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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I see nothing constructive about this present discussion. Kudos to emjohn for standing up for your vision of .co, but maybe you should rest your case here?

The critics will keep criticizing until they are proven wrong. That can not be done at the moment.

Thing is though, if .CO goes mainstream, the critics will be far too late, silently moaning, and emjohn most certainly won´t be.

Yada yada .co sucks, yada yada, means company, yada yada, ad infinitum.

I agree with you.

But I kinda like duelling with armchair quarterbacks....:blink:'s pretty funny but your right. It resounds in my ears, "Hey man, .co sucks and you know it!" It actually puts a smile on my face.

Merry Christmas to ya!
I agree with you.

But I kinda like duelling with armchair quarterbacks....:blink:'s pretty funny but your right. It resounds in my ears, "Hey man, .co sucks and you know it!" It actually puts a smile on my face.

Merry Christmas to ya!

Most of the "mudslingers" as you have labeled them are successful domainers and will be in business 2 years from now.

The question is will the .CO cheerleaders? Time will tell.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Festivus (For the Rest of Us).

Most of the "mudslingers" as you have labeled them are successful domainers and will be in business 2 years from now.

Or old failed domainers.

I really should get this one up and running as we could have a lot of fun?
:gn: ;)
Or old failed domainers.

I really should get this one up and running as we could have a lot of fun?
:gn: ;)

You should totally get that going, I'll help you get it running if you need it.

Failure is only an option.
Most of the "mudslingers" as you have labeled them are successful domainers and will be in business 2 years from now.

The question is will the .CO cheerleaders? Time will tell.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Festivus (For the Rest of Us).


Hey Buddy. Success means different things to different people. If you have a "catch-all" definition of "success" that's your prerogative, but I don't buy it. Personally, I like taking calculated risks, I get more out of it. Successes from these risks mean more TO ME. If it falis, c'est la vie, move on.

Labels, labels, labels. I guess we have the cheerleaders vs. the mudslingers, don't we? LOL

Bringing out the crystal ball again, eh? Got any hot stock tips for me? LOL

---------- Post added at 06:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 AM ----------

Ghost towns at Namepros:

The Official .TEL Discussion Thread

The .ME Discussion and Showcase

.asia domain name showcase ( mention the .asia domain names you have got )

.MOBI Showcase Thread

Note: only peruse these threads if you have time to waste. It's a known fact that the past is the past, it does not help understand the present and the future.

Raising the dead, baby,...raising the dead. I DON'T have time to waste and walk the halls of failures past (even though SOME would not call them failures). These corpses have nothing to do with .co.

In what way do any of these extensions compare to the possibilities of .co? The closest is .me, and that "hack" angle is very limited.

.tel was (is) a businesscard online type of deal. Unnecessary.

.mobi was (is) a mobile extension. Unnecessary.

.asia was (is) a god damn continent spanning countries whose inhabitants mostly do not speak english, and do not identify themselves as "asians". Unnecessary.

.CO - Colombia? Company? .com´s little sister? Time will tell. But the potential is obvious, and the extension is not unnecessary.
In what way do any of these extensions compare to the possibilities of .co?
You're correct, all these extensions have nothing in common. They're all different.
Yet they all failed (I forgot .eu in the list. What else ?).

If you don't see how the past repeats itself 'differently' no worry.
Within a year everything will become clear :]
You're correct, all these extensions have nothing in common. They're all different.
Yet they all failed (I forgot .eu in the list. What else ?).

If you don't see how the past repeats itself 'differently' no worry.
Within a year everything will become clear :]

Odds would be that .co is headed in the same direction then?

I´m betting it is not though.

And that´s what domaining is. Calculating demand and betting on it. Buying or registering names that MIGHT skyrocket in the FUTURE.

Checked out lately? The "nutter" claims to have handregistered about 2500 domains this year, about 2000 of them .co by the way.

He says he can see the future. I think that´s crazy, and I don´t take Rick Schwartz seriously.

But he must have done something right with the longterm approach he has.

