
advice Lost My NameJet Account and Need Help to Recover It

Spaceship Spaceship


Upgraded Member
Earlier this year, I participated in a domain auction on NameJet and won a bid for $20,000. However, I later realized that I had bid impulsively, far exceeding both the value of the domain and my budget. Regrettably, I couldn't complete the payment.

As a result, my NameJet account was suspended. I've made multiple attempts to reach out to their support team, explaining my situation and requesting the suspension be lifted. Unfortunately, they have informed me that the suspension is permanent.

I fully acknowledge that this situation is my fault. It was an emotional decision on my part, and I made a mistake. But I’m hoping there might be a way to rectify this. Does anyone have any advice on how I could regain access to my account? Is there someone at NameJet who might be willing to reconsider my case?

This was my first mistake with NameJet, and I’ve learned my lesson—it won’t happen again. Any guidance or assistance would be greatly appreciated!
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impulsive emotions dont work with their biz model. ie u are bad for biz. so they let u go. u would do the same.
Unfortunately, it's a one strike and you're out situation.
Unfortunately, I don't think you will be successful.

If you sold a domain name for $20,000 and the buyer reneged, would you be happy to see them still active?
This is a case of Buyer's Remorse.

Bidding a domain name up to a whooping $20,000 and then refusing to pay is too big a mistake to overlook.

I understand getting lost in the whirlwind and excitement of a bidding war but $20,000 is a LOT.

Your actions did not just hurt the credibility of the NameJet marketplace. Yout actions also hurt other bidders.

You drove the price of the domain name beyond the reach of real bidders who were willing and able to pay for the domain name and then failed to pay for the domain name.

You had an agreement with NameJet and failed to honor it. It's only proper that they never allow you to access their platform ever again.

And they are justified.

That said, only solution would be having a new account created by another person, e.g spouse, friends or family, and have them bid on your behalf.
Unfortunately, I don't think you will be successful.

If you sold a domain name for $20,000 and the buyer reneged, would you be happy to see them still active?

One-time mistakes do not define my future. I have been bidding on GoDaddy and NameJet for a long time

hat said, only solution would be having a new account created by another person, e.g spouse, friends or family, and have them bid on your behalf.
Yes I know, it will be hard but will try, it will be much higher risk for issues with payment.... or may be change my name and identity!!!
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