
What's going on with Epik and Rob Monster?

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I'm catching the tail end of this, seems to be some kind of controversy...


Must be something odd to evoke this type of a response from one of our members.

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Let's say that the Earth is flat and the moon landing was faked and all these other things are indeed true.

The question I have is: why? Why would someone go through the effort to keep everyone believing these lies? Not to mention the costs associated? Why would someone spend all that time, effort and money. And who are they?

It is all a conspiracy to sell more globes!

@Rob Monster

Why are you so fixated on the moon landing? That was not the point of my post.

I am not interested in your misapplication of the scriptures either. And if I were agnostic, that would turn me off the Bible for sure.

Can you clarify the point I raised about your comments on the Parkland mass shooting survivors and family? Did I understand you correctly?
It is all a conspiracy to sell more globes!

Ok...now I am starting to freak out...are you saying there is a global globe selling conspiracy?!?!?!? :xf.wink:
Let's say that the Earth is flat and the moon landing was faked and all these other things are indeed true.

The question I have is: why? Why would someone go through the effort to keep everyone believing these lies? Not to mention the costs associated? Why would someone spend all that time, effort and money. And who are they?

That is a great question.

I believe the biggest conspiracy of all is that Satan has convinced a lot of people that he does not exist. He is actually controlled opposition as clearly demonstrated in the opening chapters of the Book of Job.

The Bible explains that there have been nominally 6000 years since the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden when Satan tempted Eve and where God cursed Satan:

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. - Genesis 3:15

Jesus was the seed of the woman.

As for the seed of the serpent, there is some debate there. Some believe, it is referring to Cain, who slew Abel, and from which the Kenites emerged.

At the end of the day, I believe Satan only wins if everyone curses themselves so that prophecy cannot be fulfilled. If we do curse ourselves, we have a redeemer in Jesus who is a propitiation and remedy.

As it turns out, there are a lot of ways to curse yourself. See image for a partial list. The fact is that it is impossible to be sinless, which is why we need a redeemer. See Galatians 3:24.

And before anyone accuses me of being anti-semitic, let me be vey clear, I believe one of the main ways that I people can curse themselves is by harming the offspring of Jacob.


Satan has been trying to screw up humanity since the garden. From time to time, there are revivals. They occur in cases where a group of folks grasp the authority they have in Christ, and fearlessly apply it.

In short, I believe life is a game. The object of the game is to find the truth. I believe free speech empowers the search for truth and that is a good thing. And those who know the truth don't hate others. I sure don't.
So humans are faking moon landings and mass shootings to do the devil’s bidding? Is that what you mean in short, Rob?
In short, I believe life is a game. The object of the game is to find the truth. I believe free speech empowers the search for truth and that is a good thing. And those who know the truth don't hate others. I sure don't.

That is great that you think you know the truth, but just because someone believes in something doesn't make it true. Billions of other people believe just as much in something else.

Billions of people in the past have believed in other gods just as passionately.

Quoting the bible means absolutely nothing to about 70% of the world's population.

It would be like me constantly quoting a book you don't believe in.
If I kept quoting "On the Origin of Species" is it going to make you a believer in evolution?

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That is great that you think you know the truth, but just because someone believes in something doesn't make it true. Billions of other people believe just as much in something else.

From time to time, there are revivals. They occur in cases where a group of folks grasp the authority they have in Christ, and fearlessly apply it.

In short, I believe life is a game. The object of the game is to find the truth. I believe free speech empowers the search for truth and that is a good thing. And those who know the truth don't hate others. I sure don't.

Rob doesn’t just believe he knows the truth but also that he and like-minded “group of folks” are part of a revival of “the authority they have in Christ”.

So this should tell you the make up of this “group of folks”. The so-called “Truthseekers”.
seed of the serpent

I cannot discuss this one without making a bunch of immature jokes so I am going to skip it.

- I believe the biggest conspiracy of all is that Satan has convinced a lot of people that he does not exist.

So basically, you are saying that Satan uses science to get us to turn away from God?

If we do curse ourselves, we have a redeemer in Jesus who is a propitiation and remedy.

I've been saved long ago and gotten baptized. I should be safe, right?

If Satan uses science to get us to turn away from God then how do you know, when you do use science (like in the two genders example from earlier), that it isn't Satan deceiving you with science?