Flippers are daytraders. Domainers are investors.
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You're correct, all these extensions have nothing in common. They're all different.
Yet they all failed (I forgot .eu in the list. What else ?).

If you don't see how the past repeats itself 'differently' no worry.
Within a year everything will become clear :]

And what colour is your crystal ball?

Get your stock tips. Come one, come all :yell:.

It also really depends on what you call "failure". What were your expectations of these extensions? To compete with .com? To take over from .com?

I think that really needs to be established.

---------- Post added at 09:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------

Odds would be that .co is headed in the same direction then.

I´m betting it is not though.

And that´s what domaining is. Calculating demand and betting on it. Buying or registering names that MIGHT skyrocket in the FUTURE.

Checked out lately? The "nutter" claims to have handregistered about 2500 domains this year, about 2000 of them .co by the way.

He says he can see the future. I think that´s crazy, and I don´t take Rick Schwartz seriously.

But he must have done something right with the longterm approach he has.

Flippers are daytraders. Domainers are investors.

Too right. At least a few of the biggest domain players have said that they invested in co. I remember reading Rick's blog and what he said. It's calculated risk, not speculation. It would have been a mistake not to put at least a few eggs in that basket. It's just makes sense to diversify a portfolio. It really shouldn't be sweat off anyone's back.

I would say that some domainers are speculators and some are investors and some are a combination of both.
And that´s what domaining is. Calculating demand and betting on it. Buying or registering names that MIGHT skyrocket in the FUTURE.

For me, domaining is buying domains which HAVE value, and which brings revenue via development or resell.

Buying tons of domains which might have value one day, or someone can use them one day for something? It sounds fun, you'll probably sell a domain or two, but renewals will come and you'll probably end with loss. Been there, lost money there :)
Again I would like to ask sdsinc, hawkeye, iain123, bmugford and other naysayers if they have been stung by extension mania before (probably something you don't want to admit). Are you only here to warn us and help us protect our capital or if there is some other reason for posting in this forum. I have freely admitted that I am a n00b and I would like to understand these motivations.
Again I would like to ask sdsinc, hawkeye, iain123, bmugford and other naysayers if they have been stung by extension mania before (probably something you don't want to admit). Are you only here to warn us and help us protect our capital or if there is some other reason for posting in this forum. I have freely admitted that I am a n00b and I would like to understand these motivations.

Good question. I would like to know that too.
Again I would like to ask sdsinc, hawkeye, iain123, bmugford and other naysayers if they have been stung by extension mania before (probably something you don't want to admit). Are you only here to warn us and help us protect our capital or if there is some other reason for posting in this forum. I have freely admitted that I am a n00b and I would like to understand these motivations.

Not me. I have never bought into the hype on new extensions. I have never even bid on a domain at landrush auctions.

I would rather learn from the mistakes of others than my own.

Now, if there is money to be made in an extension after the hype dies down I have no problem jumping in then.


---------- Post added at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

And what colour is your crystal ball?

Get your stock tips. Come one, come all :yell:.

What exactly is your infatuation with stock tips? The stock market has absolutely nothing to do with domains.

Here is a stock tip. Buy FCX in March 2009. It worked for me.

At least a few of the biggest domain players have said that they invested in co. I remember reading Rick's blog and what he said. It's calculated risk, not speculation. was a calculated risk too.
The difference is that Rick can afford to take such a loss, and his other sales more than offset the loss.

I would say that some domainers are speculators and some are investors and some are a combination of both.
100% agree.
The problem is that many people can't tell investment from speculation.

I also 100% agree with the importance of diversification. I invest in popular ccTLDs, even though .co is not one of them.

Buying tons of domains which might have value one day, or someone can use them one day for something? It sounds fun, you'll probably sell a domain or two, but renewals will come and you'll probably end with loss. Been there, lost money there :)
It's very true. That's why I would rather buy domains that are already worth something today, and not in a remote, unlikely future. ANY newly released extension has always performed below expectations.

