
Starter Legitimacyy.com | Monetized with Google Adsense | Unique Micro-Niche

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Shuman Chandra Das

Established Member
Link: Legitimacyy.com
Description: 2-months-old blog based on Legitimacy of various online services, platforms, and products.
No. Articles: 33+ articles posted and indexed
Platform: WordPress CMS
Domain Registrar: Hostinger
Domain Expiry: 2025-08-03
Revenue: Google Adsense
Price: $200
Payment: PayPal
Note: The sale includes website only, but not the AdSense or hosting account.

Why This Micro-Niche Blog is a Great Investment?

  • If you want to make money from blogging, this unique micro-niche blog is a great option.
  • The blog is already approved for Google AdSense, so you can easily add AdSense from your account.
  • I can provide low-competition, high-volume keywords for free if you need them.
  • The blog targets mostly U.S. traffic, giving you a good chance to earn more.
  • The website is built with the GeneratePress premium theme, so you won’t need to change the theme.
  • All articles are long, at least 1,800 words, to give readers detailed and valuable information.
  • Each article is optimized for SEO and includes high-quality, small-size images to help rank on Google’s first page and attract readers.
  • Within 30 minutes of purchase, you can get full access to WordPress or download the website files using migration plugins.


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Grab the Unique Micro-Niche blog and start your blogging journey
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