
advice Daily Dose: Outbound techniques.

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This weekend I was able to sneak in some free time to wind down. During this wind down, I had an idea... the Daily Dose needs to be more than just domain names. It needs advice, tips, tricks, and tactics. I mean, I can show you domain names all day long, right? Well, what about when it comes time sell one of them? So from now on, I will switch it up. One day it might be domain names, others I will drop a dosage of advice that has helped me along the way! :)

Today, we talk about outbound techniques! Let's get right to it:

For starters... here are some of my ground rules:

1. Keep the message as simple as possible. I receive countless emails every day from people trying to sell me just about everything. A majority of them are more than 3 paragraphs long. First of all, how dare some salesman think I have time to sit and read their entire life story? That's the biggest mistake any sales person can make. You immediately show that you don't respect the prospect. Save the stories for your buddies. This is sales. Get to the point.

I generally keep it as short as I possibly can depending on which approach I am using. This comes down to understanding your prospect. Which leads to research. For starters, take a look at their LinkedIn profile. It will give you a lot of insight into their personality. Did they fill everything out? How thorough is their profile? For instance, take a look at mine... you notice how little I care about filling it out? That means I don't have time for little details and fluff, get to the point ASAP when you email me, otherwise... you can surely wait till I feel like reading your email or I may never even respond. That's not because I'm an asshole (well maybe a little) but it's because I'm constantly swamped and you didn't take the time to see if I was the type of person who likes all the details or just wants to hear what you are selling. See where this is going? For example, my latest outbound email, I noticed that my prospect filled out their job history very briefly, but they included the most important details from each position. That let me know that they like details, but don't like the fluff. So my email was drafted to meet their needs, not mine.

2. Keep the email very, very targeted. There is no point sending a sales pitch to a low level employee from the contact form of a website. You think they care? Nope. Find out who makes the decisions and make sure you send the email to them and them only. It is a lot easier with bigger companies as they usually have dedicated employees you can contact... but that means you have to know which dedicated employee to email! I use two tools called Data.com and ZoomInfo. Take a look at them! It's a very, very powerful tool to help you narrow down your search for not only the right company, but the decision maker within that company. I generally have the most luck with C level marketing executives. Chief Marketing Officers have a lot of say when it comes down to saving the company money with a creative approach to advertising. Buying an exact match domain name is one of those approaches. There are companies that spend millions of dollars advertising for the term "shoes"... type it into Google, what's the first domain name you see? Owning that domain name and investing their money into development and ranking allowed them to achieve the #1 spot for a term that gets 1,000,000 exact searches a month and certainly millions of dollars saved in advertising over the course of a few years. Now you see why it's oh so important to reach the right person in the company... you think telling the customer support agent how an exact match domain name will help their company will get you anywhere? Nope, but I bet the Chief Marketing Officer (so long as your domain name is of interest to them) will hear you out.

3. Keep the email personal. Everyone wants to believe that they are special. They want to know that you took the time to understand them, and it gives them a sense that you know them. That is why if you have a friend that sells cars, generally you go to him to buy one... not some random vulture... Right? So make sure that they understand that they are not just some number in your list of outbound. For example, last week I sent out an outbound email to the Chief Marketing Officer of a major company. I did a little research on her and found that she is a "Six Sigma Black Belt".

This is how I began the email: "As the Chief Marketing Officer at one of the biggest graduate schools (and an overall marketing black belt) I’m sure you deal with the CPC costs of Google Advertising frequently."

This showed her that I know who she is, what she does, what her job entails and a little compliment about her work history...and it set up my next line! Even though most people may roll their eyes, their subconscious loves the ego stroke. She's opened the email almost 30 times over the weekend. I can only imagine that my email has been making its rounds through the company. I'm certain to hear back from them this week.

4. How to address the prospect. More often than not I start the email with a "Hi" and their name. For instance "Hi John,"... I do this for many, many reasons. Every day they hear "Hi John" from their friends, family and peers. This approach puts me on the "same" level as those people. Not above and definitely not below. I've tried many other approaches, and this one - while the least professional, has yielded more responses.

5. Make 100% sure you have a professional email address and signature. How on earth do you plan on being taken seriously by an executive if you are emailing them from a Hotmail account? Also, make sure you have a thorough enough signature that makes you trustable. Name, email address, website, even a phone number if you are okay with speaking on the phone! Give them a LinkedIn, Twitter, so on. The more you show, the more trustable you seem.

