
Swetha(XYZ QUEEN) has modified the DNS of all domain names!

Spaceship Spaceship


New Member
Recently investigating Swetha's popular domain names, I found that her DNS has changed from the original: ns1/ns2. dan.com
Changed to: ns1/ns2. eftydns. com
And she deleted all domain names listed on DAN, SEDO, and AFTERNIC! There is no trace left now!
What exactly happened to her?
Please express your opinion!

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Recently investigating Swetha's popular domain names, I found that her DNS has changed from the original: ns1/ns2. dan.com
Changed to: ns1/ns2. eftydns. com
And she deleted all domain names listed on DAN, SEDO, and AFTERNIC! There is no trace left now!
What exactly happened to her?
Please express your opinion!
I'm not sure what happened to her. If she removed all of her domains from Afternic and Dan, hopefully they put a block in place to mandate verifications subsequently. That way, no rogue sellers try to list them. Nobody should mess with "The Queen!"
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No block in place. Remember though, some have ability to see drops and possibly additions to monitor their wares. Or add deleted names

To summarize Swetha has no names listed at dan, afternic or sedo.
Thats the recipe for success.
The red carpet is always ready to roll out for the queen if she decides to come back
No block in place. Remember though, some have ability to see drops and possibly additions to monitor their wares. Or add deleted names

To summarize Swetha has no names listed at dan, afternic or sedo.
Thats the recipe for success.
The red carpet is always ready to roll out for the queen if she decides to come back

Well, good luck to her. Sounds like she is a very smart woman who knows how to adapt to changes quickly and seize opportunities.
I have heard that she was allegedly banned from Godaddy platforms because of alleged Fraudulent sales - alleged money laundering. I have not heard anything about SEDO.

My knowledge regarding these alleged actions can easily be refuted by Swetha if she would just list one name at afternic and convey to us which name it is. And by listing a name, it would have to be a name previously listed on the platform, so we can verify it is indeed her name.

This post should be treated as conjecture unless and until verified - nothing regarding the above has been verified through official godaddy communications.

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She is not here because domainers stopped buying / renewing XYZs. Not rocket science.
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I have heard that she was allegedly banned from Godaddy platforms because of alleged Fraudulent sales - alleged money laundering. I have not heard anything about SEDO.
Well, if there are such allegations in the wind, perhaps it is best to not further speculate on this thread regarding potential criminal matters.

If she wants to do so, she would no doubt be welcomed to speak up here and clarify matters. She certainly has the right to not respond to the forum as well.
Actually she uses DAN landers again.
Has anyone met her in person??
Pictures please
I have heard that she was allegedly banned from Godaddy platforms because of alleged Fraudulent sales - alleged money laundering. I have not heard anything about SEDO.

My knowledge regarding these alleged actions can easily be refuted by Swetha if she would just list one name at afternic and convey to us which name it is. And by listing a name, it would have to be a name previously listed on the platform, so we can verify it is indeed her name.

This post should be treated as conjecture unless and until verified - nothing regarding the above has been verified through official godaddy communications.

What a dumb troll. She literally let Namebio log into her account to check things out
It appears all her names are back listed at Dan, at least the ones I tried all show up there.

Since Afternic search is now GD search, the few I checked at GD search do all show up. Could be via Dan listings automatically getting networked to Afternic, or they are again listed both places.

As any smart investor, I guess she is just trying different nameservers from time to time. The names do still seem listed at Efty. I found some where nameservers point to Dan and some to Efty, but that might just be a change propagation time thing.

So no drama here, or there should not be.

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Has anyone met her in person??
Pictures please
People have posted pics before, but then the naysayers claim they're AI. There is piles of evidence out there that indicates that she exists and the sales are real, so I think you either take it at face value or you jump on the bandwagon with the doubters / trolls. Whichever you decide is totally up to you, but this subject has been done to death and I don't think it's very helpful anymore. It just distracts from the business at hand...
I have heard that she was allegedly banned from Godaddy platforms because of alleged Fraudulent sales - alleged money laundering. I have not heard anything about SEDO.

My knowledge regarding these alleged actions can easily be refuted by Swetha if she would just list one name at afternic and convey to us which name it is. And by listing a name, it would have to be a name previously listed on the platform, so we can verify it is indeed her name.

This post should be treated as conjecture unless and until verified - nothing regarding the above has been verified through official godaddy communications.

Please provide proof of your fraudulent financial related claims as outlined in the rule below:

6.1.28. All claims relating to financial transactions (e.g., about traffic, revenue, profit, or appraisals) must include supporting evidence or proof (e.g., an attached video that is current, clear, and shows all information necessary to support each claim). A reputable or credible source (e.g., the company or service) must be visible as part of the supporting information when possible or included as text with it.

For internal use ONLY: https://www.namepros.com/reports/126027/
Has anyone met her in person??
Pictures please
She been to any conferences?
She been interviewed by anyone??
So how can I meet her and give her a domain hug?
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