
Social Network being threatened by GoDaddy: 24 hours to transfer or suspension

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
backstory: Gab is a social network alternative to twitter. their selling point is free speech (all speech is welcome, including what you believe might be hate speech.) which is basically is the first amendment. no unlawful material is allowed, but virtually any speech is. recently they purchased the "gab com" domain for $220k.

this site is very controversial as a result, with mainstream media outlets claiming it is popular with nazi and anti-semite messages. the site has 800,000 users and has experienced modest growth recently so it really isnt all bad hate speech. regardless, those disgusting messages on the site by some users are also lawful no matter how distasteful they are. as a result of these media attacks, (and the recent revelation that the synagogue shooter in pittsburgh yesterday had an active gab profile) gab is being unfairly targeted by smear campaigns online reporting the site as "a hate speech site" via email to gab's service providers.

gabs host (microsoft) revoked its contract with gab a few months ago

gabs payment providers (paypal and stripe) just revoked their services

just a few minutes ago, godaddy has said they will stop working with gab:
(i cant post the image or link idk why)
"BREAKING: Godaddy is threatening to suspend our domain (which is worth six figures) if we do not transfer to a new provider by tomorrow. This is madness."

the complexity of the situation is compounded by the fact that Gab is on a payment plan to fully own the domain since they recently purchased it. the broker/escrow agent control this which makes it even more difficult for the company to transfer to a new registrar by EOD tomorrow.

I understand that Godaddy is a private business and its clauses may allow it to do this, but this seems extreme overreaction. "24 hours to transfer or else" is a very menacing way of doing business.

-if you were in charge of gab what would you do? create your own payment processor, host, and DNS? they got deplatformed quickly... i guess they could try to get an offshore Hosting company or invest in native hosting.

-what is the most "free speech" friendly DNS provider there is?

-is it fair for internet infrastructure companies to de-platform a small upstart social network because of controversial speech? or should companies like DNS and hosting should be regulated and allow any customer as long as it is lawful content being hosted.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
The MSM and social media are echo chambers for the left. Balance needs to be restored to the public discourse. Banning safe havens of free speech, such as Gab (the original topic of this thread), is the furthering of the leftist agenda in a direction that has a dangerous amount of momentum. Freedom of speech must be preserved, else voices of dissent become frustrated in their imposed silence.

Ever been in a relationship? Married, perhaps? Imagine every time you were engaged in an argument with your partner, they were able to mute you completely silent. Or even more, they were able to kick you out of the house until they felt like letting you back in, if they ever did. Divorce is the only solution in such case. I beleive it is people like Rob who are keeping the marriage of society from unraveling into a violent divorce.

Open discourse is vital. I don't think anyone, Rob included, should ever be expected to share an opinion with me, or you. We all have our own perspectives on things. I'm not going to tell you who to support or what to endorse.

Nobody has the right to impose their opinions or beliefs on others. We can engage in dialogue, and perhaps that will affect attitudes and beliefs. I will again defend Rob's stance in declaring his support for an open market of ideas, even if he holds ideas that are different from my own.

ISIS's sites keep getting attacked and get down just a few hours after they're up. What about their side of the story? MSM ain't sharing the truth they want you to see.. so I think Rob Monster should send an employee to Syria or Iraq and help them get a site on Epik. Freedom of speech should be given to them too right? Their videos are not much different than the one Rob shared on Twitter.
I'm not concerned with preserving the rights of ISIS. I'm concerned with preserving the rights of US entities and the citizens of the US.
That's the point, you (Bernard Wright, and Rob Monster) have your agenda(s) just like anyone else. I disagree with a lot of what you posted, but so what - it's just your opinion(s). It's not selling you any domains, you're just spinning wheels here and if anything making some people here dislike you two. Great business acumen. Keep it up.

I'm too busy selling domains and my other businesses to maintain this dialogue.

Best to all.
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A fine closing statement. Mine would be, I look forward to a time when defending freedom of speech is not met with contempt.
“Whether it’s gun policy, immigration, energy or censorship, the left has found a method of imposing its will that’s far more efficient than dealing with the American system of government, designed as it was to contain the worst impulses of political radicals. Sick of these constitutional inconveniences, the far-left now intend to enact tyranny through the politically-motivated harassment of the private sector — and the private sector is seeming only too happy to oblige. Can conservatives be awakened from their laissez-faire, free market stupor in time to stop it?”
Do me a favor. Rather than use your Freedom of Speech mantra for only one side,

amplify the voices of those that represent the other side. Amplify the hidden videos of young black youth getting shot in the back by police.