6. Make sure you have the right tools. Sidekick is a great one because it'll show you when and if they opened the email and how many times/how often they did! The more often the better your chances. This gives your great insight to use on your follow up email!

7. Follow up as many times as you have to until you get an answer. I use FollowUp.cc. A very, very simple tool that reminds me to follow up! Generally, I follow up once a week till I get a response. More often than not it's a "no..." but at least then I know! I've made more sales because of following up than any other method I've used.

So here are some examples of emails that I have drafted that have received the most responses!

Example #1 - STRAIGHT to the point.

Hi Joe,

My client owns the domain name Cosmetics.com and is considering putting it on the market. Delta Makeup spends quite a bit advertising for that term, yes?

Would you like me to put you in contact with him? It could be a great acquisition for you.


Example #2 - Almost met you.

In this scenario, I did some research (by way of calling) to find out that the prospect was out of town at some marketing conference. So I set a reminder to email him when his assistant said he'd be back. (This is just a made up example)

Hi John,

I tried to make it out to the marketing conference last week, I was looking forward to speaking with you!

One of my clients approached me with an opportunity you may be interested in. He owns the domain name Cosmetics.com and is considering putting it on the market. Delta Makeup spends quite a bit advertising for that term, yes?

Would you like me to put you in contact with him? It could be a great acquisition for you.


Example #3 - Strokes & Facts, not Fluff.

Hi Jen,

As the Chief Marketing Officer at one of the biggest graduate schools (and an overall marketing black belt) I’m sure you deal with the CPC costs of Google Advertising frequently.

I see you are currently advertising your Graduate School on Google for the exact term. I’m not certain what your monthly click budget is for the term, but by owning an exact match domain name you could potentially save millions in advertising costs (27,100 searches a month x $10 CPC x 12 Months)

Have you ever considered acquiring an exact match domain name to cut the costs of advertising? It’s definitely something to think about.

My client owns the domain name Graduate.School and I believe your school would greatly benefit from it.

Let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions! Thank you for your time!


These are a great "template" but don't just take them word for word and start sending out emails. Make sure you study your prospect. The more you know, the better you can draft the email. Now, you notice that when I do outbound, I do it as a broker (at least a majority of the time) as this sets me up for the gem of all negotiation tactics... more on that in a future dose!
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

Great article. As for the poll, we are greedy; we want everything.

I liked your pitch for graduate.school.

My questions are:
1) Is your pitch limited to advertisers for related keywords? Do you consider similar domain name owners? Any other source? Do you have an order of preference? When you have a huge chunk of possible recipients, would you be selective and avoid others?

2) Do you have a limit of sending emails out? What is the max if you have one?

3) How do you assure your emails are not going to spam? Do you notice some of them goes to spam?

4) What subject line do you put for graduate.school? Do you have a strategy for putting subject lines?

5) How does your followup pitch look like for graduate.school and what would be the subject for that one?

Thank you :)


To answer:

1) My pitches are never limited, they are targeted to the person I am sending them to. If you feel as though this person would understand facts and figures more so than touch & feel, then address them with facts and figures. She is a Six Sigma Black Belt... she understands facts and figures better than most people and knows that a small change can make or break a company. So I focused my pitch to her aptitudes. I have no order of preference, and I am VERY selective who I reach out to. Again, that comes with researching your prospect.

2) I don't have a limit. I generally don't send out too many emails. Maybe 3-5 per domain name. Then I wait, I analyze, then follow up. If they are not interested, I rethink and reassess. Find another round of prospects.

3) Generally speaking most people open an email within 60 minutes of getting it. If they haven't opened my email, it's more than likely in the spam box or deleted. I follow up regardless.

4) For the subject line I used: "Beneficial Domain Acquisition" This does NOT work for every domain name or every prospect... again, you have to play to the needs of the prospect.

5) I generally follow up with a couple simple lines, just to get a feel for where they are... and if I can, get a commitment of any sort. I also just use the reply function so that I don't change the subject line, just add a "RE:" to the front of it. My follow up would usually be something like:

Hi Jen,

I emailed you last week about a beneficial domain acquisition.

Are there any questions that require an answer before your company decides to move forward?

completely agree with Ali reg. the subject line being very, very important for the email to be opened at all..

for me the direct & personal approaches aká "Hello John, i have got..." convert the best into being opened at all.. nothing too formal or long..

this way (and followed by a nearly perfectly honed pitch after several dozens of tweaks over time) i even got the CEOs of Airbus Group and Boeing, Tom Enders and Jim McNerney, to open and reply to my mail (although i used a simple personal gmail address), and having them forward my email it to their marketing departments as they were in a better position to understand what i was offering..

all this just happened the past month.. still negotiating, no outcome yet as it's always slow with these big corporations but a huge success to get noticed by the highest decision makers as this helps tremendously to be seriously considered by their marketing teams *thumbs up*
@Ali Zandi do you include the price when you reach out or wait till you have the interest in the domain from the prospective buyer?

