
discuss Reseller Pricing?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I see a lot of comments on NPs about "Reseller Pricing". So how do most of you determine what reseller pricing is? If I regged a domain this year, reseller pricing might be reg fee + 100% or say $20. But if I have that same domain for 10 years and I have $100 invested then the $30 expected reseller pricing says I lose $70 on that domain. No way would I ever sell for that unless was going to drop it anyway.

Now if you say that reseller pricing is 30% of end user price, that I understand but still end user price is relative to what the seller thinks it is. I see way too many comments from buyers who are ticked off because they didn't think they got "Reseller Pricing". Maybe they did just didn't know it. So how to your calculate reseller pricing on your domains?
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Someone just want to buy your name Cheap.
There is no retail or wholesale in the domain name business.
"I am reseller" it is just the way buy your domain cheap.
I hear all the time from people who call me "I have a friend-neibour-cousen who can fix my laptop for free, so would you do the same for a few bucks?"
I hate this.
It is just about selling higher than your cost price whether to end user or Investor all based on the perceived value of the domain. High enough to keep your boat sailing or depending on financially pressed you are.
What is considered to be reseller pricing?

Is it a reseller from a registrar?

Or a reseller of domains?
What is considered to be reseller pricing?

Is it a reseller from a registrar?

Or a reseller of domains?
I was referring to a reseller of domains here on NP and they are always asking for reseller pricing or wholesale pricing whichever you prefer.
But the term "reseller price" doesnt exist.
Need proof?
Ok, offer to any registrar let you reg a bunch of thier domain with discount "because you are reseller".
If they acept your offer, I will be the first one who will recognize "reselling price" does exist.
That's for volume. If someone were buying 100 domains from me, I'd also consider a price break.
Discount and "reseller price" are not the same.
I also can make discount on domain bulk, on my work etc. The buyer just ask could I make discount because of amount and I say yes or no.
But ask to sell cheap "because I am reseller" sounds very far from just ask discount on amount
My mistake, I misread your post. I am in agreement with you.
But the term "reseller price" doesnt exist.

Look at any of the "Domains Wanted" section. Buyers always ask for "reseller pricing"
Look at any of the "Domains Wanted" section. Buyers always ask for "reseller pricing"
3/4 of my clients try to make me fix thier computers for a half price, just because "they have cousin who also knows to fix computers, so I must work for them almost for free"
I repeat you, there is no term as "reseller price".
even if all acept it, and sell for $5-$10 good names.
i also sold not bad name for a few bucks to "reseller" but it doesnt mean to be a "reseller" gives you right buy for half price.
So reseller pricing is a misnomer then! It is a negotiating skill. Depending on the side you are sitting determines whether you like or dislike the misnomer!
Post a link please

I just looked at 7 posts in the Names Wanted section. Three mentioned "reseller" "Looking for Deals" "Don't send End User Price" Don't want to post the links and bring negative or unwanted comments on other members. Just wanted to know how you view these statements and if you give automatic discounts to NP members..
So how do most of you determine what reseller pricing is?
What most mean here when they ask for 'reseller pricing' is they want to buy domains for basically nothing! And if you were willing to sell for only $10, they would reiterate, in non too friendly terms, that they asked for 'reseller pricing!!!'

Reseller pricing is basically what the lowest price the seller is willing to sell for, not what others demand they sell for.
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Reseller price is selling the domain below what you think and end user will pay for it.
re-seller pricing means:

The buyer wants to buy your name with some good meat left on the bones for them to turn around and flip it for a profit. The less liquid the name the more of a spread they will demand from what they can potentially sell it for.
Means.... buying out the weak and bankrupt domainers.
I Like to think of reseller price as what it would sell for on Flippa as it is mostly domainers using that platform. So if I have a domain that I think an enduser would pay 10k for but I think would sell for 1k on Flippa, 1k is what I think of as the reseller price although if you have faith your names will sell to an enduser eventually, why would you sell for anything less. Unless the repo men are banging on the door...
It is a way to say I want your domain for under market value..and I mean under under..below below
Like buying a cvcv for $500
Isn't everyone of the domainer species a reseller ?
Isn't everyone of the domainer species a reseller ?
This is what I would assume but I'm guessing OP has a different reference.

After reviewing the threads OP might of been referring too, in POV they have a low budget but they did not want to say that.

Using the term "reseller pricing" people would assume low budget, heavily discount etc.
Resale prices are generally higher for domains with liquidity's, short domains, high search volume domains.

Domains with fewer end users or domains with little present demand could typically resell usually to other domainers for 5-20 % of end user prices.
Let me tell you what actually is reselling price. Suppose you bought a domain " for $ 1000" and now you appraised it. After appraising you are sure you will sell it this domain to enduser for $ 10000. Now you are unable to sell or for some reason you want to flip it quickly to make some bucks. Now here comes another person which asks everyone to send their domain with reseller price. He is not going to buy it for $ 10000 for sure but he can except your domain for $ 2000 - $ 3000 . That mean you sold it to reseller price.
Note it depends upon situation and every case is different. But you should be sure how to appraise that domain. If unsure, you can request appraisal of domain in appraisal thread.

Hope this helps
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