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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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Welll this is interesting.
It seems last year McCabe authorized a federal criminal investigation into whether Mr. “I can’t recall” Sessions “lacked candor”:in his testimony before Congress.
I know, I think JB ran off Rich Trader already!

Does Randall know what he's getting into?

It's like getting into the ring with Tyson, you take one step over the rope, see him coming and then you're like "Oh hell no!"

Where is @GILSAN I totally miss his meme's!

Lmarof.... Gosh we need more humor here. We need some more sarcasm here or jokes like that.

Years back, I was in the Nike Store in Vegas, early AM this was a couple months after Tyson bit off the ear. He comes strolling in with like 6 bodyguards, and I was like the only one in the store, other than employees. I had this really instant and stupid idea momentarily of walking by him and covering both my ears... to joke with him, dumb idea glad I didnt do it. Sure is short and stocky guy in person, you’d never know walking down the street if it wasnt for publicity. He and his group looked really mean and angry too, maybe they hadn’t eaten lunch yet.
So a “local” government employee, entering the “Snake pit” here.

@GILSAN I miss his posts and memes.
Nah, I just see the posts pop up every once in a while, and figured let me see whats going on. LOL. I may have posted something 1-2 before, but by and large I stay away.

Can I sum up the gist of the postings?

Republicans: Democrats are dumb, poor, lazy, and want to live off of Uncle Sam while we all work.
Democrats: Republicans are greedy and stupid, hate women's rights and oppress the poor.

Enter in a few additional details here and there.

Did I miss anything?
Teacher! Not retired . . . yet!

So does your local government have as many % wise of maggots as DC? How about your school board and fellow teachers? Are they all Trump haters?
He couldn't stop praising everyone else there, but still felt the need to burn the bridge. If you were leaving the only true conservative network, not such a bad idea to burn that bridge publicly in the hopes of getting picked up by a more left leaning network, which most of the others are!

It seemed his point was that FOX was no longer bona fide conservative reporting but had gone off the conspiracy theory and speculation deep end, and he didn’t want to be associated with that.
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You've got to keep a sense of humor, as we fend off our 4th Nor'easter in 2 weeks! (Insert obligatory JB loves Global Warming joke here!) Getting ready to head outside and shovel 6 to 12 inches of heavy wet snow. Ugh!
Beautiful second day of Spring!
So does your local government have as many % wise of maggots as DC? How about your school board and fellow teachers? Are they all Trump haters?
Good questions. I am not sure if the school board or teachers all hate Trump. I would think some do and some dont . . . probably more do because Trump comes across so poorly. That is just a guess though.
Nah, I just see the posts pop up every once in a while

Did I miss anything?

You missed many details. Go back 200-300 pages and see. There are more than US problems like the Refugees taking over the EU. Removing Teachers pensions. Liberal teacher that slammed me in school. Privatizing all education and making teachers work on contract without tenure. Abolishing Teachers unions, lol.
You missed many details. Go back 200-300 pages and see. There are more than US problems like the Refugees taking over the EU. Removing Teachers pensions. Liberal teacher that slammed me in school. Privatizing all education and making teachers work on contract without tenure. Abolishing Teachers unions, lol.
I agree there are lots of problems. LOTS!

What I tend to think is that both parties love to point fingers and blame one another. I think people have a natural bend towards being conservative or liberal. I think the rhetoric on both sides is out of control.
Election 2012, Ukraine invasion 2014.

So this didn't make sense:

Cut NG supplies in 2009 I think, a lot of strife in 2012., took control of Crimea Peninsula in 2013, sent troops in 2014.
Teacher! Not retired . . . yet!

Not knowing what state you are from, what is the general thought of your colleagues regarding allowing teachers to conceal carry or armed police in school?
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I'm pretty sure Mr-X was being facetious, as Obama sat on his hands while Russia invaded the Ukraine. (2014-2015) He was making a point, but I don't think Kate is a big Obama fan either?

As far as expecting Trump to confront Putin about the UK spy poisoning during a re-election congratulatory call, that's like announcing your engagement at someone elses wedding. Not exactly classy!

