
discuss Startup founder explains The Perils of an .xyz Domain

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Wow man,
what a biased & denouncing blogpost, aka shitshow.


Why is /or was there Never an equal campaign run against org, net etc??!

Cannot remember anytime any kind of hate towards a TLD.

Maybe some people should go see a doctor?

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Many valid points. I myself appreciate the information relayed. I did not sense an intent to bash .xyz, but a desire to tell his own personal (and professional) experience with the extension. He seems to have concerns that have been researched a bit.
The .xyz namespace took off like a rocket without much warning and has been lucrative since. Many (myself included) were initially skeptical of it's success. Time and sales have proven us wrong. Investors in .xyz have probably been rewarded for their efforts. As it should be.
I believe that J.R. was trying to point out some serious pitfalls that he experienced. This is a domain name forum, so we will view any criticism as a knock on someone's domain focus.
Things are always evolving, so his negative experience with .xyz may not exist for others down the road. Being informed of everything is impossible, so I appreciate someone taking the time to offer such information.
Many valid points. I myself appreciate the information relayed. I did not sense an intent to bash .xyz, but a desire to tell his own personal (and professional) experience with the extension. He seems to have concerns that have been researched a bit.
The .xyz namespace took off like a rocket without much warning and has been lucrative since. Many (myself included) were initially skeptical of it's success. Time and sales have proven us wrong. Investors in .xyz have probably been rewarded for their efforts. As it should be.
I believe that J.R. was trying to point out some serious pitfalls that he experienced. This is a domain name forum, so we will view any criticism as a knock on someone's domain focus.
Things are always evolving, so his negative experience with .xyz may not exist for others down the road. Being informed of everything is impossible, so I appreciate someone taking the time to offer such information.

But its always .xyz


But its always .xyz

Yes. Highly critical of its success from everywhere. If you are an investor with success..... congratulations. It is why we do what we do.

I heard of bitcoin on an investment conversation board when it was selling for less than a dollar. Some guy looking for suckers, I thought. I also thought that I had missed the boat when it hit $5.00. That same thought struck me when it hit $100, $500, $1000 and so on.
Information given online often is self serving. Sometimes not.
Wow man,
what a biased & denouncing blogpost, aka shitshow.


Why is /or was there Never an equal campaign run against org, net etc??!

Cannot remember anytime any kind of hate towards a TLD.

Maybe some people should go see a doctor?


Why is it considered hate, for a successful founder to point out negatives of having built on (.xyz) and regretted doing so? This isn't a mere opinion shared, but a business experience lived and confirmed by numerous other founders publicly.

A negative business experience has been shared publicly to help other founders avoid the same mistake.

Making personal attacks because you disagree, instead of cogent counter arguments says more about your own bias than the positives or negatives of a TLD.
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Many valid points. I myself appreciate the information relayed. I did not sense an intent to bash .xyz, but a desire to tell his own personal (and professional) experience with the extension. He seems to have concerns that have been researched a bit.

This isn't the first time founders have complained of the negative aspects of building a business on (.xyz). In fact, with the crypto winter intensifying after the FTX collpase, there will be more reverberations across the domain industry. MY guess is more mergers & acquisitions as weak TLDs see massive drops in sales. Many alt TLDs will be pushed to total irrelevance.

Yet, dot-Com will remain strong or even increase in value.

We see this reflected in sales, even during a recession, and will continue to do so long after 2023.
I heard of bitcoin on an investment conversation board when it was selling for less than a dollar. Some guy looking for suckers, I thought. I also thought that I had missed the boat when it hit $5.00. That same thought struck me when it hit $100, $500, $1000 and so on.
Information given online often is self serving. Sometimes not.

I'm curious to see what happens once BTC drops to $10K.
I foresee it touching $10K when the Fed announces its next interest rate hike the 1st week of December.

Also, with FTX collapsing, I have to imagine we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg in terms of insolvency among crypto companies and exchanges.

Interesting Q4 2022...
Why is it considered hate, for a successful founder to point out negatives of having built on (.xyz) and regretted doing so? This isn't a mere opinion shared, but a business experience lived and confirmed by numerous other founders publicly.

A negative business experience has been shared publicly to help other founders avoid the same mistake.

Making personal attacks because you disagree, instead of cogent counter arguments says more about your own bias than the positives or negatives of a TLD.
Oh, I won't let it go threw that cheap...

WHERE have I made personal attacks?
Point me to that.

So, one thing is interesting:
ONLY xyz has this problems, other problems (with recognition).

Hmm, why only .xyz??

Why not ....

Answer me this.
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Oh, I won't let it go threw that cheap...

WHERE have I made personal attacks?
Point me to that.

So, one thing is interesting:
ONLY xyz has this problems, other problems (with recognition).

Hmm, why only .xyz??

Why not ....

Answer me this.

It's not just XYZ unfortunately. Compared to other ngtlds it doesn't perform that bad actually.


Is a nice source. Stay away from their top 10 if you're going to put the domain to use :)
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XYZ is the best. Worth way more than COM. Check out the latest sales:

Undeniably some of the crappiest domains I have ever seen.
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Really? I thought raconstanceg3n.xyz was pretty good.

Yes. Dead serious. Not worth reg fee for any business so there's more at play with those sales.

Even if they'd be in .com they would be among the worst. They'd hurt my eyes.
Tbh, bar DW in XYZ, that's actually decent enough if you like the extension.
Some excerpts from the article;

Once we switched over to spotvirtual.com, ...our initial email open rates rose from 70% to 86%, second email open rates rose from 50% to 72%, and overall meeting conversions rose from .1% to 3%! This improvement alone is worth the domain switch.
we would occasionally get feedback from users and prospects that the .xyz domain felt unprofessional and that they would prefer to use an app with a different URL.
organizations have the entire top-level .xyz domain blacklisted, disallowing all of their user base from accessing websites with that extension.

