
advice New to selling - 6 to 8 digit domains

Spaceship Spaceship


New Member
Have a few domains I was going to use over the years, and now looking to sell.. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Like, how paired domains (all .com) such as TriCit and Tri-Cit, or Zianzi and Zionzi ... seems easy to list my BoxEarth Ladyria or AnEasier on auctions as they are individual domains but not sure if you can auction two+ domains on one sale at an auction, such as the domains I set up for my brothers landscaping business which are LawnSpec/LawnSpecs/YardSpec/YardSpecs dot coms

Should I try to direct market the "go together" names directly ... like the landscaping ones to some existing landscaping companies or the Zianzi/Zionzi to some pharmaceutical company hoping they might want it as the name of their next new drug i.e. Viagra or Otezla or SkyRizi that I see on commercials.

Or is my head in the clouds lol
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