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Trump compares impeachment inquiry to ‘a lynching’

While fuming Tuesday morning about the House Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry, President Trump declared the probe a “lynching,” prompting outcry at the inflammatory language.

“So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights,” Trump tweeted. “All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here — a lynching. But we will WIN!”

^ What a F@cking Disgraceful thing for a US President to say.
Maybe someone should show this Idiot what a real lynching looks like.

How does Anyone admire or Follow this Sick and Twisted Narcissistic Idiot?
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I'm old enough to remember when leftist / regressives claimed "real American" was racist. Oh well, history started about 12 hours ago so no biggie.
We are all aware that your Memory is very selective and not that great to begin with.
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Regressive forgets three year investigation where no evidence of "collusion" by any American was discovered. Muller forgot to read his own report.

History started 11 hours ago so hysterical outrage is justified.

Trump compares impeachment inquiry to ‘a lynching’

While fuming Tuesday morning about the House Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry, President Trump declared the probe a “lynching,” prompting outcry at the inflammatory language.

“So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights,” Trump tweeted. “All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here — a lynching. But we will WIN!”

^ What a F@cking Disgraceful thing for a US President to say.
Maybe someone should show this Idiot what a real lynching looks like.

How does Anyone admire or Follow this Sick and Twisted Narcissistic Idiot?
Regressive forgets three year investigation where no evidence of "collusion" by any American was discovered. Muller didn't even read his own report.

History started a 11 hours ago so hysterical outrage is justified.
So then you agree with Trump that a Impeachment inquiry is the same as to kill and Hang someone in the middle of the street?
I hope President Trump will motivate the Republicans in the House and Senate to fight back.
I"m sorry your feelings are hurt. Did you miss metaphors in 7th grade English?

So then you agree with Trump that a Impeachment inquiry is the same as to kill and Hang someone in the middle of the street?
News Flash!!!

Man who compares everything he doesn't like to Hitler is upset someone used a lynching metaphor!!
I"m sorry your feelings are hurt. Did you miss metaphors in 7th grade English?
If anyone;s feeling get hurt around here its always you and Gilsan :xf.laugh:

You two guys are going through a lot of pain right now.
Have you two started drinking yet? :ROFL:
If anyone;s feeling get hurt around here its always you and Gilsan :xf.laugh:

You two guys are going through a lot of pain right now.
Have you two started drinking yet? :ROFL:
What's the diff between a metaphor and a simile

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News Flash!!!

Man who compares everything he doesn't like to Hitler is upset someone used a lynching metaphor!!
Not everything, just Trump. But you do love to to lie.

I have no doubt that you agree with everything Hitler says here.

Lennco will now post a dozen trump pics from his terabyte of resistance porn, then complain about Gilsan burying his post with memes.

At least Gil's memes are funny and relevant.
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So how many Articles of Impeachment will Trump face?

1, 2, 3 or more?
Lennco will now post a dozen trump pics from his terabyte of resistance porn, then complain about Gilsan burying his post with memes.

At least Gil's memes are funny and relevant.
Of Course you find his funny, you both love and believe in the same Sick and Twisted Narcissistic Idiot.
You are both brainwashed. They might have a pill for that you know.

Democrats have a soviet era communist primary candidate that was just endorsed by AOC. Every democrat candidate has endorsed the Green New Deal, a soviet era policy that gives total power to the government.

Democrat are attacking the constitution, threatening to "pack the courts" with activist judges, trying to eliminate the electoral college, a foundation of fairness for the republic to prevent tyranny of the majority.

But muh Trump.. You're a fool.

Of Course you find his funny, you both love and believe in the same Sick and Twisted Narcissistic Idiot.
You are both brainwashed. They might have a pill for that you know.

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Democrats: We need more big government so you can be FREE!! ( of making your own decisions )
^ What a F@cking Disgraceful thing for a US President to say.


This is possibly the most disgusting thing (to date) to come out of POTUS mouth. And Graham, with his detachable gonads back in the drawer, supported it.

Whiney little beta males, the both of them. The senate won’t vote to impeach unless there’s evidence of wrongdoing. If he did nothing illegal he has nothing to fear.
And Graham, with his detachable gonads back in the drawer, supported it.
Glad to see you've moved on from gay slurs to transgender slurs. Very liberal of you.

Whiney little beta males, the both of them. The senate won’t vote to impeach unless there’s evidence of wrongdoing. If he did nothing illegal he has nothing to fear.

Debunking The Dangerous "If You Have Nothing To Hide, You Have Nothing To Fear"

Shorter: People I don't like don't deserve due process. - Entitled
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Kamala Harris, Corey Booker compare Jusse Molet's hoax to a modern day lynching.

Can we stop taking democrats seriously?


Trump compares impeachment inquiry to ‘a lynching’

While fuming Tuesday morning about the House Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry, President Trump declared the probe a “lynching,” prompting outcry at the inflammatory language.

“So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights,” Trump tweeted. “All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here — a lynching. But we will WIN!”

^ What a F@cking Disgraceful thing for a US President to say.
Maybe someone should show this Idiot what a real lynching looks like.

How does Anyone admire or Follow this Sick and Twisted Narcissistic Idiot?
Glad to see you've moved on from gay slurs to transgender slurs. Very liberal of you.
Oh brother. Transgender? Do transgender people have Detachable balls?
Detachable as in they can be easily Reattached.

That is what Soulless Graham has, a Detachable set of Balls.
When he decides to use then again he easily reattaches them, but he Always quickly Detaches them for Trump.

Lindsey "Detachable" Graham :xf.laugh:

Go to youtube and search for King Missile's song Detachable Penis, classic....lol

This is possibly the most disgusting thing (to date) to come out of POTUS mouth. And Graham, with his detachable gonads back in the drawer, supported it.

Whiney little beta males, the both of them. The senate won’t vote to impeach unless there’s evidence of wrongdoing. If he did nothing illegal he has nothing to fear.

Ted Cruze doesn't have detachable set, his were lost a long time ago.

Sounds like Bll Taylor is dropping some big bombs in his testimony today :xf.eek:
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