which are available for reg fee. Because of that, I feel basically 0 potential for any resale profit for this domain.
Not a comment specific to a domain but just a thought related to gauging the investment merit based on potential resale price, odds of a sale and considering renewal costs... I think this is worth further discussion. What would this keyword reasonably sell for if it were .Com (not a Mike Mann or Schwartz price but just average domain investor)? How does the TLD affect the resale price (x% of .com)? Even if you held the name ten years what are the odds of a sale given that portfolio turn in the industry is around 1-2% but probably lower for alternative extensions? How much would the investor pay including domain acquisition and renewal costs over a ten-year horizon? How does a risk-adjusted sales price compare to domain acquisition + holding costs?

Not a comment specific to a domain but just a thought related to gauging the investment merit based on potential resale price, odds of a sale and considering renewal costs... I think this is worth further discussion. What would this keyword reasonably sell for if it were .Com (not a Mike Mann or Schwartz price but just average domain investor)? How does the TLD affect the resale price (x% of .com)? Even if you held the name ten years what are the odds of a sale given that portfolio turn in the industry is around 1-2% but probably lower for alternative extensions? How much would the investor pay including domain acquisition and renewal costs over a ten-year horizon? How does a risk-adjusted sales price compare to domain acquisition + holding costs?
Those are all very valid questions.

You know, I always cringe when I see some new gTLD appraisals like : "your name is worth XXX", and that is the whole information provided. This was enough for .com names in old time, where all renewals were the same USD 10, and your aternatives were basically .net and .org, maybe also relevant ccTLD..

But in present times, many people (particularly those who start in new gTLDs) simply do not realise there are also many other variables they need to get right to have some chances to success, and those are particularly renewal costs, and also what are the available alternatives in new gTLD space, and how expensive is to get those alternatives. One can have great name, but if there are lot of alternatives, and it is for high renewal fee, it will simply not work out well for that domainer :)
highest / bid

Of course I already have my own opinion on it - nevertheless I am interested in yours.
Malinois / Club :)
"The Malinois is a medium-to-large breed of dog, sometimes classified as a variety of the Belgian Shepherd dog rather than as a separate breed."

Ok, so it seems it is quite a cute dog! But I had to google the keyword "Malinois", as I have never heard it it my life, I am sure many people are in similar position. This means that the domain name is very niche, while the end users are extremely obvious here (Malinois dog's owner).

Great news is that good keyword .club name sells like hot cakes, .club registry has very good marketing (and overall) strategy imo. It also make sense with the keyword. I am sure someone can pay 1k - 1,3k for it if presented to right enduser. The renewal fee is standart, around 11 USD in many registrars. Prob of resale 1% at any given year (is my guesstimate), maybe slightly more.

This is the borderline investment, as cost per year is 11 USD, while projected profit for any given year is also around 10-13 USD (as 0,01*1000 = 10, and 0,01*13000 = 13). So nothing special, but the name will probably pay for itself.
More / Domains

Thank you much
End user for this domain is a domainer. Or larger domain reseller, or registrar. And it will be probably gTLD domainer/registar/reseller who is not afraid to operate his business from new gTLD.

Such end users certainly exist, but they usually have very detailed knowledge of gTLD space, and are pretty picky with the names. Now, it kind of goes well together. But there are much better keywords for .domains, and the question is whether someone will like your combo so much that he would pay premium to domainer holding it. I tried to seach for keywords which I consider very good for this extension:
(short, exclusive, cheap, cheaper, cheapest, free, great, best, top, new, super, golden, royal, platinum, super, ultra, world, your, my, hot, cool) the fact is that all is either registered, or reserved, so better alternatives not easily available, which is good.

String "more / domains" is registered only in .com and .net, that shows it was not in much demand, which is not that good.

My estimate of realistic resell price would be 150 - 200 max, as end user would probably be domainer and fan of wholesale pricing (chances are registry or registrat would go for higher quality keyword). Prob of sale for this price I guesstimate 1% for any given year. Renewal around 20, which is a yearly cost. Projected sale price for given year calculated as 0.01*200 = 2 USD. Well, 2 is 10 times less then 20, which indicates this is not going to perform well statistically at all.
BitcoinTraders / website

This one seems rather easy:

1) Number of very close alternatives which are available for reg fee for string "Bitcoin Traders" is pretty large, for example you can get this at the moment of writing in .online, .pro, .app!!!, .tech, .cloud - why any end user would need exactly .website for this name so urgently, that he would pay any significant premium to domainer holding it? That is not going to happen...

