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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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Their are an abundance of false claims of sexual assault, sexual harassment, how does a man fight a sexual harassment allegations on the job?

What makes you so sure the claims are false?

Fighting it is easy:
1) Don't sexually assault anyone
2) Don't sexually harrass anyone

I've never been assaulted in the workplace. I have been harrassed. And no, HR won't do anything just based on someone's word - you need to have solid evidence to back it up. Documentation, recordings... like age discrimination, it's very difficult to prove.

As far as sexual assault, I imagine it is extremely traumatic, but so are many many other things and people don’t wait years to file a report and put a charge on the person. There is no evidence to substantiate the claim after years or even months. So the cases are based on circumstantial evidence.

What about men who have come forward years later claiming they were assaulted by priests? If there's no statute of limitations on the charges ...

There may not be evidence at all, or even a day later. Someone's first instinct would be to take a shower. And as I mentioned, there's the secondary trauma of victimizing the victim. Once someone presses charges, you get a mob of people trying to slut-shame, harrass and threaten the victim. Some people are reluctant to go through that - go figure...

If a woman assaults a man, boys, another woman, whatever - she should be prosecuted if the victim comes forward, whenever the victim comes forward. There have been plenty of cases of female teachers committing statuatory rape of male students. It's just as bad and they belong in jail if they do it.

So, do you think the President is a racist??

Do you think the Pope is Catholic?

Let's see:

1973 - Sued under the Fair Housing Act for refusing to rent to black applicants and lying about rental availabity to black people.

1980's - Sued for discrimination by Trump Castle employee. Apparently, whenever Donny and Ivana came to visit, the managers ordered all the black people off the floor, out of sight.

1989 - The Central Park Five - went full postal putting out ads calling for the death penalty (they were later cleared by DNA evidence.)

1992 - Trump Plaza fined $200K for discrimination for ordering black employees off the floor to accomodate one of their customers.

2004 - Fired a black contestant from his reality show for being "overeducated."

2005 - Publicly suggested, amidst falling ratings, doing a "white people vs black people" version of that show.

2011 - Birtherism, Demanding Obama's university transcripts because he didn't think he was a good enough student to get into Harvard (based on ... what???)

2015 - Called all Mexican immigrants 'rapists' (technically "bigoted" not "racist" because Mexican isn't a race)

2016 Campaign - Never denounced any of the white supremacist groups who support him. Retweeted posts from white supremecists and neo-nazi's throughout his campaign

2017 - White supremacists in Charlottesville - "Very Fine People"
Referred to Haiti and African countries as "sh*thole countries.

To name a few ...

Then he tells 4 black / brown women (3 of them born in the USA) to "go back where they came from." A pretty common racist expression, no?

And he just invoked a Klan-associated slogan yesterday at one of his campaign rallies. But I'm sure it was just a "coincidence" ...


So you tell me.
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Sen. Cruz Questions Victims of Censorship on Google's Bias

As Cruz's beard grows thicker, his balls grow larger. Never shave, Ted, never shave.
Senator Hawley Grills Google Exec During Judiciary Committee Hearing
During a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, Senator Josh Hawley grilled Google’s vice president for government affairs and public policy, Karan Bhatia, on a range of subjects including Google’s work on censored search engines in China, YouTube’s curation of content for pedophiles, and whether Google would commit to an independent third-party audit of its content moderation practices.
Haiti and the majority of the continent of Africa is a shit hole, that due to poverty, has nothing to do with the color of the people living there.

So you are going on “Allegations” from people when you say the President is racist ?? Don’t you think Donald Trump has been a target for a lawsuit more than once? Shit like that is common when people are wealthy.

I saw a pig flying with a mule headed towards Oklahoma. Believe me??? Why not :( , you seem to believe anything the media writes and ect.

I will say, anyone who doesn’t like America, just get out, leave. I guess that makes me a bad person huh?

I predict 3 of the 4 freshman lady senators are 1 term employees. Omar, Tlaib and Cortez will be outta Washington after 2020

So how do you account for the President dating a biracial black lady for 2 years?? Mere coincidence huh lol

All this gets better by the day, my question at this point, who will replace the Democratic Party, I figure that is coming immediately after 2020
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Bernie Sanders Shows ‘Squad’ Support: #IStandWithIlha

They all just showed contempt for every American who lost their lives on 9/11 and the 6 million Jews_who lost theirs during the Holocaust. Scum of the earth every one of them.
House Holds Attorney General Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in Contempt over 2020 Census Question.