It's good to include an exit strategy in your business plans. If you had to sell your portfolio to raise money or for any personal reasons, how liquid would it be. This will depend on how balanced the portfolio is.

Again I would like to ask sdsinc, hawkeye, iain123, bmugford and other naysayers if they have been stung by extension mania before (probably something you don't want to admit).
Personally I have never been a believer in inferior extensions. That's why I have never owned one single .mobi .asia .tel etc. Never liked them, I invest in what I'm comfortable with.
However I own a couple .co, at the same time I'm not expecting anything from them. (.com).co is an established ccTLD, unlike other extensions it was not created out of thin air and has a natural market of its own.

Are you only here to warn us and help us protect our capital or if there is some other reason for posting in this forum.
It's a discussion forum and I like the clash of ideas.
Remember, I don't have a vested interest in .co. I have no incentive in pumping up or trashing the extension.
For me, domaining is buying domains which HAVE value, and which brings revenue via development or resell.

Sure. Wouldn´t want to be too categorical. Everyone to his own. But my guess is we are talking about more or less the same thing. Maybe a tad more crystal ball on my side, and a tad more 9-5 on your side. That´s a compliment!

An important case in point, and an interesting question would be: How foresighted/lucky would you have to be to hit the homerun, which I guess all domainers dream of? Look at or whatever it´s called as an example. Like that.

...and how much portfolio "garbage" would you have to keep to go down that road?

Been there, lost money there :)

I´d love if you told that story!

---------- Post added at 08:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

The problem is that many people can't tell investment from speculation.

Investment and speculation are different angles of the same thing.

People like to call bad investments "speculation". It´s got bad connotations. "Investing" on the other hand - very classy and savvy. That´s what they call it if things work out.

There are risky investments (ex .co). And there are less risky investments (whatever). All investments are nonetheless speculation.

Give me an investment that is not speculation, and I´ll marry you.

---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ----------

Not me. I have never bought into the hype on new extensions. I have never even bid on a domain at landrush auctions.

I would rather learn from the mistakes of others than my own.

Now, if there is money to be made in an extension after the hype dies down I have no problem jumping in then.

I respect that. Nice strategy, if you have the capital. At what point would you consider .co?
Again I would like to ask sdsinc, hawkeye, iain123, bmugford and other naysayers if they have been stung by extension mania before (probably something you don't want to admit). Are you only here to warn us and help us protect our capital or if there is some other reason for posting in this forum. I have freely admitted that I am a n00b and I would like to understand these motivations.

I have been labeled some nasty things by a yay-sayer.

If any of the dot co "nay-sayers" are to be labelled as nay-sayers, then it would have to apply to the ridiculous statements; unrealistic appraisals; and uneducated "investment" advice of Emjohn. He is of the idea that anything regged in dot co will work and automatically have $xxx to $xx,xxx in value.

3 years ago I bought my first domain-it was a dot com. I used to, and still, buy financial keywords, and those I would develop-and earn ad revenue. When dot co came along-I could've regged financial keywords I could never get in com. But I didn't. It didn't make sense from a profit perspective. I rather chose the shortest, pronounceable, brandable, (keywords with 70 000 exact global monthly searches). Why? Just because I like financial domains, doesn't mean it will work well. What I like doesn't matter. I rather took what could sell.

But Emjohn doesn't get that. He appraises everything-from mediocre to crap names $xxx to $x,xxx on average.... also $xx,xxx on many occasions in the past. It's ridiculous. And yes, beside Emjohn, their are other pro-dot-co guys and girls here... but they do not put forward stupid arguments all the time-except when they agree with his uneducated statements. We are adults. And the more we try to have a debate, the more he rubbishes us with his crap. He talks about stocks and financial instruments as if he ever traded in them. Emjohn uses terms incorrectly-malapropism is his thing. :lol:

Now the other yay-sayers are with Emjohn-I ask: WHY? I don't mind if he argues his case well, with cited facts-but he doesn't. Then the "nay-sayers" who come, are really only nay-sayers to the B-S he is dumping here in this thread.
(Note: there are many so-called "nay-sayers" who ACTUALLY own dot co's.)

