
.com My third $xx,xxx sale of 2018

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I completed another, third, 5 figure sale of the year.

The sale price from inbound inquiry was $12,500 paid in bitcoin. After CoinBase fees, net around $12,350

Original asking price $19,000. Starting offer $5,000.

After initial email enquiry, I made a phone call to the number provided. Made sure it was less than 24 hours from the inquiry to the call.

We had a nice conversation for an hour, but price negotiation was over the email. In all, from the receipt of the email to receiving cash in my account - less than 48 hours.

No escrow was used. We carried out the payment and name transfer "live" over the phone. He paid 50% of the amount, I moved the name, he paid the second installment.

The new owner is an amazing guy with brilliant ideas and feels good to know that the name will be put to a great use.

I will reveal the name later today :)


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Great sales, El! Congrats again man.
Congratulations! I love that you built up rapport over the phone and transacted live.

I've found that it's always better to call and speak in person with the prospective buyer rather than to converse by email.
I see you don't wanna mention the name, but maybe some small facts for us little people? How many words? Dotcom? How long have you held the name? General theme of the name?

Thank you for your report :)

Congratulations! I love that you built up rapport over the phone and transacted live.

I've found that it's always better to call and speak in person with the prospective buyer rather than to converse by email.

Thank you. You are so right. Email almost killed the deal, because it cannot communicate the subtleties like the voice can.
I see you don't wanna mention the name, but maybe some small facts for us little people? How many words? Dotcom? How long have you held the name? General theme of the name?

Thank you for your report :)


Of course, I will share and will do it shortly. Otherwise, don't see much use in a thread like this, since there has to be some learning from it for everyone.
congrats!! That's awesome, what Q1 year you are having. :)
congrats!! That's awesome, what Q1 year you are having. :)

Thank you. Very grateful for the wonderful start to the year. $50K in sales with around 1200 names in 7 weeks. Maybe I should grow my portfolio to 300,000 names and start competing with Mann )
Very grateful for the wonderful start to the year. $50K in sales with around 1200 names in 7 weeks

No, you should be banned from this forum:)

Just kidding, congrats once again. I'm just waiting for your March sales :)
No, you should be banned from this forum:)

Just kidding, congrats once again. I'm just waiting for your March sales :)

Is February already over? ;)
@Recons.Com Nope, not over yet. But don't be rude please, just come with an x,xxx sale :)
Congrats, wish i could have a sale like that. Im glad just to get low $xxx sales
The Reveal:

The sold name is a dictionary word dot com. Please don't type the name, as I don't want it indexed.

N/o/b/l/e M/e/t/a/l

It is a collective term for most valuable metals.

"a metal (e.g., gold, silver, or platinum) that resists chemical action, does not corrode, and is not easily attacked by acids."

It is a 20 year old name and I have owned it for around 8 years.

Interestingly, the name was rejected by BrandBucket and BrandRoot.

I suspect they simply did not know the term and thought it is a creative brandable? This is what happens when you skip your Chemistry classes )

There are tens of companies around the world using the term as part of their name. Mostly in gold/platinum services and trade, but there is even a theater in Finland with that name.

Inquiries are picking up for sure lately, have two mid to high four figures in the works. Haven't closed a five figure in several months tho.

Congrats, wish i could have a sale like that. Im glad just to get low $xxx sales

Good luck and I am sure you will. If you don't mind, I would recommend that you are pickier with your acquisitions. Just making sense is not sufficient for a name to have a chance to sell at high price.

You have to be able to imagine that a company would want to name itself just like that. And also a company would be in an industry that is lucrative enough to justify a high end brand.

Meaning, if a name is a great fit for a blogger or a small market country, the probability of high end sale shrinks dramatically.
You are on a roll man. This encourages. Way to go @Recons.Com congrats
Thanks for sharing and Congrat!

Where did the inquiry come from? WhoIs?
Congrats man!
I am new to your den help me out with some tips and tricks.
Does new domain names findings still get a right buyer?
Congratulations! This news always inspires me!
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