This Dim-led House holds people in contempt for following the law.

As they bellow, “No one is above the law!!! (except for illegals)”
Haiti and the majority of the continent of Africa is a sh*t hole, that due to poverty, has nothing to do with the color of the people living there.

So you are going on “Allegations” from people when you say the President is racist ?? Don’t you think Donald Trump has been a target for a lawsuit more than once? sh*t like that is common when people are wealthy.

You can call it a s-hole. I could call it a s-hole. A leader of a country doesn't call other countries s-holes.

None of what I cited are "allegations." The first discrimination lawsuit was brought by "testers" from the DOJ. He tried to countersue, the judge threw it out. He settled.

The Trump Plaza discrimination incident - they were fined $200,000 by the NJ Casino Commission. He may not have been personally responsible so I'll cut him a little slack on that one, but corporate culture filters from the top down.

(Trivia: the client they cleared the black employees off the casino floor for was a mobster and Gotti associate.)

The accounts of things he said or did (like the ads calling for the death penalty for the Central Park 5, and still harping on it after they were proven innocent) are facts.

If any of these were isolated incidents that would be plausible, but they're not. Put them all together and there's a pattern.

Stop making excuses for his vile behavior.
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The accounts of things he said or did (like the ads calling for the death penalty for the Central Park 5, and still harping on it after they were proven innocent) are facts.

I guess he got caught up in the media hype just like the rest of NY and most of the nation.

If any of these were isolated incidents that would be plausible, but they're not. Put them all together and there's a pattern.

Stop making excuses for his vile behavior.

You proclaim shock and disgust because you hate Donald Trump. Bill & Hillary have done things just as bad. So has Obama.

I remember you and @JB Lions jumping in with more than one internet mob action. Kavanaugh and Covington high school students.
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I knew the President wasn't a politician when i voted for him, I also knew he was pretty straight forward when he had something to say. I don't have a problem with it personally, politicians have a problem with it , very liberal people have a problem with it, no one else.

So that makes it a personal problem IMO,

Just wait until he wins the election again in 2020 , It should be a great night if you like hearing the media loosing their minds. the only difference in 2020, The Democratic party will fold as a whole, then Americans will be able to go on with their daily lives with out all the bull shit and whining. that will be a day to celebrate.
Why Epstein is being called a foreign asset

So how do you account for the President dating a biracial black lady for 2 years?? Mere coincidence huh lol

Maybe she was “white enough” for him?

Proves nothing. Slave owners had affairs with and impregnated black slaves.

And even she said she was “horrified” by his response to Charlottesville.

Why doesn’t he shut these people down? He’s claiming now that he started speaking as soon as the “send her home” chants started. He most certainly did not. Watch the video. He stood there basking in it for a good 10-15” like he always does when one of his lines gets an audience response.

I knew the President wasn't a politician when i voted for him, I also knew he was pretty straight forward when he had something to say


He LIES. Constantly.* Copiously fact checked.

He’s the “idiot savant” of hate propaganda. He plays on people’s fears and you, my friend, are being played like a violin.

If he wins in 2020, our country, constitution and the American dream as we know it dies. History will look back at his presidency in shame, and it will be on your hands.

I’m done here. Enjoy wallowing in your hate-fest.

*He even has a “tell” when he lies. Watch and you’ll see it.
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If he wins in 2020, our country, constitution and the American dream as we know it dies.

Tell us how you feel about the electoral college.

Trump supporter STRIPPED of Miss World America title because of ‘insensitive’ conservative tweets!
Lost both her Michigan title and world American title because she is a conservative, targeted by liberals for "wrong think".

