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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Read the history of civil rights.
Who kept the blacks under their thumbs?
Who did not want civil rights?
One word...liberal democrats.

Read about how Lyndon B. Johnson (great TEXAN and in a long story, a relation of mine through my mother and her family) had to cajole, threaten and more to get democrats to come around and vote for civil rights.

Yes, the infamous George Wallace was a Democrat, so were many others. If you look at my posts, I never put labels on it. Discrimination is discrimination - labels like "liberal" "conservative" "Democrat" "Republican" are irrellevant. Things have switched around a bit in the last half-century.

Yes, I was for civil rights!

Am I against gays and lesbians getting married?

:tu: :great:

Am I against gays, lesbians and liberals who resort to lies, and more, to discredit those that do not agree with them?


? Example, please? Of course there are individuals and subgroups who do that on both "sides", but how does that tie into the CFA issue?
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Sorry but you skew everything around.
We are not talking about womens rights or civil rights, No one that I know is against them in Western countries including myself if thats the answer you want. Now if you go to Africa or the Middle East or a little beyond then there's a big shortage of those, but thst's due to religious or cultural factors.

All of the questions, there were only a few.

Ok, so you're good with women's rights/civil rights.

Ok now, how does gay marriage affect you life? Why it is any of your business. Use the example I gave. It has to be at least the 3rd time I asked. You keep skipping it. I think we know why you keep skipping, because to this day, I haven't heard 1 person against it, give any good reason whatsoever. Because I can't think how it affects my life at all. So maybe you have one, this is your chance. Explain.
All of the questions, there were only a few.

Ok, so you're good with women's rights/civil rights.

Ok now, how does gay marriage affect you life? Why it is any of your business. Use the example I gave. It has to be at least the 3rd time I asked. You keep skipping it. I think we know why you keep skipping, because to this day, I haven't heard 1 person against it, give any good reason whatsoever. Because I can't think how it affects my life at all. So maybe you have one, this is your chance. Explain.
Once again, go back to all my posts and you will find that I'm NOT talking about GAY Marriage. I'm talking about how Gays and Liberals reacted so intolerantly to anyone who is for normal marriage. So I'm not going to answer your question about gay marriage because that's not what I've been talking about.

I'm talking about gay intolerance, Capiche?
Once again, I can't answer your question. I'm just prejudiced.

"I'm talking about how Gays and Liberals reacted so intolerantly to anyone who is for normal marriage."

Do you realize when you post stuff like that, you make yourself look like somebody who lacks in the comprehension department?

I don't see anybody having a problem with "normal marriage", they have a problem with a company supporting organizations fighting against people trying to get the right to marry. Reread that a few times so maybe it'll sink in. Do you purposely try to confuse the issue because you realize what you're saying really doesn't make much sense?

Show me one post in this thread or some news story out there about somebody gay, that thinks traditional marriage is bad. That's not the issue and you know that. It's all about them wanting to have that right as well. Capiche? Are they supposed to respect people who go out of there way to stop people who love each other from getting married? There's nothing to respect there.
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"Once again, I can't answer your question. I'm just prejudiced"
Just like the Liberal Media you misquote and lie and skew things around. At least have the decency to quote my words, don't write things that I never said, hypocrite
"Once again, I can't answer your question. I'm just prejudiced"
Just like the Liberal Media you misquote and lie and skew things around. At least have the decency to quote my words, don't write things that I never said, hypocrite

You are, that's pretty obvious. Iowadawg first called you out on it in the other thread, with what you said about Jews. And the stuff you drop from time to time about gays, it's not to hard to pick up. But you have that right.

"Just like the Liberal Media you misquote and lie and skew things around."

Of all people to say that.

"I'm talking about how Gays and Liberals reacted so intolerantly to anyone who is for normal marriage."

I just pointed out in my previous post how that isn't the issue, but you sure try to skew it so, to make it something it's not.

And this:

"I'm talking about gay intolerance"

So were women and those in the civil rights movement intolerant? You keep talking about gay intolerance, but explain to me how organizations fighting against people wanting to get married is tolerant? Something that has zero to do with their lives. And can you define what intolerant means to you in your next post. And whatever that means to you, I'll use that definition for a reply.
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You are, that's pretty obvious. Iowadawg first called you out on it in the other thread, with what you said about Jews. And the stuff you drop from time to time about gays, it's not to hard to pick up. But you have that right.

"Just like the Liberal Media you misquote and lie and skew things around."

Of all people to say that.

"I'm talking about how Gays and Liberals reacted so intolerantly to anyone who is for normal marriage."

I just pointed out in my previous post how that isn't the issue, but you sure try to skew it so, to make it something it's not.

And this:

"I'm talking about gay intolerance"

So were women and those in the civil rights movement intolerant? And can you define what intolerant means to you in your next post. And whatever that means to you, I'll use that definition for a reply.
Once again a load of lies from you, this time about Jews. Go get the right quote from the other thread, NOT your quote
First, there you go again, skipping questions but in response to yours:

in reply to what you said:

"First idiot!

there were at least a couple of other people in that thread feeling the same way.