And I thought that God was the delutionist, not Satan, so wouldn't that be God's fault?

If anything, it seems like Satan was always the one trying to tell people the truth. example: eat the apple and you'll gain knowledge, you won't die like God said. And God has went on many more killing sprees than Satan.

What if, for argument's sake, that God is actually Satan and Satan is actually God? Wouldn't that be the ultimate biggest conspiracy and deception of all? What if that is the ultimate test to find the truth? How do you know this isn't the case?


P.S. I am not a Satanist. Just asking questions about how you resolve science + the bible.

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@Rob Monster

Why are you so fixated on the moon landing? That was not the point of my post.

I am not interested in your misapplication of the scriptures either. And if I were agnostic, that would turn me off the Bible for sure.

Can you clarify the point I raised about your comments on the Parkland mass shooting survivors and family? Did I understand you correctly?

You covered a lot of points in your post. It continues the pattern from your blog where you made uninformed accusations and then promoted a witch-hunt:


As time allows, I will come back to you on your specific points in addressable posts, and will quote you in context. This is a contrast with what you have done, where you are paraphrasing a phone conversation.

I will address two of your points here:

1. On doctrine, I am confident that my doctrine is Biblical. During our phone call, you were unwilling to name your denominational affiliation. I can speculate on the reason, but won't. I will however pray for you.

2. On Parkland, I have no idea what happened there. However, when 2 living witnesses die within a week of the NZ events, it is reasonable to question why that happened.

If you really want to go down the Parkland rabbit hole, I would suggest look into the Dad of David Hogg, Kevin Hogg. It is not something I have spent time on, but others have.

There is indeed a pattern where folks involved in these incidents keep being taken out through alleged suicide. That much is true. Same in Sandy Hook, e.g. Jeremy Richman on March 25.

The court filings related to the trial of Nikolas Cruz probably has some insights for anyone who wants to go down that rabbit hole.

Free speech does allow folks to investigate these matters and I continue to think that is a good thing, particularly if an event is being used to take away civil liberty, as is happening in New Zealand.
I realize that Rob Monster is a moron account, only engaging as a moron
The only people who would believe earth is flat, evolution is fake, moon landing faked, climate change is fake, and so on are complete imbeciles, egoistic contrarians, and people who are so braindead they think it's likely that mountains of evidence have been constructed by conspiracy



Then tries to make friends with neo Nazis, then hires racist misogynist pieces of stinking garbage like that Nick Lim,:ROFL: seems to drive away smart people like Slanted


@Support Team Close my account Thanks!
You covered a lot of points in your post. It continues the pattern from your blog where you made uninformed accusations and then promoted a witch-hunt:

Show attachment 114895

I know that really bothers you. I welcome any scrutiny of the post and reporting of factual errors. In fact I have made corrections already. We are human and not immune to mistakes. But we should correct them when faced with facts.

The reason for listing the links to the other blog posts is because in our industry blogs and news publications too often turn a blind eye to negative or controversial stories. Stories that are relevant and impact our industry for good or bad. In retrospect, it’s good this thread is alive for people to make their own judgement. So maybe there is no need for that comment you screenshot. If you request it, I will remove it.

As time allows, I will come back to you on your specific points in addressable posts, and will quote you in context. This is a contrast with what you have done, where you are paraphrasing a phone conversation.

That’s why I am giving you the opportunity to clarify it. I do not want to have the wrong impression or characterization of what I thought you said. I think it is important not to allow misconceptions or the possibility of such to linger.

I will address two of your points here:

1. On doctrine, I am confident that my doctrine is Biblical. During our phone call, you were unwilling to name your denominational affiliation. I can speculate on the reason, but won't. I will however pray for you.

I told you that I am a Christian. If that is not enough, then you are unwilling to name your denominational affiliation either. What is your affiliation? This looks like a double-standard. And please don’t pray for me.

2. On Parkland, I have no idea what happened there. However, when 2 living witnesses die within a week of the NZ events, it is reasonable to question why that happened.

If you really want to go down the Parkland rabbit hole, I would suggest look into the Dad of David Hogg, Kevin Hogg. It is not something I have spent time on, but others have.