So there has to be a distinction. His arguments are rather SPECIOUS!!

Seriously, nay-sayer or yay-sayer-I think we all know that Emjohn is rubbishing this thread with his childish behavior.

This extension will not last if there are extreme fanboys. Why? Coz they tend over-exaggerate the value of names. Then when someone (a newbie) comes to this thread thinking they going to read some opinions, and reg some names, they see that he valued as $x,xxx. Meanwhile it's obvious that the name is worth mid $xx for the most or even reg fee. Then these newbies who read his B-S, reg a whole looooad of new names in dot co-also crap names-because they saw the valuation of the other crap names from our dear expert Emjohn. Then these newbies agree with him. And they are fighting for the extension. Why? Because he values any names in DOT CO being worth $xxx to $xx,xxx-check his posts. He doesn't care if it's a keyword-rather he argues it "could work if developed". Value in a name cannot be determined like this.

I believe the yay-sayers could have presented a great argument why dot co will, or will not thrive... but never did because they left that task in the hands of Emjohn-who only wishes and thinks his ideas are new, revolutionary and business-like. That's not the reality. But by posting rubbish here-yay-sayers have achieved nothing. And by supporting Emjohn's ridiculous arguments makes matters worse!

If I was a fanboy, I would kinda be embarrassed to have Emjohn as the leader.

He does not even know what good keywords are and what what makes a keyword good. He says that it doesn't matter. He says it's old-fashioned.

Then he encouraged some here to reg particular kinds of names (relatively unknown keywords) in dot co... Names which were available in dot com! _\|/_ When other members (aka "nay-sayers") pointed this out-he just dished out some more rubbish. Just shows this guys ability to determine value.

Nubiano :wave:
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I respect that. Nice strategy, if you have the capital. At what point would you consider .co?

Capital without knowledge is useless. The people who start with capital generally just lose money faster.

I buy domains daily generally in the Mid $XX - Low $XXX range and sell them to end users for more.

The formula is pretty basic. Buy in demand keywords in credible extensions. As someone who deals with end users daily, I can tell you right now .CO is not a credible option outside the domainer world.

If it ever becomes a credible option with realistic reseller prices, then I will consider it.

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If it ever becomes a credible option with realistic reseller prices, then I will consider it.

And credible is .com .net and .org, right?

I would like to go into detail on your business model, but that would probably be OT.
And credible is .com .net and .org, right?

I would like to go into detail on your business model, but that would probably be OT.

I don't think it will ever be as credible as COM/NET/ORG. Those extensions are far too well known and established at this point.

However, money can be made in other extensions like .US, .INFO, .BIZ because the reseller prices are more realistic.

The .CO has a lot of hype built into the pricing right now. If the reseller pricing settles to a reasonable level then it is worth considering.

I have been labeled some nasty things by a yay-sayer.

If any of the dot co "nay-sayers" are to be labelled as nay-sayers, then it would have to apply to the ridiculous statements; unrealistic appraisals; and uneducated "investment" advice of Emjohn. He is of the idea that anything regged in dot co will work and automatically have $xxx to $xx,xxx in value.

3 years ago I bought my first domain-it was a dot com. I used to, and still, buy financial keywords, and those I would develop-and earn ad revenue. When dot co came along-I could've regged financial keywords I could never get in com. But I didn't. It didn't make sense from a profit perspective. I rather chose the shortest, pronounceable, brandable, (keywords with 70 000 exact global monthly searches). Why? Just because I like financial domains, doesn't mean it will work well. What I like doesn't matter. I rather took what could sell.

