
Got an email about from someone about one of my domain... what do you think?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I just got an email from someone I don't know. Can't find anything about him through a Google search. It was in my inbox. Not spambox.

Subject: dealersbackpage(com)

Jerrine Boganski <[email protected]>


I have found out that you are the owner of a similar name to mine.
Would you consider a deal regarding dealersbackpage(com) name?

Thank you for your time.


The name and email don't match. The email address looks spammy.
Advice? Should I even respond?
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I own dealerspage(.com)
Not dealersBACKpage ... which according to WHOIS is owned by a Carla Miller.

Agreed. IGNORE.
If they don't offer you money, then they are after something else - probably your money. :)
Don't get excited: THEY want to sell you THEIR domain -!
I get a few of these every day, offering me all kinds of garbage "similar" to the core domains I own. I don't mind, every once in a while they send in something noteworthy that is set to drop soon. I ignore the offer and then catch the name they'd kindly given me a heads up about :xf.grin:
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Don't get excited: THEY want to sell you THEIR domain -!
I get a few of these every day, offering me all kinds of garbage "similar" to the core domains I own.

I agree ,I been getting emails offering me domains that are similar to the domains I have as well ,
lol, I misread the email. Yes, they are trying to sell me "their" domain name. Not trying to buy mine.
One of the templates this guy is using. He does not own a single domain he "offers", as all his emails are in fact about pending delete or pre-release domains available to anybody for preorder. In this particular case, through godaddys pre-release auctions.
I think this thread should be moved into the SCAMS forum. (if a mod happens to see this)
i wouldn't say its a scam as there are a few domainers (not me, personally) here who probably do the same type of outgoing sales
I get this sort of email fairly regularly. It's usually offering me the "chance" to buy a slightly more crappy version of a name I already own. There's usually something somewhat "off" about the English, as if it's been composed using Google translate... For a while I kept being asked "if I was curious about (domain name) .com". Well, no, I wasn't in the least curious. Then I realized I was being asked if I was "interested" in a particular domain name.
I own dealerspage(.com)
Not dealersBACKpage ... which according to WHOIS is owned by a Carla Miller.

Agreed. IGNORE.
I get many, many of those emails offering domain names that are very similar to domains I already have.

They are just trying a different pitch to sell you a domain they think you might like, based on domains you own.

I do know some domain investors that want every variation under the sun of their domains so it might actually yield these spammers a tiny percentage of sales....who knows.

Anyway, I will say, if you happen to own a 3 letter dot com, and they offer you another 3 letter dot com with different letters, you might respond to that one. :)
...Anyway, I will say, if you happen to own a 3 letter dot com, and they offer you another 3 letter dot com with different letters, you might respond to that one. :)
Except these people don't actually own any of the names they are "offering", so there is no point in responding even if they do shoot something interesting across your bow... just go after the domain yourself - whether by bidding for it in an expired domains auction or waiting for it to drop and hand regging or getting directly in touch with the domain's Admin-Contact - gives a much better chance of securing the name. And probably cheaper, too.
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He is a domain seller who wants to sell you his domain name.
He is a domain seller who wants to sell you his domain name.
Only if you look at the WhoIs, a woman with a different name owns the domain... so kinda fishy.
And anyhow, I'm trying to SELL my similar domain. Not buy yet another one! And my domain is better (shorter) that the one he's offering.
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