For you:

1. So were women and those in the civil rights movement intolerant?

2. You keep talking about gay intolerance, but explain to me how organizations fighting against people wanting to get married is tolerant? Something that has zero to do with their lives.

3. And can you define what intolerant means to you in your next post.

Can you handle those with your next post? Or just keep ducking.
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First, there you go again, skipping questions but in response to yours:

in reply to what you said:

"First idiot!

For you:

1. So were women and those in the civil rights movement intolerant?

2. You keep talking about gay intolerance, but explain to me how organizations fighting against people wanting to get married is tolerant? Something that has zero to do with their lives.

3. And can you define what intolerant means to you in your next post.

Can you handle those with your next post? Or just keep ducking.
Ah, now you got the quote right. I talked about the "MSM being controlled by Jews."

Am I saying any lie? Isn't the MSM controlled by Jews. That's a foregone conclusion. Everyone knows that. It ain't a secret.

Now why don't you go back to the same thread and quote my opinion about Jewish people. Go on go get the quote. Don't come here and say something I didn't say.

You see the way you said it implies that I'm prejudiced against the Jews, so why don't you put the record straight. Don't say things I didn't say. You're an expert skewer.

As for the questions you are making. Who the hell do you think you are, virtually demanding that I answer your questions? You can shove those questions where the sun don't shine, OK
"As for the questions you are making. Who the hell do you think you are, virtually demanding that I answer your questions? You can shove those questions where the sun don't shine, OK"

haha, it's a political thread. That's how it goes. How horrible of me to ask you questions. We talk about stuff, ask opinions and such. You like to duck questions. If you truly believed in what you're posting and have good reasons for it, they should be easy, yet you struggle. So be it.

"Am I saying any lie? Isn't the MSM controlled by Jews. That's a foregone conclusion. Everyone knows that. It ain't a secret."

"Not one of the major television news operations—Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, CBS News, or NBC News—is currently headed by a Jewish executive."
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"Not one of the major television news operations—Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, CBS News, or NBC News—is currently headed by a Jewish executive."

Headed by a Jewish Executive

I didn't say that I said the MSM is CONTROLLED by Jews

Who owns CNN? CBS? ABC?, New York Times? Washington Post? etc etc. Go find out and you will see that I'm correct. Off course, you being who you are will never admit that I'm right, but I don't give a lump what you think
Headed by a Jewish Executive

I didn't say that I said the MSM is CONTROLLED by Jews

Who owns CNN? CBS? ABC?, New York Times? Washington Post? etc etc. Go find out and you will see that I'm correct. Off course, you being who you are will never admit that I'm right, but I don't give a lump what you think

You know you can Google stuff on your own right?

Adjective - Having the power to put plans, actions, or laws into effect.
Noun - A person with senior managerial responsibility in a business organization

Seems like that position might have some control aspects to it? You would figure to help control, they would have Jews in those positions, to help out and stuff.

What exactly are you talking about when you say controlled? Owned, executives in top positions, reporters, on air personalities, what exactly? You're the one making that ridiculous statement, so the onus is on you to back it up, with something. And based on history (Ron Paul thread) you're probably on YouTube right now trying to find a video from some 15 year old, who reads the government/jews/illuminati/msm is out to get us blogs all day long.

And what is the point you're trying to make with that anyway? Let's say what you said is correct, that means, what......... Jews control the media, therefore?
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Are we having fun kiddies? :)
I see this thread got real hot today.

Well, my two cents is this.
Do I prefer to see marriage only between a man and a women?

But the kicker for me is, I strongly believe in Equal rights for all.
And for me Equal rights trumps everything else.

For me its not a matter of Allowing gays to get married, its more of a matter of not allowing them to get married, if you know what I mean.

I am not someone who is going to tell others (gays in this situation) that they are not allowed to do what I am allowed do as a heterosexual.

Besides, if they want to go through the hell of marriage who am I to stop them...:hehe:

Also lets keep this thread to US politics and not start blaming Jews for anything!
I dont want to break out the Dislike button :(
For a Swedish resident like me its hard to understand whats going on in the US.

When OBAMA was chosen everybody here said like "Wow, USA is gonna be so much better now"..

But what i read is got worse for the country since OBAMA been president.

That "Everybody" was the gullible and uninformed who never asked the important question; "What exactly is "Hope and Change?"

This is more true with American voters than anyone else, Voters were conned into believing "GOOD" change was on the horizon but it was nothing but a slogan intended to fool the voter, I saw "Hope and Change" as a radical shift to the left, Leftist policies that would lead to higher taxes, higher unemployment, Higher debt and more Government regulation, all of which has happened in a 3 1/2 year period..

So when you hear the new slogan; "FORWARD" this means MORE of the same.