There is indeed a pattern where folks involved in these incidents keep being taken out through alleged suicide. That much is true. Same in Sandy Hook, e.g. Jeremy Richman on March 25.

The court filings related to the trial of Nikolas Cruz probably has some insights for anyone who wants to go down that rabbit hole.

Free speech does allow folks to investigate these matters and I continue to think that is a good thing, particularly if an event is being used to take away civil liberty, as is happening in New Zealand.

This is the frustrating thing about debating with you. You hardly ever say anything outright. Just throw out questions to cast doubts. Remind you of anyone?
This thread should be closed. Wasting too many people time for all these nonsense arguments.
Who cares what he believes?
It has nothing to do with domaining or anything else.
This thread should be closed. Wasting too many people time for all these nonsense arguments.
Who cares what he believes?
It has nothing to do with domaining or anything else.

Totally agree.
This thread should be closed. Wasting too many people time for all these nonsense arguments.
Who cares what he believes?
It has nothing to do with domaining or anything else.

it's absolutely possible that he doesn't believe in any of that nonsense too
as he said he doesn't believe in a flat earth

he is just provoking with success
to get this thread running
getting attention
other than at the twitter post of the NZ shooting
I've been saved long ago and gotten baptized. I should be safe, right?

First some context: humans are triparite: body, soul and spirit. When someone is born again, their spirit is indwelled by the Holy Spirit. It is analogous to having a fire lit on the altar of a temple.

If someone ever believed in their heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for their sins and resurrected on the 3rd day, then they were born again in the spirit.

The newly-minted Christian is now a babe in Christ, so to speak, and now part of the Body of Christ, what is known as the ekklesia in Greek, which is often translated as "church" but it is actually spiritual.

There is a longer conversation about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the manifestation of the FRUIT (singular) of the spirit. See Galatians 5.

There is also a longer conversation about saving one's soul, finding one's God-given purpose, and using time, talent and treasure to fulfill it.

The internet, powered by free speech, has a vast number of sites. Some of them are operated by charlatans so indeed not an easy task to find the truth, but it is out there.

As an aside, I don't believe you have to be a member of a church, nor do I believe you need to confess sins to anyone but God himself.

I also believe that the Biblical tithe ended with the Levitical priesthood which ended in 70 AD. Christians are instructed to be charitable, which is discretionary, and can be more or less than 10%.

Personally, I repudiate all that I have every day. I do my best to be an effective steward of the resources with which I have been entrusted.
it's absolutely possible that he doesn't believe in any of that nonsense too
as he said he doesn't believe in a flat earth

he is just provoking with success
to get this thread running
getting attention
other than at the twitter post of the NZ shooting

Having spoken with Rob, I get the impression he is honest and sincere in his beliefs.

It does not seem good business sense to me, or sensical for any other reason, to post like this, except in order to preach to an audience outside of the “converted”.
Earlier we saw that Epik posted on Gab seeking investment in Epik. Did Epik seek investment on Namepros?

An employee of Gab's hosting company in fact disclosed that Gab had way less users than Gab had told the SEC, possibly one reason Gab abandoned their request to the SEC for an IPO

In a series of interviews, emails and text messages, Lilac Kapul said Gab’s claims in U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings on Dec. 19 and Jan. 28 of more than 835,000 users greatly exceeds the internet infrastructure capacity that London-based Sibyl is providing to Gab. Kapul, a resident of Brisbane, Australia, also said Gab’s user data indicates that most of the active users on the site signed up soon after it was launched in August 2016, raising questions about Gab’s claims of rapid growth.

“Based on what they are getting through us services-wise there is no way they have 800,000 users, or it would be very odd if they did,” Kapul told Hatewatch. “I would say they probably have a few thousand or a few tens of thousands. That sounds a lot more believable.”


Later Gab withdrew their request to the SEC:
The March 22 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission by Gab AI, Inc., Gab’s parent company, signals a major shift in the controversial company’s business strategy. Gab’s long-term business plan focused on raising hundreds of millions of dollars through public stock sales to build an alternative to Twitter and Facebook, as Hatewatch reported in January. Hatewatch then reported in February that a person working for Gab’s web host expressed doubts about claims the company made in its Dec. 19 and Jan. 28 SEC filings about the size of its userbase.