RU and UA were fighting with each other in 2012 and before. 2013 RU took control of Crimea Peninsula from UA.

Conservatives complained about Obama congratulating Putin too. I think the real problem is the back-biting / leaking from Donald Trumps inner circle. How many people knew what his notes for the meeting were.
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Want2 dont get too tied up in this thread it never stops lol

"Austin Bombing Suspect Bought Some Materials at Home Depot"

The Austin bomber was so minor league compared to the Unibomber

Unibomber would build everything himself. Would take labels off batteries. Sit in a cabin for months carving parts
Want2 dont get too tied up in this thread it never stops lol

"Austin Bombing Suspect Bought Some Materials at Home Depot"

The Austin bomber was so minor league compared to the Unibomber

Unibomber would build everything himself. Would take labels off batteries. Sit in a cabin for months carving parts

That sounds like an endorsement ;)
We have school resource officers which carry guns. I am at a high school in the Metro Atlanta area. I do not think most teachers here think it is a good idea to have guns on campus. Here would refer to the Metro Atlanta area in general.

I just wish we could have the fact or fiction conversation.

Number one, if a teacher wants to bring a gun to school with bad intentions they can. Making it legal for teachers to carry wont change that.
Number two, I do think accidents will happen if teachers carry, and children will be hurt because of it. Opportunity cost . . . if 4 students died because of accidents and there were no mass shootings that would mean the mass shooters are staying away from schools!! Is it a slam dunk, we just take the few accidents to save the masses?
Number three, if someone wanted to harm people, they would be wise to pick targets that are vulnerable. Schools are vulnerable.

Definitely a difficult decision to make, whoever makes it!
Is it a conspiracy if I asked someone to bump my LTUF auction to the top? Not a bid, just a bump?

If its a conspiracy or collusion don't do it . . .

I agree there are lots of problems. LOTS!

What I tend to think is that both parties love to point fingers and blame one another. I think people have a natural bend towards being conservative or liberal. I think the rhetoric on both sides is out of control.

I am neither. But I am Pro Americas, this hemisphere. Though I like major change and seeing Trump kick over the beehive everywhere. He’s the bull in a china shop to wake people up. I love it. Sure he says dumb things, but I look at the big picture. Most taxpayers who have been paying major taxes are fed up with paying other countries bills (like deadbeat EU France and Germany on Nato, meanwhile struggling Greece pays) and our military and risking their lives chasing around the world protecting it from evil dictators. The middle east has always been at war. Bush got us into that mess for the globalist agenda. We need to exit all foreign bases that do not pay for US protection, defund NATO, UN and focus on rebuilding the military and manufacturing and small US business. We need more skilled younger taxpayers who want be welders, precision machinists, blue collar apprentices. Radical as it might seem, the US should be diplomatically focused and do business with Russia. The EU does daily in petro products and talk out of the other side of their mouth as anti Russia, yet they scream and cry about a ex defector spy assasination. Thats the risk in that job description. Should of had chosen somewhere else than the UK to live. The US does not publicize Hillaries and the CIA misdeeds and people who died under their spy networks. That never makes the news. Or US meddling in other countries elections, or systems... like Vietnam, yet are all over Russia. Always need an enemy! to keep the global bankers loaning money for war.

I havent lived the US for many years, I havent voted since Ross Perot. I am pro choice ( w limits, like the EU laws), no party affiliation.
I am neither. But I am Pro Americas, this hemisphere. Though I like major change and seeing Trump kick over the beehive everywhere. He’s the bull in a china shop to wake people up. I love it. Sure he says dumb things, but I look at the big picture. Most taxpayers who have been paying major taxes are fed up with paying other countries bills (like deadbeat EU France and Germany on Nato, meanwhile struggling Greece pays) and our military and risking their lives chasing around the world protecting it from evil dictators. The middle east has always been at war. Bush got us into that mess for the globalist agenda. We need to exit all foreign bases that do not pay for US protection, defund NATO, UN and focus on rebuilding the military and manufacturing and small US business. We need more skilled younger taxpayers who want be welders, precision machinists, blue collar apprentices. Radical as it might seem, the US should be diplomatically focused and do business with Russia. The EU does daily in petro products and talk out of the other side of their mouth as anti Russia, yet they scream and cry about a ex defector spy assasination. Thats the risk in that job description. Should of had chosen somewhere else than the UK to live. The US does not publicize Hillaries and the CIA misdeeds and people who died under their spy networks. That never makes the news. Or US meddling in other countries elections, or systems... like Vietnam, yet are all over Russia. Always need an enemy! to keep the global bankers loaning money for war.

