
ccTLDs or even TLDs that get over 1 billion visits per day

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I am of the belief that "Ask not what you can do with the extension but Ask what the extension can do for you". In essence how big are the tld brands by themselves and the power of tlds by being interwoven as part of user behavior.

This got me to me the point : How many ccTLDs or TLDS (other than .com) can claim to have 1 Billion visits per day or more.

Based on traffic Google.co.in (Approx 500 million), Amazon.in (200 million) and other large websites, .IN can make that claim of getting over 1 billion visits per day, it could be over 2 billion even

Also, I believe .CN will be in the 1billion level and higher, possibly 2 billion visits a day

Do you think any other cctld or tlds could be in that level?

.Net , .org, .de, .co.uk possibly
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The 2 cctlds mentioned are probably the only ones that can reach the 1billion visits, just because of the shear size of the countries. Also in those 2 countries, the internet is still developing and will soon reach a wider audience as soon as rural parts (villages) are connected, meaning even more visits
80 million Germans, 75% of them doing 25 pages a day would give 80MMx25x75%=1.5 billion

About 80% of that traffic would be .de, I suppose.

.Ru would also get over 1 billion.

Why is 1 billion the threshold, anyway?
1 billion visits per day, seems like a good round number. Not pageviews though. Pageviews will be much higher.

If its unique visits, only .com would have a billion a day
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1 billion visits per day, seems like a good round number. Not pageviews though. Pageviews will be much higher.
500 millions traffic google.co.in is pageviews traffics. it's impossible unique traffics, just base on total indian populations..
How about Baidu.com or Wikipedia.org
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Yeah .. Wikipedia likely puts .org up there as well .. thanks to being at the top of just about every non-commercial google search! lol
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