And now Gab CEO Andrew Torba has changed course. In the withdrawal, Torba did not indicate what his actions could mean for the company’s future. The document states only, “The Company files the withdrawal of the Offering Statement because it has decided to seek other capital raising alternatives.”
Anyone wonder why we get a stream of conflicting religious claims and conspiracy theories that confuse people? Confusion itself can be the objective - it's called "Neutrollisation" and the objective is to create mistrust and paralysis.


Trolls in action
Unlike conventional operations of propaganda, neutrollization does not advocate a distinct political agenda. Pro-Kremlin trolls generate a stupefying noise through internet activism which seems to originate from citizens. They spread various conspiratorial theories and create a quasi-political, yet completely hollow, public space with a multitude of diverse but prefabricated opinions that jam the web.
I must make some corrections. This is not written to support or to be against any user's beliefs. There is no sarcasm. Just direct. mostly provable truth.

Earth is not flat, it is almost sphercial (everyone agrees with this part).

Apollo Moon landings were fake. (But there may be unmanned moon landings with no return. )

9/11 was done by the deep state, not arabs or muslims, and no planes were used except in animations.

Sandy Hook, Charlie Hebdo, NZ shooting: there must be an agenda in each such event and there may be reasons not to believe the official story, but this doesn't mean nothing happened. deaths may be real etc.

ISIS was a deep state instrument. Beheadings of westerners were fake.

Religions (, god, satan, angels , ghosts ) are human inventions. They say good and bad things. Religions have some practices and threats which make them survive. If they remain purely theoretical then they may not survive. For example Islam copied things from previous lives of arabs, and shows some respect to previous religions, forces some daily praying, so it could get public support and wouldn't be forgotten.

I don't trust rationalwiki, 90 percent of what it says may be true, so what, it has a bad agenda, and lies in some critical controversial topics.

RM is a good guy, Epik is a good service. But I don't agree with his religious beliefs. He might be like bobc from psi, who was also a good guy.

Trump is also a good guy I believe. Whatever bad thing he says, is probably not serious. He is not alone. He represents a big intl group in USA. Otherwise deepstate would just kill him, as they did to Kennedy.

Global warming might be an exaggeration. Part of bad things related to climate is related to engineering, and the main problem might be pollution, not warming. Search for carbon tax, geoengineering, paris agreement. Something must be done, maybe urgently, but what is the real purpose of pushing global warming claim: I don't know.
I must make some corrections. This is not written to support or to be against any user's beliefs. There is no sarcasm. Just direct. mostly provable truth.


Agree or disagree on specific facts, I believe we are all on a journey.

There are some thing I believe that I no longer believe but used to vigorously defend myself. One very good example is the notion of a pre-tribulation rapture. It is something a lot of Christian believe and hold on to dogmatically. Although I have gone back and forth on it, I believe Christians will go through it just as Noah went through the flood thoughI realize some here doubt that event ever happening in spite of the evidence.

One of my favorite all-time Bible teachers is an old Dutch lady, now deceased, named Corrie ten Boom. Her teaching on God's perfect logistics is about surviving Nazi concentration camps. Her family hid Jewish refugees from the Nazis, just as my grandfather hid American paratroopers when they would land in his fields. He was a farmer in northern Holland.

Favorite teaching:

And here is the documentary about the Ten Boom family and their work during WW II. It s called "The Hiding Place".

The documentary is just secular history.

To me it is profound that all of this knowledge is freely available to anyone via a free and public internet. In the meantime, we do see new movements of tyranny all the time.

For anyone who appreciates a free and public Internet, I believe you will need to be especially vigilant from now on. The forced removal of George Kirikos from the ICANN GNSO working group shows that there is a meaningful change afoot in terms of receptiveness towards open dialog about policy.

So, I extend my thanks to all who are working to actively safeguard the public internet from being subverted by those who do not support lawful free speech. I completely recognize that there are unsung heroes who are working in the background, and who when called upon will do the right thing.
the notion of a pre-tribulation rapture. It is something a lot of Christian believe and hold on to dogmatically

Just had a group (one raised in an alternate religion from early childhood) that had been wrongly programmed finally get it right...the scriptures are clear on this one. The guys at Lamb and Lion are a dedicated bunch and they have many shows/videos on this subject and end times study...this is just the first one I came across.

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