I will cover this in the negotiation dose that's coming up :)

@ali Even I wanted to ask a related question. You do not seem to mention anything about auction and no links to the auction. So I assume you first approach the prospects without starting an auction and you analyze the responses and you may settle a deal without an auction. So question is when would or wouldn't you consider starting an auction?

This is all relative to the domain name, the prospect and your situation. I usually have auctions going at all times, and if I do, I approach it by using the straight to the point email. I will merely just point them to the auction. If I do not have an auction going on the domain name i'm doing outbound on, I will do a few round of outbound and if It doesn't sell privately, then I take the name to auction. Once it's at auction and after few rounds of outbound are done, I send another follow up email pointing them to the auction!
How do you write such great article!! I think your business name should be Perfection.com , considering the kind of information you share!

Already a fan!
I'd be careful to use the first name with European prospect buyers. In most of Europe calling a person you don't know and have neve met before by his/her first name almost always is not well accepted, at least by people who are no more young boys/girls

Unfortunately that is the big difference between the two different sides of the Atlantic, that brings often to misunderstandings and interrupted/never started negotiations.
Thanks for the post Ali.

I just wanted to say that Ali and @this_username_was_banned have definately been a great inspiration to me. I really took a lot from watching their growth and this year have changed up my strategy significantly which has helped me to sell over $20,000 in domain names since February of this year.

Cheers ;)
Streak.com also provides a killer Gmail App for tracking emails.
Thanks Ali!

always useful information..... after Christmas I start sending outbound emails. After a months of reading and researching now I'm more than happy with the result ( 7 domains sold last month ), but still improving this skills.

Good luck to all :)
The basic idea being...
An exact match domain will increase click-thru rates.
A high click-thru rate helps to increase your Google quality score.
A higher quality score increases your ads visibility while lowering your cost per click.

More here...
Awesome writeup! I have definitely left too much money on the table in the past. Need to learn better negotiating tactics. Thanks!
Thanks! We all leave money on the table ;) From the looks of the poll, negotiation tactics are next up on the daily dose!
Overall good post. That kind of information is desperately needed here as my sense is that many people can't sell their way out of a paper bag. I disagree with the LinkedIn assumptions regarding profile completeness, but if it works for you then that says it all. Also good point on Sidekick, I had forgotten about it for quite awhile, but i was reminded of how useful it can be. As a Six Sigma Black Belt, I did have to chuckle at the term "marketing black belt".:rolleyes:
Thank you for detailing it out. It took me by surprise you send only very few emails per domain name but what I understand is that they are the most likely prospects. Another aspect to this is that you always have the best name to sell. And it looks like you mostly target advertisers. So, another question. Which tool/s do you use to find out advertisers for the keyword? Just Google or Estibot or which one?

Well, think of it this way. Would you try and sell horseshoes to a zebra? :) Probably not the easiest pitch.. but you'd likely make a sale pitching it to a horse. What i'm saying is, just because there are thousands of people out there who could benefit from the domain name doesn't make them all buyers. So the few emails I send out are highly researched prospects.

I actually don't always reach out to strictly advertisers on Google. I reach out to whom I believe would benefit the most from owning the domain name... and I always start at the top of that list.
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Overall good post. That kind of information is desperately needed here as my sense is that many people can't sell their way out of a paper bag. I disagree with the LinkedIn assumptions regarding profile completeness, but if it works for you then that says it all. Also good point on Sidekick, I had forgotten about it for quite awhile, but i was reminded of how useful it can be. As a Six Sigma Black Belt, I did have to chuckle at the term "marketing black belt".:rolleyes:

Fair point, basing your entire outbound methodology on a Linkedin profile would be outbound suicide :) But, from what I gathered about her from her Linkedin profile, I was able to assess her needs. The whole marketing black belt line wasn't directed at her just being a Six Sigma Black Belt, it was because of the blend of that and 10+ marketing positions she's held! She's a freaking ninja!

