
afternic fast transfer

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  1. Bob Hawkes

    information Domain Name Search – Part 1: Finding A Specific Domain Name

    A potential buyer has decided on a specific domain name – how does he or she find if, and where, that domain name is listed for sale? While I think domain name investors will find some value in this article, it is intended primarily for developers or startup owners searching for a domain name...
  2. Bob Hawkes

    information Domain Name Search – Part 1: Finding A Specific Domain Name

    A potential buyer has decided on a specific domain name – how does he or she find if, and where, that domain name is listed for sale? While I think domain name investors will find some value in this article, it is intended primarily for developers or startup owners searching for a domain name...
  3. kmanX7

    I receive code for Fast Transfer authorization demended by Afternic

    I received code from my registrar with explanation that it was demeded by Afternic for Fast transfer authorization... Can someone explain me why this happen and where to enter this code? I went through Afternic dashboard all over and find no option to enter this code anywere. Thanks!
  4. kmanX7

    I receive code for Fast Transfer authorization demended by Afternic

    I received code from my registrar with explanation that it was demeded by Afternic for Fast transfer authorization... Can someone explain me why this happen and where to enter this code? I went through Afternic dashboard all over and find no option to enter this code anywere. Thanks!
  5. tikime

    advice Registrars that are not part of Afternic's Fast Transfer

    Hello, i'm tired of all the Afternic domain confirmations i get in my Dynadot account that i did not list because i don't have and account with them and domains for sale already in their network that i never confirmed and they don't seem to care that's why i'm asking what domain registrars are...
  6. tikime

    advice Registrars that are not part of Afternic's Fast Transfer

    Hello, i'm tired of all the Afternic domain confirmations i get in my Dynadot account that i did not list because i don't have and account with them and domains for sale already in their network that i never confirmed and they don't seem to care that's why i'm asking what domain registrars are...
  7. Igor Mironyuk

    Domain can be applicable for Sedo MLS and Afternic Fast Transfer?

    When adding domain to Afternic, Afternic automatically send email notification Opt-in. I activated Sedo MLS. So second Fast Transfer applicable for the same domain? My domain is in @Sav.com registrar and is less 60 days aged that's why I didn't see anything in Marketplace tab, in Fast...
  8. Igor Mironyuk

    Domain can be applicable for Sedo MLS and Afternic Fast Transfer?

    When adding domain to Afternic, Afternic automatically send email notification Opt-in. I activated Sedo MLS. So second Fast Transfer applicable for the same domain? My domain is in @Sav.com registrar and is less 60 days aged that's why I didn't see anything in Marketplace tab, in Fast...
  9. LoveCatchyDomains

    warning Someone attempting to sell my domain on Dan without consent

    Yes, one wonders how many actual seller domains would have already sold if domain frontrunning wasn't happening? Some folks here have very large portfolios, which may make it all the more difficult to them to monitor for domain frontrunning. The marketplaces need to step up to the plate...
  10. LoveCatchyDomains

    warning Someone attempting to sell my domain on Dan without consent

    So, basically what we are continuing to see is a domain front-running schemes on these marketplaces. Let me highlight one of your key questions: So, if someone thinks your domain is a good buy at that price, and could possibly sell for twice the amount, wouldn't you prefer that they pay you...
  11. LoveCatchyDomains

    warning Someone attempting to sell my domain on Dan without consent

    If you have a portfolio and had been on Dan previously, it may be worth rechecking to see if these sellers are also trying to sell your names. What appears bolder now is that there are a diversity of seller listings involved. Before, most of the fraudulent listings were under one large...
  12. LoveCatchyDomains

    auctions Auction question

    Yes, Fast Transfer. Fast Transfer is preferable for many reasons, including Afternic generally not having to worry about getting in touch with the seller for the sale to be completed. Interestingly, this sale was part of a trial of simply having only a BIN price across the board. The...
  13. LoveCatchyDomains

    auctions Auction question

    Interestingly, after starting to do the outbounding this month, I finally did have another decent sale through Afternic FT of a niche domain. Despite having the Sedo landers, it seems that Afternic still may be the most powerful and effective platform. We'll see how things progress, but my...
  14. LoveCatchyDomains

    question Listing on Sedo AND Dan .com

    That's never been a problem. Afternic Fast Transfer is independent of the lander DNS.
  15. 411domains

    marketplace GoDaddy/Afternic Fast Transfer Sync Bug

    To those who utilize the Afternic Fast Transfer network. Be advised there's a bug affecting the Fast Transfer sync. I reported it and allowed the GD/AFT team plenty of time to resolve the issue, but nearly a month has gone by and the issue has yet to be resolved, I thought it best to let...
  16. 411domains

    marketplace GoDaddy/Afternic Fast Transfer Sync Bug

    To those who utilize the Afternic Fast Transfer network. Be advised there's a bug affecting the Fast Transfer sync. I reported it and allowed the GD/AFT team plenty of time to resolve the issue, but nearly a month has gone by and the issue has yet to be resolved, I thought it best to let...
  17. TopBrandsForSale

    question Afternic Premium Fast-Transfer vs Sedo MLS

    Hi everyone, how much does it count in terms of sales percentage having your domain listed on Afternic with the FastTransfer feature? Most of my domains are registered in less than 60 days, so I'll have to wait. Also, most of them are registered with NameCheap, so I can't activate SedoMLS...
  18. TopBrandsForSale

    question Afternic Premium Fast-Transfer vs Sedo MLS

    Hi everyone, how much does it count in terms of sales percentage having your domain listed on Afternic with the FastTransfer feature? Most of my domains are registered in less than 60 days, so I'll have to wait. Also, most of them are registered with NameCheap, so I can't activate SedoMLS...
  19. Dude called Michael

    question Why don't AN fast transfer domains show up at UNI?

    Is it just me or do domains that have Afternic fast transfer activated refuse to show up over at Uniregistry? For me they just show as 'taken'. My domains are NOT registered at UNI.
  20. Dude called Michael

    question Why don't AN fast transfer domains show up at UNI?

    Is it just me or do domains that have Afternic fast transfer activated refuse to show up over at Uniregistry? For me they just show as 'taken'. My domains are NOT registered at UNI.
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