Read it here.
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XYZ is the best. Worth way more than COM. Check out the latest sales:

zgslrikeblau.xyz607 USD2022-11-02Dynadot
j1genesis6lq.xyz606 USD2022-10-29Dynadot
trafficdepot.xyz611 USD2022-10-28Sav.com
lwsiilwdidcds.xyz591 USD2022-10-06Sav.com
ldbeatriceo4u.xyz334 USD2022-09-27Dynadot
tfdaniellajus.xyz318 USD2022-09-27Dynadot
d3christy7go.xyz607 USD2022-09-27Dynadot
raconstanceg3n.xyz633 USD2022-09-27Dynadot
digitalworld.xyz388 USD2022-09-19Docky.ly
aromatherapy.xyz318 USD2022-09-12Dynadot
I think people need to understand sarcasm when they see it :xf.smile:

Hard to pull off with just the written word though......
This is the fault of junk filters not doing their job right or organizations unaware of all of the legit .xyz websites out there (stats show it's the most used new tld). There is less spam & malicious use on .xyz than on .com. So why is .xyz being singled out? If we want it to succeed, we need to help combat misinformation & help with acceptance.
This is the fault of junk filters not doing their job right or organizations unaware of all of the legit .xyz websites out there (stats show it's the most used new tld). There is less spam & malicious use on .xyz than on .com. So why is .xyz being singled out? If we want it to succeed, we need to help combat misinformation & help with acceptance.
Yes, clearly the only solution to all of the "misinformation" about XYZ is to launch an XYZ fact-checking organization to combat it. :xf.rolleyes:

The real point is that nobody knows the real numbers because there are so many fake XYZ sales and so many XYZ promoters out there trying to "control the narrative". Those fake sales, and the coordinated effort to promote and dispel legitimate information about XYZ (like fake sales) are the reason XYZ is being singled out by smart people who have good reasons to be suspicious. Nobody is claming that XYZ domains never have legitimate sales. People are not racist against XYZ. If there were not so much apparent shadiness around XYZ in the first place then we would all drink the kool-aid no problem.
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The real point is that nobody knows the real numbers because there are so many fake XYZ sales
Yes, clearly the only solution to all of the "misinformation" about XYZ is to launch an XYZ fact-checking organization to combat it. :xf.rolleyes:
Hello from Sam to Sam:

Fact-checking is super important to ensure the integrity of our discussions, no? Otherwise we're just as unhinged as every other social media platform out there.

I am not sure I'm familiar with the fake sales? Can you point me in the direction of that? Are you saying there are fake sales reported on Namebio? I thought they verified them? That's the only source I use for any sales data.

Btw what is legitimate about this info? I'm not saying to cover it up but... this is one random dude on the internet with a single experience. It can't be extrapolated out to an investment decision. It can easily be misinformation if it isn't substantiated or peer reviewed or from a trusted source. I have never seen any real and trustworthy data from legit sources that supports the negative attitude around it.

Anyway I'm guessing that your words are more aimed towards cautioning people to invest in .xyz, which I get - anyone should be cautious with investing. But I still want to know what's shady about .xyz that isn't shady about .com.
Why is it considered hate, for a successful founder to point out negatives of having built on (.xyz) and regretted doing so? This isn't a mere opinion shared, but a business experience lived and confirmed by numerous other founders publicly.

A negative business experience has been shared publicly to help other founders avoid the same mistake.

Making personal attacks because you disagree, instead of cogent counter arguments says more about your own bias than the positives or negatives of a TLD.

Hey can you share where other founders confirmed this publicly? I haven't seen that yet
XYZ is the best. Worth way more than COM. Check out the latest sales:

zgslrikeblau.xyz607 USD2022-11-02Dynadot
j1genesis6lq.xyz606 USD2022-10-29Dynadot
trafficdepot.xyz611 USD2022-10-28Sav.com
lwsiilwdidcds.xyz591 USD2022-10-06Sav.com
ldbeatriceo4u.xyz334 USD2022-09-27Dynadot
tfdaniellajus.xyz318 USD2022-09-27Dynadot
d3christy7go.xyz607 USD2022-09-27Dynadot
raconstanceg3n.xyz633 USD2022-09-27Dynadot
digitalworld.xyz388 USD2022-09-19Docky.ly
aromatherapy.xyz318 USD2022-09-12Dynadot
More than obvious that an .xyz hater is generating these sales.

To then say "look, someone is making this hype up.
But names that are being sold are shit."

No normal person would register names like this, let alone acquire.

There are many fakers and haters out here.

I think the following:

Too many people here are heavily invested in net, org, io, etc
and have underestimated.the potential of .xyz

Now they are hating because swetha has regged the whole dictionary 😂

Well, this are free markets.

Anyone can do what he or she wants.

And you want to tell someone, 100k+ sales shall be made up??

By faked hype??

No pro would argue like this (exemption, if there is not an agenda for it).

Pros want to stretch the hype around
Xyz , to be able.to offload (sell) their nets, orgs etc.

On the other hand, I can understand that veterans have a problem.with xyz:

A person, that regs so many names and then holds them all.
Almost like in a dictatorship economy...

Or roughest capitalism monopoly you can imagine.
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An "XYZ hater" is generating the sales? These are being reported across all marketplaces. If it were an XYZ hater, why would he be bumping up sales numbers? More likely it is an XYZ "promoter".
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