What's stopping you from doing it?

Amplify the voice of anyone on the left that is being buried by the news organizations or the perpetrators themselves.

The left controls most social media and news media. Why aren't you demanding better from democrats you vote for? Identity politics are dividing the nation. Pres. Trump exploited that, not racist in the mid-west.

Freedom of speech is broad but you have made it political and chosen a side. Not ONCE have you defended someone of color or left leaning. Because you can't get past your beliefs and truly defend what you claim is your reasoning.

You are a conspiracy theorist that thinks the Moon Landing, JFK, and the recent shootings are hoaxes. In short, you have an agenda. It is an agenda for all to see. You have every right to that agenda. But you are dragging your hard working employees and investors down with your agenda. I feel terrible for them and they are disappointed in your actions. I know for a fact that they have told you the same

I want to remind you that you are not a martyr. Your loss of business is not for a cause, it is from stupidity.
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Free speech is cool and all but it would be better for everyone if you just stopped talking about things I don't like.
Free speech is cool and all but it would be better for everyone if you just stopped talking about things I don't like.

:ROFL::xf.laugh::ROFL::xf.laugh::ROFL: That gave me my first big laugh I had all day!
I'm not concerned with preserving the rights of ISIS. I'm concerned with preserving the rights of US entities and the citizens of the US.

I’m happy that you’re showing great concern for a minority (about 4% of the world population).
Interesting read on tough topics....

My only insight would be that our differences are not about free speech. Our differences come from taking a side on a specific topic. Once sides are taken, tension can elevate. It's that simple.

I am not the most religious person in the world but I do follow basic rules of respect, courtesy and so on. I try not to hurt people's feelings if I have a sense of what would be hurtful to them.

I do, however, believe individuals should take a stand on issues they believe in. It's natural. But there are always consequences. At the end of the day, life is about consequences. The consequences of our actions and our words.

God help us.
The MSM and social media are echo chambers for the left. Balance needs to be restored to the public discourse. Banning safe havens of free speech, such as Gab (the original topic of this thread), is the furthering of the leftist agenda in a direction that has a dangerous amount of momentum. Freedom of speech must be preserved, else voices of dissent become frustrated in their imposed silence.

Ever been in a relationship? Married, perhaps? Imagine every time you were engaged in an argument with your partner, they were able to mute you completely silent. Or even more, they were able to kick you out of the house until they felt like letting you back in, if they ever did. Divorce is the only solution in such case. I beleive it is people like Rob who are keeping the marriage of society from unraveling into a violent divorce.

Open discourse is vital. I don't think anyone, Rob included, should ever be expected to share an opinion with me, or you. We all have our own perspectives on things. I'm not going to tell you who to support or what to endorse.

Nobody has the right to impose their opinions or beliefs on others. We can engage in dialogue, and perhaps that will affect attitudes and beliefs. I will again defend Rob's stance in declaring his support for an open market of ideas, even if he holds ideas that are different from my own.
Frustrated in their imposed silence?
Really think these people not having their haven to say so many vile things would be hurting them? Hopefully their time would then be spent being exposed to better people, not similar bad people on the internet

Some of these people will spend their time dumping evil posts constantly, and they can find their group there who will spur them on, convince them more that they are right

These people would have to really seek out other weirdos like them if they didn't have internet, unless their whole family or community happened to be crazy
Now they can grow and grow, build up more hate, claim they will not take any violent action, and then one person in their group finally reaches the tipping point

There is a lot of good stuff on the internet, so much to learn and do, and we are concerned about these people's "right" to use other people's infrastructure to grow their hate communities?? Otherwise society will have some violent divorce??

