
question Political Domains - .COM or .ORG ?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I'm sure this has come up before, but i probably own about a dozen what would be considered "political domains" of which half are .com's and half .org's.

A few of the .org's I own i purchased because the .com was already taken, and in one case the owner of the .com is asking 100K via Go Daddy. The .org had been registered, but dropped just two months ago.

Not being one to buy and hold, would appreciate your thoughts since political season is here:xf.wink: Thanks
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I'm sure this has come up before, but i probably own about a dozen what would be considered "political domains" of which half are .com's and half .org's.

A few of the .org's I own i purchased because the .com was already taken, and in one case the owner of the .com is asking 100K via Go Daddy. The .org had been registered, but dropped just two months ago.

Not being one to buy and hold, would appreciate your thoughts since political season is here:xf.wink: Thanks
Would you have any ideas on target domains for the upcoming presidential election ?
I own RationalGuard in .com. I considered developing on it to be the change I want to see in the world. I had not considered registering the .org to keep someone else from taking it.
I own Take / Back / Washington in org. I think (maybe because I own it) its better suited as an org
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