jamaltq Top Member VIP ★ 15 ★ Impact 6,917 Apr 27, 2016 2K views 4 replies #1 Hello guys How many 4L.com Chips you are holding? And what is the floor price you are waiting for to sell them? Click to expand...
Hello guys How many 4L.com Chips you are holding? And what is the floor price you are waiting for to sell them?
Dominic Belley Four Letter AcronymsTop Member VIP Impact 2,468 May 8, 2016 2 points #4 I own only 2. I will hold until I sell above 2K. For 9$ renewal fees each I have no problem waiting for as long as needed. Click to expand...
I own only 2. I will hold until I sell above 2K. For 9$ renewal fees each I have no problem waiting for as long as needed.
Nsnsa Top Member VIP Impact 706 May 31, 2016 #5 Have 3 and Not hurry up to sell for now . just wating for time to come Click to expand...