But Emjohn doesn't get that. He appraises everything-from mediocre to crap names $xxx to $x,xxx on average.... also $xx,xxx on many occasions in the past. It's ridiculous. And yes, beside Emjohn, their are other pro-dot-co guys and girls here... but they do not put forward stupid arguments all the time-except when they agree with his uneducated statements. We are adults. And the more we try to have a debate, the more he rubbishes us with his crap. He talks about stocks and financial instruments as if he ever traded in them. Emjohn uses terms incorrectly-malapropism is his thing. :lol:

Now the other yay-sayers are with Emjohn-I ask: WHY? I don't mind if he argues his case well, with cited facts-but he doesn't. Then the "nay-sayers" who come, are really only nay-sayers to the B-S he is dumping here in this thread.
(Note: there are many so-called "nay-sayers" who ACTUALLY own dot co's.)

So there has to be a distinction. His arguments are rather SPECIOUS!!

Seriously, nay-sayer or yay-sayer-I think we all know that Emjohn is rubbishing this thread with his childish behavior.

This extension will not last if there are extreme fanboys. Why? Coz they tend over-exaggerate the value of names. Then when someone (a newbie) comes to this thread thinking they going to read some opinions, and reg some names, they see that he valued as $x,xxx. Meanwhile it's obvious that the name is worth mid $xx for the most or even reg fee. Then these newbies who read his B-S, reg a whole looooad of new names in dot co-also crap names-because they saw the valuation of the other crap names from our dear expert Emjohn. Then these newbies agree with him. And they are fighting for the extension. Why? Because he values any names in DOT CO being worth $xxx to $xx,xxx-check his posts. He doesn't care if it's a keyword-rather he argues it "could work if developed". Value in a name cannot be determined like this.

I believe the yay-sayers could have presented a great argument why dot co will, or will not thrive... but never did because they left that task in the hands of Emjohn-who only wishes and thinks his ideas are new, revolutionary and business-like. That's not the reality. But by posting rubbish here-yay-sayers have achieved nothing. And by supporting Emjohn's ridiculous arguments makes matters worse!

If I was a fanboy, I would kinda be embarrassed to have Emjohn as the leader.

He does not even know what good keywords are and what what makes a keyword good. He says that it doesn't matter. He says it's old-fashioned.

Then he encouraged some here to reg particular kinds of names (relatively unknown keywords) in dot co... Names which were available in dot com! _\|/_ When other members (aka "nay-sayers") pointed this out-he just dished out some more rubbish. Just shows this guys ability to determine value.

Nubiano :wave:

Wow, someone's got a bee in their bonnet. Did we strike a cord somewhere? Now you've made it totally personal. Very weak.

Any appraisal I've ever given in the .co was based on a number of things. I put a lot of thought and effort into it and most are based on .co sales. Maybe you despise that some people might work hard at something, I don't know. I would love for you to reference those appraisals that you are "citing". I don't recall giving an appraisal for $xxxxx for any .co. If I have, maybe you can remind me.

What investment advice have I given? Have I ever said, "you must buy this.". Never. I give my own take of things, that's all. I don't know why you feel so threatened by what people say in this thread. I'm not much for overanalysis, you know. Paralysis by analysis syndrome, ya know, and all that. And if you are reffering to "gold", you actually interpreted what I said in your own way, not mine.

In my time involved with .co, I've appraised a handful of .co's. If YOU see them as crap, that's your opinion, nothing more. Brother, I back up all my appraisals with reason and common sense.

Who are YOU, old chap, to say that anyone's thoughts, appraisals or what not, are uneducated? I'm happy you have such a high opinion of yourself. I really don't care what your "credential" is. If you have a PHD in mudslinging, makes no difference to me, or the bottomline, in fact.

If you didn't feel threatened, you wouldn't be resorting to slander. Very Adult, indeed.

PS Please cite were I have directly encouraged anyone to register a particular keyword .co. What a bunch of poppycock.

This I gotta see.

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 PM ----------

Not me. I have never bought into the hype on new extensions. I have never even bid on a domain at landrush auctions.

I would rather learn from the mistakes of others than my own.

Now, if there is money to be made in an extension after the hype dies down I have no problem jumping in then.


---------- Post added at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

What exactly is your infatuation with stock tips? The stock market has absolutely nothing to do with domains.

