
domain Metaverse + Haptic technology related domains ( MetaHapticVest dot com)

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Established Member
Good evening everyone!

(First i wish everyone here from Ukraine that they will be sound and safe and i hope that the voice of reason prevail and everything return to normal soon)

I have some some Meta + haptic related domains, that i'm trying to put a logical price on them:

Metaptic MetaHapt MetaHaptik MetaHapticVest
all in dot com.
Any help is highly appreciated!

Thank you all in advance and have a nice night!

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Just "meta vest" alone would be a yes, but not the other stuff. Hard sells, IMO
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This is too long a name and the end-user has multiple alternatives to choose from. Hence, this is a registration fee name.
Avoid 3 word domains and avoid misspellings and abbreviations on two word domains. Mispellings only work on one word domains.

You can’t just shove any combo together and think it has value or will sell. I don’t like any of these names but the only two with a small chance of selling is Metaptic and MetaHapticVest. Good Luck.
Avoid 3 word domains and avoid misspellings and abbreviations on two word domains. Mispellings only work on one word domains.

You can’t just shove any combo together and think it has value or will sell. I don’t like any of these names but the only two with a small chance of selling is Metaptic and MetaHapticVest. Good Luck.
Good morning and thank you for your answer!
If you own the two that you mentioned, how much will you ask for them?
thank you in advance!
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