
discuss Weird reported domain name sales

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
This is not unique, but sometimes you run into a reported sale from a major marketplace that makes you wanna scream what the hell was the buyer on here and how do I get my hands of some of that sweet mind-altering drug.


Domain: Mesothelioma-law-firm-3.info
Sale price: $522
Venue: GoDaddy Auctions
Date: 2016-06-19

I mean look at all those dashes, look at the extension, look at that weird number 3 as if 1 and 2 are taken (and they're not). I know Mesothelioma was and still somewhat is a lucrative keyword, but COME ON. Sometimes you don't know whether to laugh or choke someone.
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It most likely has a decent amount of traffic, otherwise no one would have bid on it
Seems like it was bought because of the traffic.... With a cpc of $200+, this name would have earned more than the sales price...

It most likely has a decent amount of traffic, otherwise no one would have bid on it

Seems like it was bought because of the traffic.... With a cpc of $200+, this name would have earned more than the sales price...


I would imagine it's traffic too, but after checking archive.org which has a history of it since mid-2014 where it seems to have always been parked and never had an active site. Something does not add up about it. plus the majority of its visitors came from Vietnam which is worthless traffic for such keyword. Anyway, it seems like a lunatic domain for the original registrant since many better choices are still available under that extension.
GoDaddy reported 3,183 traffic at the time of auction. I think it is fair to say the amount paid was 100% for the traffic and 0% for the domain, for that reason I just removed the sale. Obviously that domain gets no type-in traffic, so I'm guessing it was part of a spam campaign or arbitrage test.
GoDaddy reported 3,183 traffic at the time of auction. I think it is fair to say the amount paid was 100% for the traffic and 0% for the domain, for that reason I just removed the sale. Obviously that domain gets no type-in traffic, so I'm guessing it was part of a spam campaign or arbitrage test.

Thank you @Michael for chiming in to further explain this weird listing.
Also, thank you for taking it out of the database it's the right thing to do.
And kudos on a great domain resource site.
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