Here is a stock tip. Buy FCX in March 2009. It worked for me.


Sorry B., to keep repeating that. I find quite often people who are willing to give such definitive predictions of the future are more often then not, wrong. This happens a lot in stock trading.

Why is a successful trader not a broker? Successful traders don't give future predictions very often, brokers try to. That's why a broker is a broker and a successful trader is a successful trader.

Couldn't you give me a stock tip that's more current? LOL :]

---------- Post added at 12:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------

Capital without knowledge is useless. The people who start with capital generally just lose money faster.

I buy domains daily generally in the Mid $XX - Low $XXX range and sell them to end users for more.

The formula is pretty basic. Buy in demand keywords in credible extensions. As someone who deals with end users daily, I can tell you right now .CO is not a credible option outside the domainer world.

If it ever becomes a credible option with realistic reseller prices, then I will consider it.


And how do you suppose it will become increasingly credible? Someone's going to have to do the hard work. And you will sit on the sidelines until that work is done. Is that right? For me it doesn't matter. Just trying to get it straight.
Wow, someone's got a bee in their bonnet. Did we strike a cord somewhere? Now you've made it totally personal. Very weak.

Any appraisal I've ever given in the .co was based on a number of things. I put a lot of thought and effort into it and most are based on .co sales. Maybe you despise that some people might work hard at something, I don't know. I would love for you to reference those appraisals that you are "citing". I don't recall giving an appraisal for $xxxxx for any .co. If I have, maybe you can remind me.

What investment advice have I given? Have I ever said, "you must buy this.". Never. I give my own take of things, that's all. I don't know why you feel so threatened by what people say in this thread. I'm not much for overanalysis, you know. Paralysis by analysis syndrome, ya know, and all that. And if you are reffering to "gold", you actually interpreted what I said in your own way, not mine.

In my time involved with .co, I've appraised a handful of .co's. If YOU see them as crap, that's your opinion, nothing more. Brother, I back up all my appraisals with reason and common sense.

Who are YOU, old chap, to say that anyone's thoughts, appraisals or what not, are uneducated? I'm happy you have such a high opinion of yourself. I really don't care what your "credential" is. If you have a PHD in mudslinging, makes no difference to me, or the bottomline, in fact.

If you didn't feel threatened, you wouldn't be resorting to slander. Very Adult, indeed.

PS Please cite were I have directly encouraged anyone to register a particular keyword .co. What a bunch of poppycock.

This I gotta see.

Threatened of what? My citing: Check your past posts for:
1.$xx,xxx appraisals on names with landrush auctions which fetched waaaay less. :lol: Everyone can "comb" through your posts, "or you can comb through your brain" as you said. ring a bell? is still available till this day.

3.Bla, bla, bla...

I could go on and on-but asking me to cite all the stuff you wrote would be futile and senseless since your posts are here FOR EVERYONE to read.

I don't need to prove what your OWN POSTS are.

Now-I suggest you go and read your own stuff!! :lol:

So funny you can't remember what you posted.

Not personal-just realistic to the remarks we all have to deal with. If no one is going to set myth from fact, you can run wild with your pants down, and no one would know if indeed you are the expert you claim to be.

Why do you say it's personal when you resort to name-calling and insults?

Trust me-you are not worthy of a personal attack from me.

Nubiano :wave:
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Sorry B., to keep repeating that. I find quite often people who are willing to give such definitive predictions of the future are more often then not, wrong.

Yep, and people who invest in new extensions are pretty much always new to domains, and disappear after 1-2 years when they realize their "investments" have no value.

And how do you suppose it will become increasingly credible? Someone's going to have to do the hard work. And you will sit on the sidelines until that work is done. Is that right? For me it doesn't matter. Just trying to get it straight.

What "hard work"? Do you think endlessly promoting .CO one some domain forum is going to do anything to help its value?

Right now with .CO the good keywords are all overpriced, and no one will ever want most of the keywords the average domainer has.

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