And the mainstream media is mostly to blame for not pressing Obama on exactly what "Hope and Change" was, maybe they thought if they did they would be perceived as being Racist, since Democrats are always quick at throwing out the race card whenever their on the losing side of any issue.

Expect much of the same with the mainstream media on Obama's new slogan "Forward" The same slogan that was used by Communist leaders.
LIBERALS socialists acting like democrats that want to take away hard earned money by "helping people" undercover agents from cuba and north korea.

A stronger CIA?

Rmoney ! Much better than FORWARD.
If were going to use images to debate with, let's at least be honest.

The same in what sense? In the sense of what Lennco describes as selfish, greedy, bought and paid for bastards?, YES, I would agree with that to a degree, this is especially true with career politicians, The arrogant who think their entitled, and would change their vote NOT because they feel it's the morally right thing to do but rather would change it for the purpose of votes and winning re-election.. Bastards.

Of course the big difference between the two parties is ideology, But unlike Republicans, Democrats have moved so far to the left over the past 2 decades that Democratic voters are abandoning their own party... They are no longer the Democratic party back in the day of JFK or LBJ, The Democratic party is now the Liberal Party, which is one of the biggest reasons Independents have continually grown in number over the years.

Republicans have also jumped ship to Independent, but not to the degree Dems have.
The same in what sense? In the sense of what Lennco describes as selfish, greedy, bought and paid for bastards?, YES, I would agree with that to a degree, this is especially true with career politicians, The arrogant who think their entitled, and would change their vote NOT because they feel it's the morally right thing to do but rather would change it for the purpose of votes and winning re-election.. Bastards.

Of course the big difference between the two parties is ideology, But unlike Republicans, Democrats have moved so far to the left over the past 2 decades that Democratic voters are abandoning their own party... They are no longer the Democratic party back in the day of JFK or LBJ, The Democratic party is now the Liberal Party, which is one of the biggest reasons Independents have continually grown in number over the years.

Republicans have also jumped ship to Independent, but not to the degree Dems have.
So why has no one had the idea of forming the "Independent Party"? Or is it almost mission impossible to form a middle of the road 3rd party in the US?
"since Democrats are always quick at throwing out the race card whenever their on the losing side of any issue."

And when that happens, it's wrong. There are racists out there but I think most just have a problem with his policies.

But both sides do this kind of thing - "Expect much of the same with the mainstream media on Obama's new slogan "Forward" The same slogan that was used by Communist leaders."

All this Communist, Socialist nonsense, and trying to tie that to a word like Forward.

"The Democratic party is now the Liberal Party, which is one of the biggest reasons Independents have continually grown in number over the years."

Not so much, most liberals aren't a fan of Obama, because he's actually more of a Centrist. And those Independents, voted for who last election, who won? Did you notice who the Republicans nomimated this time, Romney, the one more to the middle/left compared to all the other nominees.

"So why has no one had the idea of forming the "Independent Party"? Or is it almost mission impossible to form a middle of the road 3rd party in the US?"

There are independent parties, just most people don't take them seriously. People are used to Dems and Repubs, the other parties need funding to even be competitive. Ross Perot came close but fizzled out.

For RaiderGirl, I'm curious what you think about this. Do you think the Republicans need to move more to the middle to ever have a chance in the future? Since, as time goes on, more people are slowing identifying themselves as non-religious, becoming more open to things like Gay Marriage, legalization of marijuana etc. stats back that up. But if you're stuck with a far right mindset, while the rest of the country is slowing evolving, how do you ever expect to compete and actually win a Presidential Election again?

Because, Romney really has no chance with this one. Even with his most recent comments on Israel/Iran, sounds like another war monger and his comments will come back to bite him.

I'm looking forward to the debates, probably will be some of the most entertaining in a long time. Romney seems to get easily irritated with questions, coupled with a kind of an assholish attitude, makes for some must see TV.
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Main political problem is the fact that both parties are complete delinquents when it comes to fighting the massive govt debt. Debt is like a toxic environment- nothing can survive in it. Its why Obama can't erase the "recession flu", or the stubbornly high unemployment. Whoever fights that debt helps the country...even if it hurts to fight the debt. It has to be paid sooner or later and if its not it will destroy whover it collapses on. There are very good reasons why any of us would sleep uncomfortably if we had massive debt on our heads.
Am thinking that JBLions is just repeating what those journalists in the MSM spout off.

I mean, it is the same crap they like to put out every day, 24 hours of.

He probably has an autographed picture of his bestest hollywood liberal above his monitor.
That would be roseanne a danna barr....

Am thinking that JBLions is just repeating what those journalists in the MSM spout off.

I mean, it is the same crap they like to put out every day, 24 hours of.

He probably has an autographed picture of his bestest hollywood liberal above his monitor.
That would be roseanne a danna barr....


That's a lazy response. Quote something I said, and then give your opinion on it. What's worse is, with the MSM comment, you're just repeating what Gilsan spouts off.
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