Just because Gab is so "open" and about free speech doesn't mean everyone there is exposing themselves to ideas that challenge their views of the world
Even a site that encourages interacting with all kinds of people, discouraging echo chambers, will probably not be very effective
People will always dig their heels in, and the most dangerous, the extremists, will of course not be swayed by reasonable argument
Maybe most of the hateful people on Gab need good family and friends to guide them toward normalcy again, expose them to people and ideas offline who are different from them so they aren't so bigoted, if they aren't willing to do it themselves
Why do they need a safe space on the internet

If you think of humanity as a family instead of a marriage, this is like some members of the family wanting to constantly say vile things, wish for the others death, without consequence
Kick them out of the house.. They can still scream outside the house from some distance
Do they not need to grow up, act more civil..

What things are WORTH SAYING on Gab, that are SO IMPORTANT to say, that cannot be shared on a platform with regular rules
That the Christchurch shooting may have been a hoax?

Can always find some person to host their stupid domain and site
How are sites like 8chan still going?
But Epik felt the need to jump on this
Just let the morons figure it out themselves
Unless you sympathize with them, want to join them.
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As for status as "public figure", I am humble enough to put truth and liberty ahead of personal prosperity or social acceptance. This is not the act of a reckless man but rather the act of someone with an eternal perspective who values truth and considers the search for truth to be a core goal of life well lived.

The Internet has been an enormous blessing to me personally. Once you acknowledge that life is not an accident, and that creation is not random, it becomes obvious that temporal rewards are of no great consequence, and that includes the fleeting plaudits (and the critiques) of others.

The Twitter exchange on Sunday was the result of a personal Twitter attack by 2 biased Twitter users who are affiliated with the incredibly biased SPLC, one of whom authored a highly defamatory and inaccurate hatewatch article about me. I replied from my personal Twitter, which I have since deleted.

As for the video itself, the part that troubled me was the discovery of material inconsistencies. Since important policies are being determined by the official narrative, it warrants discernment. Here is a 90 second video that has since been excised from YouTube that illustrates the point. It is not gruesome.

As for those members of the domain community who have taken the opportunity this week to rebuke me for allowing free speech to continue on the Internet, please know that I am neither seeking publicity or controversy. I am of sound mind. I am not a Nazi, an anti-semite, a homophobe, a misogynist, a bigot, or a racist. I believe love and understanding will overcome hate and divisiveness.

The future of the domain industry is being determined in 2019. Censorship, WHOIS privacy, sinkholing, DDoS, deplatforming, demonetization, unpersoning, are all symptoms of the disease which is a relentless desire by the few to dictate the narratives and choices to be consumed by the many.

I leave you with a very fine quote from Thomas Paine that seems apt today though it was written in 1776:

“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated”

Blessings to all who read this thread. Hopefully it is never censored.

You are nothing but a real monster who have lots of " hate" against some particular community & religion. You target them & you try your best to spread lots hates among others. Once someone point on you simply hide your "hate" & call it fucking "Free speech" etc.


How you are living with this lots of hate inner you?

Come on,
JFK and 9/11 videos are still visible on YouTube today. Major policy changes occurred following these events. And yet, people are still examining those videos today.
It's because every religion/community has fool people.

Fast forward to 2019 where NZ is changing their laws and introducing a China-style firewall because of a video that was displayed on Facebook even when the alleged perpetrator is awaiting arraignment on April 5.

They can't control people who are roaming free with lots hate for others so better to do this. Good move.

In 2019, beheadings, mutilation, etc, are all on YouTube, and in quantity. Videos of Swedish girls beheaded in Morocco? Yup, still there. You can search them or not. Is there an outcry? No, not really.

So what, it's doesn't give anyone to upload videos like that every day. You better do is report the hoster & get it removed.

You can choose to turn a blind eye to targeted censorship. You can comply with social pressure to participate in censorship and self-censorship. However, this is America. Free speech is the law of the land.

Really, Amrecia is Land of Free Speech?

In the meantime, in NZ, people are being arrested for hosting or sharing those videos. They are a constitutional monarchy. They have a constitution which also calls for free expression. Oopsie.

Now here anyone can really get what you are? You have pain about people arrest who shared that "Cold Murderd" "innocent people slaughtered video" but what is your view on that innocent people daylight murder? Nothing you don't feel a pain.

As for domains in general, the more free speech there is, and the more open that markets are, the greater the utility of domains. Take away free speech and free markets, and you have communism. No thanks.
Lol, where is free market? Undeveloped no I am paying 9% of commission there on every sales.

