
Twiiter . com sold for $16,999 on DropCatch - UDRP waiting to happen?

Spaceship Spaceship
Twiiter . com sold for $16,999 on DropCatch today. There were 104 bids. Is it just me, or is that a waste of money and a UDRP waiting to happen?
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.us and .ca domain was dropped recently as well.
Yes, UDRP is inevitable here. There's no "good faith" you can invent to justify such an "investment".
Was tempted as most were but no, especially with the majority of twitter's user base using the app. Would you make your 17k back before the UDRP? Without doing anything illegal, Phishing, hacking,etc.? I don't see how the purchaser could make their money back before the UDRP hits. :unsure:
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Not just UDRP.. owner should delete it immediately avoid additional fees and charges
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Smells UDRP. Feels UDRP.
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I honestly hope so.
I hate rewarding these type of bottom feeders.
Thereโ€™s zero creativity even with the โ€œtrafficโ€ typo copout.
It depends how aggressive Twitter is to protect their IP; Hope they are half as aggressive as Facebook!
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Twitter is a dictionary word.

As long as there is no direct statement about Twitter brand, I don't think it will be a problem. Moreover, it is impossible for someone who can pay a large amount of money blindly through a platform subject to strict rules like Dropcatch, not to have heard of UDRP.

The winner will amortize their investment in a few years through "typo type-in traffic".

Edit: I just checked its SEO data and it's enormous!

Domain Rating: 81
Backlinks: 1.2M
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Twitter is a dictionary word.

As long as there is no direct statement about Twitter brand, I don't think it will be a problem. Moreover, it is impossible for someone who can pay a large amount of money blindly through a platform subject to strict rules like Dropcatch, not to have heard of UDRP.

The winner will amortize their investment in a few years through "typo type-in traffic".
You sure itโ€™s not dictionary word; due to
This isnt a common dictionary akin to Zoom. The difference with a word like โ€œZoomโ€œ already a dictionary word before the company formed; and Twitter was not; Twitter wouldnt be โ€dictionaryโ€œ today, without company
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It doesn't matter if the TM is invented or a dictionary word (e.g., Apple). You don't mess with huuuge brands by "investing" in Nyke, Cocca-Colla, or Abibas "names". Neither ethical nor viable. Also, they will go pretty far to protect both their TM and traffic someone is stealing.
It doesn't matter if the TM is invented or a dictionary word (e.g., Apple)

It actually quite matters.

You can acquire "" and set up an website about apple varieties around the world. And Apple Inc. can't do anything about it.

According to current WIPO data, there are 7,512 registered brands with "apple" in them.

Corporations may only monopolize publicly held common words for their own benefit in certain areas.

Do not be so afraid, know your rights.
What a folly. There will never be a genuine site based on it.

No credence in this catch for naming, these types of domains are the troughs for the unwitting filled by saggy pocketed piggy-backers.
Elon Musk need to sue against dropcatch or likely platforms. Why they caught & auctions this type of tm names for money lol ๐Ÿ˜‚
URDP is sure but in the meantime this domain will receive traffic that can be redirected.
I saw a lot of people worried about URDP but also others (and not few stupid end users if they are able to invest $16000) who register all relevant trademark typos.
It's not my business but probably there is a business model behind that works without penalties.

For example all these are registered:
Half of them redirected to ads ...
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Twitter was a dictionary word hundreds of years before this brand emerged. Which is where it got its bird logo and concept of "twitting".
It doesnโ€™t matter if its a dictionary word. That doesnโ€™t spare a big pocketed bottom feeder from UDRP. Twitter is globally recognized and is associated with nothing else. This is expensive cyber squatting.
It actually quite matters.

You can acquire "" and set up an website about apple varieties around the world. And Apple Inc. can't do anything about it.

According to current WIPO data, there are 7,512 registered brands with "apple" in them.

Corporations may only monopolize publicly held common words for their own benefit in certain areas.

Do not be so afraid, know your rights.
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Morons will bid on anything...

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For those who love to live dangerously: drops on Monday.
I honestly hope so.
I hate rewarding these type of bottom feeders.
Thereโ€™s zero creativity even with the โ€œtrafficโ€ typo copout.
It depends how aggressive Twitter is to protect their IP; Hope they are half as aggressive as Facebook!
We are all bottom feeders ,example buying an expired domain drop at godaddy for 30 bucks and reselling it to the old /young buyer for 4 grand ''sorry Kid I know its your family name but im a bottom feeder'' I cant do BETTER Pay up shut up and get study for your SAT.
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Twitter is a dictionary word, so wouldn't it depend on the use of the name. If I had it, I would use it to vlog a sparrow community, and wait for the offer.
I wonder whio will get the sack for letting that drop.
A question to all you parking and typo experts :)
What would be a good way to monetize this domain without getting into trouble?
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Twitter is a dictionary word.

As long as there is no direct statement about Twitter brand, I don't think it will be a problem. Moreover, it is impossible for someone who can pay a large amount of money blindly through a platform subject to strict rules like Dropcatch, not to have heard of UDRP.

The winner will amortize their investment in a few years through "typo type-in traffic".

Edit: I just checked its SEO data and it's enormous!

Domain Rating: 81
Backlinks: 1.2M
maybe twitter just bought it,if the stats are so high and everyone bid it up ,why shouldent they just pay the 16k and avoid a long fight ,and bs news about a little fight when hes taking over the world and beyond ,my calculations is that would be less then a minutes interest on his net worth ,why waste hours thinking about this
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