2) What is much worse, there is not only large competition in new gTLD extensions, but also we can find close competition in various alternatives to keywords per se: instead of "Bitcoin Traders", we can have also "Bitcoin Trader" or "Bitcoin Trading"...this makes number of alternatives absurdly large...

So yes, name can sell for 500 if someone likes it, but probability of such sale is basically very close to 0, considering number of alternatives available to end users...
highest / bid

Of course I already have my own opinion on it - nevertheless I am interested in yours.
I like it :) This is actually very clever investment and I will write in detail why:

.Bid is (from semantic point of view) extension which I personally consider a narrow one. That means, you can have only few really good combos there. Usually such high quality combos are marked with higher premium pricing (there are logical reasons behind that), but this is not the case here, which is very good.

So why I think this is a good one:

First, I will start with 1 rather negative point - obviously, there will be only limited number of end users who will find it interesting and useful, but there will be some (it can basically serve as memorable brandable for auction house, or betting site, etc). So pool of endusers is not small, but also not super large.

Now the positive one:

You managed to reg name in narrow extension, and that name is nice combo, but still you secured that with standard renewal. The best part is that you keep the name on registrar where the renewal price for .bid is exactly 0.96 USD / year. Which means that one can renew this name 10 years ahead with cost of 9.6 USD. It really can not much get better then this, and this is one of the reasons more and more people are interested in new gTLDs!

Another positive one: there are no close alternatives available for standard renewal, at least I can not find them now. In 2018, I think probability of resale is 1% for any given year, if the name has BIN price 2k. (It can maybe achieve higher price, but then that probabilty will go sharply down, imo).

Now lets do the math: 1 year cost: 0.96 USD. Projected sale price for any given year is calculated as 0.01*2000 USD = 20 USD.

So this is a great example of new gTLD investment which makes perfect sense, domain is extremely easy to hold long time, domain is very nice, and probabilities are 20 versus 1 in favours of gTLD domainer :)
Also, I do not need to explain really that end users will LOVE the fact that it cost 0.96 to renew, while the name is of good quality..

Imo, if one can replicate such parameters for another domains in his portfolio (this is not easy at all, of course, and it requires serious skills and actual knowledge) one can then understand how easy it is to actually make money with new gTLDs for some people. Great one!
Nice logo and dynamic ilustration :)

But as for name itself, I do not feel any real resell value here (close to 0 USD). Keyword is very weak, number of reg fee alternatives fro end users is huge ... there is also no special semantic connection between .xyz and keyword "bragging"

There are around 30 000 english dictionary words and one can use any of them in front of .xyz, as .xyz is very broad extension .. that means one need to chose some pretty strong keywords in xyz at the moment to have chances for good profit from the domain name. Bragging / xyz will not deliver, imo.

Many Thanks
I like it :) This is actually very clever investment and I will write in detail why:

.Bid is (from semantic point of view) extension which I personally consider a narrow one. That means, you can have only few really good combos there. Usually such high quality combos are marked with higher premium pricing (there are logical reasons behind that), but this is not the case here, which is very good.

So why I think this is a good one:

First, I will start with 1 rather negative point - obviously, there will be only limited number of end users who will find it interesting and useful, but there will be some (it can basically serve as memorable brandable for auction house, or betting site, etc). So pool of endusers is not small, but also not super large.

Now the positive one:

You managed to reg name in narrow extension, and that name is nice combo, but still you secured that with standard renewal. The best part is that you keep the name on registrar where the renewal price for .bid is exactly 0.96 USD / year. Which means that one can renew this name 10 years ahead with cost of 9.6 USD. It really can not much get better then this, and this is one of the reasons more and more people are interested in new gTLDs!

Another positive one: there are no close alternatives available for standard renewal, at least I can not find them now. In 2018, I think probability of resale is 1% for any given year, if the name has BIN price 2k. (It can maybe achieve higher price, but then that probabilty will go sharply down, imo).

Now lets do the math: 1 year cost: 0.96 USD. Projected sale price for any given year is calculated as 0.01*2000 USD = 20 USD.

So this is a great example of new gTLD investment which makes perfect sense, domain is extremely easy to hold long time, domain is very nice, and probabilities are 20 versus 1 in favours of gTLD domainer :)
Also, I do not need to explain really that end users will LOVE the fact that it cost 0.96 to renew, while the name is of good quality..

Imo, if one can replicate such parameters for another domains in his portfolio (this is not easy at all, of course, and it requires serious skills and actual knowledge) one can then understand how easy it is to actually make money with new gTLDs for some people. Great one!
Thanks, I appreciate your detailed view on it.
Maybe you should start a "domain - feedback - service" - website, I am sure you would do great.
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