I havent lived the US for many years, I havent voted since Ross Perot. I am pro choice ( w limits, like the EU laws), no party affiliation.
History repeats itself right?

I dont see a lot of millenials lining up for blue collar skilled labor . . .
took control of Crimea Peninsula in 2013

Russia should never let go of Crimea, it’s their southern exit into the mediterrean and national interest. Like Guantanamo is in Cuba. The manner in which they did it, was dumb. Its history of conflict is like the middle east.
Europeans are far worse it appears to me. I’ve know about japan for years. It’s increased also from what I see from 200% to 250% of the public debt in a few years.

Japanese debt is not external, but internal. That means those who depend on pensions government assistance/employment will suffer. It will be rough, but the Japanese family unit is still relatively close compared to the west, society still functions pretty much as a unit, and neighbors pitch in to clean local parks, sweep streets, etc. Also, they are used to living modestly, to a fault. In other words, they will manage.

Contrast that with the US, where families are mostly split up, society is divided into hostile factions, violence is common, and neighbors do very little for each other in most areas. Living modestly is considered deprivation by most, and everyone wants to be number one, somehow, as well as rich and famous. It's not a great setting for economic collapse. I suspect it will get ugly.
Japanese debt is not external, but internal. That means those who depend on pensions government assistance/employment will suffer. It will be rough, but the Japanese family unit is still relatively close compared to the west, society still functions pretty much as a unit, and neighbors pitch in to clean local parks, sweep streets, etc. Also, they are used to living modestly, to a fault. In other words, they will manage.

Contrast that with the US, where families are mostly split up, society is divided into hostile factions, violence is common, and neighbors do very little for each other in most areas. Living modestly is considered deprivation by most, and everyone wants to be number one, somehow, as well as rich and famous. It's not a great setting for economic collapse. I suspect it will get ugly.

If you reread my post, you cut out that part as I separated that. The Japanese do not have enough of a birthrate so the public debt internal just increases to taxes needed for young people.

Unlike the US or Brazil, a melting pot- The giajin effect and purity of race and non mixing of races contributes to that as well. I doubt any of the single male refugees in the conflict zones will be invited to having children there ever with any japanese girls. Nor will any other outsider races increase the birthrate.

Japan’s financial turnaround to quality products and economic output overcoming the bad reputation from post war when “Made in Japan” meant amazing. When I recall back in early 60’s still lingered was japan=bad quality. In the 70’s it flipped thanks to Transistors and semiconducters invented in the US btw.

But they were never equal trading partners and tariffed american imports. Not sure how much they are reimbursing for military installations, but would like to know they aren’t like those NATO deadbeats.

Japan to me of all the countries I have been in is, one of the most closed off and prejudiced cultures I ever encountered, yet respectful and honest to a fault. Only place in the world where as a gaijin, was requested by a restaurant owner to leave so they could seat japanese instead of us and kicking us from our seats. Its the same opinion of others I know working, living and doing business there.

Regarding the 3-4 generations under one roof, that works for many other cultures including the rich and poor in latin america. Its not unique to asia. Some families who really hate each other put up with each other in lifetime misery and culturally imposed family prison. Saving face in Japan is more important than individual freedom.

Japanese culture as I see it is designed that personal ego removal works among fellow japanese. Everyone is a cog in the wheel, none more important than another. The position on the totem pole of pay scale is more equal, unlike American egotistical crap. Ceo or Janitor they bow to each other.

The Japanese savings rate of money is phenomenol, and certainly no change there, much smarter than “spend every dime” consumerism of the USA.

The external debt at 83% is strange if this calculator is true.

