
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Thai mall swaps lift buttons with foot pedals for zero-contact

A mall in Thailand has swapped lift buttons for foot pedals in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus as well as help restore normalcy and get shoppers spending again.

Customers at Bangkok’s Seacon Square were surprised and confused this week to find pedals in front of the elevators and inside, but they welcomed the new hands-free enhancement as a smart move to stay healthy.
U.S. secures 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine


There are currently no approved treatments or vaccines for COVID-19.

Governments, drugmakers and researchers are working on around 100 programs, and experts are predicting a safe and effective means of preventing the disease could take 12 to 18 months to develop.

Only a handful of the vaccines in development have advanced to human trials, an indicator of safety and efficacy, and the stage at which most fail.

“AstraZeneca recognizes that the vaccine may not work but is committed to progressing the clinical program with speed and scaling up manufacturing at risk,” it said.

Other drugmakers including Pfizer Inc, J&J and Sanofi are also in various stages of vaccine development.

U.S.-based Inovio Pharmaceuticals said on Wednesday its experimental vaccine produced protective antibodies and immune system responses in mice and guinea pigs.

And Moderna this week released positive data for its potential vaccine, which it said produced protective antibodies in a small group of healthy volunteers.

Bill H. R. 6666: COVID–19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act - Introduced in House (05/01/2020)


(g) Authorization Of Appropriations.—To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated—

(1) $100,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2020; and

(2) such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal year 2021 and any subsequent fiscal year during which the emergency period continues.

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I found it a difficult article to follow well enough, and didn't spend much time trying to decipher it. Going with the authors' expertise - when all things were considered regarding their study:

"The overall results of the study showed little to no evidence supporting the association of virus interference and influenza vaccination. Individual respiratory virus results were mixed, and some rebutted virus interference. Additionally those receiving the influenza vaccine were more likely to have no pathogen detected and reduced risk of influenza when compared to unvaccinated individuals. Further research is necessary to help character virus interference and validate or refute the validity of the test-negative design for influenza vaccine effectiveness."

From an article I'd posted a link to previously, the coronaviruses talked about were said to be 4 of the seasonal common cold creating type, not more serious ones like covid-19 - which wasn't around at the time of the study. As the authors said, more research needed on that.


Further to this: I can't remember the last time I had a flu shot, preferring to work through the odd one I've gotten - I work alone a lot, and can social distance during times I'm not alone. But the last flu I got was a nasty one, which almost put me on my back. Getting another flu that could be somewhat similar and getting a decent case of covid at the same time... if that didn't kill me, I'd consider myself extremely lucky. So this year, I'm going to be taking a hard look at getting a flu shot.
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). Please copy and place the list to correct any wrong numbers and/or to add your country of origin.

Total: 335,582
US: 96,385
UK: 36,393
France: 28,215
Spain: 27,940
AU: 101
Italy: 32,486
Canada: 6,152
Brazil: 20,112
Indonesia: 1,326
India: 3,605
Japan: 777
Mexico: 6,510
Jordan: 9
Netherlands: 5,788
It is not a question as to if we get a second wave...the question is how bad it will be. As I said in an earlier post, I added Brazil to the list as that area of the world is moving into fall/winter and cases will climb. This weekend that signifies the beginning of summer in America will result in a spike of infections and resulting deaths. As a child I was taught 'never say never'.

Trump vows 'second wave' of coronavirus won't shut down US

Trump: 'We're not going to close the country' if there's second wave of coronavirus cases
President Trump said Thursday he wouldn’t let a “second wave” of the coronavirus shutter the economy if it hits the U.S. later this year.

It's hard to believe we're edging toward 100,000 deaths in the U.S. and people are out and about as if nothing had happened. Trump seems indifferent to human casualties -- all he cares about is his bottom line.
It's hard to believe we're edging toward 100,000 deaths in the U.S. and people are out and about as if nothing had happened. Trump seems indifferent to human casualties -- all he cares about is his bottom line.

I don't envy his position...I wish the answer was clear, but it is not. I'm afraid no matter what he does, it won't 'work'. The community (citizens and non-citizens) in this country are well below where we need to be in understanding and compassion to combat this infection. The mentality that has taken over in the last couple decades of 'me, me, me' will likely cause our demise unless an effective vaccine is developed.