Namepros can be called free market but it's because people here not the type of that people who share disgusting video & call it free speech.

To make this very practical for a domainer, imagine if all of a sudden all of your domains were suddenly not on an approved list and not viewable and your parking landers did not resolve. Would that be cool?

To be very clear, Epik has no bias. We welcome all publishers of lawful content. As for me personally, I judge nobody and have continually maintained a standard of providing the same world class service to all.

You don't need to cray for domainer, there are lots of company who taking care from a long time of our sales. You only need to take care of your business but watch out your every act as it's going to burden that business in no time.
Getting even more bizarre. ;) Why should I be against freedom of speech, just because I comment on a post by a registrar CEO?

Actually, I love freedom of speech and I get sick of all hate and political and religious extremism that are making this world a less free place. Still I think websites and social media platforms should be equally free to chose if the want to host videos, showing people (including children) being massacred, or not.

And, off topic, is the US really as “free” as you say?! Give it a thought...

what has posting a link to a video

-that by the way in itself is illegal in most countries of the world for good reason
as it promotes terroristic ideas-

to do with free speech??

as far as I can see
he didn't speak at all !

facebook had a hard time to remove clones of that video
they removed 1.5 million copies so far

I think it's no good idea
to help to spread the ideas of
mad, violent people

actually, you are destroying free speech
and the internet as a free medium
as in that way you nourish parties
who want to restrict it
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what has posting a link to a video

-that by the way in itself is illegal in most countries of the world for good reason
as it promotes terroristic ideas-

to do with free speech??
as far as I can see
he didn't speak at all !

facebook had a hard time to remove clones of that video
they removed 1.5 million copies so far

I think it no good idea
to help to spread the ideas of
mad, violent people

I should’ve been more clear. If the video violates the law (in a democratic country), it should not be there. Like I mentioned in another post, the Christchurch video shows innocent peope being slaughtered. I am totally fine if that one’s being removed from any website and platform (by law, or by common morals and sense).
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I should’ve been more clear. If the video violates the law (in a democratic country), it should not be there. Like I mentioned in another post, the Christchurch video shows innocent peope being slaughtered. I am totally fine if that one’s being removed from any website and platform (by law, or by common morals and sense).

I didn't mean to attack you

I was saying
( to be precise : )

a link to such a video
is not "speaking"

but "promotion"

has nothing to do with "free spech"
and doesn't have any "right to do so"
in order to "save free speech"

as nothing was said

has nothing to do with "free spech"
and doesn't have any "right to do so"
in order to "save free speech"

as nothing was said

This was a terrible tragedy. The people involved want publicity. Government over-reacts as expected.

You can't stop people from sharing the video by making it illegal. Better to have a certified, unaltered copy that can be used to discredit the inevitable conspiracies.

Responsible people should refrain from promoting conspiracies and instead require a through investigation of the facts.

Even If you don't trust the Government, the victims immediate reactions aren't lies. They may not be correct but they are not lies.
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This was a terrible tragedy. The people involved want publicity. Government over-reacts as expected.

You can't stop people from sharing the video by making it illegal. Better to have a certified, unaltered copy that can be used to discredit the inevitable conspiracies.

Responsible people should refrain from promoting conspiracies and instead require a through investigation of the facts.

Even If you don't trust the Government, the victims immediate reactions aren't lies. They may not be correct but they are not lies.

I don't know how this is a reply to what I said

I said:
"the posting of the video link
has nothing to do with your right of free speech"

as nothing was said

but it may have a lot to do
with promoting the ideas of terrorists

and that's why it's not allowed
- as far as I understand it-
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I don't know how this is a reply to what I said

I said:
"the posting of the video link
has nothing to do with your right of free speech"

as nothing was said

but it may have a lot to do
with promoting the ideas of terrorists

and that's why it's not allowed
- as far as I understand it-

Let see...

You said posting a link to the video shouldn't be allowed because it's illegal (in NZ )

I said making it illegal won't stop it from being shared.. the whole point of making sharing it illegal.

I added: Government overreaction will encourage conspiracies, which is exactly what we don't want. Responsible people should do that.

I apologize for using up so many words the first time.

Also... not supporting a Gov decision to censor people is free speech.
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