She also refused to wear a ** gasp ** hijab. The same type of hijab women are being beaten and imprisoned for refusing to wear in Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The American left has sided with people who supported Germany in WWII and execute homosexuals in public in the name of political correctness. ( by AOC logic )

City in Omar's district deems the pledge of allegiance divisive. - They should all leave.

in a unanimous 5 to 0 vote on June 17, the St. Louis Park City Council voted to drop the Pledge of Allegiance from meetings "in order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community."
“We concluded that in order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community we’re going to forgo saying the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting," City Council Member Tim Brausen explained at the time.


TRUMP us ruining America!!
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Maybe she was “white enough” for him?

Proves nothing. Slave owners had affairs with and impregnated black slaves.

This is true racism.
Big Shock! Bernie refuses to pay give his campaign workers a living wage.
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What makes you so sure the claims are false?

Fighting it is easy:
1) Don't sexually assault anyone
2) Don't sexually harrass anyone

I've never been assaulted in the workplace. I have been harrassed. And no, HR won't do anything just based on someone's word - you need to have solid evidence to back it up. Documentation, recordings... like age discrimination, it's very difficult to prove.

What about men who have come forward years later claiming they were assaulted by priests? If there's no statute of limitations on the charges ...

There may not be evidence at all, or even a day later. Someone's first instinct would be to take a shower. And as I mentioned, there's the secondary trauma of victimizing the victim. Once someone presses charges, you get a mob of people trying to slut-shame, harrass and threaten the victim. Some people are reluctant to go through that - go figure...

If a woman assaults a man, boys, another woman, whatever - she should be prosecuted if the victim comes forward, whenever the victim comes forward. There have been plenty of cases of female teachers committing statuatory rape of male students. It's just as bad and they belong in jail if they do it.

Do you think the Pope is Catholic?

Let's see:

1973 - Sued under the Fair Housing Act for refusing to rent to black applicants and lying about rental availabity to black people.

1980's - Sued for discrimination by Trump Castle employee. Apparently, whenever Donny and Ivana came to visit, the managers ordered all the black people off the floor, out of sight.

1989 - The Central Park Five - went full postal putting out ads calling for the death penalty (they were later cleared by DNA evidence.)

1992 - Trump Plaza fined $200K for discrimination for ordering black employees off the floor to accomodate one of their customers.

2004 - Fired a black contestant from his reality show for being "overeducated."

2005 - Publicly suggested, amidst falling ratings, doing a "white people vs black people" version of that show.

2011 - Birtherism, Demanding Obama's university transcripts because he didn't think he was a good enough student to get into Harvard (based on ... what???)

2015 - Called all Mexican immigrants 'rapists' (technically "bigoted" not "racist" because Mexican isn't a race)

2016 Campaign - Never denounced any of the white supremacist groups who support him. Retweeted posts from white supremecists and neo-nazi's throughout his campaign

Did Obama denounce the black nationalist and black separatist that supported him? He sat in a church that preached a corrupt, racist version of the gospel for years and called the preacher his surrogate father.

2017 - White supremacists in Charlottesville - "Very Fine People"
Referred to Haiti and African countries as "sh*thole countries.

This is an old lie you keep repeating even after being corrected a dozen times

Then he tells 4 black / brown women (3 of them born in the USA) to "go back where they came from." A pretty common racist expression, no?

Love it or leave it. Omar isn't from the US, probably committed immigration fraud to bring her brother from the UK.

And he just invoked a Klan-associated slogan yesterday at one of his campaign rallies. But I'm sure it was just a "coincidence" ..

Bullshit. Racist democrats call other people racist so often, over so little, it means nothing. Even you made a racist post today!


So you tell me.

This sign was made and posted by a democrat.,

Very few conservatives claim Donald Trump is a good person. We are forced to defend him when democrats like Entitled ignore the faults, problems on their own side to dunk on Trump.

You are not more moral than Donald Trump. Your leaders are even MORE corrupt.
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The leadership of the democrat party has lost their minds.
In 1996, Ronald Reagan signed a bill giving Amnesty to illegal aliens in the USA. In 1998 after decades of republican control California turned BLUE.

When democrats have a shit fit over removing a citizenship question from the census, one that was there until Barrack Obama removed it, appose voter id laws, call you racist when you disagree, remember why;

Democrats love power more than the love America and our constitution.

When democrats say Donald Trump is destroying our democracy, what they object to is a strong Republic our founding fathers helped create.
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