I watched a man yesterday, 50ish, shopping with who I believe to be his elderly mother, coughing on a checker at an Aldi store. He was not wearing a mask and after the 3rd cough within 3 feet of her face (he was bagging each item after she scanned it as he told her she was not allowed to 'toss' his paid for items into the cart) she asked him very nicely to please step back. He bowed up and asked her why she was worried as she was wearing a mask. I'd heard enough so I let him know that those of us wearing masks were doing so to protect others in the store as most masks will not stop an incoming virus as no one within sight was wearing a NBC filtered mask. As soon as I got that out of my mouth, there was a chorus of others saying the same thing to him. By that time the store manager had come over as another employee had radioed her when the man began coughing on the checker. She (tiny thing) got between the man and the checker and said that as of now the store policy is that not every customer is required to wear a mask, but they do insist on 6 feet of space...she said you are too close so please back up or leave the store. Again a chorus of agreement rose up with everyone saying they agreed. His mother told him everyone was right and she had told him they should have worn a mask. He backed up and the checker actually packed his items for him as she scanned them. He paid and left without thanking her (they do not bag groceries...it is one of the reasons the store has such good prices). As I left, several elderly people (80's-90's) thanked me for speaking up and trying to educate the man...they all said they were scared to shop for food but had to due to hunger. I have no tolerance for self centered humans...your money, family pedigree and/or job mean nothing to me.{end of rant}
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As mentioned in a previous post, aside from just plain old dying from Covid-19, this is the kind of thing that SCARES THE HELL OUT OF ME about it because there is very little excess me that I can afford to lose.




Mike Schultz, 43, was only released from a Massachusetts hospital last week after spending 57 days battling coronavirus-induced pneumonia. The photo on the top was taken a month before he got sick and the image on the bottom was taken after he spent six weeks on a ventilator.
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I don't envy his position...I wish the answer was clear, but it is not. I'm afraid no matter what he does, it won't 'work'. The community (citizens and non-citizens) in this country are well below where we need to be in understanding and compassion to combat this infection. The mentality that has taken over in the last couple decades of 'me, me, me' will likely cause our demise unless an effective vaccine is developed.

Well actually there are things he could do. I understand people concerned with this virus, also being Trump supporters, puts them in a tough position.

He literally encourages people to protest stay at home orders. Many of them not social distancing, wearing masks.

Just today:
"President Donald Trump on Friday demanded that governors reopen churches, synagogues and mosques “right now,” threatening to override them if they do not do so by the weekend."

He actually doesn't have that power to override them. He's just setting up even more protesting. They don't open up, Evangelicals protest. What he said today is purely political.

You made the post above, then went on telling a story about not wearing masks. His refusal to wear a mask just has been all over the news. He could put on a mask. He could be encouraging that. He doesn't. He wants to "look tough" instead.

So even Trump supporters could be calling him out on stuff, holding him up to standards his own government recommends etc.
MARCH 26, 2020 - Anthony Fauci MD writes to his colleagues...

"This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively"

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He actually doesn't have that power to override them. He's just setting up even more protesting. They don't open up, Evangelicals protest. What he said today is purely political.

Actually, he does, the DOJ can send the FBI to enforce federal law, in other words the constitution. You can't allow people to gather in Walmart, Winnco or Costco, then single out constitutionally protected activities.

State supreme courts have already ruled, you can't single out religious services.

You made the post above, then went on telling a story about not wearing masks. His refusal to wear a mask just has been all over the news. He could put on a mask. He could be encouraging that. He doesn't. He wants to "look tough" instead.

So even Trump supporters could be calling him out on stuff, holding him up to standards his own government recommends etc.

The President is tested daily, he doesn't need a mask.
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Actually, he does, the DOJ can send the FBI to enforce federal law, in other words the constitution. You can't allow people to gather in Walmart, Winnco or Costco, then single out constitutionally protected activities.

State supreme courts have already ruled, you can't single out religious services.

The President is tested daily, he doesn't need a mask.

This is the Constitution:

Pres Trump says he will "override the governors" if they don't follow new CDC guidance and open places of worship this weekend. Context: The 10th Amendment of the Constitution says powers not delegated to federal government are reserved to the states.

So you're wrong. He does not have that power. Now, they can take it to court and judges can override, not the President.
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MARCH 26, 2020 - Anthony Fauci MD writes to his colleagues...

"This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively"


Politicians don't want to face the truth. While worse than the flu for some, much less illness for most. The models used to justify the lock-down were broken and innaccurate.
This is the Constitution:

Pres Trump says he will "override the governors" if they don't follow new CDC guidance and open places of worship this weekend. Context: The 10th Amendment of the Constitution says powers not delegated to federal government are reserved to the states.

So you're wrong. He does not have that power. Now, they can take it to court and judges can override, not the President.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a constitutional lawyer as well as a head of the DOJ. My mistake.

I'll make sure to let the federal judges who disagree with your hot take on the #1A to give you a call.

I'll accept your apology. Just actual lawyers went over this.

