
registries Amazon Turns On AmazonRegistry.com To Sell New gTLD Domain Names

Spaceship Spaceship


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When Amazon applied for their new gTLD’s they applied to operate them on a closed basis meaning the public would not be able to register any domain names without Amazon allocating them, but the Governmental Advisory Council (GAC) to ICANN nixed the plan for the most part, while still allowing .Brand Applications.
Well, Amazon has launched AmazonRegistry.com and is going to offer new gTLD domain names to the public according to the website...
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I am super excited that Google and Amazon have entered the domain business!

The future is bright. B-)
I am super excited that Google and Amazon have entered the domain business!

The future is bright. B-)

The future is bright indeed! Especially as GTLDs get such massive exposure to small businesses and the commonplace.

Does anyone remember what GTLDs Amazon won?
Why .com ??? Why not amazon.domains or domains.amazon? Stupid marketers...
Why .com ??? Why not amazon.domains or domains.amazon? Stupid marketers...

...i expected there would be "why not amazon.xyz" claims instead.
since recently we all know its a better .com alternative and the new king of the block.. maybe amazon has simply never heard of it. oh, well... they will soon regret, no doubts about that
Well if you haven't yet invested in amazon stock yet, this would be an ideal time, godaddy is being wiped out is what I hear as well.

amazon marketers saw my advertising post and they began acquiring A.domains.

amazon.domains now forwards to https://aws.amazon.com/route53/

I think Amazon should hire me. I'm a pretty good marketer :)
Why .com ??? Why not amazon.domains or domains.amazon? Stupid marketers...

While checking Google's SolveforX.com site today, I saw it now resolves to X.Company. XCompany.com still looks to be for sale. Whether leaving that unpurchased is a good move on Google's part...

Google is a trendsetter and not always a trend-follower.
While checking Google's SolveforX.com site today, I saw it now resolves to X.Company. XCompany.com still looks to be for sale. Whether leaving that unpurchased is a good move on Google's part...

The asking price tag for xcompany.com is 10k. Surely it went up on the news. Then again, Google cares about old tlds less and less.
Can I order an Ebook with my domains?
I am super excited that Google and Amazon have entered the domain business!

The future is bright. B-)
The future is brighter for Amazon than it is for domain investors.

The reason why Amazon is entering this field is because of the profit margins being very high. One domain costs them $00.10-$1, and they'll charge customers the market price you see today ($20-$100?)... So, for them, it's a very easy and lucrative business to enter, and for them to do well in.

As for domainers and domain investors, I am still not convinced of a lucrative future for such a group. As ICANN reported, over 1300 new gTLDS will be released in the short-term period. Economics 101 teaches us that an increase in supply will drive the market prices down. In short, don't expect to do so well. I would personally think that about 1% of domain investors will reap something significant.

Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but it's the truth. If you want to create real value, real benefits for society, and something significant over the long-term, you need to create it yourself. Instead of buying domains and doing nothing, hoping one day, one person comes by to buy your name, you can instead create value under that domain (which you already see perceived value in). Take the domain, and create content under that name. Do this for all of the domains you own. You'll learn something, provide something for society, and thus, both parties will benefit in the long run. Domain investors are not really investors. Maybe less than 1% can be considered investors. Everything else is based on speculation.

I am interested on reading research papers on the future economics of tlds and gTLDs, if anyone here has access to any. I couldn't find any. These would be great places to really understand the domain market.
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