This was my original post.
Not wanting to get too far off track, as this is the US politics thread. Some of your info is accurate, some of it is quite dated. Japanese are no longer saving money. Many people are just getting by, especially younger people. The younger generations will not be able or willing to pay off the debt the older generations are saddling them with. That makes it similar to most advanced semi-socialist countries around the world.

Japan is much less closed off than it was, and is rapidly becoming more open. It soon won't even be an issue. Races mix quite a lot - I know because I am part of it and my kids go to school here.

Tariffs? I used to import foods into Japan without any real problem. When I later tried to sell Chinese garlic to the USA, I was hit with a whopping 300% tariff. And I hear Trump complain that Japan somehow block US made cars. Yet, I see German, French, Swedish and other European cars all around me. These car companies also advertise on television and have dealers. In decades in Japan, I have never seen a TV commercial for an American car. And dealers are almost non-existent. It's as though Detroit's marketing plan is simply to pay off politicians to try to force people to buy their cars.

Which gets me back to the US. Massive swaths of the population have an entitlement mentality, law enforcement is brutish (with a disgracefully large prison population) and the country has not experienced any widespread hardship since the civil war. People are at each other's throats now, while things are still going relatively well. What happens when things get rough? And I think they will get generally rough around the world. In almost every developed country, the economy is being ground down by government programs and over-regulation. The worse things get, the more the government wants to fiddle with the economy, making it yet worse again. History shows us that won't change anytime short of utter collapse of some kind.
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What's the difference between Hillary Clinton and Vladimir Putin?

Putin can win a rigged election.
rapidly becoming more open.

Nice to hear, I was there 18 years ago. I dealt with many fine Japanese customer engineers in the 80’s as an employee in a robotics co, and tried sushi way before there were many US restaurants and it was widely available and a “trend” food as it is now. I was amazed at many things with seafood in the selection in stores there, that and the vending machines celling D cell batteries and Whisky side by side. Lots of Kyoto temple trekking and Kodaiji in Nara.

Gaijin is a tradition, tradition dies hard. Not sure if that is disappearing, but if it is trending would be nice. Perhaps the westernization and younger generation is changing rapidly there, if so great.

Regarding imported cars, I had a friend who exported muscle cars on 60-70’s classics he could not sell in the states like a 72 Chevelle Wagon. The Japanese loved Classics. But like Americans, the European Luxury cars are higher status. There is no longer a Cadillac to my knowledge. Over the years, I owned 9 Japanese cars btw, couple built in Kentucky. Would not buy American or German after bad experiences with quality in 70’s. I believe the same quality stigma and ugly designs of the 80’s haunt the exports to japan and manufacturers gave up.

Japanese steel btw was purchased back in the 70’s for nuclear reactor tubesheets instead of using US since it was “cleaner” without getting into details. Another quality issue.

No argument with the entitlement mentality, thats one reason I left years back. And thats worse now than ever fanned by Bernie Sanders Free-Everything for all bullshit.

Things get rough = quasi civil war or martial law, great reason to be armed.

Over regulation and laws is a huge problem, with EU laws effecting privacy in the GDRP and whois thing to me is being handled incorrectly, a stand alone EU problem, not anywhere else, yet its being imposed now everywhere it seems as May approaches, even whois on Icann is name only.

Same with free speech, seems to be something because being challenged by EU hate laws against EU citizens could apply outside of the EU to some website on line. The internet is like the TV, change the channel. But no, stupid governments want to stick their nose across countries both directions. Ludicrous nanny states, if you ask me. Like for example, if I were to have some “special entitlement” and be offended if you calied me a gaijin, and I could somehow be heard in some stupid international court. Or vice versa. Ridiculous.

This whole globalization thing is disgusting in some ways and all about control, and govt/bankers/cronies don’t like things they cannot can control. I have seen the word “Trump effect” in EU articles, as politicians in Italy, Austria, Germany are really worried about “populism” there.

The fiddling by the FED in the US interest rates is going to come back to realistic rates, then the parties over. Stock market, housing defaults where Americans overspent, etc. interest needs to be back at 6% minimum for home loans. Nobody wants to hear that.

Interesting points you make, appreciate the feedback.
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