Any other amendments to the constitution Governors can "ignore" we should know about?
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I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a constitutional lawyer as well as a head of the DOJ. My mistake.

I'll accept your apology. Just actual lawyers went over this.
Politicians don't want to face the truth. While worse than the flu for some, much less illness for most. The models used to justify the lock-down were broken and innaccurate.

Oh the models for this plandemic are working out just dandy for the powers that shouldn't be...

Some insiders who have known about this plandemic likely lost bets as to how docile and gullible the American populous actually behaves once the hands are dealt and the cards are on the table.
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@JB Lions the constitution are not laws limiting citizens. They are limits on the power of Government.

So when a Governor / mayor / county judge singles out religion, harasses people in the parking lots of church and mosque, they are violating the #1A.

Just like when Kennedy sent the national guard to enforce integration of public schools. The President through the DOJ and FBI have the power to prevent Governors from discriminating or violating a citizens right to worship freely.

Maybe you're hung up on the words "over ride". But that is exactly what the President can do through the courts and if necessary with force.
@JB Lions the constitution are not laws limiting citizens. They are limits on the power of Government.

So when a Governor / mayor / county judge singles out religion, harasses people in the parking lots of church and mosque, they are violating the #1A.

Just like when Kennedy sent the national guard to enforce integration of public schools. The President through the DOJ and FBI have the power to prevent Governors from discriminating or violating a citizens right to worship freely.

Maybe you're hung up on the words "over ride". But that is exactly what the President can do through the courts and if necessary with force.

Read my previous post:

"Now, they can take it to court and judges can override, not the President."
Read my previous post:

"Now, they can take it to court and judges can override, not the President."

You're pretending the chain of command doesn't start at the President. The courts have already ruled.
You're pretending the chain of command doesn't start at the President. The courts have already ruled.


Don't know what to tell you but:

“If they don't do it I will override the governors. America, we need more prayer, not less," he said."

Is incorrect. You can go on for 2 pages on this, will still be incorrect. Somebody has to take it to court and then a judge decides. Not Trump.

"While Trump is legally unable to override these state orders, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been pressuring governors to treat houses of worship the same as secular institutions in reopening plans."

@mr-x your post below and probably your follow up posts. This isn't the Political thread where you do that thing where you want to go on and on for pages, trying to argue against facts. If a Gov wants to keep it closed, Trump just can't say no, open up. It goes thru courts. Not sure how many times that needs to be gone over, or why it keeps going over your head. I'll just let your posts sit with you.
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Don't know what to tell you but:

“If they don't do it I will override the governors. America, we need more prayer, not less," he said."

Is incorrect. You can go on for 2 pages on this, will still be incorrect. Somebody has to take it to court and then a judge decides. Not Trump.

"While Trump is legally unable to override these state orders, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been pressuring governors to treat houses of worship the same as secular institutions in reopening plans."

From your own fact check.

"Constitutional experts say President Donald Trump is wrong that he, not governors, has the power to “open up the states”

Correct!. But he can and is in fact sworn too enforce the constitution of the United States. You're parsing words and it's not working.

Governors, Mayors, County Judges CAN NOT over-ride the constitution and place undue restrictions on the #1st amendment and that amendment protects the freedom to worship.

The #10A doesn't matter because the states do not have a choice. The Constitution and Bill of Rights ARE RESTRICTIONS on the power of government. Our rights are given by GOD, not the USA.

JB Lions: "Pres Trump says he will "override the governors" if they don't follow new CDC guidance and open places of worship this weekend."

The President has both the authority and means to enforce the constitution, by force if necessary.

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"The national health institute said the average age of those who have died was 81, with the majority suffering from underlying health problems. An estimated 72% of all those who have died were men."

"The average Italian male starting at birth can expect to live to the age of 80.8 years."

So (statistically) with COVID-19 you live a few months longer than without...
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Don't know what to tell you but:

“If they don't do it I will override the governors. America, we need more prayer, not less," he said."

Is incorrect. You can go on for 2 pages on this, will still be incorrect. Somebody has to take it to court and then a judge decides. Not Trump.

"While Trump is legally unable to override these state orders, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been pressuring governors to treat houses of worship the same as secular institutions in reopening plans."

@mr-x your post below and probably your follow up posts. This isn't the Political thread where you do that thing where you want to go on and on for pages, trying to argue against facts. If a Gov wants to keep it closed, Trump just can't say no, open up. It goes thru courts. Not sure how many times that needs to be gone over, or why it keeps going over your head. I'll just let your posts sit with you.

And this is where you hide your response in a previous post to avoid having to admit you and progressive twitter are wrong.

The "states" do not have a right under the #10A to ignore the rest of the constitution. Refusing to obey the constitution is not an option "left for the states".
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