For instance, with other prospects i've looked through you tube to study their speech patterns. What kind of wrist watch they wear. Do they wear one? Is their shirt tucked in or not? Do they smile a lot? Laugh? How is their eye contact? I mean.. the list really goes on, but for this example - all I needed to see was her linkedin profile. ;)
Ali, you sure she won't find this blog by a Google search? Aren't you still waiting for the sale?

Wether she does or doesn't wont change the fact that the domain name is an incredible asset to their company.
for me the direct & personal approaches aká "Hello John, i have got..." convert the best into being opened at all.. nothing too formal or long..

And make sure you mentioned the name at least 3 times! As you know, John.. Thanks for your time, John...

Thank you for the wonderful tips, Ali. I wish you could create topic which is dedicated (as database) to Sample Letters for Domainers

Great article. As for the poll, we are greedy; we want everything.

I liked your pitch for graduate.school.

My questions are:
1) Is your pitch limited to advertisers for related keywords? Do you consider similar domain name owners? Any other source? Do you have an order of preference? When you have a huge chunk of possible recipients, would you be selective and avoid others?

2) Do you have a limit of sending emails out? What is the max if you have one?

3) How do you assure your emails are not going to spam? Do you notice some of them goes to spam?

4) What subject line do you put for graduate.school? Do you have a strategy for putting subject lines?

5) How does your followup pitch look like for graduate.school and what would be the subject for that one?

Thank you :)
Awesome writeup! I have definitely left too much money on the table in the past. Need to learn better negotiating tactics. Thanks!
Great post Ali. I am already using many of these techniques (after trial and error) except I do not go as far with the personalization of the email. I also tried several approaches to the title, and the just the domain name (especially if it is a .com upgrade) seems to get more people to open.

Another thing I need to try out is the auction and follow up.

Plugins that track opened emails are invaluable for knowing when to follow up, but sometimes the invisible scripts embedded in the email get your mesage sent to the junk mail box.
Great post @Ali Zandi , thank you for sharing.

Typically I use the #3 approach with personalization, and get a pretty nice response.

In addition, I always use the eMail address of the domain name that I am selling. In brokerage situations I know this can be technically difficult, but since I mainly sell from my own portfolio I can do this easily via cPanel.

I would say 45% of all messages sent got some kind of response. Even those passing on an asset ownership opportunity take a moment to respond with a polite response.

There was a time when I tried scanning the zone file and just bombing out messages. That method was crude, rude, and wasn't getting nearly the same conversions as qualifying leads and writing personalized emails.

For me, it's the pricing & negotiations that have taken some time to fine tune. Of course nobody likes to talk about money, and what someone is willing to pay can be quite different than what the valuation of the domain is.

For a few months I felt like Tiger Woods; where I took a playbook that was working, overly tweaked it, and it came out flat.

Over the last few months I have been trying a lot of new things when it comes to landing pages to outbound scripts, so I will be interested to hear what your thoughts on pricing & negotiations are.

As of right now here is what I like to do within a short pricing follow up:
- Keep it professional, yet conversational
- Set pricing expectations, and legitimize/justify the price
- Allow room for negotiation
- Politely create a sense of competition/urgency without using the old-hat "I am notifying other xxx about this opportunity" jargon.
- Use sales copy / trigger words
- Call to action to further the transaction / discussion.

Thanks again for sharing.
I have a specific query regarding the legality of this.
a) Would it not be considered SPAM email? Because you are trying to market something to someone without any prior correspondence or request?

b) Would the company you contact not file a complaint / URDP against this? That XYZ has this domain which we should have and is trying to sell us this domain.

Could such emails not backfire? Any experience against the trend?

Exactly, make sure to use his first name regularly in the email text as well to make it sound even more personal.. i use it in the beginning of sentences where i try to explain or reason why he should consider buying it.. works like a charm in most cases
Being european myself i do agree with you when it comes to meeting in person without ever having had corresponded before.. but on the global internet many of these long established ethics/society rules are blurred and i have also had lots of positive replies from european targets/companies to my personal approach..

it's simply refreshing to most of them, getting an email out of the blue and seeing their first name in the header together with a warm greeting.. sort of an unexpected personal touch among the masses of usually blank unsolicited email spam they usually get..
Ali, enjoyed the post. The shotgun approach almost never works. Too bad spammers think they do.
Very nice post ! Thanks for that! I just started using sidekick last week and wow it's nice to see what happens when you shoot off your emails. I noticed one of my emails to a branding company was opened 4 times in 4 locations all within maybe 3 hours of sending. I might not ever hear back but to be forwarded so much so quickly it lets me know im on the track with my domains and email format.
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